how do i get instagram token for shopify

How to get your Instagram Access Token hey everyone today i'm going to show you,how to get an access

Code with Ania Kubów

Updated on Mar 24,2023

How to get your Instagram Access Token

The above is a brief introduction to how do i get instagram token for shopify

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how do i get instagram token for shopify catalogs

How to get your Instagram Access Token

hey everyone today i'm going to show you,how to get an access token for instagram,and using the instagram basic api for,personal use i'm doing this because it,took me a while to figure out from the,documentation telling me i need to find,this window right here so i'm gonna do,this might,demystify demystify this for you okay,super simple let's do it,okay now because instagram is part of,meta we're gonna have to sign up to the,meta for developers platform so just go,ahead and do that,this is what your dashboard should look,like once you have signed in using your,credentials so i have signed in using my,facebook credentials and as you can see,here on my dashboard i can see all the,apps that i have previously made which,is one,now i'm going to show you how to get an,instagram access token but to do that we,are going to have an app in mind,so let's go ahead and create an app,so i'm just going to go ahead and select,create app right here and select the,consumer option as i'm assuming you are,doing this for your own personal use and,you do not have a business instagram,account so go ahead and select that one,and just click next,once on the next page you're gonna have,to provide some basic information about,the app you are creating in order to use,your access token for,so i'm gonna say that the app that i,want to create perhaps in future videos,is called photo getter and will get,photos from my instagram page,so once you have named that app just go,ahead and click create app and you'll be,asked for your password once again just,to continue,great so once you have done that you'll,be taken to this page right here of your,photo get a potential app with an app id,that has been generated,now i want you to just go ahead and,select basic because we're going to have,to add some more information to here in,order to get started,so to do this i'm just going to tell the,platform that what i want to build is a,website so just go ahead and choose that,and now you'll be asked to provide some,basic site urls in order to get started,now i'm just going to use my generic,domain that i have bought but please,feel free to use a free domain if you,wish such as the ones that you can get,with heroku so just paste that in here,and of course you need to also paste it,in here too as you will see that these,parameters are required now i don't,really have a dedicated page for the,privacy policy or the user data deletion,yet so i'm just going to paste in my,generic url and come back to this later,okay so just go ahead and do the same if,you have the same issue as i do right,now and click save changes,now once we have saved those changes and,everything is done i'm going to go back,to the dashboard and we're going to have,to add some products to our app,so we're just going to select the,instagram basic display and set it up,on this page i just want to scroll down,and create new app and create the app,wonderful,so now that that is done we're just,going to once again,fill in some redirect urls so just going,to paste in the same generic one you can,change these later of course and we're,going to have to add an instagram tester,because at the moment i've signed up,with my facebook account and our,instagram account is not connected okay,there we go now i'm just going to go,under roles,and add an instagram tester,and if we look here under administrators,this is actually my facebook account,and under instagram testers i'm just,going to search for my instagram handle,so there we go i put in my instagram,handle and let's click submit,now once that is done you will see,pending so all we have to do is go over,to instagram and then under the settings,tab,i'm going to manage access of the tester,invites,so under tested invites i'm just going,to accept the photo getter authorization,request,great so now if we go back here and just,scroll down,you will see our instagram account under,instagram test users,so this is looking good and all i'm,going to do is generate a token so here,is the window that i was talking about,i'm going to continuous on your kubo and,allow in order to get my instagram token,okay,so there we go we've done it we've got,our accents token for instagram now,let's get to building some more apps so,if you want please refer to my other,videos or if not thank you so much for,watching

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