how advertising works shopify

Shopify Marketing for Beginners hey salvador brigham here welcome back,to the crowdfunding demystifi

Salvador Briggman

Updated on Mar 01,2023

Shopify Marketing for Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how advertising works shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how advertising works shopify

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Shopify Marketing for Beginners

hey salvador brigham here welcome back,to the crowdfunding demystified youtube,channel and today we are talking about,shopify and a few,just really quick checklist items that,you can use to improve your shopify,store,this could be happening after you run a,successful kickstarter campaign or you,just be going straight to e-commerce,we're getting into that in just a second,okay what is the goal of a shopify store,let me i'm asking you that question what,is the goal of a shopify store,well one goal you could say would be to,get more customers to make more money to,deliver products very easily to people,right,there there are a few different goals,when it comes to it but all the time as,marketers we really have to hone in like,what is it that we're trying to do,and the way that i like to think of it,is we're kind of building a,funnel so a funnel obviously at the top,it's a little bit wider and sort of,narrows down at the very bottom of the,funnel is when a transaction happens i,know that word transaction,people don't like to use very much you,want to say oh we didn't have a new,relationship with a customer,or we've met a new family member of our,shopify community,however you want to color it they're a,customer right you're getting a,transaction to happen,it starts with the broader strokes of,the funnel and then it narrows down,and the shopify store is one tool that,you can use that's actually in the,middle of a funnel,to transition people down to be being a,customer,now all marketing is basically replacing,sales people and is doing it,at scale so in the olden days if you,just didn't have any kind of marketing,tools,you'd have to rely on physical people,individual human beings,going up and selling services or going,door-to-door,or talking to the people and trying to,relay a message over time we've been,able to do things like the inventor of i,mentioned the printing press,the invention of being able to make,graphics and colors and,the internet you know there's a whole,host of inventions that go into,marketing even,video medium right audio podcast et,cetera and blogs,this is all allowed us to scale sales,bread and butter sales allows us to get,beyond,one individual human and to go to the,masses,with something that's going to appeal to,many many different people so shopify a,shopify store,is just replacing a physical store so,you have to think a little bit about,that,and sort of what your goals are going to,be so i'm just going to narrow in,on some of the major checklist items,here so first of all,your shopify store how are people,discovering it first of all if it's,going to be by,seo organic search engine traffic you're,going to obviously want to have some,kind of a plug-in you're going to want,to do,an seo analysis of your site look for,major,titles for keywords for metadata make,sure the images on your site also have,the keywords in them,that you're going to be having for the,product or that you're trying to target,do a keyword analysis,in general in your industry where maybe,you have one product and you think,you're selling that like an iphone case,right,and you think i should title this,product photo iphone case,maybe not maybe people online are,searching for funny iphone cases right,or i great iphone cases that are very,sleek looking or minimalistic iphone,cases,then you're going to use that keyword,data to inform your marketing to change,all the titles on your site to be more,in line with that so when someone,searches up,minimalistic iphone case and this is,very basic it's going to pop,up more with your store and some of the,products that you're selling so the,first one is,start thinking about search engine,optimization and this is organic,marketing,along with organic marketing you can,also think of social media so do you,have a facebook page you have a twitter,you have instagram,um you have the major social media,networks that are out there i say at the,very least,you should have an instagram and you,should have a facebook you know twitter,is a little bit more,of a waning social network in that way,you can also even have a youtube channel,if you want to you know there's so many,different social media,platforms nowadays you want you could,have a snapchat you know etc,but the goal with social media is to get,those people that are at the top of the,funnel,who maybe suffer from the problem that,your product solves or maybe,vaguely interested to start,indoctrinating them that's kind of like,i don't know it sounds like a cult term,right you're a religious term,you're indoctrinating people into your,brand the more you see,a new watch that's been created on,instagram the more you start to be like,that thing actually looks pretty cool or,like i look into the company i start to,see more and more of the posts i'm like,this is actually really cool i'm,thinking of buying when i'm like oh no i,feel like i'm gonna buy one of these,right because,because you get excited the more you see,um products and things you like,the more you get excited so the facebook,page instagram those kind of things,those are all organic marketing and,that's,indoctrinating people into not only your,your,values and like those kind of things but,they'll get a sense of what your,inventory is if i say something like,hey i need to buy a new mug or i need a,new um,iphone or i need a new um laptop or a,microphone,and i say where can i buy that you,instantly go through,almost an archive of all the places,where you can buy something like that,and you say oh you should go to best buy,right or you should go to target,or you should go to amazon or you should,go to this thing if i say i really need,a really,really good watch the first one that,comes to my mind i'm just doing this on,the spot,is vincero watches because i have two of,them and i love ventura watches they're,really good i think of movement watches,they're kind of like luxury ones for an,affordable price right i don't really,think of like fossil or timex or those,kinds of things,it might be spending a lot more money i,might be going you know in a different,one different direction,but um the more that people get the,sense of what your inventory is,the more likely they are to buy more,products from you i know it sounds,really simple but,you do that with social media and,organic marketing that's called,content marketing because you're putting,out content in order to establish a,relationship,the other thing would be things like,blog posts,things like videos it could be a podcast,of some kind,that's another form of organic marketing,that you can incorporate to get,spread awareness and start to,indoctrinate people and get them,moving down this funnel so eventually,they're going to make,a transaction happen i can tell there's,some products that i've been,looking at for six months before i,bought like a 250 dollar wash and i've,been looking at this thing for a while,and finally for whatever reason like,things align the stars online i was like,i want to buy this right,so make sure that you have that as part,of your organic marketing,um to kind of transition from organic,marketing now i want to talk a little,bit about paid marketing,and then we're talking about building a,better butterfly net so when it comes to,paid marketing,there are a lot of easy things you can,do first of all would be running,facebook ads,so you can be running facebook ads to,cold audiences if you wanted to just by,you know segmenting based on interest on,facebook you can run facebook ads to,custom audiences if you already have,email list you can create a look like,audience you can run facebook ads to,your existing tribe of people who have,liked your facebook page and just doing,boosted post,you can run facebook ads to um i'm sure,i think of some other ones,you can run a facebook ad in terms of,retargeting people,who have been on your website if you,have a facebook pixel installed on your,website you can retarget all those,people,you can get even more in depth into,targeting in terms of targeting other,pages,you can experiment with different,content mediums so video versus images,on facebook versus a carousel,versus messenger right installing,messenger so you can have almost,a facebook messenger bot if you want to,that's attached to your store so there's,a lot,that you can do with facebook ads we,even touch like google ads running,youtube ads running ads,when people are searching on google and,display ads like those kinds of things,there's a lot that you can do with paid,marketing but i wouldn't start there if,you're just very new you have to learn a,little bit about it otherwise you're,going to be wasting a lot of money,other ways when it comes to paid ads,would be paying people to do reviews now,this could be a youtuber this could be,someone who's a blogger,or sending out products to people to,start to get some media hits get to,people,talking getting people reviewing your,actual products this could be earned,media it's called or paid media,so this would be you either paying,someone to do a review or you send them,a product they like it and they decide,to do a review on their own that'd be,more of an earned media exposure so,media exposure,is another one or use let's just say as,a founder we're going to stay with the,watch example,and you want to go on a podcast that,talks about watches or you want to,contribute a youtube video to someone,who has a channel about watches,and maybe talk about some of the,materials that go into creating a watch,or maybe talk about some of the,different styles over the years or your,thoughts on,investing in a watch for the long term,and can certain brands appreciate in,value or can certain brands hold their,value over time,versus other brands are not as good so,you can also have this expert kind of,scope where you're sharing that and as,an excuse you get to talk about your,company so these are just a few like,little bite-sized ideas when it comes to,organic marketing and paid marketing the,biggest thing,that you can do to kind of start this,process would be to start,developing media assets so things like,the logos high-resolution photos,highlighting video,descriptors start getting a bank of,media,assets which either a marketer like,myself can work with you a lot more,easily because we don't have to,originally create this material for you,which you can also do,but it's a lot easier just a lot faster,so start creating those media assets you,can start with the organic marketing,and the paid marketing asap now the,third part is building a better,butterfly net what do i mean by that i,mean if you're going and you're trying,to catch,butterflies i don't know why i use this,example but let's just say you're going,and you're trying to catch,butterflies and you're going to a field,right there's there are a few things,number one is you could go to a field,that has no butterflies because i know,you chose a really bad field and there's,no butterflies to catch,so even if you have the the fastest legs,you can run really quickly,or you have a really good butterfly net,it doesn't matter you're going to a,field with no butterflies you're not,going to catch any butterflies right or,you could say fireflies or whatever,so obviously the market is something,that you know you have to decide when it,comes to being an entrepreneur,but on the flip side you also have the,actual design,of a butterfly net and you'd be,ludicrous here to think that certain,butterfly,nets aren't better designed to catch,butterflies you have a really tiny net,that doesn't have a very big surface,area and it's really hard to catch them,we have to be very like on point right,we have a really big net that's clunky,to hold that's hard for you to swing and,you're too slow right so it's really,having an,optimized butterfly net to capture the,maximum number,of butterflies that's easiest on your,arms it's not super heavy it's not too,hard to wield right,you're catching a lot of these things,such a crazy example,but yeah you're catching a lot of these,things the butterfly net in this example,is your website right is the actual,bread and butter functionality of your,shopify site,and thankfully there's entire shopify,marketplace out there where you can,install,new functionality you can install better,themes that optimize the,website viewing experience of your,visitors so i'm just going to run down a,few,simple things that you can incorporate,on your website that will,increase sales that's going to,transition people down this funnel to,becoming,customers of yours and then overall it's,just something that i think is going to,be,really level up your game when it comes,to your shopify store the first one,is to integrate email marketing email,marketing,is kind of like an older term but still,in this year it's literally going to be,one of the best converting mediums,out there when it comes to getting,people's contact information getting,their names and emails sending them,email autoresponder sequences or sending,them,broadcast emails or sending them deals,and then they get on your site they,start browsing,more around more and you convert them,much more easily into customers in,addition,you can have things happen where you get,banned from a social media service like,twitter,you get banned from facebook for some,reason or someone closes down your,instagram account right who,knows what why that would happen but,it's happened to a lot of my clients,over the years for random reasons,but if you have an email list you are,never going out of business man because,you,already have this existing relationship,with the email list if you've captured,those leads,appropriately you're going to be able to,even if your website blows up and you,have to buy another website domain you,can direct them to that new domain using,your your email list,so make sure you're incorporating email,marketing in terms of pop-ups in terms,of,being able to subscribe on your website,lead magnets,landing pages all that kind of stuff,make sure you incorporate email,marketing as number one,number two make sure you install google,analytics you get lots of insights into,your visitors,make sure you install a facebook pixel,also on your website you can retarget,visitors,in the future and you can also create,look-alike audiences from that,i would also recommend installing some,kind of a heat map tracking software,it could be something like inspectlet,where you basically install this tool,and you can record,visitor sessions on your website and you,don't have to do this like for the,entire duration of your business but,certainly,within the first three months where,you're getting this thing up and running,and you're,learning about your customers and,learning about your marketing it's very,helpful because,that way you can see what people are,doing on your site and it's just a lot,easier,i think when you get that feedback from,your marketing another one would be to,install an application or a plug-in that,will capture the information when it,comes to,abandoned cart when people are,abandoning the car they're basically,going through the entire process,of buying a product but for whatever,reason they get to the end and they,abandon the cart now some you know when,it comes to shopify there's some,information there,but reach out to those individuals and,say hey,um did something happen i saw you didn't,complete your cart,so make sure that you're incorporating,that also on your store because that,could literally,improve your revenue by a factor of 10,overnight by just capturing some of,these people that have been abandoning,their cart and going elsewhere they,forget about it,and you can then recoup that revenue,chat bot chat bot is another great one,to,install on your website could be a,facebook messenger chat bot or just a,normal chat bot where people who are,there that are looking to buy and they,just have simple questions right,so they're like oh is it does it have,these specifications or,they're trying to complete an order and,for whatever reason their credit card is,not going through or something like that,right,you can have a simple chat bot on the,website where you can start to deal with,some of those customer inquiries,directly,versus they get frustrated they get,angry and they just leave the site,and you never hear from them again right,it's a lot better to have consistent,communication with the customer so,make sure if you if you can to have some,kind of a chat bot on your shopify site,some other quick ones to consider,might be doing giveaways so having a,giveaway software where people give away,their name and email in exchange to win,some kind of a raffle or to be entered,in a contest,others could be exclusive discounts that,you're having site-wide like a summer,special or a spring special right,other things would be for example if you,you have a site and,you're you know shipping out products,and those kinds of things and you,haven't really thought very much,about your packaging you could have a,very simple marketing insert,and i mean this is this is part of the,whole customer funnel where it's not,just a transaction it's how do you make,the next transaction,so someone ends up buying your product,they get to the end of the funnel,but then you want to shorten the time,where they're going to then make another,transaction you could have a very simple,marketing insert which you put into the,packaging,and in that way it could be a discount,off it could be a 90-day promotion where,they have to buy another product,90 days or something like that it,doesn't really matter but think about it,think about how you can brand the,customer experience from a packaging,standpoint,and in that way integrate with the,shopify store because the shopify store,is going to list what the coupon code is,you're going to list what that special,is,and then they can use that and then you,get a returning customer you increase,your revenue,and then that way you're making more and,more money from it i want to be aware of,your times we're just going to leave you,with,one final tip um when it comes to the,marketing and things you can do when it,comes to your shopify store,and that is focus on craftsmanship,i know i know this sounds strange but,like craftsmanship,actually is a marketing um inlet or a,marketing excuse,when you're talking about how this watch,was so beautifully designed,and the materials that it's made out of,the painstaking process to make the dial,right or you're talking about a pen and,just the aluminum,this is actually the same pen that,nasa's space flight,scientists use when they're going to the,moon because they need one that they,depend on that writes upside down that,is made from very durable materials and,we think intricately about,how this holds in the hand so that you,can have very quick writing but that you,can also write for long periods of time,we've thought through this,so much putting together a slick design,pen that's,also functional something that's,minimalistic,and something that um you whenever,you're going to a boardroom meeting or,an employee is coming in with a question,or you're hiring new employees,that pen is going to stand out to them,and going to catch their eye,a little bit and get them starting to,think about some of the values that you,have also as a company,the more that you talk about design and,the more you talk about the process then,went into making a product,and the design choices and the all the,thought that went into it,and all those little minutiae details to,you it might be freaking boring,but to the customer they actually start,to get interested they start to realize,why it's different,to sell a very expensive product like an,arthur miller watch or like something,really high-end you got to talk about,the story behind getting it made,because that's the only way someone can,wrap their head around oh this is,special,a lot of thought went into this when you,see something that's expensive like an,expensive glass,right we assume that it's very well,designed,well designed equals expensive think,about it,well design is like when so much thought,is going on this product,and you go into a store and there's,literally this little podium right,and there's just one product on top of,that podium there's like a tiny few,of these podiums rather than just being,like a huge warehouse of different,products there's only a few of them in,the store you know without even me,saying it,those products are expensive why design,is design man it's industrial design so,think about the craftsmanship,how you want to tell that story and how,you want to also describe the way the,products are designed,the more you do that i know it doesn't,sound like it but the more you do it,it's actually a form of marketing it,indoctrinates people it gets people,excited wanting to buy it,and it makes them feel like it's,literally something that's special and,so much,thought and care went into this that,they feel comfortable making a,purchasing decision so i hope you like,this video and if you want some,personalized attention when it comes to,your brand what you're trying to,accomplish growing your store,growing your business launching a,kickstarter campaign if you want to in,the future,book a one-on-one coaching call with me,down below and we can go over this in an,intensive call,talking about your specific case and how,to really upgrade you,and get you to the next level here i,hope you enjoyed this video give me a,thumbs up if you did,come subscribe my name is salvador,brigman and i'll see you,next time

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