how do i calculate how much shipping will cost shopify

SHIPPING TUTORIAL | How To Calculate Shipping Costs For Online Businesses (Etsy, Shopify, eCommerce)

Samantha Dika

Updated on Feb 24,2023

SHIPPING TUTORIAL | How To Calculate Shipping Costs For Online Businesses (Etsy, Shopify, eCommerce)

The above is a brief introduction to how do i calculate how much shipping will cost shopify

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SHIPPING TUTORIAL | How To Calculate Shipping Costs For Online Businesses (Etsy, Shopify, eCommerce)

like nobody wants to pay extra for their,product so you really want to make sure,that you,understand the shipping process and that,you are offering the most convenience to,your customers so,this video is for you if you are new to,e-commerce whether you want to be,selling on etsy start your own shopify,or have your own e-commerce website,hey guys welcome back to my channel my,name is samantha in this video i'm going,to be sharing with you five,easy steps on how to ship your packages,for your ecommerce site shopify or etsy,shops,i'm going to be talking about how you,can actually calculate your shipping,costs,and also how you should be packaging,your product,in a way that is attractive protective,and,most cost efficient so by the end of,this video you should be ready to start,your e-commerce store,and if you're specifically looking to,opening an etsy shop be sure to use the,link that i will provide,for you in the description box below it,will give you access to 40 free,listings saving you about 8 us dollars,to get your business started on etsy and,since i started making etsy tutorials,the most frequently asked question that,i get in my inbox,and in the comments section is about,shipping so i've realized that a lot of,people are actually holding themselves,back from opening their online,businesses and actually,being an e-commerce entrepreneur because,of the fear of this whole shipping,process,it seems that it's still a mystery to,some,and some people are actually buffled and,don't even know how they will start and,how they will be fulfilling their orders,anyway i'm going to be sharing with you,how,you can actually determine your shipping,costs and,choose which shipping agents to be using,to fulfill your orders,and get your business taking off to you,being a successful,e-commerce entrepreneur without wasting,any more time let's get to calculating,your shipping costs first things first,you're going to need to know,your product at least,have an idea of what you want to be,selling on,etsy shopify or you're going to be,building a whole new website for your,business but at least,have an idea what you're going to sell,so maybe you're this person who's been,a painting for a long time or you are,making,handmade jewelry accessories clothes,etc you name it and you know your,product you know exactly what you want,to be selling because you have the,special gift talent and ability that,you've been sitting on,and now you've finally decided that you,want to be monetizing your talent,so you know your product so step one is,weigh your product you definitely have,to invest in a digital scale these will,range from as little as 10,50 100 200 etc but you can actually,usually even get away with the kitchen,scale to be honest,if you are selling like smaller items,um jewelry some clothing items which are,not too heavy,so just invest in a digital scale so,that you can actually,weigh your product and once you've got,the weight of your product you're going,to be able to actually calculate the,more,precise rate of shipping so that you're,not over charging or,under charging on your shipping if it's,something more fragile like,pottery then of course even for that,that's going to carry a different,type of packaging so that your product,arrives to the,consumer to the buyer in the safest,and nicest possible way and then step,number two,you're going to want to measure the,dimensions of your packaging i got a bag,not too long ago and it came in this box,so,maybe you want to be packaging your,stuff like this,this will actually end up kind of adding,to your cost as well because,the shipping agent may not only use the,weight of the product but the dimensions,of your box which is going to be your,your length,your width and the depth of it,most commercial couriers or freight,companies use a volumetric,system to calculate how much they will,charge you for your shipping so it's not,just going to be,based on how much your product weighs,but also the dimensions,the size of the box in which your,product is,packaged so you want to be able to have,like an,idea of what the actual final packaged,product looks like,so with this information at hand you can,now go on to step,number three which is to contact your,various freight,couriers or shipping agent so a lot of,you who asked me,about this video and how to do your,shipping are actually people who want to,be shipping,internationally so what you want to do,is go to whether you're going to ups,your postal service,dhl fedex is go with your either your,product so that they can weigh it,if you don't have your own scale or you,can just ring them up send them an email,and ask them for their,shipping schedule some people are happy,to do that i have,one here i'll just show you this what it,looks like it's got,all the shipping rates from different,countries,literally from a to z of everywhere that,they ship to,how much you're going to be paying for,500 grams a kilo,two kilograms etc this is going to help,you kind of to determine how much you're,going to be paying for shipping,to different regions and say for example,you want to be shipping internationally,go to different career companies and,postal services,get their charges and compare them,between to determine which one you,actually want to be using,step number four is to calculate your,averages and in here you want to be able,to calculate the average,in case you want to have like a single,shipping fee for a particular region or,within your country or like your,domestic shipping rate is,one fixed price and say to europe,i'm going to charge maybe 30 to ship the,product,but in some instances you want to ship,globally but you're not actually exactly,sure,how much the shipping will be to a,certain part of the world that you've,never shipped to before,so you want to have an estimate and in,those times you want to have like,a general estimate of how much you're,going to charge for shipping,you can then take an average and say,okay fine this is going to be my,shipping rate so the point,is to choose different regions or,different cities within your country,that are so far,apart say you're in the u.s take maybe,something like,houston texas new york,washington and l.a if i want to ship to,europe,from the middle east or from africa,maybe say,germany italy spain and the uk,kind of covering all the regions and,then calculate the average for these,in these cases though this is just an,average your,shipping cost may not be exact but it,will be an estimate so in some cases you,may,lose a couple of dollars or you may gain,a couple of dollars,through your shipping cost but this is,just if you want to have like kind of,like a fixed shipping cost to different,uh places in um in the world but,as you kind of get on with your business,you will be,definitely leveling off and finding what,works the best for you,deciding which epic agents you're going,to be using will be step number five,and you really want to make sure that,you understand the shipping process and,that,you are offering the most convenience to,your customers you're going to be,comparing the rates that you get you're,going to be comparing the price,like the most affordable to the most,expensive but,also don't just leave it there you also,need to consider the time of delivery,that they're going to be promising and,guaranteeing to you so ask them,how long will it take for this product,to reach this particular destination,so that when you are promising your,customer that you're going to deliver,within seven days 10 days it's,accurate and it's actually based on what,your shipping agent is able to meet,so the secret and trick to,e-commerce is really finding a match,between the cost efficiency,and time efficiency of your shipping,agent,a lot of people do not want to wait so,long for their product,and you're going to see that once you,get started on your ecommerce store,this is going to be like the number one,source of your ratings is,the product gets to your customer really,quickly they love it and they're going,to give you,great reviews for it they're going to be,like oh my gosh the product got to me so,quickly,and much more than i expected and also,you want to know do they deliver to your,customer's,doorstep or will they leave it at the,post office,in which case the customer may have the,added,expense or inconvenience of actually,going to a post office and possibly,paying,extra postal handling fees to receive,the product that they have purchased,from your shop,and you don't actually have to choose,one you can choose two or three shipping,agents,that you know are going to be able to,get the product to your customer in the,safest way,and you want to think of yourself put,yourself in the customer's shoes,when you are considering or choosing,which,career company or handling service to,use to deliver your product,and if you want to know how,you can actually kind of like not really,manipulate the numbers but play with the,numbers in a way that,allows you to offer lower shipping rates,to your customers than actually what the,shipping rate,is or to offer free shipping then be,sure to subscribe,and hit the notification bell because in,the few weeks coming a few weeks i'm,going to be making videos on how you can,offer free shipping to your customers,while not while you know kind of like,they're paying for the shipping but,they're not,really aware how much they're actually,paying for their shipping,um yeah you know it's gonna be exciting,so i hope you will uh,enjoy that one and if you like this,video give it a thumbs up,and i would say the three things that,you should put,in mind or consider the most when you,are choosing which shipping agent to use,are number one the time they take to,deliver the product,number two the cost of the shipping you,want to choose someone who's,quite affordable both for you and your,customer because ultimately this is,going to be an expense either to your,business,or to your customer and this may hinder,the the rate of growth that you're going,to have with the number of people that,are buying from you because people don't,want to pay,beyond a certain level um for shipping,unless they really,value your product unless your product,is really unique,and they can't get it from anybody else,a lot of people,don't want to pay so much for shipping,which is why etsy promotes free shipping,and number three is the aspect of home,delivery ask your agent are they,actually going to deliver it,home or it's going to be like delivered,to a post office in which case you know,sometimes,um you're just concerned about getting,your product out there but you also want,to think about the customer experience,with you and with your shop especially,if you're building and,developing a brand which is really,fantastic which is really super cute,it's just a clutch bag actually sling,bag as well,but what's really nice is that it comes,in a bag,to protect the actual end product so,when you receive it it feels like it's,more like,gift wrapped even though it's not,necessarily gift wrapped,it kind of feels that way so you want to,be able to,ship your products in a way that,protects the product while it's shipping,and bear in mind,that when you hand it over to the,courier company or to the postal,services,it may be thrown around in the truck it,may be thrown from,one truck to the next or go on a,conveyor belt and fall,so you want to protect your product as,much as possible so that the customer,receives it on the other end,kind of like in a nice and delicate way,it makes it feel like you know it hasn't,gone through the storm,which you probably might have gone,through in actually getting to the,customer so,i would recommend you using bubble wrap,to paper,i know paper is more environmentally,friendly but,it does weigh um your product much much,more it actually adds to your kilos,which will add to your shipping expense,and also to the expense that the,customer will pay in the end,and the bubble wrap kind of comes in,these rolls,and you can buy it per meter or you can,buy the whole roll of it,and it's so light it protects your,package but it's so lightweight,so it's not actually going to be adding,very much it's not going to be adding,anything at all i mean it's basically,air it's not going to be adding much to,your actual,overall weight of your product so i,would recommend you investing in some,bubble wrap,and you're gonna need to add all these,costs up so whether you're using a box,add the cost of the box add the cost of,your bubble wrap to each of those,products because that is actually,contributing,to your final shipping cost and it is,business after all this is a business so,you have to be watching your expenses,and everything that you put in,you also have to to add it up,be cognizant of this fact so that you,know you you stay in business because,it kind of gets exciting after a while,like you know you're making sales people,are buying your product,but you actually may not be making that,much money you may not actually be,making a profit,if you don't watch all your expenses so,do document how much you spend,whether it's for your bubble wrap or,your boxes etc,in the early stages don't worry too much,you are going to get it wrong,once or twice and sometimes you will win,sometimes you may lose a couple of,dollars but it's all a learning curve,but what i want to do with this video is,to shorten your learning curve,so that you get it right or as close to,right as possible from the beginning,right from the get go,don't forget to give the video a thumbs,up if you have liked it,and don't forget to use the link that is,in the description box below to,get your 40 free listings on etsy,so i will see you on the next video

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