boundless theme shopify show payment option

Shopify Boundless Theme Review & Overview hi guys so the video you're about to,watch is actually a c

Will Misback - Shopify Developer

Updated on Mar 11,2023

Shopify Boundless Theme Review & Overview

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Shopify Boundless Theme Review & Overview

hi guys so the video you're about to,watch is actually a clip taken from one,of my recent videos in which i gave sort,of an overview and my review of every,single free shopify theme on shopify's,theme store so if you guys are just,first right now getting started choosing,a theme for your shopify store,i'd recommend you guys go check out that,video it gives a pretty good overview of,what the different pros and cons of each,theme is and like what your choices are,as far as themes go so i'll leave a link,to that down in the description of this,video,and i'll also link to it at the end of,this video but uh without further ado,let's just get started with this theme,review,okay so next thing we're going to do is,boundless i kind of have a uh a love,hate relationship with boundless i,actually made a video about how to make,boundless menus better um to be honest,with you like their menus are not my,favorite um they can work for certain,things one of the things they show in,the demo is basically,um,this is great like great for a clothing,store and yeah i'd have to agree with,them you can see their menu like doesn't,it doesn't have a drop down like there's,no ability to have a drop down right uh,which is kind of,limiting and annoying in my opinion um,we have uh you can see basically the way,balance works or at least this theme on,boundless works is like instead of the,traditional um product image and then,uh,like the little description or the the,cost or whatever it just has that like,pops up as a sort of an overlay over the,products when you hover over them which,is kind of nice i mean it's a nice feel,to it like it feels like a very modern,uh sort of chic site um,we have uh you know they say it's,optimized for large images that's uh you,know that's what we're just looking at,like yeah like it's gonna literally,maximize the amount of space to showcase,your products um there's a slideshow,with fading effect that's you know a lot,of the themes have that once again,sticky navigation this is um,you know basically it means like when,you,scroll down the page,uh basically the menu bar comes with you,the single product gallery so if we go,and check out one of their products um,you can see that like the product images,are going to be massive for this so this,is like i would say for boundless like,if you have extremely good product,images,and you don't want to mess around with,product copy as much like you basically,just want to rely upon like i don't know,maybe you're a photographer or something,and like maybe you're literally,showcasing the actual images you're,selling this might be a great,uh theme for that or if your your,product images speak for themselves and,you don't need that much product copy to,go along with them uh you might consider,this theme as well to me i think that,this works you know with the clothing it,would work if you're like an artist and,you're trying to sell your art anything,where your product is extremely,impressive visually it might work and,there's not much to say about it right,um but other than that like if you once,again if we go back to the example if,you're selling like gadgets or whatever,this would be a terrible choice right,because the gadget itself maybe it's,visually impressive but now you need to,like add all of this um,all this description to it and you,literally don't have the space to do,that because there's these massive,images and you can't showcase that on,your homepage or anything like that,um full width collection is so this is,just image image image uh home page,video,so a lot of i mean a lot of themes have,the option to add you know embed a video,into the homepage um let's see if they,have an example of that because it'd be,cool if they had something where it like,autoplayed or like something like that,but um,yeah i don't know if they're gonna have,it so let's go to the other style so,let's go to vibrant uh vibrant yeah you,can see the layout's a little bit,different here same same sort of thing,with the products where we're hovering,over it and and um,you know we get the the price and,whatnot but not before yeah they don't,have any uh whatever's they don't have,any examples of it with uh the video,once again it's gonna be the same menu,where there's no drop down which is,atrocious,i made you know in that video that i was,talking about it's sort of like a pseudo,drop down that i made you can click on,these and then it'll take you like if,you have sub menus stacked in here it'll,it'll create another menu that has those,sub menus,um and then if you you know navigate out,of that it'll go back to the previous,menu so,if you do use this theme you might,consider checking out that video that i,made all right we'll go ahead and,customize this,check out what what sections it has so,you can see it has it has more sections,than express um custom html this is a,really nice section like if you,if you need something that's super um,you know really custom done and stuff,you're not going to use a custom html,section like this but if you just need,like,some you know something simple like a,simple sort of widget on your site that,can be done with custom html um,it's always good to have this sort of h,custom html uh section here uh blog post,this is just gonna be like a list of,your blog posts a lot of the themes have,this basically it's just gonna have the,blog post title and then a description,of it um what else do we got collection,list,you can see the collection list very,standard um,featured collection we have um that's,just like what we had you know back here,with um basically like these,uh or if we look at this demo,you can see this this will be like a,featured collection here it's just a,bunch of products,um then we have uh image with text,very standard image side by side with,text,uh moving on featured product this is,also standard it'll just have a product,description and then an image,um,newsletter this is you know i don't,think i saw that on the last theme this,is um,having an a subscribe to the newsletter,with a like a good call to action and a,reason to subscribe to your newsletter,uh you know i think it's a it's a great,thing to have on your homepage just,because you can pick up you know some,emails here and there and whatnot and,it's like you're never to say no to,emails like that,um it's got a map a lot of them this is,pretty standard for a lot of the shopify,themes um,this will just you know you can add in,like if i add in,the,an address here it'll it'll show it on,google maps and then you can add like,this is our store's address these are,our hours and whatnot,um yes very standard rich text here we,have uh something where you can talk,about the brand i mean this is like,yeah there's not really reason to really,talk about this much um,it's just you know it's it's uh pretty,standard a lot of themes have this um,and then we have a video yeah this is,the video i was talking about guys this,better boundless menus without coding,so i can link that here actually,um,yeah so like basically it's just gonna,embed a youtube video on your site which,is like it'd be cool if it autoplayed it,or something like that but it's just,embedding a video so it's i mean it's,all right all right guys so really,quickly if we just want to wrap this up,with uh boundless uh you can see that as,far as the user reviews go it gets a 45,positive uh review rating with 29,reviews it's a little bit more versatile,than express obviously um it's a little,bit cleaner looking and a little bit,nicer and definitely if you have really,good product images i would i would,consider using it um as long as your,products don't need uh super detailed,descriptions about what they are um but,yeah overall i would give it like a b,um,it's not like you'll see some of the,themes as we go on i think are much more,versatile

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