tiktok ads masterclass

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Complete TikTok Marketing Course

hello everyone,welcome to technic force learning,this course is all about tick tock so,let's get started,chapter one,introduction to tick tock lesson one,what is tick-tock and how does it work,there are reportedly over one billion,people scrolling through tick-tock,monthly spending nearly an hour on it a,day,so what is tick-tock,tick-tock is a social app used to create,and share videos,many videos tend to be music focused,with creators leveraging the app's best,catalog of sound effects music snippets,and filters to record short clips of,them dancing and lip syncing but there's,an untold number of videos to discover,with varying topics there are diy and,craft videos comedic sketches you name,it,if tick-tock sounds familiar it's,because there are similar apps that came,before it like vine,and dubsmash,tick-tock also had a predecessor called,musicality,that chinese entrepreneurs alex zoo and,lu young launched in 2014,by dance acquired musicality in 2017,and then a year later it folded to the,services core functionality and user,base into its own tick-tock app,existing musicality users were migrated,over by 2018 tick tock has surpassed,facebook instagram youtube and snapchat,in monthly installs in the u.s app,stores,tiktok has over 1 billion globally,monthly active users 63 of which are,between the ages of 10 and 29. women on,tick tock also outnumber men two to one,in the us,as a result of tick tock's popularity by,dance is now considered one of the,world's most valuable startup,so how does ticktalk work,getting started with ticktalk,the basic function of tiktok is that,users can film videos of themselves lip,syncing dancing or acting out sketches,videos or tick tocks can be up to 15,seconds long but they can also connect,multiple clips for up to 60 seconds of,total recording,recently tick tock expanded the time,limit to 3 minutes for most users,users can also upload longer videos that,were recorded outside the app tick tock,also has video editing and customization,tools,users have access to a library of songs,effects filters and sound bites to add,to their videos,they can also do wet with someone by,replying to a video creating a split,screen and endless reactions,and they can even add their own sounds,and lip sync to other users video,next navigating tiktok,let's go over how to navigate the app,first,home,it shows two feeds,following,and for you,which you can toggle between,next,discover,it mostly shows you tick-tock videos,tagged with a trending hashtag,next,create video,opens up to the record screen where you,can film a video,next,inbox,it shows you all the activity on your,videos you can tap the envelope to,access dms,and lastly profile your profile that you,and the other users can see,you can make parts of it private,next we have watching tick tock videos,in a nutshell like videos from vine or,instagram tech talk videos appear,vertically on your screen you can engage,with them using hearts which are the,same as likes,after you download the tiktok app and,open it you will immediately see created,featured videos on the 4u page you can,switch to the following page to see,videos from users you follow,whether friends or popular ticktalkers,on either page you see more new videos,swipe up on the screen,or tap home,you can also try tapping discover,the magnifying glass icon next to the,home button to search for new videos by,keywords and hashtags,within videos you can tap on the screen,to pause,also,look to the right for the users icon to,visit their profile,also on the right you will see the,number of hearts and the comments the,video has plus options to share it,on the bottom of the video you will find,the user's name caption hashtags and the,name of the song that's playing,you can tap on it to see related videos,and here's a side note it's possible to,watch tick-tock videos without creating,an account but you need an account to,engage with other users and post videos,next,creating tick-tock videos when you're,ready to start creating post your own,video click on the create video button,the plus sign,at the bottom of the home screen and,press the record button while that,sounds easy it takes a ton of work,if you search youtube for tutorials,you'll see how intensive the tick-tock,video making process can be for most,users,that's because,before you even hit record you can find,sounds effects and filters to apply you,can even save a video as a draft to post,it later from the video posting page tap,drafts,lesson two,why is tiktak so popular,musicality was a popular short form 15,seconds video streaming and sharing app,with over 100 million users up until,august 2018 the app allowed users a,pilathera of music and dialogue options,with which they could lip sync and make,funny or entertaining videos,the app was wildly popular with some,content creators rising to the hall of,fame based on their engaging content on,musicality the users shared musicality,videos on social media platforms like,instagram further driving the

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads masterclass

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Tiktok ads 2021 - Tutorial pembuatan dan trik memperluas jangkauan

Tiktok ads 2021 - Tutorial pembuatan dan trik memperluas jangkauan

cara membuat iklan Tik Tok ditiktok efs,manajer adalah hal yang relatif mudah,tiktol Ini diisi oleh mayoritas generasi,Z apabila temen-temen punya produk yang,targetnya adalah generasi di atas,generasi Z lalu Bagaimana cara kita,supaya kita dapat memperluas jangkauan,iklan kita tidak hanya pada generasi Z,melainkan juga kita bisa memperluas,jangkauan iklan kita ke,generasi-generasi yang lebih meter atau,lebih tua daripada generasi Z ini,triknya teman-teman bisa menggunakan,jangan lupa subscribe jangan lupa,comment dan like video ini Halo selamat,datang kembali di channel digital Pro,Threesixty Masih bersama saya fiqih yang,akan selalu memberikan informasi menarik,tips dan trik serta tutorial dari dunia,Digital marketing,Hai kali ini saya akan memberikan,tutorial mengenai pembuatan tiktok hits,melalui tiktok Ads Manager kalau kalian,sudah melihat video saya sebelumnya saya,sudah mereview mengenai social media,yang bernama tiktok ini dari segi,audials fitur dan format eps yang,dimilikinya dari situ teman-teman kalau,memperhatikan ada satu hal yang menjadi,highlight atau bagian yang penting untuk,digarisbawahi adalah tiktok Ini diisi,oleh mayoritas generasi Z dari berbagai,literatur generasi Z ini sebenarnya,berada pada rentang usia yang berbeda,kalau kita definisikan secara umum,generasi Z ini adalah generasi yang,lebih muda daripada milenial generasi Z,adalah generasi yang lahir pada sekitar,tahun 2000-an sehingga apabila kita,tarik sampai di tahun ini ketika video,dibuat adalah tahun 2020 berarti saat,ini usianya berada pada sekitar rentang,usia 20 tahun Oleh karena itu,temen-temen apabila kalian memiliki,sebuah produk yang target,adalah para generasi Z maka tiktok ini,adalah platform yang sesuai buat,teman-teman memasarkan produknya membuat,iklan tiptop ditiktok es manajer adalah,hal yang relatif mudah tapi apabila,teman-teman punya produk yang targetnya,adalah generasi di atas generasi Z lalu,Bagaimana cara kita supaya kita dapat,memperluas jangkauan iklan kita tidak,hanya pada generasi Z melainkan juga,kita bisa memperluas jangkauan iklan,kita ke generasi-generasi yang lebih,meter atau lebih tua daripada generasi Z,ini oleh karena itu di video kali ini,nanti saya ke juga memberikan trik,Bagaimana cara kita memperluas jangkauan,iklan kita di tiptop walaupun ditiktok,diisi mayoritas oleh generasi Z sehingga,iklan kita jangkauannya bisa lebih,daripada generasi z dan kita bisa,menjangkau generasi-generasi yang lebih,ngecer atau lebih tua dari generasi Z,saya,Hai mungkin teman-teman berpikir kalau,produk kalian targetnya bukan generasi Z,apakah akan efektif diiklankan di tiptop,Sebenarnya ada dua hal yang harus,menjadi consideration temen-temen yang,pertama kita bicara mengenai bra,investment apa benitez manitoba,investment adalah upaya untuk memasarkan,produk temen-temen atau brand,temen-temen pada rentang usia dibawah,usia target dari brand atau produk,teman-teman kalau kita ambil contoh di,dunia otomotif kita mengenal adanya,mobil-mobil yang sifatnya entry-level,yaitu mobil-mobil yang targetnya adalah,orang-orang yang memang belum pernah,punya mobil sebelumnya contohnya adalah,mobil-mobil LCGC mobil mobil hatchback,dan sebagainya maka target dari produk,itu adalah orang-orang berusia 25-30,tahun didunia Digital marketing,kompetisi antar brand kompetisi antar,produk itu tidak serta merta terjadi di,manusia 25-30 tahun melainkan kompetisi,itu sudah dimulai sejak orang-orang,tersebut masih berusia 20 tahun dengan,cara apa dengan cara brand investment,bank investment itu semacam bagaimana,kita mempropaganda bagaimana kita,mengkampanyekan Brandon produk kita pada,rentang usia di bawah rentang usia yang,ditargetkan saat ini apabila dia,terpapar terus-menerus oleh informasi,tentang brand tentang produk teman-teman,maka lima tahun lagi ketika dia masuk,menjadi kelompok target peden atau,produk teman-teman maka brand dan produk,teman-teman sudah menjadi top of Mind di,dalam kepala mereka mereka akan lebih,mudah untuk diajak membeli produk,teman-teman itu sendiri nah kaitannya,dengan tiktok disinilah fungsi tiptop,apabila teman-teman memiliki rencana,untuk melakukan brand investment dengan,kalian mengkampanyekan atau melakukan,bra investment pada generasi,crazy Z yang ada di tiptop kemungkinan,besar apabila hal ini dilakukan secara,kontinyu ketika dia masuk kedalam,kelompok 25-30 tahun dalam waktu mungkin,5-10 tahun kedepan produk atau brand,teman-teman sudah ada di dalam top of,Mind dan sudah menjadi consideration,mereka ketika mereka akan membeli sebuah,produk yang kedua kalau teman-teman,menginginkan cara yang lebih instan maka,teman-teman bisa gunakan trik yang akan,saya berikan di video ini Oke Guys kita,langsung aja Bagaimana cara kita membuat,iklan Tik Tok atau tiktok ETS melalui,tiktok Ads Manager temen-temen harus,punya akun bisnisnya sehingga,temen-temen buat dulu akun bisnisnya,melalui alamat tiktok.com slash bisnis,klik mulai dan kemudian silahkan,temen-temen mengisi form-form yang ada,di situ meliputi c

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TikTok Ads 2022 FULL Beginners Guide (Beginner to Expert TikTok Ads Tutorial)

TikTok Ads 2022 FULL Beginners Guide (Beginner to Expert TikTok Ads Tutorial)

so when a person is so used to everybody,trying to compete based on a best dance,move i'm not going to compete in there,i'm going to complete by being the total,opposite we're just standing there,looking really bored when this song,comes out,all right i am getting out of the,tick-tock closet because in this video,i'm gonna be showing you the importance,of why you need to be paying attention,to tick-tock ads right now now truth is,i've ignored tick-tock as a platform for,a really long time and i thought,to be honest i always wanted to rely on,just the good old facebook youtube,instagram but right now the results that,we're seeing on tick tock and the ads on,tick tock,is absolutely insane now to be fair this,is not about creating tick-tock viral,videos i do not know how to show you how,to make that happen why because and,maybe i'm hating on tick tock because i,don't know how to do the dance moves but,what i can tell you is that our findings,our return on ad spend on tick tock it's,been absolutely crushing it and in fact,is comparable to our best campaigns on,other platforms so today in this video,i'm gonna be taking you behind the,scenes to the full tik tok tutorial so,first of all like why you should be on,the platform the benefits over other,platforms as well as the set,how i think about creatives and i'm,gonna be taking you behind the scenes to,a coaching session that i did with,my community and how you can be doing,this together with me if you want to be,able to set up profitable tick-tock,campaigns from a beginner to expert,in a couple of minutes let's begin,number one,the ad platform they're hungry okay,they're hungry to make sales and,therefore they're a lot more aggressive,so,how i think about these ad platforms,what are you doing they're all trying to,sell you drugs okay that's right okay,you've heard me say utilize this analogy,before what do they want to do they want,to give you that that little hit right,and then what you do you'll be like this,is the best thing ever,yeah tick-tock ads so today we are,covering a very very different platform,it is a platform that i resisted for a,really long time because i,hated on it,really because i thought it's yeah,everybody gets it now right because i,thought it's just for kids and kids have,no money and that's what not where my,ideal audience is hanging out and on top,of that i always said you know i don't,know how to do these dance moves so,that's probably why i hit it on on that,platform even more and i never gave any,attention to it until,middle or towards the middle yeah middle,or towards the end of last year okay so,today what i'm gonna be showing you is,not how to build an organic tick-tock,following okay because that's not what i,do and i have,i hardly put any effort and attention,over there but rather how to run ads,effectively on tick tock uh now that,we've done that,a lot and one of the things that we've,noticed is the cost per lead and the,cost per sale,hands down,is lower than all other platforms it's,lower than facebook it's lower on,youtube it's lower than instagram so,today my goal is to be able to help you,see and test for yourself in your,marketplace,if that is going to be true for you as,well okay so i believe that when it,comes to tick-tock ads the first thing,that i wish somebody did for me was i,wish somebody put both hands on my,shoulders and said tick-tock is not just,for kids how many of you here would love,to be able to shortcut and build up a,profitable tick-tock campaign uh right,from the get-go okay whenever i show,something i always like to give you guys,like the importance of that first okay,and hopefully you guys are doing that um,the same thing when when you are,interacting with your audience right,always begin with the why,so why tick tock now how i always think,about like platforms and marketing is,marketers always spoil everything right,so when facebook ads came around in like,when it was just launched right very,early,2012,you know uh 2011 uh 2013 those were,times when if you did facebook ads price,at that time was cheap very cheap no i,wouldn't say it's because of inflation,it is because there are significantly,number one less advertisers on the,platform where the big brands like,coca-cola hasn't jumped all in into,buying up these ad spaces just yet,number one,the ad platform they're hungry okay,they're hungry to make sales and,therefore they're a lot more aggressive,so how i think about these ad platforms,what are they doing they're all trying,to sell you drugs okay that's right okay,you've heard me say utilize this analogy,before what do they want to do they want,to give you that that little hit,right,and then what you do you'll be like this,is the best thing ever,yeah tick-tock ads i want to spend maybe,about 10-15 minutes just showing you how,simple,the platform is,and then after that we'll go create the,creatives together when you log into the,ads manager,this is what you'll see okay what you'll,see is right now there

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Grand strategi penawaran nah ini juga,sebenarnya berpengaruh ya kalau misalkan,kita memilih biaya terendah biayanya itu,diatur oleh tiktok esnya Apakah udah,bisa dikirim ataupun belum belum bisa,sama sekali dikirim Coba kita kerja Teh,kirim tuh ini enggak bakalan bisa,dikirim Kenapa karena disini kita belum,menautkan katalog joknya Nah inilah,Kenapa saya bahas di part yang pertama,itu harus punya website dulu karena,kalau misalkan kita gak punya website,ini enggak bakalan Jalan iklannya,tentangnya,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Selamat datang,kembali di channel saya di video kali,ini masih membahas seputar atlet Oke dan,ini kelanjutan video sebelumnya yang,dimana di video Sebelumnya saya membahas,tentang resep bisa berikan stokes tapi,belum ke cara ikannya ya di videopad,yang pertama itu saya membahas dua hal,yang teman-teman perlu lakukan sebelum,beriklan di cokes dan di video part yang,kedua itu saya membahas tentang setting,akun utas dan janggut ketika ini kita,akan bahas gimana hanya beriklan di tik,tok EZ Disini saya akan bahas lengkap,dari mulai cabe ikan sampai top upnya,Bagaimana jadi Silahkan simak video ini,sampai selesai nah kita langsung saja,mulai bahas step by stepnya ya yang,pertama teman-teman masuk saja ke bagian,belum share2 cara bisa langsung cari di,browsernya tiktok Ed seperti ini ya,ataupun bisa langsung di browsernya ad,tiktok.com kayak gini ya Terus dmdh,menempel nanti akan masuk ke bagian,tampilan Leading Paints tiktok for,bisnis jadi teman tinggal klik saja,daftar nah disini saya sudah bikin,akunnya kedua jadi sini kita akan Pilih,satu untuk ada izinnya nanti kalau,misalnya kita udah buat adenya kita akan,diarahkan langsung ke dashboard Ads,Manager langsung jadi sini kita setting,pertanyaan temennya ini adalah hasil eh,dari iklannya selesai boy selama satu,hari dengan budget 200.000 layanan,rp17.000 klik 131 dan dapat kompetensi,22 habis ini kita langsung saja mulai,bahas dia Gimana sih cara bikin ikan Hai,yang pertama temen-temen tinggal klik,saja buat ikan Nah untuk iklan yang ini,hampir sama seperti Facebook aja yang di,mana di Facebook yang situ ada tiga save,untuk beriklan Khan yang pertama pilih,kampanye yang kedua grup iklan yang,ketiga ikan hampir sama tentunya cuman,bedanya ada yang perbedaannya,menyelesaian nah di bagian yang pertama,ini adalah kampanye yang dimana kampanye,ini menentukan tujuan iklan teman-teman,itu untuk apa saya sudah mencoba di,bagian lalulintas kunjungan kompresi dan,penayangan video yang pertama saya coba,disini adalah penayangan video pakai,penayangan video itu boncoz untuk,mencegah banyak yang nonton tapi enggak,ada yang klik yang mungkin targetnya,salah dan setelah saya coba untuk,konversi Nam kompresi itu hasilnya tuh,kayak gitu ya yang tadi sudah saya,Tampilkan kan dapat 22 kompresi nah,Disini saya akan mencoba untuk,menggunakan tujuan iklan kompetensi,untuk kualitas munjungan mungkin sama,tapi ada ke bedanya di bagian iklan,disini kita pilih dulu yang bagian,kompresi selanjutnya kalau misalkan,Tekan Udah menentukan tujuan iklan klik,lanjutkan Nah di sini kita masuk ke,bagian gap ikan di gopika ini kita,menyeting dari data dan yang lainnya,pokoknya disini itu lebih detail,pokoknya di bagian grup iklan Silahkan,masukkan contoh disini ajuka,hijabku satu jantung kayak gini ya Nah,jenis promosi ini produk karena itu mau,dipromosikan di mana ataupun program itu,mempromosikan apa Nah kalau saya disini,lebih memilih situs web ya karena kan,nantinya si produk itu akan diarahkan ke,website yang ada di hutan dan nanti,cucumber itu akan membeli produknya itu,gym tas nah disini sudah buat pixel,seharusnya harus menggunakan pixel ya,cuma belum Saya bahas tentang pixel,mungkin dipajang keempat setelah tentang,ikan ini saya akan bahas step by step,Gimana sih caranya bikin pixel Oke jadi,disini kita akan bahas menggunakan,halaman instan Tik Tok saja untuk laman,install ini seperti Leading Paints,tentunya bisa lihat di bagian sini untuk,buatnya teman pergi ke bagian aset dan,klik kebagian halaman instan nah disini,pilih saja yang bagian Klik tombol Nah,selanjutnya disini masuk ke bagian,penempatan iklan kita Hai tempatkan di,mana gitu ada dua jenis penempatan yang,pernah penempatan otomatis dan yang,kedua penempatan manual penempatan,otomatis sini ada tiga ya Eh yang,pertama ikan kira itu bakal muncul di,Top bus-bus videonya republik dan Babe,hanya satu lagi kita masuk ke bagian,pangli ini mungkin udah jelas ya,penjelasan itu kayak gini dan untuk,tampil itupun gini nah saya lebih,menonaktifkan kedua ini sebenernya,karena belum tentu target market itu ada,di sana ataupun menginstal aplikasi yang,ada di sini ya seperti topbuzz video dan,Republik bahkan Babe Itu belum tentu ya,jadi sini saya fokus untuk beriklan di,bagian parfum tiktoknya tapi kalau,misalkan ketemu coba Ya silahkan Ya bisa,pilih yang otomatis tapi disini saya,member yang manual masuk ke bagian bawah,di bagian sini ada komentar pengguna,kalau misalkan butuh ya aktifkan tap

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Halo assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Terima kasih banyak juragan,Sudah klik video ini melanjutkan materi,kemarin kita sudah memasang tiktok pixel,sekarang kita manfaatkan tiktok pixel,itu untuk iklan di tiktok jenis konversi,Apa itu iklan jenis konversi iklan jenis,konversi adalah kita meminta tiktok,fokusnya mencarikan orang-orang yang,mempunyai kebiasaan check-out produk,jadi disini iklan konversi gua adalah,gua minta tiktok untuk carikan orang,yang biasanya shuttering ngisi form code,terus klik beli sekarang,dan gua sudah melakukan iklan kita,Refresh dulu karena kalau enggak,direfresh takutnya bohongan dan akun ini,sudah gue jelasin Kemarin kena suspend,sering terjadi,Nah di sini gua konversi gua sebesar,2000 tadi gua udah iklan 1615490,versi satu orang kena Rp50.000 dan yang,harus dipahami tidak semuanya,menghasilkan konversi misalnya iklan,kalian sudah berjalan itu kan mesin tik,tok sudah bekerja sudah mengeluarkan,energi,selanjutnya kalian harus bayar ketik tok,atas energi yang dikeluarkan oleh tiktok,dan ternyata Leading Paints konten,kalian iklan kalian tidak menarik maka,pisah tidak terjadi konversi atau disini,konversinya mahal nih satu konversi,menghasilkan barang stara dengan 90,4377 rupiah atau disini bisa setara,dengan 46.000 jadi sekali lagi ini tidak,pasti tapi tiktok akan mencarikan,orang-orang yang sering melakukan,out kita akan mulai melakukan iklan,konversi hancur kita akan menggunakan,akun baru untuk mengganti bahasa di sini,kalian pilih saja yang inglish tinggal,kalian ganti kita akan pilih create at,iklan baru di sini ada beberapa jenis,iklan yang pertama Wearnes,consideration traffic aplikasi instal,video view community One Direction dan,disini konversi kita pilih yang konversi,dan kita menggunakan yang namanya custom,mod jangan kita gunakan yang simple mods,karena gue disini pakainya custom mod,tinggal Partition kasih nama jype NEMnya,Hai Di sini,ada yang namanya Champion budget,optimization atau jbop atau create,Pilpres kalian pelajari biasanya gua,pakai yang c Bop karena hasilnya lebih,optimal tapi dalam prakteknya tidak,selalu optimal jadi tetap kalian harus,uji coba sendiri kalian lihat,perbandingan disini tidak memakai cbo855,Kai CB Oja di budgetnya lebih,dioptimalkan oleh pihak desktop,Hai selanjutnya kita klik yang kontinyu,setelah itu kalian kasih nama dulu at,grupnya di sini aja di ada campaign ad,grup baru at nya kita kasih nama disini,press 1,website kita pilih dan ini bagian yang,paling penting dan sering terjadi,miskomunikasi di sini tiktok pixel Gue,cuman satu padahal kemarin gue pasang,ikan banyak,Hai kalian harus memperbaiki hal ini,kalian create saja kalau kalian tidak,muncul di situ tiktok pixel karena butuh,waktu juga tiktok Vixal untuk,mengkonfigurasi agar muncul Disini,Hai selanjutnya kita atur di set-up,Awards event,2tiktok pixel ada di bagian yang penting,kalian atau disini tadi gua udah atur,karena aturan tektok itu berubah rubah,jadi kita perlu melakukan improve,sendiri,manual buat kalian yang belum paham cara,pasang tiktok pixel kalian wajib banget,nonton part 1-4 gua kasih tahu Di situ,buat lengket sampai buat sampai,konfigurasi tiktok pixel Jadi harap,nonton dulu buat kalian yang benar-benar,pemula,Oke dibagian sininya kalian,nebel kemarin gak gue nebel makannya,proses konfigurasinya lama Jadi kalian,enable aja setelah itu jangan lupa di,bagian putarnya di bagian putarnya ini,kalian kasih nama PT kalian logo dan,alamat karena kalau ini enggak dikasih,blending pet sekalian,iklan kalian akan disuspend dulu ditunda,kalian kasih alamat ini aturan dari,tiktok yang terbaru Oke kita akan lanjut,ke iklan Jadi kalian klik yang ininya,jadinya kita akan pilih yang tes tes,Hai di sini kita pilih,Hai jenis of event nya disini kita akan,pilih jenis eventnya Edward atau komplit,payment nah sekali lagi ini disesuaikan,dengan pixel yang kita taruh ya kita,akan edit dulu di bagian sininya,Terus di bagian yang from god kalian,pilih eventnya juga di berdua yang di,bagian form code yang tombol beli,sekarang tombol checkout ini kalian,sesuaikan juga eventnya disini eventnya,jangan check-out tapi komplit payment,oke terus eventnya pixel tiktok ya,kalian sesuaikan complete payment disitu,ditiktok iklan Kita juga harus komplit,payment oke itu harus kalian sesuaikan,selanjutnya untuk penempatannya kalian,Boleh atur penempatannya hanya ditiktok,saja a Saudi penempatan yang lain ini,adalah bagian yang paling penting kita,mau targetin konten kita dilihat oleh,siapa maka kita pilih custom target,kalau otomatis berarti tiktok otomatis,menargetkan sendiri untuk demo grafiknya,kita mau Lokasinya dimana kita hapus,dulu di Indonesia ini kita bisa pilih,provinsi,tuh provinsi terus Kabupaten,Hai kalian bisa pilih,kalau di Facebook itu bisa rasnya,sampai berapa kilometer dari titik yang,sudah kita pilih kalau ditiktok belum,Hai kalian pilih setelah itu,disini kalian pilih drive bahasanya,kalian pilih Indonesia atau mau Inggris,juga tuh kita akan pilih yang Indonesia,aja bacanya tak

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FULL TikTok Ads Dropshipping MasterClass

FULL TikTok Ads Dropshipping MasterClass

what is going on guys noah bury here,back again with another video and today,i'm gonna be giving you a entire,training on how you can actually go from,nothing to finding a winning product on,tick tock ads and shopify and i'm gonna,be calling this the tick tock master,class now this is gonna be a general,training and i'm going to be attaching a,document in the description where you,can access the same form that i'll be,showing on screen and you can also,access other videos that i will be,referencing in this video because it,would be impossible for me to go super,in depth on every single subject without,this being like a two hour long video so,i actually have references to other,videos that i've made and they're all,organized really neatly here so that you,can just follow along and follow the,process so without further ado let's get,right into this video so let's cover a,little outline just so that you know,what to expect hopefully i will put,chapters like right around this area of,the video if you look down you should be,able to skip to different parts if you,want to be selective with what you're,learning if not kick back enjoy the ride,first thing that we're going to talk,about is product research it's,essentially the first step before you,can do anything else the next step is,going to be store building and then,product preparation which is going to be,your product description product page,stuff like that getting your ads made,what not and then we're going to talk a,little bit about product testing and,then we're going to talk about analyzing,your results and then transitioning into,the scale so this video is really going,to be from product research all the way,up until the point where you find a,winner we're not going to get too in,depth on scaling but i am going to tell,you a little bit about how you can do,your initial scale in some ways that,i've done it that have worked very well,up to this point so before we get into,the meat and potatoes of this video i,want to make an announcement and that,announcement is that we actually,launched our done for you tik tok,product testing agency about a month ago,and so far we've been able to find over,25 winning products just in a few months,time using these exact methods on tick,tock and now what we're doing is we're,taking the methods that we've proven out,over and over again and bringing them,into an agency business model where we,can take over your store and your ad,account and implement those methods for,you which basically allows us to get a,whole lot better and implement our,proven methods on your store so that we,can find you a winning product in scale,once a winner is found another cool,thing to mention is most of the clients,that we have that are actually testing,products that haven't found a winner yet,are seeing like a 0.7 to 1.2 roads,during testing which means even while,they're testing products even though,they may not have a winning product yet,they're still seeing a return on,investment and getting sales coming in,which is just a little bit exciting and,it kind of shows that there's momentum,and a lot of potential here for growth,so like i said earlier the way that the,service works is we provide you with,products we can also build your store we,can also prepare the products for you so,building the product page and making the,description we also run the product test,inside of your tik tok ad account and,then once we find a winning product we,completely scale it for you yesterday,today and tomorrow i am reopening the,service and we are now accepting clients,again i wanted to bring in kind of like,a test group to see if we could really,find a good amount of winning products,at scale and clearly we can and we're,ready to go bigger at it one thing i do,want to say is we will be capping this,service off at 60 clients in total so if,you do want to be one of those 60,clients take action don't wait around,because i'm not taking on 61 i'm capping,at 60 and the reason is because we know,that we can manage 60 clients and we,know that with the team that we have set,out we can put a lot of focus into those,60 clients and eventually our goal is to,have relationships with clients where,they're not only running one store with,us but we can actually keep on,reinvesting our profits and build these,bigger you know drop shipping style,businesses where we're not only running,one store but multiple stores for a,single client and that's mainly the,reason i'm capping it at 60 because i,think that's all we need to hit our,goals one more thing i will note is,there will be a discount today and,tomorrow only before the price goes back,to normal so if you did want to get in,during today or tomorrow there is an,incentive to do so and then after the,promo i will be removing the discount,but honestly we'll probably be closing,it down and not accepting any more,clients for like at least a week or two,just because we usually get a bunch of,clients and we like to focus on them and,ma

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

in this video i'm going to be covering,the a to z of tick-tock ads and,affiliate marketing so buckle up because,if you follow everything that i'm going,to share in this video you could be,taking home some really big affiliate,checks what's up for those of you that,don't know me my name is neil and i run,links digital agency and i help hundreds,of people make money through ads and i'm,about to help you next so let's jump,into this video so affiliate marketing,at its simplest it's basically you,getting paid to promote other people's,products and with tic tac ads some of,the most common products that we see,people promoting are things like digital,products and this could be stuff like,courses ebooks physical products this,could be things like e-commerce products,or little trinkets or subscriptions,supplements things like that or software,sas,this could be things like honey slack,you know your run-of-the-mill software,companies and the reason i'm making this,video specifically for tick-tock ads is,because i'm super excited about the,opportunity available the reason for,that is because tick tock ads are brand,new that means the ad costs are,relatively low compared to some of the,other ad platforms and there's very,little competition but with any ad,platform and affiliate marketing,regardless of whether it's tick tock ads,or youtube ads there is one crucial,equation that determines your success,with affiliate marketing you see,affiliate marketing is just a numbers,game and it all just boils down to how,much you can get a sale for versus how,much your payout is in other words how,much is your cost of customer,acquisition versus how much is the,company that you're promoting a periodic,for willing to pay you for that customer,so let's say a company is willing to pay,you a hundred dollars for every new,customer that you bring in,and your cost to bring in a new customer,through ads is let's say 50,well then at the end you would be left,with fifty dollars in profit which,sounds like a great time however in,certain cases if your numbers don't line,up and let's say the company is only,paying you sixty dollars per customer uh,that you bring in and you can't bring in,a customer for,let's say 80 well then you will be,losing 20 so at its most basic level,affiliate marketing is just this simple,equation and in order for you to make a,lot of money with affiliate marketing,you are going to have to manipulate,those two variables you want your payout,to be as high as possible and you want,your costs to be as low as possible so,let's get into it let's talk about how,you can actually manipulate these two,variables and we will first start off,with maximizing your payout in the,beginning you do have to be a little bit,careful when selecting your product that,you're willing to promote and this is,because it becomes a little bit,difficult to actually change the first,variable,your payout after the fact that you've,actually selected your product most,products have a set payout amount and,it's something that you can't really,change so this is why i always recommend,that people when first starting out,always go for a high ticket item and,this is even true with tick tock ads so,even with tech talk ads where ad costs,are low i recommend having at least a 50,payout for e-commerce products and at,minimum a hundred dollar payout with,digital products now that we have our,payout numbers let's actually talk about,how you can go out there and actually,find products to promote well one of the,easiest ways to go about this is to join,an affiliate network so this would be,things like clickbank max bounty verve,now this is the easiest option by far,you can just log on to these platforms,they already have products for you to,pick and promote and you can see what,other people are also promoting so you,have a better idea of what will actually,work now some of the drawbacks with,these affiliate networks even though,they're very easy to set up and get,going is that the products aren't really,the best quality products out there and,combined with the fact that lots of,other people are also on these affiliate,networks you find that some of these,products get saturated very very quickly,so what i recommend is that you go out,there and find individual products that,are not part of any sort of affiliate,network and preferably products that you,are actually profitable about even in,ecommerce what i would recommend is go,find a single product store or you know,a niche brand that only deals with one,particular thing so for e-commerce an,example of this would be uh gaming,chairs and i'm saying gaming chairs,because we used to promote them back in,the day though they're a little bit,saturated now but at the time of it they,were fantastic products to promote why,because they weren't part of any sort of,affiliate network they were a tangible,product and they were the company that,we went with made really good products,so we saw that in the reviews and people,actually

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