how do i adjust the number of products in a row on shopify

How To Change The Number Of Products In The Collection Page - 2022 Free Shopify Tutorial you want to

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 05,2023

How To Change The Number Of Products In The Collection Page - 2022 Free Shopify Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to how do i adjust the number of products in a row on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do i adjust the number of products in a row on shopify

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how do i adjust the number of products in a row on shopify catalogs

How To Change The Number Of Products In The Collection Page - 2022 Free Shopify Tutorial

you want to go from a collection page,that looks like this,to a collection page that looks like,this bonjour shopify world my name is,andrew from ecom,experts dot io and the green hoodie,means we're doing some shopify code,okay so in last week's video we talked,about how to make a,master collection page with just the,collection page you wanted in your code,this week we're going to see if,we can add more products to your,collection page because maybe your,collection page is limited to,like six products and you love those,long collection pages with tons of,products on it so you want to increase,that from six,to well 50 because shopify limits it at,50. so i'm gonna show you two,options option number one is hopefully,you can just do this in a customizer no,code required super basic,option number two we're gonna go into,the code and change just,one little line of code super simple,let's jump,straight into the demo store right here,okay so welcome to our trusted demo,store let's see how it currently,looks um we click on catalog,here are all our oh,that's our collection page but there's,only,eight products shown and it's,distributed over,six pages the nightmare i'm never gonna,make any sales like this,but we're about to change that right now,the easiest way to change that is,actually go into online store,you click on customize this,is the no code solution and does not,work for every theme so it's very,possible that this will not work for you,for that we'll have option two,once you're in the customizer choose,your collection page,right here click on collection pages,and maybe if you're lucky you will have,the option here to show,more products per page you see here it's,telling me hey do you want,more products per row but it's also,telling me hey,do you want more rows so i can,definitely do that i can max this out,i can save it and then i should have,way more products on my collection page,let's go check it out if that worked,we go see our online store catalog,and indeed there is way more products,now,but is that the limit of 50 i feel i can,add even more product but maybe you want,to add even more products than your team,customizer allows you to,or alternatively your team customizer,doesn't allow,you to do what i just showed you not to,worry the green hoodie and,andrew is here for the rescue we're,gonna do some code,and it's not really code we're just,changing one thing in a line of code but,anyway,all right so we're going to go into,online store,themes and first and foremost and you,have to do this every time,even if it looks simple do this every,time,you go into the code we're going to,create a duplicate,of the existing theme that way we have a,backup in case we screw something,up it's not going to affect our live,version and we can still have a backup,we wait a bit and once that is done we,can go into the duplicate version,click actions and we can click edit,code welcome to the backend of your,shopify store so here we're going to go,to,templates and we're going to click on,collection,dot liquids oh no no i'm sorry,it says we need to go into sections,so we go down to the sections,and we do collection dash,template right here in here the easiest,way to find your code is,command f on a mac control f on windows,and you write paypa nades,well here we go we found paginate,collections,dot products by limit,so this is basically referring to the,limit of the customizer that we have,inputted earlier,now if you didn't have this option in,the customizer it will say,paginate collection dot products by 6 or,by 12,or by 50. so actually let's change that,and let's put,by two so we only see two products,per collection page which seems,completely useless,but you'll get the point then we click,save,we go back to our online store,apparently we wait an eternity we,preview the version we just,saved so this is not the same as the,live version,actions preview and then we click on the,catalog,right here and indeed there is only two,products on my collection page,now obviously instead of two i could,have written 50,which is the limit again please know,that,when you're loading so many images on,page load it does,tend to slow down your site speed a bit,so is it really useful to show,50 images on page load that's a little,bit of a question,we'll do another video where we can,change instead of pagination that it,scrolls and as you scroll,it will load a new product but that will,be for another video i hope this video,was a little bit useful for you,my name is andrew from ecom experts dot,io make sure to check out our outing,coding videos with the hoodie or,strategy videos or app review videos or,basically anything shopify related,and i will see you next time at ciao,you

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