how do i add fine art america to shopify

BASIC SHOPIFY TUTORIAL FOR ARTISTS - Sell Your Art + FAVORITE APPS | Printify | Fine Art America hey


Updated on Mar 04,2023


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hey guys so today I'm gonna show you how,I pretty much create my digital art or a,logo and put it on products and use a,site like Shopify to get it out to the,public so I'll take you I'll walk you to,the steps now this is how I do it,there's thousands of ways to do it I'm,just gonna walk you through how I do it,and why I use certain apps that I use,within Shopify so just to give you a,little bit of short story previously,started off with wordpress and wordpress,was lagging a lot like i found that the,site would load very slowly so I was,looking for an alternative and it's a,paid alternative it is $29 a month for,the basic plan but it's an investment,and if you want to get your online shop,you want to make sure that you're,getting what you pay for so it's it's,not always the free option that's gonna,work out for you I try to stick to that,philosophy as much as possible but,sometimes you just you just have to pay,the price especially when it comes down,to it you know it depends on how serious,you take your work or your art but if,you definitely want something that flows,smoothly and loads quickly Shopify is,definitely the way to go it's my,recommendation,it's what I'm using right now so I'll,just walk you through and we'll use my,site for a reference where a trolli,artist com,here you see my Zico logo and down here,you see primarily the art collections,that I have that are zico based and then,down here you have the product product,categories and how they're separated now,I'm not gonna get too detailed when it,comes to the layout and how to organize,the way that your art looks and because,there's tons of themes that you can get,for this what I specifically wanted to,walk you through was completing the,whole cycle from creating the art from,nothing ending up with something and,placing that something onto a product so,that you can ship it out to the world so,I use two places okay and they're,off-site so they're separate websites,one of them is called fine are America,and this is for all of my digital prints,my original art,and anything that has to do with,traditional art when you when you think,of the terms on canvas on poster prints,or you can even get it printed on,acrylic prints metal prints all kinds of,stuff but for for the art related stuff,I stick to fine art America I've been,with them for over seven years and it is,$30 a year so it is a paid subscription,but it's well worth it and my customers,get the art on time it ships between,three and five business days so I know,there's Big Cartel and there's like I,said there's thousands of websites that,you can use I'm just letting you know,how what I like to use and how I pretty,much roll with it so find our America,$30 a year that's where I put all of my,art prints if I'm doing something,digitally on Photoshop or on procreate I,digitize it it gets sent up to fine on,America comm and then they have a,third-party plugin or an app that you,can install in Shopify so that you can,display it it's like a widget for,example so that deals with the art that,takes care of all the art stuff for the,clothing there are several sites out,there again you have print of fun you,have print full there's a lot of debate,going on I'm not gonna get into it but,they pretty much do the same thing they,deal with the same brands the same,clothing manufacturers so I don't see,what the big debate is I have used both,I ended up going with print to 5 just,because I feel it's a lot the work flow,and and the the work space is a lot,easier and it's a lot smoother for me so,especially if you're by yourself if,you're the only person that you're,working with and you're just working for,yourself by yourself you need to be,spending time creating and not so much,worried about marketing networking and,dealing with all this other technical,stuff so the faster and smoother this,process can go for you you can get right,back to creating and that's where you,should really be that's that's your,that's your space you need to be in the,creative mode so you do need to switch,back and forth and I'm,saying that that's an easy transition,but something like this will definitely,make your transition smooth you'll be,going from creative mode creating your,canvases too you know uploading up to a,website like print fi or find out,America so back to the print fi here's,where all of my products are you can,just pretty much pick a t-shirt that you,like or any product that you like they,have tons of stuff here you can go and,find different accessories let me see,home and living for example you have,this in just the bathroom section you,have a shower curtain you have a towel a,bath mat I mean there's tons of stuff,you can do so let's say you just do,backgrounds with like polka dots or,whatever and that's your thing that will,work well versus a subject that has the,transparent background that that would,probably work best for like a t-shirt,but you can get creative with it print,defy is it's definitely meeting my,customers demands they pretty much,initiate the transaction I take the,customers money I pay for it once the,order comes into my Shopify I take the,customers money and I pay I process that,payment once I process the payment print,if I gets the order so now print if I,initiates the production it goes into,production and then it takes two or,three days three to five days to produce,depending on who you use for a print,provider and then once that gets done,they let you know hey it's in production,and it's finalized once that order gets,fulfilled you then go into into your,Shopify hit fulfilled and then the,customer that one to your site gets an,email that says hey the orders been,fulfilled here's a tracking number and,so forth so um print defies what I use,for all of my products and find out,America is what I use for all of my art,related stuff now I keep my original,stuff here in the studio so that kind of,stuff I just go to UPS FedEx or whatever,and then ship it directly to the,customer but again we're talking about,print on demand so it only gets printed,and it only gets produced,once it gets ordered so if a customer,were to go to my site and let's just,pick on the son tribe here we click on,son tribe it's going to open up the,collection of stuff that I've created,both on fine art America and on on print,if I like here for example these items,down here that were created using print,to file these items up here were created,on fine art America so if we just scroll,down here we can go on the cellphone,case it loads up on my website and then,right here you click on Add to Cart Buy,It Now whatever the case may be,it'll take the customer to the checkout,point well once I get that order and the,customer puts their credit card,information and I get the order the,orders received I then take the money go,into print if I initiate the production,they produce it they ship it and once it,ships I get an email I get a,notification saying that it's been,fulfilled which once that happens the,customer of mine who went on my website,they get a notification with a tracking,number depending on the product that,they purchase so let's go right back out,of here let's look at find out America,stuff now so this is the stuff that I,created and upload it to find our,America that gets pulled directly into,my site so here you have the zeeco Sun,tribe you can pick the frames did you,want so this is this is gonna be great,because it offers options to your,customer let's say you pick a 12 by 16,frame and then here you can preview what,it would look like on different colored,frames with different colored mattes,and your customer has options so once,they buy it again all of this happens in,the backend so you would need to sign up,for a fine art America account okay and,then you would need to sign up for a,print fi account once you have those two,you go to the websites of those two,places you go to those two websites you,register you sign up an account with an,email just like any other social network,and once you create your account you,start uploading your ping files for,print fi in other words your transparent,ping file you can use procreate you can,use Photoshop if you just know how to,you know do a basic transparent image or,in other words remove the box and just,so that way you have just the object you,can then take that ping file the PNG,file and upload it to print if I now on,find out America you can keep you can,keep since it's a piece of art you can,keep the borders so this this yellow,border for example I would have removed,it had I put that on a product in fact,I'm gonna zoom right back out go right,back to this phone and as you can see I,left a black background on the phone,case itself but I removed the yellow,that goes around the this son tribe art,so that's a perfect example of what I'm,talking about so it's gonna take a,little photo editing of yours on your,half but you can get it see here it is,again on a tank top so again it works,well if you remove the backgrounds it,works well for t-shirts and and things,of that sort,so okay so here it is with the yellow,removed because you know you don't want,a t-shirt with a box you know it's kind,of cheesy so and tacky so but definitely,on the art you want to keep the borders,so you have to go into Photoshop or,procreate or whatever design app that,you're using remove the transparent,remove the background create create your,transparent pink file and and just store,it somewhere in like a drop box or,something or a Google cloud or an iCloud,or whatever and that's about it so let's,see we're worried so we're on the,website your customer goes to your,website they find a product of yours,they they purchase it they initiate the,order once you receive that notification,you then have to process the payment,then print a file we'll get that,notification and put it into production,or find out America will get that,notification and put it into production,and then your product gets produce you,follow up with your customer and make,sure that everything goes smoothly,because now you're dealing with a,third-party print on demand sir,you want to make sure that the trust,between you and your customer remains as,strong as possible you want to keep that,and things do go wrong you know products,get misplaced shipments get delayed so,as long as you maintain the open lines,of communication between your customer,it's gonna be rewarding for the both of,youse to keep that relationship alive so,um let's see,so yeah print on demand using print fi,with and I'll take you this is the,actual website of print if I and we're,gonna go in there now and this is just a,basic Zico squint face t-shirt that I,created and then here you can choose,which color t-shirt you like you know,that you want to print on in this case I,have a transparent background I have my,white squint logo so I'm gonna choose a,darker to mid dark background or fabric,color and so and then you can order your,own samples so the cool thing about this,is if you order samples it's like half,price you know you pay half the cost and,then you get it so you can try out your,own product before you can start,promoting it and getting it out to the,public so I'm gonna go ahead and back,out of all this okay again this site was,created using Shopify I use a very basic,template I don't want it to be noisy,because a lot of my art is noisy so I,wanted the theme itself to be very,modern sleek and clean so so a lot of,the art is noisy like this um this is,eco son tribe here and a lot of the,teeth and sharp edges and abstract stuff,so again here you have the products this,is the basic squint face logo placed on,a various placed on various products,here you have one of my quotes which is,amazed and be amazed and this is all,done through print a file so let's back,out of here Shopify also has an app and,I have the app installed on my iPad Pro,and here are the apps that are installed,in Shopify and here you can see here's,my pixels app and here's my print if I,app pixels pull,information from fine art America okay,so this is the widget that allows your,information and your artwork from fine,art America to be displayed on your,Shopify store and printf I'd that's the,same thing there's printful there's,printf I like I said there's thousands,of ways you just got to pick one and run,with it pick one that feels most,comfortable for you because not,everybody's story is gonna be like yours,not everybody's path is gonna be like,yours I'm just here to pretty much shed,some light on the issue on how to get a,product from nothing to something and,then send it out to the world I'd be,interested in knowing in the comments,section below how it is it you guys push,your products out or sell your artwork,online and display it to the masses one,last thing I wanted to talk about is,this social autopilot it may take a,little while to load because that app is,heavy on the software okay so here we go,you just turn this master switch on and,what this does this is pretty neat if,you have a Twitter account or you use,other forms of social media you have,basically two avenues that you can go,and you can turn one or one on or keep,both off or whatever you can turn them,on as you please but what this basically,does is if you write blogs and you,generally blog and you like text and you,like typing and typing and you have,blogs on your website this this,notification will send it out to Twitter,on a cycle so like every 13 hours you,can put three or four posts and it'll,just Auto rotate between those posts and,you can also add hashtags and personal,messages so they give you about four,options here hey everyone working on my,Zico art brand just added and then it,says quote and colon brackets it says,product title to my online shop so what,that product title in brackets does is,it displays that actual product title,that I put on my product and it tweets,it out to people so this it just rotates,through my products you know and you,want to keep this at a minimal because,this is automated you want to you want,to maintain that human connection,and not feel so robotic but you do want,to get your stuff out so you got to find,a happy medium so that people don't get,annoyed and it doesn't feel so spammy so,but this does track right back to your,website so if you have a Twitter account,this will go right back to my Rolly,artists website where they can find that,product so you you want to eventually,with all your social media the goal here,is to pretty much bring them all into,your website and I guess that's it so,leave the comments section leave a,comment down below and let me know how,you guys promote your art how you guys,what you guys use what apps you guys use,I know Big Cartel is another big one I,haven't really tried there's tons of,them and the red bubble or red babble I,don't I don't know what what they call,it but yeah there's tons of them out,there so but again you know different,strokes for different folks I'm just,here to elaborate on the way that I do,it and why I use it and I've been with,them for a while I've been with fine art,America for seven years that's where the,whole journey started and then I,eventually got my website on WordPress,WordPress was was extremely lagging it,would load like it would take like four,seconds to load five seconds to load so,Shopify for me is definitely the way to,go and they also have the app there that,you can log into and check all of your,orders communicate with your customers,keep your analytics in check and,everything's in one little place so it's,definitely worth a while you should,definitely look into it let me know what,other videos you guys want to see I'm,gonna be doing some of these reviews on,the procreate and luma fusion in,particular I just got my iPad pro last,week so I look forward to doing tons of,reviews on the procreate it's an amazing,app by the way same thing with with luma,fusion the fusion is great I'm doing all,of my videos primarily the ones that I,put on YouTube I'm doing all of my,videos on luma fusion it expedites the,workflow it everything in this little,machine right here it's a portable art,studio and I'm in love with it so far,I'm still doing a couple of tests with,some other apps like over,that I that I that I recently downloaded,a lot of this adobe stuff that I've used,in the past this has a really cool,watercolor feature this is Adobe fresco,but we'll leave that for a later date I,just wanted to make a short video on how,I pretty much take a product from,nothing create it send it to Photoshop,open it up and procreate or vice versa,and then create something out of it once,I have that something and it's got the,borders I upload it to fine art America,and then there goes my art and then I go,back into the ping file and I remove the,transparency and I convert it into it so,I convert the jpg into a ping file and I,leave it at a high DPI,like I like to personally use 300 dpi,when it comes to print format anything,that's web can remain it like 72 dpi so,that that website that you're uploading,that graphic to can load fast so you,want you don't want to have you know,there's a little bit of image,optimization that you have to do for web,stuff you want to you want the picture,to remain clear like if you're just,gonna post it on Instagram and certain,platforms like certain social media,platforms have their own optimization in,hand so you can just upload whatever,JPEG you have and they're gonna convert,it and it still will look good but I,like to do everything from the source,itself that way it doesn't go through so,many steps and so many processes so I,think you guys get the picture follow me,on instagram at rollio artists and if,you like this video please click it I'll,give it a like and click on that,subscribe button I'm trying to get to,1000 subscribers so I can go live and do,some digital art maybe some traditional,art on the canvas over there I'm,currently working on a brand new line of,Zico art for this art show in February,that I'm gonna have in Coral Gables and,that's about it thanks for watching guys,Cheers

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