can you have a product deleted on your shopify store when price changes?

Shopify Tutorial: How to edit product and price details to your Shopify store hello everybody my nam

Lean Media

Updated on Mar 15,2023

Shopify Tutorial: How to edit product and price details to your Shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to can you have a product deleted on your shopify store when price changes?

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can you have a product deleted on your shopify store when price changes? catalogs

Shopify Tutorial: How to edit product and price details to your Shopify store

hello everybody my name is Ian Lamont I,am the founder of lean media org which,includes lots of advice about how to get,the most out of selling programs whether,it's Amazon KDP or Amazon seller central,or WordPress or Shopify or whatever,today I am going to be talking about,Shopify and here's the situation I want,to edit one of the products that I have,on my Shopify store this is the,interface for my Shopify store you can,see I've had a one sale today and if you,go on the left side of the interface you,will see you know a whole bunch of,different options that you can use what,I want to do is I want to edit one of,the products and I'll show you which one,it is,so go to products here all the products,I have and I want to edit this one new,dog health activity and genealogy forms,kit 21 sheets this little eyeball here,lets you see what the page looks like so,let's take a look at that all right so,here is this particular product here's,the store here's my store logo you know,if you click on the picture you can see,more about it you can see what's inside,I have all these things that's great the,pictures actually are pretty good I,spent a long time on that but what I,want to fix is some of the text on the,page so for instance it said new dog,health activity and genealogy forms kit,well this was new four months ago so I,want to get rid of that in the headline,I also want to get rid of the new here,and maybe there's some other changes I,want to make as well and let's see how,to edit that so I'm going to click out,of this and I'm just going to in,products in the Shopify interface I'm,gonna click on the name of the product,and it will immediately present me with,options to edit it so I just told you,I'm going to be removing new so let's do,that right now and you know that this,may seem like a pretty basic thing to,some people but to others they may be,worried that oh if I delete something is,it going to mess up my Shopify store and,generally the answer is no if you delete,like a bit of text that's not a problem,if I deleted the whole title that would,be a problem so you have to be really,careful about what you do,but if it's just you know changing a,word here there that's not a big deal so,I'm gonna delete new there if I want to,I want to if I want to change some text,some simple text I can do that too,so for instance let's say I just want to,use delete the exclamation point use a,period and set I can do that or if I,want to change dog to furry friend you,know there's all kinds of stuff that you,can do so I'm just editing the text here,other people may need to edit other,stuff so for instance the you know they,want to edit the pictures maybe they,want to edit the pricing or something,like that they can do that too I'm just,editing the text and actually let's just,change the price too I'm gonna lower,this by a dollar but I'm gonna say,compare at price so it looks like the,first they're getting a dollar off,that's pretty good I don't use cost per,item that's an optional thing and then I,have charge tax on this product because,according to according to the laws of,the state that I reside in I have to,have to a charge sales tax for people,that live in my state and Shopify will,automatically set that up once I,determine once I'd tell them what state,I'm in okay,I can also do things like change the,weight and other things okay so that,looks good the search engine listing,creevy looks good too I'm just gonna hit,save okay let's take a look and see what,it looks like now you'll see the new is,gone it used to be new in the title and,new down here that's gone and I also,changed the price so it says the it's,1899 and the compare at prices 1999 this,is exactly what I wanted for more,information on how to get the most of,your Shopify store or Amazon whether,it's Amazon seller Amazon KDP or some,other a program that you're using maybe,even WordPress check out my site Lea,media org and thank you so much for,watching

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