tiktok political ads

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The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

in Tech news Tick Tock has officially,announced that users will now be able to,run live streams for adults only,but,before you get excited,the app says that nudity and sexually,explicit content will still be,prohibited,which like,what what what's adult themed,if it's not sex and nudity,I was just like uh who's ready to watch,me refinance my mortgage,the interest rates are so huge right now,I don't think I can afford to live in my,house anymore,in international news Japan's oldest,toilet which was 500 years old was,destroyed when a man accidentally backed,his car up over it,people are trying to cover up what they,did in the bathroom but this is this,clicking it a step too far it's also,amazing how putting the word oldest,suddenly adds gravitas to something that,none of us actually care about he broke,the toilet so it was the oldest toilet,oh no I need to call my mom,and by the way if you're wondering the,oldest toilets in New York City is the,subway,has announced that they will start,delivering weed in Toronto Canada,which is amazing yeah we deliver what a,game-changing service that no one has,already been using forever,especially under the name repair guy on,my phone wow,all right let's move on to some of the,biggest stories of the day we are now in,the home stretch of the midterm campaign,season which means it's almost that time,of the year when you wake up on that one,special morning in November and you're,like oh I forgot to vote yesterday,and with just three weeks to go this is,the last chance for the candidates and,the shadowy billionaires who fund them,to make their case to the voters and as,always,they're making that case through,campaign ads in fact a record 9.7,billion dollars worth of ads,so if you live in a string State,basically every ad you're seeing on TV,right now is a campaign ad and by the,time November comes around you're gonna,be praying to see the ads that you used,to hate no more please I just want to,know when Toyota Thornton is on please,tell you guys but political ads in,America can get pretty wild they really,can and as the country becomes more and,more polarized the type of political ads,that come out become more and more,intense,so I figured let's enjoy some of the,latest Blockbusters in another,installment of vodemic 2022.,hi let's start our ad watch with the,Republicans now for this election they,want everything to be focused on three,issues inflation crime and pretending,they didn't hear that thing Trump just,said,so they've been running ads emphasizing,these issues you know some of them have,been subtle but Louisiana Senator John,Kennedy has decided that subtle is not,his style violent crime is surging in,Louisiana,woke leaders blame the police,I blame the criminals a mom should not,have to look over her shoulder when,she's pumping gas,I voted against the early release of,violent criminals and I opposed,defunding the police look if you hate,cops just because of cops the next time,you get in trouble call a crackhead I'm,John Kennedy and I approve this message,okay all right all right,first of all nobody's gonna call a,crackhead,2022 I'm gonna text a crackhead,such a crazy way to frame things though,right is it like violent crime call a,crack here,the Senate is acting like cop and,crackhead are the only two options,that's it what about social workers what,about mental health experts what about,heroin addicts there's a whole range,people,it wasn't weird for a guy who's been in,office for six years to complain about,crime and then campaign on it I find it,a little strange like ever since I got,into office crime has exploded re-elect,me so I can figure out what's going on,because I I like I don't know where this,logic goes right because no matter what,happens Republicans always want more,cops crime is up we need more cops crime,is down we need more cops like what is,the plan just to keep hiring until the,entire population is just cops yeah that,way I got an eye on me yeah,maybe the solution is just to hire,crackheads as cops,yeah because first of all they're always,there when you need them,and say what you will about cops versus,crackheads but at least the crackhead is,not going to plant crack on you they're,keeping it for themselves,it works out,I know it might be a little crazy but,you gotta admit a crackhead detective,show,that sounds like a great idea for a CSI,spin-off,the victim is on the table,next to the flowers that he bought for,Valentine's Day,I guess that means it's time to go,smoke some crack,now obviously Democrats have a whole,different set of issues that they want,to emphasize voters don't trust them on,the economy or inflation right now so,the Dems want this election to be about,things like climate change protecting,democracy and pretending that they,didn't hear the thing that Joe Biden,just said,the main issue Democrats are running on,is Reproductive Rights and California,Congressman Eric swalwell just put out,one of the most hardcore campaign ads,you've ever seen

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Why TikTok’s Growing Political Content Is Raising Concerns | WSJ

Why TikTok’s Growing Political Content Is Raising Concerns | WSJ

- Have you heard of Andrew Yang?,- Bernie is spot on.,- Trump 2020.,- TikTok, the increasingly popular,social media app, has been getting more and more political.,- I love Trump.,- The platform's young users are taking to TikTok,to express their political views,,promote their favorite candidates,,and even react to political news.,But with 24 million active users in the US,,experts are warning that the platform could be used,to spread misinformation ahead of the 2020 election.,- TikTok is just a platform.,It looks like a fun video platform,,but it is a platform for speech.,And so that speech is gonna take many forms.,Video is hard to moderate,because it's just a lot of information.,It's not one picture, it's not one thing of text,,it's visual, and it's audio, and all of that is just really,,really difficult and time-consuming,and requires a lot of human labor.,- So, how exactly does TikTok work?,The social network makes it extremely easy,to create and share, so called video memes.,Well, all you gotta do is, pick an effect, record a video,,add some music and some text, wallah,,your TikTok is out in the world.,- TikTok is known,for its carefree and catchy content.,And the company says,,its mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy.,But some users say they've noticed that political videos,get more attention than non-political videos.,Like this Trump dance post,,which got more than half a million views.,♪ I'mma vote Trump 2020 ♪,♪ Trump 2020 ♪,- From my Trump video,,it did start a lot of (laughs) argument or debate.,- Many users say they're drawn to TikTok,because it's easy to gain a large following,,and content spreads rapidly.,- You can post one video and instantly overnight be viral.,- It's given an insane and kinda unexpected opportunity,to a lot of young people to kind of express their opinions.,- Because TikTok videos can easily go viral,,there's also the risk that users will wittingly,or unwittingly share information that's false.,And once it spreads, it can be really difficult to stop.,For example, after President Trump was impeached,by the House of Representatives,,some users posted a false claim.,They shared videos saying,,the Constitution states a president impeached by the House,but not convicted by the Senate,,is eligible to run for office two more times.,But that paragraph in the video,,actually comes from the fact-checking website, Snopes,,which rates the claim as false.,The video which had tens of thousands of views,,was removed by TikTok,after The Wall Street Journal asked about it.,And in a statement,,TikTok said it does not permit misinformation,that could cause harm to our community or the larger public.,While this type of content is less common on TikTok,than on other platforms, we take the issue seriously,and remove deliberate attempts,to misrepresent authoritative sources of news.,But other videos, are less clear-cut.,For example, when the hashtag world war three,gained popularity after the US took out,Iranian general Qasem Soleimani,,many users posted videos about the draft,,which hasn't been active for nearly four decades.,While TikTok doesn't allow misinformation,,it makes exceptions for satire and humor,,which is why so many of those videos remain online.,- Of course, there's not yet a draft and so like the,,they are kind of over the top teenager videos of them,,saying that they don't wanna be drafted,,or afraid of being drafted or kind of reacting to it.,Is that them being political?,Is that them joking?,Or is that them being really serious?,It's really hard to tell.,- In 2016, misinformation and disinformation were spread,on various social media platforms, in various ways,,including in memes that appeared to be innocent.,There's no evidence,that coordinated misinformation campaigns,are infiltrating TikTok, and the company says,it remains vigilant.,But with the 2020 race picking up steam,,and millions of TikTok videos being uploaded,with political hashtags, experts warn that identifying,and flagging problematic content,could be a challenge for the relatively new platform.,- TikTok's at the very nascent stages of doing this,,and I think they have their work cut out for them,because they just might not have the sheer number of people,,let alone the rules in place,to kind of attack this information.

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Tiktok Makes Political Campaign Ads Even MORE Cringe

Tiktok Makes Political Campaign Ads Even MORE Cringe

okay what fresh hell do we have today,when you realize the main criticism of,your campaign is you're a woman with,social media,or it could be that you're a crazy,person on tick tock i think that might,be,what people have a bigger problem with,hello everyone my name is swamp and i,would just like to say before we get,started that the channel is almost at 1,000 subscribers,i really can't believe that i'm really,happy that you guys dig what i'm doing,uh so i'm gonna keep doing it and uh,when we do hit a thousand subscribers,i've got a special announcement,something i want to show you guys i,think it's gonna be really cool uh in,the meantime if you can just uh donate a,couple bucks to help keep me in beer and,burritos that would just be fantastic,anyway,if you thought the political campaigns,couldn't make you cringe any more than,they already did,you are not aware that we now live in,the tick tock world,i don't even know what to say just just,watch this,yes as if reducing politics down to,sound bites,and catchphrases wasn't enough,now we gotta make it into tick-tock,trends well i don't know you didn't,really uh,didn't really catch my eye with those,dance moves and virtue signaling,son of a ,oh hey so arkansas lawmakers are already,talking about their own version of sb8,that texas just put into place since our,little song kind of explaining what the,law does okay,so abortions are outlawed after six,weeks of pregnancy and strangers can get,involved by getting real messy there's,no exception we're really doing this huh,princess making it even worse though,people deserve autonomy whether or not,they were violated jesus,think about that for a second and six,weeks is the deadline so let's back up,for some education the pregnancy week,countdown starts the first day of,menstruation i know periods make you,uncomfortable but i'm speechless,until about week three after that the,body makes age what is it with the,musicals and tick tock in politics i,just so unless you're trying to get,pregnant or maybe feel sick you're,probably not gonna know you're pregnant,at week six maybe more like eight or ten,i mean honestly it's a lot of,calendaring and keeping track and when i,tell you,have time i think she's trying to be,funny too you might not assume that,you're pregnant you could be stressed,you could be watching the,legislature i don't know,no i don't oh god how long is this,because most abortions share this,commonality probably that pregnancy was,unplanned if only we had prevention,strategies on hand not having sex is a,good one using a condom is a pretty good,one,access to birth control and,comprehensive sex said what are we doing,well i mean some things like that we do,have first what if we didn't get,strangers involved with a ten thousand,dollar prize that's not medical freedom,i think you know that oh jeez how long,does this go actually be pro-life with,policy maybe make sure all kids have a,family maybe make sure they aren't,hungry maybe take the pandemic seriously,oh jesus christ death penalty maybe not,sacrifice human lives for the sake of,capitalism maybe we could have gun,legislation that keeps guns at the hands,of dangerous people basically what i'm,telling you to do is vote,she doesn't want people telling her what,to do but then she wants to take,people's guns away too i don't i oh i,just rhymed i didn't even mean to do,that i should make my own song,time for time to bust out the banjo huh,if she does another one i'll probably,end up doing one just just cause why why,the hell not,apparently this is how all discussion,and political discourse is done nowadays,well my musical was catchier,okay,i think it sounded like ,i had to take the original music off,because it was copyrighted but you you,get the picture this is stuff for,children,i don't know why i have to say this,why are adults doing this,stop it just stop,if you were 25 or older and you're,wondering if you should make a tick tock,or,i don't know any social media and go and,follow trends and do,you know viral challenges and stuff the,answer is no,no,here write this down write this down,okay ready and,oh,no,lieutenant governor in arkansas my name,is kelly kraut as requested here's a,short list of things i care about the,show we prioritize kids by better,funding public education and for the,love let's stop with mass incarceration,let's give folks access to sex ed and,birth control with ease and let's watch,how that reduces unplanned pregnancies,let's close loopholes and keep guns out,of dangerous people's hands and,obviously you deserve health care if,you're trans let's help families get,what they need to be safe and healthy,and that's enough with tax breaks that,only benefit the super wealthy we've got,to pay for roads and bridges and rural,broadband access infrastructure that,creates jobs,say let's not make it harder for people,to vote in our elections and let's look,out for one another and lower our,coveted infections let's take care of,our earth it's the only

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Political Candidates Turn To TikTok To Mobilize Younger Voters

Political Candidates Turn To TikTok To Mobilize Younger Voters

so tonight's original now with in-depth,reporting on a topic we've been keeping,an eye on and tonight with as you saw,primaries votes happen at all across the,country tomorrow,Tick Tock and campaigns including in,Florida where some candidates running,for office are using a new weapon not so,secret weapon to try to reach voters,Tick Tock still a relatively new,campaigning tool and not everyone,running is doing it and in fact some,suggest that it is problematic,take a look at our reporting here,sure you've seen the dances the lip,syncs the trick shots but it's a,different kind of content starting to,trend on Tick Tock ahead of the midterms,political campaigning this is the year,we find out if Tick-Tock can affect a,U.S election Ken Russell's a Democrat,running for congress in Florida he's,jumping on viral challenges and trending,audio to get views and to get a message,out really whatever news is happening in,the day a lot of things that I see on,Tick Tock that I want to either respond,to but it's a blend of humor and wits,and accessibility take this stitch for,example Russell dropping it hey are you,registered to vote to remind people to,register to vote seen by six million,people and Counting labeled absolutely,unhinged by one meme account with,Russell responding campaign promise less,hinges and he likes the back and forth,with people in his comments for them to,hear someone that is an elected official,or someone running for office who,actually hears them is responds and,takes their concerns into a policy,concept it's very engaging for people,not everyone's so into this Tick Tock,Trend in a different race in Florida,Republican senator Marco Rubio is on,attack about it going after his,Democratic opponent Congressman Val,demings for her campaign's videos on the,app which is owned by a Chinese company,bite dance the evidence suggests China,is also snooping on tiktok users a new,Rubio ad online accuses demings of,posting tick tocks quote despite major,security concerns and says Marco Rubio,fights back against communist China Val,demings makes tick tocks the senator was,asked about candidates who use the app,it's recklessly responsible,his campaign tells NBC every time,demings shares a tick tock she,irresponsibly encourages Americans to,use a platform that leaves their,personal information more vulnerable to,China Tick Tock has said all its,American user data is stored in the U.S,and backed up in Singapore not China but,the deming's campaign says there's an,audience on Tick Tock telling NBC News,they're working relentlessly they say to,meet voters wherever they are in person,or online in our fight to defeat career,politician Marco Rubio adding while,Rubio talks tough on China he refuses to,show up and do the work to help America,compete and I need you to take this,journey with me on this people-powered,campaign deming's videos racking up,nearly 3 million views on issues like,gun violence lgbtq plus rights and,abortion access the decision is a blow,to women's rights to control their own,body they're not technically ads since,Tick Tock has banned traditional,political advertising and that's partly,why some Republican strategists say take,is not necessarily the best option for,politicians looking to raise money and,register voters reach,a friend channels besides tick tock,that's on YouTube that's on Facebook,that's on Instagram that's uh via text,message that's via email and so,Republican campaigns are focused on,those more high impact channels for,reaching younger voters and voters of,all times,Tick Tock still relatively new remember,back when Facebook and Twitter were in,their infancy the 2008 Obama Campaign,used them pretty successfully to reach,younger voters nearly two-thirds of whom,supported him Ken Russell that Florida,Democrat and the peace tells us there's,a lot of political engagement on the app,and that that's why he likes using that,platform to entertain and educate a lot,of people

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Honest Government Ad | UK 🇬🇧

Honest Government Ad | UK 🇬🇧

Hello I’m from the British Government with a message to the nation,as it clings like a desperate turd to the edge of the shitter,our Strong and Stable hand on the flush,We know many of you are facing uncertainty,Like the uncertainty of who the fuck is in charge here during this cost of living crisis ,now that this sentient ham is no longer PM,Sure, you were probably wondering that  when the pissed merkin was the PM,his main feats being to flout his own Covid laws,hand out lucrative contracts to our donors,and get a shitton of you killed,But don’t worry, soon we’ll announce the  new PM to assume those crucial roles,Either this stunned mullet who’s been specially trained to utter populist wank,"We're producing more varieties of CHEESE than the FRENCH!",Or this harrowing twat who boasts of stealing money from the poors,so, both well qualified for the job,And when we announce the winner,We’d like you all to pretend this is a brand new government  ,NOT the exact same one that’s fucked you sideways,into a full-blown state of social, economic and ecological collapse,Coz nothing says "A Brighter, More Secure Future",than plummeting wages,soaring inflation,poverty,hunger,foodbanks,a collapsing health system,underresourced rescue services,cities on fire,dying rivers,drought,crop failures,overflowing sewage,and Polio!,TORIES,With a government like us, who needs terrorists?,As things fall apart, we ask you to Keep Calm and Carry On,being reamed in the arse by the skyrocketing energy prices we’ve done nothing to protect you from,Remember how during the last energy crisis, our Pigfucker in Chief,rolled back insulation and renewables schemes?,Well, “cutting the green crap” has added billions to your energy bills,Look, have we made mistakes?,Maybe,But have we learned from them?,Of course not,That’s why, as we face another energy price crisis today,we’re once-again proposing to roll-back  green levies and renewables schemes,Sure, that would further increase our dependence on gas,which is what’s causing the crisis,but at least it’ll distract from how we have absolutely  no plan to keep millions of you warm this winter,What might help is taxing these bastards  more, or re-nationalising these ones,But why do that, when we can just let you  book yourself in to your nearest “warm bank”,British Government,You’re on your own, dickheads,Whatever you do during this void of leadership,please don’t take matters into your own hands,Like going on strike to demand a pay rise in line with inflation,Or joining a union,Get back to work, Amazon slaves,Civil disobedience scares the shit out of us ,and that's why both arseholes vying to be the  next PM have promised to ban strikes,Most importantly, do NOT sign up to this campaign,where people are pledging to cancel their direct debit if we let energy prices rise further,Remember that time millions of you refused to pay the Poll Tax,and you brought down this Government?,"Thank you very much, goodbye",We wouldn’t want to have that again. Would we?,Because you see, your masters have not  heard the people’s voice for a generation  ,and it is much, much louder  than we care to remember,Now get back to work Britain,our tax havens and freeports aren’t going to pay for themselves, you pieces of shit,God Save the Queen,Authorised by Scott Morrison (Minister for Everything, Everywhere)

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China's TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary

China's TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary

so don't use the freedom of speech,as an excuse to cover your,if you guys watched last week's video on,my channel uh you would have noticed,that i talked about the chinese,communist party's propaganda influence,over an app called tick tock,now the funny thing is i have to give,you an update because,the more stuff that was recommended to,me and the more stuff that i was,harvesting for the actual video,it led to more and more,recommendations of other propaganda,content and it got more and more,sinister and i wanted to show you guys,on the rabbit hole that i ended up going,down i wasn't even looking for this,stuff but this is now on my 4u page it's,pretty much all chinese propaganda and i,found this channel,very coercive and kind of scary in that,it's predominantly trying to,uh appeal to young people,and tell them that you know freedom and,democracy and everything all the values,that they learn is wrong and that the,chinese way is the correct way and it's,very slick um so i wanted to show you,guys that before we get into the video,about,don't know how many of you guys heard,about this but uh apparently google is,blocking the word wu mao,now wu mao if you're not informed is a,paid internet troll in china that is,basically paid 50 cents,chinese cents to sway the narrative on,comment sections of videos on facebook,and basically promote the communist,party of china and put down anything,that opposes it although a lot of the,people that are wu mao are actually,voluntary wu mao that do it of their own,volition,um you know it basically started with,this idea that china needed a better,international image now the fact that,google is blocking people from writing,wu mao in the comments section,is kind of alarming in itself so i,figured in order to combat censorship in,order to spread the word why not put it,on a shirt,let's show the bloody nature of the wu,mao,in merch,go to everpress.com,86 limited time only to pick up your,awesome wu mao t-shirt and tell the,world that you are against internet,censorship thanks for your support okay,guys so like i promised today's video is,going to be about dojian,and the fact that dojian is the chinese,version of tiktok it's what chinese,people watch but the prevalence of,chinese propaganda on dojin in english,is fascinating,it's almost as if they find english,speakers to give more authority to their,message because if a chinese person is,watching another chinese person,speak english then they're immediately,going to be impressed because of their,level of education or their global,understanding so if this person has seen,other perspectives around the world and,then can you pair it back ccp rhetoric,or communist party of china rhetoric,back to them in english it's more,impressive than somebody doing so in,chinese on the flip side getting,foreigners in china to speak chinese,gives them authority as well because,it's like okay wow this foreigner loves,china so much they decided to learn,chinese uh and pair it back chinese,propaganda as well but i talked about,the soft power approach in the last,video on tik tok it's much more gentle,approach uh whereas the chinese version,propaganda and the chinese aptoian is a,much much more direct and powerful,approach and i can't wait to show you,guys some of the stuff i found now we're,going to move on to the hard power and,the hard power is doing,so you notice that the sapphire,propaganda i just showed you is quite,gentle,it's quite wishy-washy you saw the,professor kind of all over the place,when you go over to doian it's a,different story now do you remember is,chinese tick tock it's for chinese,people and you'll see the same types of,characters you'll see the chinese person,promoting nationalism chinese propaganda,you'll see the white monkey positions,where they get white people or,foreigners to talk about how awesome,china is and how bad the west is but at,a much it's turning it up to 11. they,know that that's not palatable to a,western audience but for a chinese,audience they need that push they need,that punch in the stomach yes we are,chinese yes the west is bad and it's,even better when foreigners tell us that,so this guy i found he's from uh canada,he is,a good stepping point a good stepping,stone into some of the more harsh,they're smart enough to to not need my,retort on any of these facts but this is,the type of person that does normal kind,of hell i'm a foreigner what's the law,why i like chinese new xiang you know,there's btl pyaliang do it does like,funny little skits in chinese and,english for a chinese audience and then,immediately shifts when there's some,sort of prerogative or reason to be able,to do this so when the the wuhan virus,came out or the you know the ccp virus,came out he immediately jumped on this,opportunity to really stoke some,nationalism and hatred for the west and,uh,this is a very typical thing that you'll,see you can see this is a carbon copy,there's nothing too interesting about,this clip but i found a clip th

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2022 midterm political ad mashup

2022 midterm political ad mashup

thank you,I'll do anything if it needs helping,Georgia now that's really no I'll turn,Madison upside down so when the false,attacks start flying,remember who's behind it and why Whitmer,says she's going to work like how to,keep killing babies the there's only one,person who can make this choice,how much time do I have and that person,is Greg,Greg,it's Greg yeah let me just give him a,call,they say you can know a person by their,enemies well here comes they're both,bads,that's from the people who push bad,trade deals with China I vote against,them every single time they say you can,know a person by their enemies,I believe that the current criminal,justice system is racist I vote against,them every single time if you hate cops,just because of cops the next time you,get in trouble call a crackhead,this is designed to kill people,but if you're not a bad guy I support,your right to own one,no step two half a high stepper,yes ma'am that's right,what does that mean anyway I don't know,but I like it wild hogs destroying,Farmers field so we decided to go hog,hunting,I've been shooting and hunting my whole,life some people say I won't support,guns,are dead wrong boat,mandates,open borders for illegal immigrants,are you a racist do you hate Mexicans,the media calls us racist for wanting to,build Trump's wall if Joe Biden keeps,shipping illegal immigrants into our,states we're all going to have to learn,Spanish,my message to Biden no way Jose the,radical left will destroy America if we,don't stop them they indoctrinate,children and try to turn boys into girls,in schools there pushing for new beliefs,and just to clarify that's a female,adult I know what a woman is and if this,looks anything other than a veggie trade,to you then I am not your candidate,betterment supports releasing one-third,of the prison population and wants to,eliminate life sentences for murderers,that's just crazy Herschel Walker facing,devastating abuse accusations from his,own son saying he has committed,atrocities against him and his mother,but I've tried to keep the way that he,acts under Reps for a long time and,today he crossed the line,so that is what is going on here and,he's a great actor he is phenomenal at,putting on a really good show,2016 a fraud was elected to congress,the perpetrator clay Higgins remains at,large and is wanted for putting a gun to,his wife's head threatening her if she,divorced him and refusing to pay child,support for 17 years I'm Tom Rice hi Tom,I'm a politician and I said I was for,term limits but I've been in Washington,more than 10 years and I supported,raising taxes and I even voted to,impeach Donald Trump Tom I think it's,time for you to leave,foreign

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Political Advertisement Ideas for Elections | Facebook Ads for Politics

Political Advertisement Ideas for Elections | Facebook Ads for Politics

hi entrepreneurs i observed that this,video hit a number of views that's more,than usual so i want to supplement a,related content that can benefit those,who's interested through running,political or electoral ads this coming,2022.,let's cut to the chase,in this video i'll be sharing with you,one idea you can use to run successful,ads for your political clients or maybe,you are the one who's running for office,and you want to set this up for yourself,here it comes,introduce yourself creatively there's no,better way of launching awareness,campaigns than introducing yourself,directly to your target audience now i'm,not saying that you should just shoot,the video of yourself in front of a,camera and say,hey i'm john and i'm running as mayor,this elections 2012 please vote me no,not something like that be more creative,and think of it using a different,perspective ask yourself how can you,hook your audience in the first 10 to 15,seconds of your ad and retain them up to,the end of your ad,i'll give you some hints you can,consider,number one is to share a sentiment from,one of your supporters yes you heard me,right,it's not necessarily you who should,speak on the first scenes have other,people talk about you genuinely believe,me this is more effective than exposing,yourself repeatedly like one of the,other are doing because a lot of people,find it annoying like me number two is,to highlight one of your flagship,programs featuring your focused advocacy,or platform,show some clips of you interacting with,people and one of the best approaches to,this is to use a local language with a,subtitle to hyper target your local,audience in case you're running for a,local office number three is to educate,to empower of course you need to relate,this with your advocacy or platform too,the best way to prove to your audience,that you are genuinely dedicated to an,advocacy is when you help them become,educated about it for example if your,advocacy is more accessible accurate and,truthful information for your,constituents then you can make an,informational video about fake news and,how to fact check it or how to detect,trolls,these are just few of the many examples,you can consider the best way for this,is to really know more about your,constituents their challenges and,difficulties and respond to those so,that's it as i've said this is just a,short guide about how you can present,yourself or your political client better,to run successful political ads for,elections,if this content is helpful for you don't,forget to subscribe and hit that bell,icon let me know also in the comment,section below your suggested topics in,case you have that i can make a video,about or if you'd like to schedule a,one-on-one talk with me send an email,through john kernelmedia.com,and you can also follow on dma on,instagram see you next time,happy advertising,you

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