tiktok ads cta

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New TikTok CTA Strategy (works for YouTube Shorts & Reels too)

hey there so just the other day my main,tic tac account with 175 000 followers,got,shut down cancelled banned whatever um,so yeah that's a bummer but of course i,didn't really wallow in pity or or,complain about it too much i did start,an appeal we'll see what happens we'll,see if i get that account back but the,most important thing i did is i jumped,back on the horse and i started working,with a new tic tac account,uh really what i decided is um i needed,to shift and change up my strategy a,little bit more specifically with the,ctas or the call to actions and that's,what i'm going to share with you in this,video but the good news is is i can tell,you that i'm getting almost as much,reach on a lot of my videos with my new,account here or my newer account here as,i was with my older account uh so,there's still plenty of potential to,start on tic tac uh as you know a,beginner and still get plenty of reach,so this this train is still rolling,strong um so what i did is i shifted my,call to action strategy a little bit and,i think it's working out a lot better,for a lot of reasons here so i'm going,to go ahead and actually pull up my tic,toc and i'm going to put it up on screen,here so y'all can see what's going on,so this is the,newer account i am currently promoting,my 90 minute affiliate challenge on here,which is my 100 free affiliate marketing,course,um but what i'm doing differently is,instead of asking people to click the,link in my bio as my call to action i'm,actually using the terminology go ahead,and check out the comments to learn more,about an opportunity or to learn more,about this affiliate marketing,opportunity or to learn more about a,free course that will give you the,opportunity to learn this side hustle,that's beginner friendly right i use it,interchangeably,depending on on the context of the video,but the important part that uh i'm,sharing with you today is that instead,of clicking the link i'm telling people,to go over to the comments and this is,working well for a number of reasons so,here's my,most recent tic tac and i just uploaded,it not too long ago and you can see here,my call to action is go ahead and check,out the comments and when people go over,to check out the comments i tell them,what to do next in this case i say learn,my six figure side hustle for free link,in bio it's the 90 minute affiliate,challenge so there's a couple of things,going on here first when i tell people,um to go check out the comments um this,is a little first of all a little bit,different than what they're used to,seeing they're used to seeing people,tell them to go check out the link in,the bio and they're becoming a little,bit blind to that perhaps but when you,tell them to check out the comments,that's like okay cool i'll go see what's,going on because there's a little bit of,curiosity there what do they want me to,do right and curiosity is huge in,marketing,the other thing that's going on here is,while they're reading the comment right,this video is playing in the background,and actually is increasing the watch,time of this particular tick tock which,i think will help the algorithm,recognize this as a valuable valuable,video and then push it out to more,people,so obviously when they go over here this,tells them what to do then they can go,to my bio and then go find my link or or,what have you right,it's right there boom um,the the,the cool thing about this is,is i'm telling people there's an,opportunity kind of hidden in the,comments,and people really like that people like,to be in on an opportunity and for the,most part people hate being told what to,do so if you're telling them to go click,the link,i'm gonna be like i don't know he's,telling me what to do i don't like that,people just don't like to be told what,to do but if you're showing them there's,an opportunity hidden in the comments,they're gonna be more likely to go check,it out and grab it and that represents a,micro commitment and once we've had we,have them make that micro commitment,then they're gonna be more likely to go,ahead and make the next commitment which,is actually clicking over to the website,and entering their email and you know,getting into our funnel there's another,reason this is working very well and it,has to do with the other short form,content platform so for example let's,say we go over to facebook now you can,see my kids have games on my phone,so as we know,facebook reels are a newer opportunity,i've started posting facebook reels you,can see this is the exact same video,that i'm uploading to tic tac but,luckily since i don't have link in bio,as my call to action you can just,re-upload it over to facebook and as you,can see here when people go over and,click on my comments on my facebook,reels the cool thing here is they,actually can find a clickable link in,the comments so that's pretty seamless,that gets them over to the funnel,instagram if you go over to instagram,right,you tell them hey go check out the,comments to see

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads cta

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How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

How To Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (FREE COURSE)

tick tock ads are starting to become,really popular in the digital marketing,community and it only makes sense as to,why so many brands are literally,switching over from facebook ads,snapchat ads youtube ads and literally,going to tick-tock because there's so,many conversions happening on the,platform and with all of that attention,gives you lots of opportunities to be,able to get sales with tick tock and,that's exactly what we're going to be,covering but most brands and businesses,are missing this one key mistake that,they continuously make and i want to be,able to show you exactly what you can do,to be able to get high converting tick,tock ads,what's up y'all it's chase chapel here,your favorite digital marketer and we,literally cover content online and help,some of the biggest brands and creators,in the world that you know and follow be,able to generate successful results,using facebook ads and tick talk ads and,even google ads online,and we literally have hundreds of,students taking our online trainings and,programs where we have 600 plus six and,seven figure earners who have literally,taken our trainings and been able to,scale their actual brand or business,using these platforms and by the way if,you haven't already make sure to like,and subscribe because it truly does help,the algorithm so let's go ahead and get,into this video,all right so we're going to be covering,high converting tick tock ads and we've,literally spent 600 000,on tick tock through testing this far in,the last 90 days on the platform and,literally all of our insights in today's,video are recommendations we're making,purely based off of data none of our,personal opinion is in this video it's,100 backed by the actual science and,data that we see with the testing that,we're actually doing on tick-tock with,our platform and being able to,understand what makes the most sense for,our clients business and being able to,generate them results and through that,we're able to identify what tick-tock,ads are really converting best and be,able to give those insights to you so,that way you can be successful as well,you can quite literally see that the 600,000 that we've spent in this amount of,time has literally generated over 147,million impressions 2 million clicks and,we're literally getting cost per clicks,of 30 cents a click these days that is,far and few between on other platforms,so you can definitely see the,opportunities that you have on tick tock,alone so let's go ahead and go through,some of the ads that actually don't work,on tick tock and what we're seeing so,these are just some examples of tick,tock ads that don't work there's a,common misconception that people have,it's that they're running facebook ads,they're getting good results and then,they want to use the similar content,that they have there on tik-tok because,they think it's just copy and paste and,to be honest with you it's not like that,using images or gifs on your actual,tik-tok ads are not going to increase,your conversions if anything it's,actually going to decrease your,conversion rates and actually raise your,overall cost per cpm,and you know you don't want your actual,tick tocks to look like ads and a big,motto that ticktock has is make tick,tocks not ads and that's the main,premise here you don't want to be,creating content that looks like this,where you have these overlays or these,big call outs of the you know specific,offer and like red you know these red,circles here or having you know the,branding on the side of this those types,of ads just don't work on tick tock,people scroll right past those you want,the content to look native you want it,to feel like user generated content in,fact i'm actually going to be covering,ways you can get ugc later in this video,but specifically right here you want to,make sure to avoid you know templated,content even some of the biggest brands,in the world have fault prone to this,where they actually you know use the,branding and they use these basic videos,and while they get engagements they're,not really resulting in conversions so,if you're really looking to drive actual,sales and increase your actual,conversion rate and get more people to,actually convert from seeing your videos,and feel that they're actually a part of,the brand then you're going to want to,create tick-tock ads that are actually,native on the platform and have these,key conversion metrics driven behind,them and so these are just some examples,of tick-tock ads that do convert you,want to focus on actual vertical video,and fast cut you know jump cut videos,that are you know no longer than one to,three seconds per clip maybe,six seconds at the absolute most we're,actually clipping throughout the video,so that way you can keep people's,attention throughout the actual tick,tock tick tock is very fast-paced and,you want to keep that you know flow,going so people stay engaged and this,allows you to deliver way more,information about your product or,service in a much s

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Top 5 TikTok Ad Hooks Only Expert Marketers Use (Test Them ASAP!)

Top 5 TikTok Ad Hooks Only Expert Marketers Use (Test Them ASAP!)

how would you like tiktok ads that crush,every time thousands of views more sales,and profitable results sounds like a,good place to be doesn't it well unless,people are stopping to watch your video,you literally have zero chance of,getting there hi everyone welcome back,to the channel if you're new here my,name is mark i run a tick tock marketing,agency and we help e-commerce brands to,set up and scale their ads on tick tock,today we're going to be breaking down,five proven hooks that you can start,testing for your tick tock ads i know we,have people at all levels on here so,very quickly what is a hook the hook is,the first two to three seconds of your,video and his only job is to get people,to stop scrolling and pique their,interest if you think about the way that,you use tick tock there is literally an,endless feed of content for you to,consume if a video doesn't seem exciting,you're not going to watch it there's way,too many other options out there and we,don't have the attention spans anymore,thanks to an overload of information,what makes a good hook then first of all,it has to be attention grabbing you've,got two to three seconds to capture,their attention stop that scroll and get,them watching your video second a good,hook often calls out who the video's for,is there a specific niche you're going,after as a specific demographic maybe,it's young males who go to the gym when,they hear the hook they should know that,this video is for them and third a good,hook is often controversial sometimes to,stand out you have to go against the,grain and being a little bit,controversial being a bit out there,actually makes for a better video the,good thing about hooks is that they're,repeatable they work like a formula if a,particular hook is proven to work for,somebody else then it's likely gonna,work for you as well you can bend it and,make it work for your product to capture,people's attention so in this video i'm,gonna give you five proven hooks that,have already worked for ourselves and,other brands on tech talk that you can,implement into your e-commerce brand as,well i would strongly recommend you,watch the end of this video maybe the,first hook doesn't work for you maybe,it's the fifth and final hook that's,really going to unlock things for you,and get you to blow up on tiktok they're,all as valuable as each other we're,still new to this youtube game we're,trying to get some traction so as a,thank you hit the like button if you get,any value with that being said let's,jump in and look at some killer hooks,the first look on our list is the three,reasons why this is an amazing concept,that we've used for numerous brands now,and every single time we see good,results people love lists of information,they like bite-sized chunks of knowledge,by stating three reasons why they know,exactly what kind of information they're,gonna get they're gonna stick around to,hear the three reasons and you can get,across three main points they should be,buying your product you should already,have done your research you should know,the main reasons that people are,interested in your product and the main,things that get them over the line,that's the point you want to include in,the three reasons here's a couple of,examples of this hook in action so i,have a skin care confession to make and,that is,i went out on saturday in the afternoon,i was out really late,it's now monday,and i haven't done anything to my skin,the second hook is i have a blank,confession to make in this blank you,want to insert your industry or your,niche for example i have a skin care,confession or i have a bodybuilding,confession i have a pet food confession,whatever the product you're selling in,whatever industry you're in you want to,insert that in there people love secrets,secrets make us feel special and make us,feel worthy of someone else's trust,there's also a strong dose of fomo in,there the fear they're going to miss out,there's secret information that,everybody else knows and they want to be,in on it as well leveraging that,underlying human psychological desire is,a great way to get people stopped and,watching your content here's an example,of someone doing this very thing using a,skin care product there is four reasons,why you need to add hyaluronic acid,serum into your skincare routine so,reason one obviously has to be the glow,that it gives your skin perfect for,summer and if you have dry skin it,reduces the appearance of wrinkles,supports moisture retention the one i'm,using is actually vegan and cruelty free,check out habitual skincare to get your,hands on one number three different,types of people humans are social,creatures we live in communities and,we've got different constructs of how we,interact with each other and within each,group of people we all share similar,behaviors there's inside jokes there's,common ways of behaving if you can call,this out for your community and bring it,into the spotlight people are going to,relate to it and they'

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Best TikTok CTA To Grow Your Email List

Best TikTok CTA To Grow Your Email List

all right so i wanted to update you guys,on my email list from tiktok so i've,been learning a lot when i switched um,email providers and also used a,different landing page um i also started,to switch up my call to actions on my,tick tock videos and in today's video i,want to explain um what i've learned and,what new call to action i'm using to,actually get way more email subscribers,per day than before,so to get the details listen on this is,episode number 216.,all right guys make sure to take one,second to like this video and subscribe,so you know how a couple of of episodes,ago i was talking about,my,email collection through my tic toc,profile you know how i was talking about,how i was getting on average,one email a day,so just to kind of backtrack my whole,email,collection journey my email list,building journey,um what i initially did was,i was taking people to this landing page,and it was you know it's very simple,simple headline,that says get instant access to my,online money making secrets click the,button to get started and then there's a,blue button that says check it out and,all people need to do is just put in,their email to get access,all right and,looking at the data for this particular,click funnels landing page,i was using,an email provider called,crim.email,and the conversion rate is about 13,all right,and i received about,one email a day,and i was like okay that's good you know,there's something at least i'm getting,something,and then i switched over to a lincoln,bio page,so hi dot page forward slash kenneth,fong now this link in bio page is still,live and when i switched over to this,i noticed,that a lot of people were just clicking,on the button,to view the ai copywriter tool which is,jarvis and that tool is something that,i've been heavily promoting on my tic,toc profile,so when they go to this link and bio,page there's basically only two things,they could do they could click on the,link to go to the jarvis page,or,put in their email to get uh secret,marketing tools,all right so,um,i noticed that not too many people,actually filled in their email,but a lot of people like over 40 50 plus,people actually clicked on the button,and,i decided to do a few things differently,so,instead of using this link in bio tool,what i,did was i signed up for mailerlite,which is i think one of the better email,marketing platforms out there it's very,affordable they have a really generous,free plan,uh you have up to 1 000 subscribers and,you can email up to i think 12 000 times,a month which is,very good and then their paid plans are,very very affordable their features are,very very generous so i decided to get a,mailer lite account,and i created a landing page,and the landing page was very very,similar to my click funnels landing page,you know,white background the same headline same,sub headline,same you know single button call to,action,and,i launched this landing page on,mailerlite on august 23rd,today is august 26th so just about three,days three four days,and so far i received 30 subscribers,and the conversion rate is,46.8,so almost a 50 conversion rate,all right,compared that,to when i did the click funnels,the conversion rate was only,13 percent all right,that's crazy,so instead of getting one email a day,i'm getting about,like seven emails a day i'm pacing at,seven emails a day,so what do i attribute this to,i don't think i attribute this to the,actual landing page itself,but what i attribute it to is,the call to action,on my tick tock so i'm gonna,include a link to two tick tocks,in the description,um one is,going to be the older tick tock videos,with my old call to action,and my old call to action was basically,just,pointing at my link,in my tick tock bio and asking them to,click on it to view and learn more about,my affiliate marketing secrets so i just,said click here to learn more about my,affiliate marketing secrets,all right so when they click on that,it would take them to either my click,funnels before or more recently my link,in bio page,and,that was old and then now that i,switched,not only to the mailer lights but more,importantly i switched up my,my offer,and i also switched up my call to action,so i'll include a link to,the newest newer videos in the,description,and right now what i do is,i say click this link in my bio fill out,the form and i will send you my list of,marketing tools and then i pinpoint the,specific tool that i mentioned in my,tick tock video so it's a lot more,involved i show them,what they are going to get,when they click on the link,alright so i kind of give them a lot,more information i show them the lead,magnet before i didn't have a lead,magnet now i have a lead magnet and i,actually show,them the lead magnet i tell them that,hey i'm going to email you this list,click on row 18 to get the tool that i,just talked about in my tick tock video,so when you kind of show them and you,show them exactly what they're going to,get you tell them you tell them exactly,what to do

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TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial: Pixel + Campaign Set Up

TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial: Pixel + Campaign Set Up

this video is sponsored by tick tock for,business the content opinions expressed,here are that of savannah sanchez,hey guys this is savannah sanchez i am a,freelance tiktok media buyer and ad,creative expert,today i'm going to be showing you guys,my full walkthrough of tick tock ads,manager and how to set up your first,campaign,so let's dive in step one is to create a,pixel,for your business and install it on your,site to track important conversion,events like page views add to carts and,purchases,so some of you may be wondering why use,a tick-tock pixel,number one you'll want to be able to,track conversions and,activities on your website and use the,data to create audiences on tick-tock ad,manager,who you can re-target in the future with,ads number two,the tick tock pixel allows you to,improve advertising performance,optimizing your ad delivery around,conversions and ensure that your ads are,shown to people who are most likely to,take an action,and lastly how does the tic toc pixel,actually work the first step is once you,create a pixel you'll want to install it,on your website,the pixel code can be used to track on,any website,and the pixel will only work once the,code,is installed in the back end of your,website so you may need the help from a,developer in order to install the pixel,code,or if you're a shopify user you can use,the shopify app for tick tock,in order to do the one click pixel,integration,the second step when creating your tick,tock pixel is to set up the rules for,conversions,you'll want to set up rules for a,conversion according to user actions,such as click or purchase events,so essentially what you're going to be,telling tiktok is when someone is at,this portion of my website or clicks on,this button,i want this to track in tic tocs ads,manager as a purchase or an add to cart,whatever it is,so you'll have to first set up the pixel,with installing the code,and second set up those rules for the,tick tock pixel,and lastly you'll start receiving the,pixel data for the conversion events,after the rules are set the data will be,displayed on the tick tock ads platform,once a conversion occurs so once you,have your pixel installed,creating a campaign on tick tock is,actually really straightforward,simply log into the ads manager go to,the campaign tab,and click create here you'll be able,to set your advertising objectives such,as reach and traffic if your campaign,goal,is to raise your brand awareness or,video views if your campaign goal is to,get sales,select conversions you can also set your,daily or lifetime budget at the campaign,level,next head to the ad group level here you,can select the event that you want to,optimize for,ad placements and any audiences you want,to include or exclude,if you want to upload an audience such,as your customer list you can do that in,the asset section of ads manager,at the ad group level this is where you,also select your targeting,this is where you can select different,demographics interests and behaviors,that you want to target on tick tock,you should have a general idea of who,your target audience is,based off of your product offering for,example you can select people who engage,with specific categories of videos,this audience may be more likely to also,engage with your ad content,finally you'll select your ad group,budget delivery schedule,and bidding the bid you select is how,you tell tick tock what you're willing,to pay,per click or per purchase tick tock will,also recommend,a minimum suggested bid in order to get,delivery,so i highly recommend going with those,suggestions all right,so once you set your ad group up you'll,want to have at least three ads per ad,group,in my experience in order for the,campaign to optimize,at its full potential to create an ad,you can simply upload pre-existing,assets that you've made,in the ad group by clicking create here,you'll choose your assets,write in your caption and select a cta,you can also use the create a video tool,to easily make eye-catching video,content from tik-tok's templates,simply upload your images or videos and,create stunning visuals in seconds,there is also a quick and easy way to,find non-copyright music for your ads,with the smart,soundtrack tool simply upload your ad,without sound,and the smart soundtrack will,automatically find one to match up with,your video,or you can browse the library of tick,tock's free sounds,once you've submitted your ad it will go,under review for brief time,in some cases your creative might get,rejected but you can make changes to,your ads,based off of the feedback given from the,review team so that is how quick and,easy it is to launch your first campaign,on,tick tock ads manager for a limited time,you can get a 300 ad credit to use for,your first campaign,so make sure to take advantage of that,offer now

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TikTok ads for Amazon FBA Store | Increase your sales with TikTok ads and influencer marketing

TikTok ads for Amazon FBA Store | Increase your sales with TikTok ads and influencer marketing

how can you as an amazon seller use,tick-tock yes tick-tock to skyrocket,your sales in this episode of power your,e-commerce business i'm interviewing,tamara from sellers alley sellers alley,is a google advertising,agency an amazon ppc advertising agency,and they are officially a tick-tock,marketing partner,in this interview we're going to be,talking about the right type of content,that can help boost your sales on amazon,and what about this content how can you,create it or can you get someone else to,create it for you we're also going to be,talking about a very simple tip but i,think it's super important where do you,place the text,on the screen for maximum impact,but before we dive into the interview if,this is your first time watching a video,on this channel hi my name is crystal,and i'm the founder of amazon center,society and sellers society and we are,completely obsessed with selling online,on amazon and focused on the middle east,now power your e-commerce business is a,series where we feature amazing solution,providers and,providers that have unique services and,unique solutions to potential problems,that you might be facing this is a,passion project of mine so you can go,ahead and watch the full playlist of all,the videos that we've done so far i will,leave the link in the description box of,this video and i'm sure if you're having,a problem you're gonna find a solution,in one of those videos if you would like,to work with myself as well as my team,and if you need help with building,starting your business on amazon or even,with management services you can go,ahead and book a free consultation call,with the team go ahead and visit,www.assmiddleeast.org,forward slash sell if you still haven't,started your journey on amazon in the,middle east you can also find on our,main website on our website you can find,a free step-by-step guide to explain to,you exactly how to register your seller,account on amazon uae or amazon ksa all,the features that you require let's get,started and let's dive into the,interview,welcome to power your ecommerce business,the go-to series for busy entrepreneurs,like you,product research sales marketing,branding shipping and logistics we share,knowledge and information every week,from top experts serving the mena region,to help you power your ecommerce,business,tamara thank you so much i'm so excited,to be with you talking about,a very important topic social media but,not just social media we're going to be,talking about tick-tock and how you can,utilize tick-tock,as an amazon seller,and how you can improve your sales and,so many juicy and important details,let's get started welcome,thank you very much for the introduction,i'm very glad to be here with you today,and to present you more about tiktak so,let me share my screen,so firstly i would like to introduce,more about sellers ali like we are the,marketing agency started with the amazon,ppc then dsp and since we,became tick tock official partner from,2021 uh we are doing tik-tok advertising,as well,so we have like more than three plus,experience three years less experience,and more than 250 clients in the last,three years,so to not talk much about sellers ellie,let's jump right into the tick tock and,what it is,so basically i wanted to start like why,tick tock because i think it's really,important for people to understand like,why is so popular,um like tik tok overtook the google as,the most popular website in the world,last year so it's a big thing,you know when you overtook the google uh,but it has been like also also the most,downloaded app like for the social media,and everything and you can find,people that you cannot find uh on any,other social media platform as it became,so much popular,uh and why you can see here like um,you know with some data uh,with instagram facebook and other uh,social media platforms and all popular,platforms like how much actually,tick-tock like takes advantage and how,much uh people are using it actually,this is just you know data from the,actually just q1 from the 2022 so you,can see how the popular it is actually,so like some facts and things about tik,tok that i wanted to point out today,like for you to better understand how it,works and what the tick tock is and,stick talk is actually like,the platform that you will open to just,like scroll down you know for the two or,three hours to see some interesting,videos some sounds uh that will you know,make you laugh make your day better so a,lot of people are actually,getting to tick tock to get some,entertaining um on the platform and,they're using this app like daily,too much let's say,they are spending time like i know,myself i'm spending like at least two,hours on tick tock just scrolling you,know to the end it's addictive once you,start you keep watching that's true,that's true right,but usually like someone that doesn't,use tik tok they are thinking like only,the teenagers are on the app but it's,not true like i'm,30 years old and i'm scrolli

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Tik Tok Ads Real Time Launch + Scale (Day 1 Breakdown)

Tik Tok Ads Real Time Launch + Scale (Day 1 Breakdown)

in this video we're going to break down,exactly a real-time overview of,tick-tock ads being launched and scaled,for a business if you're new to this,channel we talk about tick-tock ads,e-commerce drop shipping pretty much,everything in that space so if that's,something that you're interested in make,sure you hit the like button subscribe,to the channel also we have a,full-fledged a to z tick tock ads,mastery program linked in the,description it has been producing a,crazy amount of results for the people,hopping in as well as everything that,you're going to see in this video today,it's pretty much a 20x of what you know,you're watching in this video and you're,about to learn okay so right now you can,clearly see i'm in the ticktock ads,manager for this brand that i'm working,with just a quick preface right this,brand is going,uh through button click for their cpa as,their goal they're not using complete,payment so that's just take that with a,grain of salt but overall this strategy,is going to work super well,for the your brand you're running or,your drop shipping store so we're going,to go ahead and break it down already to,let you guys know this is what i,scheduled today,the ads are just starting to run and,we're going to see you know how they,perform but this is a strategy that i've,done across multiple brands and spent,you know hundreds of thousands even,millions of dollars on tick tock doing,this exact strategy right no one's going,to share this with you you know without,joining your course like i said i do,have a a to z program but,i'd rather just share a pretty fair,amount of what i'm doing just so you,guys can get a better understanding so,we can go ahead and look at kind of what,was working previously so we launched,different ads for this brand different,ad groups you know if you watched any of,my other videos you guys know i like,this to test one creative at a time one,by one,and you can see that a lot of times we,can figure out what is the top,performing created so you we can see,here that you know these creatives spent,a ton more than the other ones and we've,kind of narrowed down to our two top,performing creatives now i'm always,testing right i'm always testing new,creatives in this you know ad testing uh,campaign that we have here,so basically we found this winner right,it was this b26 one,and the targeting is super broad i'm not,testing interest just letting the,creative drive the traffic,and we can see here that this gave us,the best cpa anything under two dollars,is really good you know for this brand,and uh yeah so everything under two,hours is great so we found these two are,our best performers so what do we know,now and guys i'm showing you that you,real time what i set up today i'll break,down more results actually for you if,you want to see this,uh from a daily aspect or even a weekly,about how i'm optimizing and different,strategies like that so you know if you,want to see that drop a comment and i'll,happily make more videos like this if it,helps you,so we found those two creatives like i,said that b26 one and the c review so,what i do is i'll take the b26 which is,that winning creative that we had,it's going to load up here and you can,see here that these these are all,you know ad set budgets with cost cap,each of them at 200,on a daily budget and you know i started,off from the recommended click so,how i found this cost cap was say if i,edit this ad group here,and i go through gonna show you exactly,what i'm doing,and they have the optimization event at,button click,i'm gonna scroll down us targeting,broad 25 plus just because the reason,why i have 25 plus is that's like the,highest converting for this type of,product that you know this business is,selling we'll scroll down to,uh day parting i have it from 9 a.m all,the way to about 1,30ish a.m,and uh we don't really want to run from,these hours,so cost cap obviously now it's down to a,1.36 but we would adopt this cost cap,normally if you have previous data on,your ad account you want to adopt this,cost cap if you don't just pick a cost,cap that you think would you know be,right for your ad groups to spend,and guys that's the setup for each ad,group and we would duplicate this one ad,right everything the exact same a bunch,of times and have 20 different ad groups,uh with all these different bids all,being,incremented by one cent,and then we can go from there so,normally i you can go down or up but i,want i decided to go up on on these uh,ad groups,each with a a cent increment and what's,crazy is no one like no one's gonna show,you this like i'm telling you no one on,youtube or wherever you go it's gonna,it's gonna show you this sauce so uh,make sure you know you join the program,if you wanna have more information like,this like more in-depth information,that's linked in the you know in the,description as well as you know we have,private group as well you can check out,but besides the point we can go in here,and open one of these yo

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Viral Hooks For TikTok Videos: Go VIRAL EVERY TIME You Post (30M+ Views)

Viral Hooks For TikTok Videos: Go VIRAL EVERY TIME You Post (30M+ Views)

by far this is the most important,youtube video that i've ever dropped and,it's the most requested youtube video,i've ever dropped in this video i'm,going to share with you viral hooks you,can implement into your tic toc content,right now to start getting more views,and more followers and for those of you,that don't know the reason that this is,so important because all the tik-tok,algorithm cares about now not all the,tech talk algorithm cares about and if,you want to know exactly what the,tic-tac algorithm cares about you could,go watch my third latest video that i,dropped on september 30th about the new,october algorithm but that being said,you guys need to make sure that you're,paying attention to the amount of watch,time that you're getting in your videos,and the most important part when it,comes to getting watch time is going to,be the hook your video because at the,end of the day if somebody doesn't get,hooked into your video they're not going,to watch the rest of your video and that,is why you're not getting views on tick,tock you're not getting followers on,tick tock and if you have a lot of,followers it's the reason that you're,currently losing followers and the viral,hooks that i'm going to share with you,doesn't matter what niche you're in,these apply to every single niche,doesn't matter how big of a creator you,are it doesn't even matter if you make,your content in english none of that,stuff matters the only thing that,matters is that you guys watch this,video all the way through to the end and,implement everything that i'm going to,share with you because i'm telling you,if you don't implement all of these,hooks the first one might not work for,you the second one might not work for,you but by the time you get to the third,or the fourth you're going to find the,one that works for you and that is,what's going to change your life on tick,tock i hope devin rodriguez art changed,his life on tik tok over 20 million,followers he's signed to an agency he's,a pr all over the place he sells his art,now for tens of thousands of dollars,helped change his life joel magician now,selling out places to do comedy again,got into the mentorship program gained,over 15 million followers and so many,other creators like carnival got into,the mentorship program millions of,followers later now is able to charge a,ton of money to get placements on his,tick tock videos if you guys want to,change your life it all starts with,creating the right hook in your tick,tock content to make sure that everybody,watches your videos so please make sure,you guys implement all these hugs and i,do want to emphasize once you guys find,a hook that works you need to keep doing,it over and over and over again because,at the end of the day tick-tock is based,on trends and once you have some,momentum you need to keep doing it so,that you do not lose it the biggest,mistake i see creators make say have a,video get 30 40 50 000 views or even,millions of views and then the next,thing that they post or all of their,posts after that where nothing like that,post that went viral you need to make,sure the same sound the same hook type,the same video length you need to,incentivize engagement the same way you,need to make sure that you're doing all,of those things the same way it is not,copying it is not going to make your,followers bored none of that stuff is,going to happen because if you're doing,it correctly 99 of the people seeing,your videos are going to be people that,have never seen your video before yes,you might get one or two comments saying,oh i've seen this before why do you keep,doing the same video but you need to,realize one or two people out of the,million people that are gonna see your,content it doesn't matter and emphasize,this i want you guys to do an exercise,if you get 100 people in a room what are,the odds that one two three even five of,them are absolutely crazy out of their,mind the odds are probably really high,so now you need to multiply that and,scale that up when 10 000 people see a,video of course 100 of those people are,going to be nuts out of their mind leave,a negative comment might even dm you,saying some crazy stuff guys it's,totally normal that's the internet where,do you think crazy people live they live,on the internet okay so hook number one,and number two both come from healthy,emmy who gained over 400 000 followers,in my mentorship program the two hooks i,want to emphasize here are one that she,does which is foods that you thought,were unhealthy that aren't this is,something that you could put in any,single niche if there are misconceptions,in your niche if there is misinformation,in your niche you guys can use that hook,to then explain to people why those,things are not unhealthy or why those,things are healthy another great,variation that would be foods that you,think are healthy that actually aren't,now you could do this in any single,niche if you're in the mortgage niche it,could be loans that you think are g

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