viral products 1995

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He Makes $10K Per Month Finding VIRAL Products & Using Dropshipping Funnels!

all right what's up empire builders so,welcome back to another episode today,we've got actually our most,recent 10k per month club member ryan,jameson here with us,he's going to set some value some stuff,that he's working on how he's grown his,business so thanks ryan,for jumping on here for to help everyone,out very welcome thanks for inviting me,absolutely so i know i've seen you in,our communities you're always,interacting asking questions helping,other people out,so you know before we kind of dive into,like maybe some of the stuff that you're,working on some of the goals that you're,trying to hit,in your business all right tell us a,little bit about like your back story a,little bit maybe like how,you uh you know first even discovered,you know making money online to where,you're,where you're at now yeah yeah sure so,from a young age i've always been in,business so i kind of,back in the day at school i was selling,currency in an online game um i was,telling vinyl stickers i used to make,online i was using ebay and woocommerce,at the time,so that's before shopify was was alive,and then i think it was about two and a,half years ago i came across a shopify,so drops it shipping in that kind of way,with,no real success so i was one of those,tried many niche stores,by the gadget stores general stores,a wine store actually i've tried as well,no not actually wine but wine gadgets,few others kind of remember half the,time but it's kind of those there's,sales there's just no real success,i mean it's just obviously relying more,there on that first time purchase where,it's,a lot more difficult and so what i used,to do is when this was,probably now about a year ago it was,obviously worth my nine to five,which i'm still doing now on my lunch,break i used to always go and watch a,lot of youtube videos,so i came across your one of yours which,was the ted's woodworking was,something like that yeah ted's,woodworking yeah and i thought that was,quite,got amazing breakdown just showing how,funnels worked and,i kind of think i got into clickfunnels,then,i think it's probably about a month of,setting it up i won one of those little,calls with you,so you went over my funnel get a few,suggestions uh,yeah and then there's no real success,for about three months also three four,months that's kind of just playing,around,nothing too serious kind of learning the,platform and obviously my first,bit of success was uh say november just,gone on so no,never december time i found a it's like,a little gift gadget so it was in the,niche i'm in now which i've actually,changed from uh,obviously the issue with that one was it,was low profit margin so there's no,perceived value because it was a,difficult toy so that was,that kind of proved the concept it,worked something i made around five,grand,in sales so about six seven thousand,dollars in,in that month so it was yeah the profit,was really low so i kind of,kept thinking about you know what kind,of products would actually sell well and,then,that was november december time then we,came into january as in generally just,gone,which is where i found my first product,really so what it was,is we just hit the the lock down in the,uk so i kind of thought about,what stores have been closed what shops,have been closed facilities what kind of,products that people,need right now because of that and,that's why i came across this product,which was a deep discount product so,obviously the big thing i learned from,yourself,is how you improve the offer so what i,did is i created a little guide that,showed you how to use the products which,there was compared to selling that,product,at the time it was in a niche store so,i've got a niche store,now which i've actually kept with since,the shopify days but,what's the profit about them was nothing,so yeah the digital products are,obviously bundled in,obviously how to use that product online,samples so that helps,get the same result there were other,compared to selling products,selling that same product obviously,mainly shopify stores,i think why that product for me did,really well was purely because,gibson created the offer and then that,month it did around it was about 9k so,that was that was january,9k with accept margins that was where it,started,it actually can work properly and then,it was february obviously where i picked,this pink club where it's a similar,product which i just found,on my facebook feed so it's a similar,kind of product it was solving an issue,that,lockdown had created and it had a lot,better margins so what i did for that,product,is i found a local supplier so i could,promote obviously the two to three days,shipping i've actually just sold them,out now so i've got a problem as of,today but that was,yeah it did really well so it did,11 12 k impounds so 15,16 and that's literally where i'm up for,today as in right now let's unpack that,because you you went through a lot of,stuff and it's like,you know it's interesting like how you,can see that h

The above is a brief introduction to viral products 1995

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Finding a $10,000 Product using Viral Launch 🚀

Finding a $10,000 Product using Viral Launch 🚀

what's up everybody tell me J here back,with a brand new video for you guys and,today we're going to be looking at a,product that possibly has the potential,to make maybe five to ten thousand,dollars over the course of the next,three months,so stay toward I hope you guys enjoy,this video okay so jump right into it I,was actually doing some product research,this morning and by the way good morning,happy Tuesday to everybody hope you're,having a fantastic day but I was doing,some product research today I'm just,looking through on viral lunch and I,came across this product right here okay,this part right here obviously it's,gonna be more of a seasonal thing but it,is a waterproof riding lawnmower cover,okay so I kind of found this and I kind,of looked at I was like huh let's let's,kind of see what this is all about right,so I pulled up the listing right here,right and I just clicked on the on,Amazon and by the way if you don't have,viral lunch check it out really good I,would highly recommend it especially,doing product research but anyway so,I'll put it up right and what I did was,I looked at it right here I see us at a,good price point fifty three dollars,right and I'm looking at I'm like man,really good pictures right so obviously,we tell this person took the time out to,really get some high-definition pictures,they have that being you stay have like,a layout of the dimensions of it and,everything so that's not was like wow,like this is you can tell this person,takes this a lot serious right obviously,because the amazon's choice 68 customer,reviews and it's a five-star product so,the first thing I did was I took this,right here that the I took the main,keyword of the of the title of the,product which is a waterproof riding,lawnmower cover and I basically just,went into Amazon and copied and pasted,it and when they put up all of these,different listings I ramped jungle scout,on it okay so you mind driver Scott on,it kind of tells you the kind of be like,what's going on with it and everything,about it that stuff like that so when I,pulled it up I looked at it over here,average price is about $35,sales rank which is under a hundred,thousand which is actually pretty good,39 reviews which means it is not,competitive at all and there's about a,hundred and four monthly sales now the,reason I pull this up is because one,people say all of the average monthly,sales is not over you know 250 300 I,would look at it or whatever but this,particular product has a lot of,potential to make some decent money,here's why and the reason is because the,reason is because it's a seasonal item,it's not quite yet,summertime yeah and you can say this is,going to be used a lot during summertime,because grass grows in the summertime so,one thing you want to do is or what I,did was I looked at it and I said hmm,this these people know reviews right my,200 hours worth in sales ain't sucking,out here for reviews eight reviews,making 5000 a month,it never reviews 810 reviews making 10,grand a month right,68 reviews making 26,000 dollars a month,okay and this is just a start right,these people obviously the sales are,going to continue to climb and climb,because it's coming right at seasonal,time so what I did was I said huh if,it's just my cover how much can it,really be to make you know what I mean,so I went over to,I typed this in and I was just scrolling,through looking at obviously you want to,click trade insurance and go supplier,right and as I was just scrolling,through I was looking at different price,points different price points and I was,like maybe the average you can probably,get these things made for is let's just,say five dollars right so what I did was,I went over to Google com type in FBA,calculator and it pulls up this right,here now what I did was I went over to,let me kind of show you guys what I did,right so you type an FBA calculator they,click on this first one and it's gonna,pull up this little graph right here so,you want to take the a sin or the a si n,number of the product right and if it,usually can be found up here in the web,address they usually start off with the,be followed by numbers and letters I,just copied and pasted step,and it pulls it up for you and now right,here you can kind of fill out this,little chart right here so the item,price I say on average you could,probably get it made for with a $5 I'm,sorry item price is how much it is so,we're gonna put $35 which is the average,price and jungler Scott was saying ship,to Amazon with say $2 and then cost of,the product we're gonna say $5 okay and,then we're gonna hit calculate now check,this out okay so down here the bottom is,gonna tell you $35 how much the cost is,how much profit you're gonna be making,that profit $15 but down here the bottom,says estimated monthly unit sold so,we're just gonna say we're say 250 right,if you still $250 now obviously you can,see everything climb revenue bringing it,885 mm sorry $8,700 close to 9,000 net,profit cl

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we're heading right into a new year and,if you're watching this I know that you,probably have some major Drop Shipping,goals that you want to achieve this year,but you can't reach any of those goals,without a product that can sell and when,I say sell I mean sell well well that's,exactly why I'm going to be giving you,the top 10 winning products that you,need to be selling in January 2023 along,with every single thing that you need to,start selling these products today all,the way from the links to the competitor,stores suppliers everything that you,could possibly need to have success with,these products no matter your experience,level what's going on everyone my name,is AC Hampton I'm an eight-figure,marketer who gets to help students from,all across the world start build and,continue their eCommerce Journey,successfully so some of these products,that you'll be seeing today in this list,of the products that you need to be,selling in January 2023 I found through,my own product research methods and I'm,currently selling my students are,currently scaling or I found them,currently trading on the market today on,top of this I've dug deep into product,research and validation using method is,like ads by AliExpress Google Trends and,more market research to give you the top,10 winning prize that you need to be,selling right now and as you can see I'm,on the Google document that I was,referring to earlier giving you,everything that you need to start,selling these products today and this is,giving you the competitor Facebook,advertisement the ad copy the headlines,competitor product page AliExpress,product page profit margins five,interest tests and so much more and once,this video reaches 2 000 likes you guys,will have full access completely to this,cheat sheet in the comment section and,in the description down below but before,I dive in as you guys know I give out a,free one-on-one Consulting call every,single week to one lucky winner to get,all the questions answered and,streamline their success while doing so,and if you want the opportunity winning,this week all you have to do is smash,that like button down below and in the,comment section down below comment the,word Supreme January with your goal that,you have with your drop streaming,business this month and I will be,announcing the winner from last week's,video somewhere inside this video so,make sure you stay tuned the entire way,through without further Ado let's go,ahead and jump right into product number,one product number one is the LED beanie,light let's go ahead and check out the,advertisement and see what we're working,with alrighty so it's a beanie that has,actually a light attached to it amazing,Problem Solver out the gate great for,any type of nighttime activities like,walking the dog changing the tire I mean,anything that you need it's rechargeable,it's as simple as just plugging into the,wall waterproof and honestly with this,product trending with the current season,that we're in right now solving a,problem having a wow factor this is a,great product that you could be selling,today and you do not have to believe me,but look at this engagement this product,has only been on the market for a couple,weeks and look at how many people are,engaging with it today not yesterday not,last week but getting comments on it,today I mean 49 minutes ago an hour ago,an hour ago two hours ago four hours ago,five hours ago they are scaling this,product and this is the time for you to,do the exact same thing and take home,some serious money while doing so let's,go ahead and check out the competitor,potty page and see what we're going to,be selling this item for on the,competitors website you can see other,sellers item for,24.98 and they are charging shipping as,you can tell from the banner one thing I,really love about their product page is,they downloaded this app called quantity,Break by discount that you can go ahead,and add to your store right away and,what this does is allow you to increase,your average order value by making,people buy more by getting a higher,discount while doing so but one thing I,definitely would change is by removing,this Watermark right here the biggest,brands in the world Target Walmart the,places you're shopping from don't have,this on their store so why should you,you want your customers to feel like,they should trust you no matter what and,this is something that's like 2018 2019,Drop Shipping just get rid of it in 2023,on AliExpress you can see that we're,getting this item for 7.36 plus 13 cents,for shipping and I mean literally look,at all the variants that they have,available this is an amazing way to,continue to keep upselling with that,being said the competitor was charging,shipping so the selling price came out,to,31.47 the product cost after shipping,was 7.37 which gives us a great profit,margin of 24.99 nine cents every time we,just sell one of these and the five,interests I would test out with this,product is construction lighting,O

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Does the EGGPLANT STICK MASK Work? |🍆 | Exposing Viral TIKTOK Products

Does the EGGPLANT STICK MASK Work? |🍆 | Exposing Viral TIKTOK Products

hi guys welcome back today i will be,trying the purple version the eggplant,version,of the green tea matcha stick that i've,seen all over tik tok going viral,apparently this kind of works the same,way but it brings,up other kind of gooey disgusting stuff,out of your skin,and of course it's supposed to give you,a very blurring effect to make it look,like an instagram filter,snapchat filter and that is what i live,for that is what i want to achieve,so let's put this to the test but not,gonna lie after having tried,this one i have really low hopes now let,me show you what my skin,looks like close up as you can see i do,have a little pimples right here a few,blackheads right here,and there's just a little redness all,over which maybe it's supposed to calm,it down,also on my nose there are a few,blackheads i also do have quite big,visible pores right here on the cheeks,due to past acne scars okay so i got,this on amazon and actually a package,with this one and this one for 12 pounds,so it's quite cheap oh this,is such a pretty color i want to see,what it smells like,stop this smells a bit no this actually,smells amazing it smells flowery it,smells,like so like a very good lush bath bomb,or a lush soap i love this okay so once,again i'm gonna be applying this oh this,is a lot more cooler and slimier than,the green one i prefer this one way,better already okay,oh my god this actually feels very,cooling maybe it's gonna be soothing to,my skin and reduce the redness because,as you can see there is a little red,tintish and of course i'm really hoping,this is going to give me the blurring,effect of instagram and snapchat filters,because that is what i live for i'm,gonna put it on the chin especially as,well,because that is where you have a lot of,that texture oh my god look at that okay,this is very,liquidy and as you can see it's already,melting on my skin maybe i'm pressing,too hard,yes i'm supposed to press less harder,okay,well it's a learning curve we learned,i'm loving how this feels and,i love the look of this it's wider it's,more pure than green,it'll make me look musty this one i like,so i'm gonna keep on for 20 minutes just,like the other mask,maybe i'll stop you sooner if my skin,dries up because,it is starting to feel a little itchy,right as i'm speaking right now oh my,god i don't like it it's like tingling,oh my god can you see them like,shivering what is happening oh,no okay i don't like it by the way it is,7 30 p.m so i will see you at 7,50.,wait hold the phone my skin is feeling,tighter it feels like if i'm putting,on a clay mask it does not feel good i,did not experience this with the green,one,maybe now i prefer the green one because,this is gonna be so dry,i couldn't already tell i really hate,clay masks because my skin is already as,dry as it can be and i can see some,little black dots here but it's not the,black dots of blackheads or whatever was,coming out of that face,it is just the black dots that you can,see that come with every clay mask ever,so i feel a little scammed out of my 12,pounds 50.,i want a brief bond already without even,removing but no no,no no let me keep it on for a little,long to see maybe it does something,under the skin maybe it reduces the,redness maybe it blurs the skin,we got no idea okay so it is now 7,51 so it is now time to remove it now i,have to say,my skin feels very tight and very dry,and very cracky,so i hate this feeling and now,apparently since this mask is made of,egg plant is supposed to be rich in,vitamin c,so it's supposed to be rich in,antioxidants therefore reduce,hyperpigmentation,brighten the skin get give more even,skin tone as well as protect our,collagen from free radicals and,therefore also anti-aging but not gonna,lie,i don't see this doing any of those,things oh my god this feels,so drying okay what do you guys think is,my skin,more blurred now or is it again like the,green one i feel like it's just the,effect of the purplish in the mask that,it gives my skin,a matte appearance all those pimples are,still there like this did nothing it,only made my skin drier and i don't like,that,yep the blackheads are definitely still,there the pimples are exactly in the,same place i am not,looking like an instagram filter i do,not,look like kylie jenner what is happening,here,this is such a scam i want my twelve,dollars i sort of got this did,absolutely,nothing like i swear this is kind of,like the courtney,of all the kardashians wait i kind of do,look a little,more paler i can also see in the camera,like especially,like under the eyes is this like a,remedy for dark circles,let me not find something new and,revolutionary right here and my skin is,definitely not looking,less irritated it's not looking more,suited it's not looking more blurred or,anything,it's just feeling dry and cracky this is,a no for me bestie,what is this why is my nose bleeding can,someone please explain to me,what is happening i'm scared okay of,course this is absolutely a no for me it,did

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Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021 Would Be 25 years Ago

Carl Sagan Predicted The Mess 2021 Would Be 25 years Ago

last thing before we go tonight,is a new appreciation of carl sagan that,so many people find,way overdue armed with four degrees from,the university of chicago try that in,your spare time sagan was an astronomer,scientist astrophysicist,a genuine public intellectual he taught,at harvard and cornell,and was ahead of his time almost by,definition,jason johnson called our attention to,this clip on social,media today here is carl sagan on johnny,carson,calling out a new movie called star wars,for its faulty assumptions,and lack of diversity star wars starts,out,saying it's on some other galaxy right,and then you see there's people,and uh scene starting in scene one,there's a there's a problem because,human beings are the result of a unique,evolutionary sequence based upon,so many individually unlikely random,events on the earth,in fact i think most evolutionary,biologists would agree that,if you started the earth out again and,just let those random factors operate,you might wind up with beings that are,as smart as us,as ethical and artistic and all the rest,but they would not be human beings,that's for the earth so another planet,different environment,yeah very likely human being are you,saying on another galaxy,it's not possible that there could be,extremely unlikely that,there would be creatures as similar to,us as uh as the dominant ones in star,wars and a whole bunch of other things,they're all white,the skin of all the humans and in star,wars oddly enough,is sort of like like this right,and uh not even the other colors,represented on the earth,are present much less greens and blues,and purples and oranges,they did have the scene in star wars,with a lot of strange characters,yeah but none of them seem to be in,charge of the galaxy everybody in charge,of the galaxy seemed to look like us,and i i thought there was a large amount,of human chauvinism and also i felt very,bad that at the end the wookiee didn't,get a medal also,you know all the people got medals and,the wookiee who had been in there,fighting all the time,he didn't get any medal and i thought,that was an example of anti-wookie,discrimination,how about that carl sagan advocate for,wookies everywhere,as the noted astrophysicist ron popeil,would say but wait there's more,carl sagan could not have predicted 2021,but he did see it coming,he wrote the following back in 1995 and,we quote,i have a foreboding of an america in my,children's or grandchildren's time,when the united states is a service and,information economy when nearly,all the manufacturing industries have,slipped away to other countries when,awesome technological powers are in the,hands of a very few,and no one representing the public,interest can even grasp the issues,when the people have lost the ability to,set their own agendas or,knowledgeably question those in,authority when,clutching our crystals and nervously,consulting our horoscopes are critical,faculties in decline,unable to distinguish between what feels,good and what's true,we slide almost without noticing back,into superstition and darkness,the dumbing down of america is most,evident in the slow decay of,substantive content in the enormously,influential media,the 30 second sound bites now down to 10,seconds or less,lowest common denominator programming,credulous,presentations on pseudoscience and,superstition,but especially a kind of celebration of,ignorance roll that around for a while,those were among his final published,words,he died 10 months later here we are 25,years later realizing just what he was,trying to tell us back then,you

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McDonald’s alleged disgusting orders go viral, TikToker: “Mine too, it’s moving”

McDonald’s alleged disgusting orders go viral, TikToker: “Mine too, it’s moving”

We all have our guilty pleasure food.,For some people, it’s a McDonald’s burger and fries.,But for some folks, these foods aren’t bringing pleasure:, What is that?!,What the f— is that?!,Why is that in the food?,Some people are confused:,Many are grossed out: ,But some say it’s not a real issue:,Yet...,at least one person has gotten seriously ill.,And McDonald’s has fought back:,What’s really going on here?,Let’s spill the tea and find out.,Whenever we get fast food,,we know it’s not going to be,the most healthy food in the world.,But we do expect it to be tasty—and made safely.,Unfortunately,,that wasn’t the case for a fast food restaurant in London.,In late November 2021,,TikToker @mcoldkentroad posted an eight second video,of a drink machine at a fast food restaurant,that appeared to be McDonald’s.,The video panned across the inside of a soft drink machine,and appeared to show some kind of worms,crawling around the machine.,In the caption,,the TikToker identified the worm-like creatures as maggots.,Both the original video and the TikTok account,appear to be gone from the platform—,it’s unclear if the TikToker removed the video,and deleted their account themselves,or if TikTok removed them.,According to the Evening Standard in the UK,,the video had been viewed over 400,000 times,and had over 260 comments before it was deleted.,Many of the commenters were disgusted with the video:,One person said they ate at the restaurant every day,,and the original TikToker replied,,One duet video is still on TikTok,,showing the original video alongside a reaction,from TikToker @queenreenthe1st.,Some people were concerned:,But others were skeptical about the claims:,But this isn’t the first time,this has happened at a McDonald’s location.,In October 2021,,TikToker @karenlee377 allegedly found a worm,in her soft drink from McDonald’s.,The video showed pictures of the worm on the soft drink lid,with this text on screen:,In the caption, she wrote:,@McDonald's This is unacceptable, not,professional and a health violation.,She also wrote several comments about the situation:,In a different comment, she provided the location,where the incident allegedly happened.,In May 2021,,one TikToker posted a video,that allegedly showed worms inside a McDonald’s burger.,The video also appeared to show mold on the patty.,In August 2021, another TikToker posted a video,that appeared to show a worm,squirming across the floor of a McDonald’s location.,In September 2021,,a TikToker claimed he had seen a video,of a woman eating a McDonald’s burger with worms in it,,but he could no longer find the video:, I was gonna show my buddy,this video I seen yesterday on TikTok about McDonald’s.,My cousin sent it to me.,Um, there was like this little worm crawling—,or a few of them crawling in this patty.,This lady is in San Jose, California.,Can’t find the f—king video anymore, they took it down.,And it was posted—,I saw it yesterday, it was posted 19 hours ago.,It has this lady concerned about her daughter.,She had already been eating it and she noticed it.,You could clearly see the worms.,And two commenters said they had seen the same video.,In April 2021, another TikToker shared her story,about finding worms in her McDonald’s burger:, What is that?!,What the f— is that?!,Why is that in the food?,Is that a worm? ,Also in April 2021,,a TikToker said the McDonald’s restaurant he was going to,had been in the news a few times,for having worms in their drink cups.,While the TikToker didn’t provide proof,of the alleged news reports,,it wouldn’t have been the first time a McDonald’s restaurant,had been in the news for unsanitary conditions.,In August 2016, at least two people said they found worms,in food from McDonald’s restaurants,in two separate Kentucky communities,,according to WPSD-TV.,Madison Stephens said she ordered food for herself,and her one year old son at McDonald’s.,When she was about to take a bite out of her burger,,she claimed a live worm fell out.,Lacey Jo Lovett said she also found a worm in her burger.,She contacted McDonald’s customer support,,and the company allegedly sent her a ten dollar gift card.,In a statement released to WPSD-TV,,Michael Love, the owner and operator,of the two McDonald’s locations,,said the company was investigating the claims and would,The day after WPSD-TV reported the story,,Love said he was unable to confirm the worm allegations.,He also said health inspectors did not find,any of the problems raised by the customers.,In January 2017,,a Michigan woman filed a complaint with the USDA,and the Wayne County Health Department,when she allegedly found something disgusting,in her McDonald’s food:,Jerica Klaiss said she knew something was wrong,as soon as she took the first bite:,Jerica took the sandwich back to the restaurant,,where management offered her a refund and a new sandwich.,She declined.,In a statement to Fox 47 News,,Granader Family Restaurants said:,In October 2015, IT freelancer Jasper Lee,claimed he foun

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Tiktok Viral Products You Didn't Know You Needed It Until Now #22

Tiktok Viral Products You Didn't Know You Needed It Until Now #22

i put these cute little soaps on amazon,and they're honestly one of the best,inventions that i've ever seen,they're very convenient to use and,they're definitely not sticky at all as,some people may say,day three of opening mystery toys i got,tagged in by you guys,and you guys really want me to open the,grossest toys these are from amazon it,is called,flush forced hear the call and flush,them all,collect a bowl and i'm with noah,ready okay so i was wondering why,the toilet was so big it's collectable,because i ordered the bowl that you can,collect them all in instead of like the,actual,toys it did come with four,like of the guys but you don't have to,add water like you do to the regular one,so i just ordered some normal ones but,now we have this big toilet to collect,them all in,and noah just added in batteries because,we got this guy that's flippy,oh my he's a kitty cat last guy but,certainly not least look at him,amazon fine number 35 full disclosure i,am not telling you to do anything,illegal so just take it as it is,this fine from amazon is so cool so it's,a shampoo and conditioner bottle,they both are 25 ounces they are,reusable shatter proof and leak proof,they come with six leak proof self,pressure seals,start off by pouring the drink of your,choice into the bottle,fill it to about 90 to 95 percent of its,capacity,once you've completed that you're going,to place the leak-proof pressure seal,into the interior,of the bottle cap with the printed,surface facing inward,tighten the cap firmly in place this,will actually seal the bottle,remove the cap to view the seal and as,you can see it's totally leak-proof,even if you're not going on a cruise,anytime soon a glass-free beach,camping trip anything like that so good,luck guys,things tiktok made me buy part 19. this,electronic,candle lighter i've seen so many people,raving about this and i do,like a lot of candles so i thought it,would be quite useful it does come with,a little usb,charger which is good so i'm just gonna,put it on charge now and see if it works,so you turn it on like this it lights up,five easy ways to baby proof your house,i love this little cabinet lock because,you just unscrew your knob,put it through and then screw the knob,back on and it doesn't damage your,cabinets you can also go with these,magnet locking devices you just install,the magnet on the back side of the,cabinet and then it comes with a key to,unlock it i like this one for door lever,handles because my daughter has figured,out how to unlock the door but can't,push this and slide it so it makes it,nice and safe,these are great for preventing kids from,opening up their closets that open,like that accordion style you just slide,that little plastic divider piece over,the part that opens when you're ready to,close up the closet and then they can't,get in,and then i love these gates from,munchkin they're adjustable to your wall,size and you can also,open and close the door rather than,trying to climb over your baby gates,my amazon favorites for working from,home this phone stand comes in lots of,different colors and it's great for face,time meetings or just charging your,phone,this acrylic bed desk it's perfect for,late night work or if you just want to,work from your bed,this notebook is the perfect notebook,i've found one page for the day,and week that you're in and another page,for your notes,this timer cube is the only thing that,keeps me on task it can count you down,from 5 10,15 or 60 minutes and beeps when your,time is up favorite baby products part,two,these are the prettiest stacking cups i,absolutely love the colors and they have,these cute little cutouts and shapes on,the top,i love these leather play mats they're,great for a lot of different surfaces,like the beach the park at home,and the changing mat is awesome too,this new bassinet that automatically,rocks and sues your baby to sleep,and has different motions and sounds and,also comes with a built-in sleep sack,the fawn diaper bag is awesome it comes,in a lot of cute colors and also comes,in a mini version,as well the nuna stroller is the best it,collapses and folds up so easily it's,super user friendly and just takes two,seconds to move things around like this,car seat base,which i would also highly recommend the,nuna car seat,it is super user friendly as well and,also the stroller comes with an,attachment for when your baby's a little,bit older,and it's super easy to move up and down,and adjust,and change it from forward facing to,back facing and overall it's just such a,great stroller and would definitely,recommend it,random thing i got of amazon part two,and it is a toothbrush dispenser i want,to try out a new one for you guys this,last one isn't available anymore i don't,know why i'm so obsessed with this but,it makes me feel so fancy brushing my,teeth,probably just really extra but i think,it's really cool and then also it comes,with these cups i guess it's for,mouthwash i don't know i'm assuming this,little

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Cheap Luxury Skincare Dupes! EstĂŠe Lauder, Clinique, Glow Recipe, SK-II

Cheap Luxury Skincare Dupes! EstĂŠe Lauder, Clinique, Glow Recipe, SK-II

Hello, everybody.,Welcome back to my channel where,skincare is all about progression over,perfection because perfection doesn't exist.,Today, I want to share some more budget versions of,bestsellers and some luxury skincare we have today.,Now, these are all products I've tried,both the expensive and the budget version.,I just want to share how I feel about both.,So let's start with cleansing balms.,Cliniques Take The Day Off,Cleansing balm is $29 and has been really, really popular.,And I kind of get it, but also kind of don't.,And I'll talk about it in a minute.,But my budget version of this is going to,be the No.7 Cleansing Balm at 12.95.,Both of these are 125 ML.,Now, similarity wise, they both break down beautifully.,Like they're so nice to use.,They're easy to use.,You don't have to spend ages melting it down and rubbing it in.,You aren't left with those little plasticy feeling,bits on your hands that you have to,put more effort into rubbing way.,Both contain antioxidants and some nice oils.,Those kind of ingredients aren't the be,all and end all for me,when it comes to cleansing balms in particular,,they're nice to have because you can slowly,massage over your skin and, for a couple,of minutes, and not dry out your skin.,Get all that goodness from the,ingredients and then rinse away.,What I will say, though, however, when it comes to,differences, is that the No. 7 Cleansing Balm actually feels,a lot nicer than the Clinique Cleansing Balm.,Honestly, the Clinique Cleansing Balm feels a lot,cheaper than the No. 7 Cleansing Balm.,It has that plasticy, very traditional,cleansing balm feel to it.,The No. 7 feels like a,more richer, almost whipped cleansing balm.,And to be honest, the Clinique one is very, very,simple in the sense that it's a very typical,cleansing balm with not too many bells and whistles.,It will cleanse your face.,It will break down into an oil.,It will emulsify, and rinse away,The No. 7 Cleansing Balm,,we have the addition of more oils, almost,like gentler and easier kind of cleansing experience.,Purely because of the slip of the product.,We have soothing Panthenol in here and so many more,emollients just to make the product more enjoyable to use.,To be honest, I'm not fussy,when it comes to cleansing balms.,So if there's a nice one that I can,get for cheaper, I'm going to use it.,I've never used an expensive cleansing balm,that I thought, wow, this feels luxurious, you know?,SK II Essence, an icon.,An icon, an absolute icon.,So the essence is huge and you can get it,anywhere from 95 to ÂŁ110 that I've seen online.,And I love it.,This, for me, feels..., it brings back so many memories for me.,And I'll be honest, it's a product,I do spend the money on.,Not because I think it's worth it, but I enjoy using,it and as I said, the smell brings back memories.,But my budget version, my more affordable version,,is the COSRX Galactomyces 95 Tone Balance Essence.,Now, when it comes to things like,dupes and more expensive things, I'm not,just looking for similar ingredients at all.,I don't think that's how you kind of like...,you know, just because a product has the same ingredient list,,it doesn't make it an exact dupe.,What I'm looking for is the effects, key ingredients,,but how it makes your skin look and feel.,And this is the closest match I found to,the after effects of an SK II Essence.,The brightness of the skin, the plumpness of,the skin, the overall kind of like antiaging,effects of the key ingredient, which is Galactomyces,Ferment Filtrate, which they both have in here.,SK II call their one Petera, which is just,a trademark name, but they both work the same.,And Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate is,,again, it's a brightening ingredient.,It's an anti-aging ingredient.,It's a firming ingredient.,It does so much for the skin.,And SK II really used to be on its,own, like, nothing came close to SK II.,But brands now, a lot of brands,,contain that Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate in affordable ways.,The COSRX has the extra benefit,of feeling more hydrating on the skin.,A lot more hydrating, actually.,And the added benefits of Niacinamide to,really, really boost that evening of skin,tone and brightness of the complexion.,We have Hyaluronic Acid in there as well, as well,as Pantheonal to soothe and Allantoin as well.,It makes for an allround,nicer experience for your skin.,You feel luxurious using SK II because it's SK II,and you're like, oh, I'm so fancy.,But the COSRX one just makes your skin,look good, feel good, and in the long,run, it brings amazing, amazing results.,You can get the COSRX one for around,ÂŁ20, depending on where you buy it from.,And honestly, it's so readily available and,so worth the price and the purchase.,I honestly think it's one of,the best essences I've ever used.,Okay, here's one. Here's one.,The Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Recover...,No. Repair Synchronized Multi Recovery Complex Serum.,This is Estee Lauder's like, trademark product, right.,It's been viral for as long a

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