how can i get engagement on my facebook posts shopify 2018

Can I Get Shopify Sales From Page Post Engagement Ads On Facebook 2019? hey good morning guys it's T

Cirrus Rev

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Can I Get Shopify Sales From Page Post Engagement Ads On Facebook 2019?

The above is a brief introduction to how can i get engagement on my facebook posts shopify 2018

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Can I Get Shopify Sales From Page Post Engagement Ads On Facebook 2019?

hey good morning guys it's Tony Blaine,with Cirrus Rev digital marketing agency,and in this video I want to show you how,one of our PPE campaigns we had or one,of her clients perform pretty good and I,also want to let you know that we also,did website conversions for the same,client for the same product and the PPE,campaigns actually converted better much,better than the conversion that's and so,I want to let you know that you want to,test both and sometimes people say that,all they do is only website conversion,optimizer purchase which when we do,website conversion campaigns we also,always optimize for purchase but in this,case in this particular video I want to,show you that we were optimizing,obviously this is the engagement,campaign and for this particular product,and audience and who are marketing to,with our copy and everything it actually,converted so much better so as you can,see here here's the campaign and we were,doing five dollars a day we found that,by dollars day was an amazing place to,test and what happened was is once we,started scaling to 10 15 20 dollars a,day on the PBE campaigns that the rho a,started dropping so what we did was we,just duplicated them and brought them,back to five dollars a day and they,always converted so high as far as euro,as and so we left it at that even though,it was slower but the realize it was a,lot higher okay and so you can see on,all these thirteen half cents right here,we had,website content views about 23,000 and,about 39,000 3,900 antic art so that's,about a 20% is it almost 20% almost 20,percent conversion from website content,used to add to cart' on a PPE yes so PPE,not only will you get engagement but,sometimes if the product is right for,the audience that you're targeting that,even a PPE will give you massive massive,conversions,okay so website purchases we had 673,right here from 23 162 so if you look at,that is 673 purchases provided by 23,000,162 so I'm yet about three percent right,here conversion rate purchases from,website content views it means people,who visited a product page right they,clicked on the ad on Facebook and they,went to the actual product page and in,soggy and then purchased okay,and so in this particular one as well we,were actually running a video and once,they clicked on a video ad they didn't,go straight to the product page they,actually went to a blog post that went,to explain like the benefits of the,product of using the product and from,the blog post at the end of the article,that had a little contextual link not an,image link but a contextual link that,when once they clicked on there then it,went straight to the product page and so,I think this was a pretty good,conversion rate as far as having to go,to an article and read that first the,benefits,then purchase we found that work pretty,well right so we spent an average of,four thousand four hundred and sixty,four dollars right here you can see and,managed to generate twenty six thousand,eight hundred eighty one dollars in the,eleven cents for a row as of six point,zero two and also in this store,we used the one-click upsells buy,simplify pages and what we did was we,offered fifty percent off of the same,product that they just ordered so safe,they bought it for twenty eight dollars,we offer in an upsell to get an,additional one for fourteen dollars with,free shipping and so we converted I,believe it converted over 50% for the,upsell for three hundred and fifty one,more additional orders and 3381 an,additional revenue so if you add thirty,three hundred to twenty six thousand,eight hundred eighty one it's actually a,higher row s then 6.02 so twenty six,eleven and you add the 3381 dollars for,the upsells as a total of thirty,thousand two hundred and sixty two and,if you divide that by our ad span of,four thousand four hundred sixty four,sixty four cents it's about six point,seventy so almost seven,sometimes Roe as for the bottle so in,this particular one we had a sport,bottle which our cost was about five,dollars and twenty cents and our average,order value was twenty eight dollars for,average order for each customer each,sale and then with the upsell and,increase the average order to about,forty to forty three dollars average,order value and I think in today's day,and time I think that you want to shoot,for our above forty dollars if you can,get fifty dollars average order value,that is a great it's a it's a great,margin and usually if you see people,that are you know make an average order,value of you know twelve dollars or $18,for order I can guarantee you they're,probably struggling to keep afloat and,to keep the store open because of add,spin because of fees because of cost of,goods sold which are cogs you know,there's just not a lot of revenue there,to cover everything so you want your,average order value to at least be $40,$50 $50 if possible okay so I hope this,helps you guys so the reason for this,video is test both test PPE test page,post engagement campaigns as well as,website conversion campaigns sometimes a,website conversion campaigns will,perform better sometimes page post,engagement campaigns will perform better,and sometimes you want to do both and so,you can have an average the law of,averages are always in effect so,or in order to get the most effective,for your store you want to test out both,alright talk to you soon guys

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