free plus shipping shopify how to charge for shipping of multiple free items

How to Run Free Plus Shipping on Shopify With Per Item Rates what's up guys so today and in this,vid

Cody Neer

Updated on Mar 25,2023

How to Run Free Plus Shipping on Shopify With Per Item Rates

The above is a brief introduction to free plus shipping shopify how to charge for shipping of multiple free items

Let's move on to the first section of free plus shipping shopify how to charge for shipping of multiple free items

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free plus shipping shopify how to charge for shipping of multiple free items catalogs

How to Run Free Plus Shipping on Shopify With Per Item Rates

what's up guys so today and in this,video I'm gonna show you how to set up,free plus shipping in your Shopify store,now typically what happens when we set,up free plus shipping we have a zero,dollar item and then we put $0 item,equals a certain shipping amount what,happens is that most people are gonna,see your free items and they're gonna,add multiple of those free items to your,cart and then they're only gonna pay one,shipping cost that's the issue with,Shopify up to date 2019 just now there,is officially an app that allows you to,set per item shipping cost so what this,means is for us if we want to run free,plus shipping promos on our Shopify,stores we can now do so without having,an issue like you see here with the,actual multiple items being added to the,cart and I'm only paying one shipping,cost so let me show you real quick I,will pull up the app real quick here,you're gonna get the advanced shipping,rules app right here advanced shipping,rules so if we click that we're gonna,click Add or at a DAT what's going to,happen as rates for different products,you're gonna set unique rates for,different groups of products so you're,gonna set a group that's your free plus,shipping products and then you're gonna,set a per item basis so you're gonna set,a zero dollar item every time they set,that zero dollar in their cart it's,gonna get charged a set rate for,shipping and I'll show you briefly how,this kind of looks in the back end of a,Shopify store so install and we're gonna,go to my fat head right here,test mode weight doesn't mess up our our,store currently,and as this thing sinks what's doing is,sinking all of your products figuring,out what the price is what the shipping,is what the actual product rates are and,it's just thinking to the app and after,this syncs it's going to be super simple,fast and pretty easy to do it's gonna be,pretty easy to set up so let's connect,to the app we're gonna go down we're,going to find our products that we're,gonna want to use so in this instance,let's just say we choose this item right,here we're gonna click Add rates we're,going to do domestic ad shipping rate,and then we're gonna go down to buy,items set shipping price per item each,additional item or create a table based,rule click Next,what's going to happen is you're going,to set this up with some kind of an,insured insured insured shipping and,then you're gonna do per item addition,plus additional time so your first item,if it's seven your free shipping is 795,and then every item after that is 795,two so that way when they're adding,multiples of zero dollar items it,continues to add the first item at 795,plus every other item they add that's,zero dollars at seven ninety five pretty,pretty simple you can set the roll down,here you can put only show rate when you,don't have to do this rule but when the,let's do price of all products in this,group is less than and then I put you,don't point zero one makes it simple so,anything less than one penny which would,be a zero dollar item in that collection,will show this this rate and it makes it,super simple clean and easy for us to,now run free plus shipping offers on,Shopify at scale hope you guys find this,helpful again the app that you're going,to want to use is called advanced,shipping rules and you're gonna do a per,item plus additional item rate cost see,you guys

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