how can i see shopify blog traffic

Blog Post Optimization For Shopify: Drive Free Traffic hey guys if you're looking to figure out,how

Chris Marrano

Updated on Feb 26,2023

Blog Post Optimization For Shopify: Drive Free Traffic

The above is a brief introduction to how can i see shopify blog traffic

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Blog Post Optimization For Shopify: Drive Free Traffic

hey guys if you're looking to figure out,how to blog for shopify in order to,drive a lot of free traffic to your,store well this video is for you so stay,tuned,hey guys my name is chris morano agency,founder e-commerce brand owner and,content creator and in this video we're,going to be talking about creating,content on shopify that drives traffic,now for many of my businesses seo and,blogging are the key factors in driving,leads and purchases i'm going to get,into exactly how we do that using,shopify to find topics,how to structurally write them,and how to put them onto your shopify,blog in order to rank on google like i,said drive a lot of that free traffic,before we get into that if you guys can,hit that thumbs up button i would really,appreciate it my channel is growing,youtube likes it and you know what it,keeps me going so let's get into how to,blog,for shopify all right so the first step,is we are in my semrush account now if,you do not have an scm rush or semrush,account you guys can go ahead and click,the affiliate link down below if not,we're going to skip through this this is,quickly just how to find a topic to,write about and then how to implement,that onto shopify if you want to skip,ahead you can click on the channel,marker below but,let's get into semrush and topics so my,new brand that we're launching in the,next few weeks is going to be a dog,store and with that we're going to,create a lot of content about dogs so i,just quickly did a search dog training,tips and right off the bat i see that,210 people a month are searching for you,do you tip a dog train so do we tip a,dog trainer is going to be the topic of,my blog,so what we're going to do is we're going,to log into my shopify store and we're,going to quickly just click on blog post,now what you'll see is i don't have any,like i said this is a brand new store,so we are going to start with,do,you tip,a dog trainer,what to,know all right so easy enough that title,is actually what's called an h1 tag so,that is going to be what google finds to,be the most important part so that is,going to answer the question that we,found on semrush with the 210 people a,month,but we're not done yet if you guys are,interested more about how to structure,the blog correctly you can click this,video where i go into detail about how,to become the topic authority in your,industry to rank higher but,for the essence of time,let's just do this,do you tip,a dog,trainer,what we want to do,is we want to take,these and open it up,to see who has written what and with,that,we are going through and finding all,these different,h2 tags holiday tips and bonuses,infrequent reasons to tip,and we're gonna put that into our blog,so we're gonna open up a google doc,and to make life easier for you you can,actually do,all of the,h tags within the google docs so when,you copy and paste this into your,shopify all of that data stays,consistent,so we want to know do you tip a dog,trainer so,here is just going to be the body,paragraph,followed by an h2 which could be,how much should you tip,your dog,trainer,followed by a body paragraph,followed by another h2 body paragraph,h2,other alternatives,to,money,followed by a paragraph,followed by an h3 that could be wines,and cheeses,h3 of gift cards,and certificates,h3 of,something else,holiday,bonus,h2,special reasons to tip a dog trainer,paragraph so once you have your blog,created this is the overall framework,that you want to use so you have,everything tagged correctly so we have,our h1 where you can see here we're,going to do a body paragraph and then,this is what's called an h2 tag which we,will change,that,we can get rid of the h2,body craft paragraph,another h2 tag and the h2s and h3s are,basically like your outline that you,used to do in school,where you were doing subtopics of the,overall topic so then we're going to do,an h2 here,and then we're going to do h3s because,these are going to be bullet points that,we want to get into and again the reason,we're doing all of this is to simply,provide the information to the user on,whether or not,you should tip your dog trainer,that'll be an h2 so we're going to fast,forward real quick and you will see a,completed blog all about whether or not,you should tip a dog trainer so let's,get into that,all right so we're back and like i said,we have a fully written blog piece 899,words which on average was more words,than what ranked in the top three on,google so as you can see,we have a beautiful blog,now the key is how do we get this blog,to shopify and how do we make sure that,it's written and structured in,accordance to google search engine,optimization that's what we're getting,into now so we're going to take this,entire blog and we're going to copy and,we're going to go back to,my shopify store,we're logging in now we just pasted it,so as you can see we can highlight this,and we can look and we can say that's an,h1,this is an h2,h2,which is correct so you want to make,sure that you're going through and,you're looking at all the different,things h1 h2 paragraph to ensure that,these tags,are correct and that will be coming from,your google docs so you have to do this,step whether in google or on shopify,making sure your h tags your header tags,are done correctly and if you're looking,for more information about shopify seo,click this video right up here where i,have a 25 minute video about everything,you need to do for your shopify store to,rank on google,so everything looks good we want to make,sure that our spacing is correct because,if you've ever been to a shopify blog,some of them are double spaced some of,them are very weird layouts so you just,want to make sure that you're doing,everything consistent,now like i said this was a 899 word,block as you can see we have absolutely,no images in it so we need to select a,featured image,now the key to featured images,is,that we,need to,edit image and write alt text so the alt,text needs to be in accordance to,whatever the blog topic is should,you tip,a dog trainer,featured,image,done,then,we need to start adding images and we're,going to do the same exact process is,we're going to add an image,we're going to put it,this image,and we need to add the alt text so we,double click on that we're able to then,format the image to be in accordance of,what we want it to look like on the page,dog trainer,dog running away,we don't i don't really like wrapping,text but we do want it centered so there,we go,and we'll duplicate that process,now we're back so we've optimized we've,added images we've added alt text to the,images we're ready to get to the next,step which is going to be,website seo if you guys are finding this,video useful so far give me a thumbs up,hit that like button and let's get back,into it,so first step is essentially,making sure that your page title is in,accordance to both the keywords you're,trying to rank for as well as your brand,so for this,do you tip,a dog trainer,what you need to know,and then i always like doing a vertical,chic,what to know chic doggy booty so now my,brand name is associated with this title,so if somebody does skip over them it is,brand awareness,then we're gonna go into the description,so the meta description can be something,as simple as,many many people,use dog trainers,and have an amazing experience,but,so now we have the url in handle do you,tip a dog trainer we actually want to,get rid of the rest of that,do you tip a dog trainer now remember,it's important because slugs are very,important to the overall structure of,your website it is important because you,can't have that long of a slug,especially on shopify where your blogs,forward slash news forward slash page,title it's important to understand you,want to keep the words as minimal and to,the point as possible,so overall,we're going to hit save,so that is exactly how,you optimize and publish a blog on,shopify if you're looking for more,opportunities on keyword research click,this video up here where i get into the,weeds on topic research how to structure,everything how to find opportunities for,your business i hope you guys found this,video useful this is how you,publish blogs on shopify in accordance,to google to rank better and drive free,traffic to your store,hit that subscribe button make sure to,check back we're putting out two videos,every single week we're here to help,e-commerce brand owners grow their,stores so make sure to subscribe follow,me at official underscore chris,underscore murano on instagram for more,vertical short form videos and we'll see,you guys soon,you

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