how can i refund paypal in shopify

How to Issue a Refund on Shopify There is short Shopify tutorial we're gonna go over how to issue a


Updated on Mar 24,2023

How to Issue a Refund on Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how can i refund paypal in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how can i refund paypal in shopify

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How to Issue a Refund on Shopify

There is short Shopify tutorial we're gonna go over how to issue a refund or,and let's get into it alright the first thing you want to do is go to orders and,in this case just so you can't see any previous data I've done a search for my,name Christian Pinon and as you can see here we have order,1501 customer Christian Pinon I paid and it's for a dollar now I'm gonna,click on that you can either click on the customer name or order or just,anywhere in here that will actually open up the,transaction data so you have everything in here from that particular in section,was ordered essentially every detail it's in here now you want to make sure,that you double check to have all the correct information in the correct order,even it's from you know I searched for my name there was the only order in,there but if you search for other people you might have different orders in there,so you want to make sure that you have the correct order number correct name and,everything matches to the refund that you're gonna give now chapter 5 you'll,see right next to print once they've paid you actually see the feature here,that says refund we will to click on that alright and then what you want to,do is right here actually will give you the available amount that's for a refund,so you have one dollar over here if they have multiple products on that order and,you only want to refund may be one then you will see the list right here and you,actually just click right there 1/1 and it will say see $1 for Shopify payments,that's waiting to be the refund and that's it it's gonna give you this,notice here for example this product cannot be restocked it's just an old,test product that we had and then you just issue the refund by clicking on,that you also probably want to make sure that you check mark this to some,notification to the customer so they're know that the refund is being processed,and then they're gonna get that money back you also have a ability to leave a,reason for the refund so let's say maybe sure was too small or maybe there,was it the hole in the chair and a shirt or it came with a stain whatever the,reason may be for the refund you just want to type it in there for future,reference for yourself and for the customer as well once you have all the,information put in place you just hit the button where it says refund for a dollar and,that's it and that's how you issue a refund thank you for watching this,tutorial on how to issue a refund on Shopify if you enjoyed this episode make,sure to leave a thumbs up so YouTube will tell other people that this video,is awesome awesome and also make sure to subscribe we're actually trying to hit a,goal of 1000 subscribers so if you do that you will help us reach that goal a,lot quicker and we would love that very much alright see you next time

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