can you make a collection show up as a product listing in shopify

How to Create & Set Up Collections on Your Shopify Store are you planning to start up online,store w

Alicia Rafiei

Updated on Mar 27,2023

How to Create & Set Up Collections on Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to can you make a collection show up as a product listing in shopify

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can you make a collection show up as a product listing in shopify catalogs

How to Create & Set Up Collections on Your Shopify Store

are you planning to start up online,store with Shopify that stocks multiple,types and styles of products then you,want to create and set up your store,with collections in this video I'll not,only show you how to manually create,these collections but I also demonstrate,how you can automate these products into,certain collections creating a more,streamline systems that will save you,time and energy hi i'm lisa here i share,tips tricks and information to help you,build your online store giving you the,confidence of taking your dream of,owning your own online business and,making it a reality so as a brief,overview essentially collections are,groups of products that make it easier,for your customers to find the products,they are searching for within your,online store collections are also great,for introducing related products to,customers or highlighting products,within a certain category for example,your bestsellers or your sell items in,this video i will not only show you how,to set up your collections but i'll also,go through the systems i use to ensure,that any future products that you add to,your store automatically get categorized,for you,sounds good then let's get into it so,first i'll show you how to create a,collection manually once logged into,Shopify you'll want to head over to the,menu on the left here and click products,and then collections click create,collection okay so where it says,collection type here for this part of,the demonstration we want to select,manual just as a reference a collection,type is how the products will be added,to your collections I'll go through,automatic shortly so let's scroll to the,top for this tour I'm going to create,three different collections this is a,yoga apparel and accessory store so I,want to create a tops collection a,bottoms collection and an accessories,collection so let's add our first,collection by adding a title let's call,this one tops for the description,you also want to add a collection image,so that when the collection shows up on,your home page an image will appear with,the collection title so once this has,been uploaded you'll want to review all,the details and then click Save,once you have saved you will then be,able to start adding products to your,collection so just scroll down to,products here where it's got search,products you just want to click browse,then just add the products that align,with your collection for example I'll,select the yoga crop the yoga,long-sleeve and the yoga tea as these,are all the yogurt tops then click Add,and there we have it we've got our yoga,crop yoga long sleeve and yoga tea,that's been added to our collection once,you're happy with all the products we've,added let's just scroll to the top and,click this eye button here to view the,collection so there we have our,collection image here our title and then,all the products within that collection,now you just want to go ahead and create,all the collections you need for your,store so we'll add a bottoms collection,and also an accessories collection I'll,go ahead and do that for you now and,I'll see you once that's all done now,that we have created our collections,we'll want to add these to our store so,that they can be easily accessed by our,customers so under sales channels an,online store and under themes we'll,click the customize button here so what,we want to do now is we want to add a,new section which will Auto populate our,newly created collections so to the left,here we want to go to add section and,under the collections tab we want to,click collections list and then add so,you'll notice under the content section,we've got three different tabs here for,our three different collections let's,click on this top area here under,collection select collection and now we,can add our newly created collections by,clicking any one of these three here so,we'll start with tops and you'll see,that it's already come up here so we've,got the title the image and then our,heading here collection,just click select and now we just want,to do this for the other two,so there we have it our three,collections are auto-populated,and included on our online store click,the Save button and let's go back let's,check out our online store by just,clicking this little eye icon and if we,scroll to the bottom we should find,those collections that we've just,created there we have it so our,collection list we've got our tops our,bottoms and our accessories and if we,click into tops here we'll be redirected,to that collection ok so let's close,that off now I'll show you how you can,set up an automatic system for any,future products you might add to your,store this way your products will be,automatically added to your designated,collection so to do this you want to,click back to products collections again,we want to go to create collection and,this time instead of selecting manual,under collection type we want to click,automated now there is a couple of ways,you can set this up but for now what,I'll do is create a collection based on,the best sellers in our store you can,have products automatically updated,based on different word matchups for,example if a product has a tag sale,attached to it then the product will,automatically be added to the sales,collection there are many different,combinations you can use here but for,this example we'll use the product tags,so here we've got product tag and like I,mentioned you can choose different,themes here but we'll click product tag,is equal to and then if we click in here,we've got the tagged bestsellers we've,also got a summer in winter but for this,one we'll do bestseller you can also add,another condition here if you like but,for now we'll just leave it as is so,let's just scroll to the top and for the,title we want to call it bestseller and,then we want to give it a description,then click Save okay so that's our,bestsellers collection created now the,way that you can automate this is by,setting up your products with tags so,let's show you how this works,let's go to products and let's check out,one of our products here so we'll click,on the yoga hat product and to the right,here if you scroll down you'll see that,there's a section to add your tags so,because I want to add this to our,bestsellers collection I want to give it,a bestsellers tag so here bestseller ok,and then click Save,so let's add this collection to our,homepage by again clicking on the online,store button here under sales channel,themes and then customize now this theme,is actually auto populated with a,featured collection button so let's,click on that so we can edit it so as we,can see Shopify has Auto populated a,product into our featured collection but,we want to change this we want to change,our heading to say bestsellers and we,want to change the product so here under,heading let's change that to best,sellers and under collection instead of,it being the homepage products we want,to change this so we'll go change and we,want to click bestsellers and there we,have it so it's been Auto populated with,all the products that have a tagged,bestsellers click select click Save ok,now let's go back and check this all out,so I click here click the Shopify icon,where it says online store just click,the I icon and if we scroll down we,should see our new best sellers section,here we go so we've got our yoga hot,yoga bands and now yoga mat all with the,bestseller tag again if we scroll down,here's our featured collection list so,there you have it these are the two,different ways you can set up,collections for your online store with,Shopify so that everything on your store,is easily accessible by your customers,being able to create collections is one,of the many features I love about using,Shopify for your online store if you're,thinking about opening your own online,store using Shopify and are looking for,an easy to follow beginner tutorial then,be sure to check out my full,step-by-step tutorial on how to build,your online store using Shopify which,will take you from sign-up to open for,business in just under an hour I'll,leave a link to the video here on the,screen so you can go check it out and,I'll meet you in the next video

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