codeswholesale shopify

Import CodesWholeSale, G2A, Kinguin products to WooCommerce | Shopify | #4 hello guys my name


Updated on Feb 01,2023

Import CodesWholeSale, G2A, Kinguin products to WooCommerce | Shopify | #4

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Import CodesWholeSale, G2A, Kinguin products to WooCommerce | Shopify | #4

hello guys my name is michael let me,show you how to import categories and,products to your woocommerce store,this step is optional go to the h4geo,dashboard,open the drop down menu and select,importer,open the tab category importer now,choose whether the product categories,should be divided into genres or,platforms,you can insert both let's start with,standard import divided into genres,click on the left radio box and then,start the import,in the woocommerce backend you will see,that new categories have been added,there are a total of app rocks 46,categories,as soon as the import is done click on,stop import,repeat the process with the category,platform import,as soon as you have finished the,category import,you have the option to import the,products one by one with a single,importer,you are also able to import the products,in bulk,let me show you how the single import,works,navigate to this tab and select your,prefred supplier,for example let us take kinguin click on,the add product button,to create the selected product in your,store,after that you will see the green button,disappeared,it means the product was created on your,store,go to your woocommerce backend and there,you will see the new product,informations like product cover,description,platform and region are created,automatically,as mentioned before you have the option,of importing products in bulk,to do this navigate back to the h4g,dashboard click on bulk import select,your preferred supplier,for example g2a here you can exclude,products from creating in your store for,example,you can prevent microsoft products from,being created,select here all platforms that have to,do with the company,you can also filter out products that,cannot be activated,in your country go through all regions,and select the right one,furthermore you can exclude products,from the import which contain a certain,text in the title,as an example i'll take windows and porn,then click on the green start import,button,since h4g is a cloud solution the import,runs in the background,importing can take more than 12 hours in,the meantime you can close the h4g,dashboard,and do other tasks please note some,games may not allowed in your country,and therefore should not be sold you,must inquire about which games are,included with the competent authority in,your country,in germany the authority bpjm is,responsible,this authority can issue a list of games,that you are not allowed to sell,or are only allowed to sell to a limited,extent,in the meantime some products have,already been imported to oregon's dot,net,that is how it looks like if you notice,that no more new products are being,added,you can click on stop import button,that's it,the next episode is all about the h4g,cache,subscribe to our channel and don't miss,any video,hope you enjoyed this tutorial we would,be happy to receive a thumbs up

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