gecko shopify theme how to change product tabs

Help Center app for Shopify: Tabs, specific tabs, shared tabs for product description hi mike here f

Help Center Shopify App

Updated on Mar 30,2023

Help Center app for Shopify: Tabs, specific tabs, shared tabs for product description

The above is a brief introduction to gecko shopify theme how to change product tabs

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Help Center app for Shopify: Tabs, specific tabs, shared tabs for product description

hi mike here from shopify help center,app,and today i want to show you our tabs,feature,so first of all uh what is the tabs tabs,is basically,the product description that you can,nicely put into separate content boxes,that are called tabs so here we have,description tab,shipping tab policy tab of course you,can also customize the colors,change the templates insert the images,add additional tabs if you need to do,that,and very easily for example create,from pre-existing description to the,tabs that you see here so how to go from,this,plain simple uh text description to,something like this,nicely done and colored tabs,so let me show you first of all let's go,to,the main dashboard of the tabs feature,let's,activate the tabs and specific tabs are,automatically activated so uh specific,tabs are mainly,used for product specific content so you,can very easily,automatically create a tab directly from,the product description that you already,have,so let's go to the edit specific tabs,and also go to the products inside your,shopify admin store,and let's go to the headphones,that we want to have the tabs on so here,you can already see pre-existing uh,description of the headphones and,let's get back to the specific tabs and,here we have an option to select the,heading type,you can choose whatever heading type you,want but,i will go with heading 5 and that let's,help center app to understand where to,show the tab,uh what is the tab title and what is the,content,or the text below the tab so so i chose,chosen the heading five and let's go to,description of the headphones,and select the description and format,the heading 5,let's save it and,let's go to the headphones let's refresh,the page,and here we can see description tab was,created and all the text below,is shown as inside the description tab,but of course we also we also want to,have a,shipping tab so let's format the heading,5,policy tab let's form it to heading 5,too,let's click save,and let's go refresh the page and here,you go,you have created the tabs,and it's again pretty simple you just,need to format the text,and it's very easy easy to manage here,getting to back to the specific tabs we,also have functionality,to manage your default tab description,so maybe you don't want to go to,description of the product and change,the heading types and so on,you want to just have one one simple tab,so for example we have a desk product,here,we have already pre-existing text and we,want to just have,everything in one tab so let's go,activate a default tab description,input for example information let's,click,save changes,and let's refresh the test page,and here you go we have created default,tab information for all the products and,down below you have,the information that you already had so,it's very easy to convert,your pre-existing uh product,descriptions into the tabs,uh with this default tab option,so that's it regarding the specific tabs,and more on,share tabs content below tabs and,customization,share tabs so with share tabs you,basically,can very easily create tab and show it,on multiple products or,assign it to show by the product type by,collection,or the vendor so let's go and create a,new tab,here we can input the tab name let's go,for refund,type refund policy,you can of course also add images urls,format the text whatever you like and,here is the option,to show the tab to all products but,i don't want to do that so let's go and,select some products,and here we have like the tax types,vendors,and i will go for the products,and i want to show the staff or the,chair,and the headphones let's click add,of course you can always delete those,products uh there's,option to show do not show for certain,products here,so you can you can choose that and just,click save,so the share tab is created uh you can,always edit it,it's all it's active uh when you create,it,and here let's go to the headphones,refresh the page,and you can see refund edit tab was,added and,same with share tab,voila it's very easy to use and manage,all your product tabs,under the tabs that you created already,you can also add additional content like,the text the image or something else,the link maybe and here you go to the,content below,the tabs you click activate the content,below the tabs,and for example let's do the disclaimer,that only,shipping in us let's click,save changes,changes are saved tab is updated and,let's go,refresh the page and here you can see,disclaimer that's only shipping usa and,it will be shown,on all the other products you can also,add images,urls or anything that you like,you can also customize the tab style so,here in customization section let's go,customize your tab style,and here you can check all the available,templates that you could choose from,so let's select for example this one,and you can already preview it on the,right side here,and for example there is an option to,open the first app automatically so what,does it mean,so when the visitor comes to our website,and he already sees the first tab open,for him,you can also view how the tab will look,like on the accordion,here and it's only shown when,the tab exceeds the specific specific,of it down below again,uh you can change the color so let's go,for the red,you can see here and all the other color,changes,uh down below we have advanced tab,settings like,tab height content border,with and so on,of course the tab font size and,all the other settings and getting back,to customization part,you also can add your custom css,code to modify the tabs,and their style and that's it

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