tiktok ads conversion rate

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Why Your Tik Tok Ads Or Organic Videos Isn't Making Sales | Low Conversions? (Shopify Dropshipping)

if you're doing tick tock ads or organic,videos and seeing results like all these,people then this is the video for you,i'll be going over why you're seeing low,conversion rates many people adding the,car abandoned cars and things like that,and how to better improve it and why,you're seeing this so my name is michael,and i've been in ecom and drop shipping,for about eight years now but now i help,storners better optimize and improve,their store to increase conversion rates,reducing their abandoned carts and,checkouts and overall how to get more,sales without spending extra on ads so,over the past few months i've been,seeing a lot of people ask this kind of,question of them getting a lot of,traffic to their store people adding the,car but not completing their purchase,and so on and first we need to,understand the quality of your actual,viewers and visitors going onto your,store if you're doing tick tock ads or,even if you're doing organic videos with,that and if you're doing organic videos,you really don't know who the visitor is,they can be 13 years old with no credit,card they can be 20 years old 30 even 40,or just even window shoppers at that,point and that's just a reality of it,and compare that when you're doing paid,ads you can target a specific age group,according to your product and,demographic,and for example i see a lot of people,posting about uh these kid products and,yeah you might be getting uh a couple,thousand views or even a few million,views and it might look all good because,you're getting tons of views but like i,said you don't know who the actual,visitor is and they just can be 12 year,olds just watching your video and this,can be the case too when you're running,tick tock ads and doing broad targeting,unless the algorithm picks up who your,target audience is because if it doesn't,then tick-tock is just showing your,videos to a bunch of people who have no,interest in buying your product however,with that being said that's not the main,reason people see low conversion rates,abandoned cars and checkouts because,there can be hundreds of reasons for,that and there's so many different,variables and factors that i can even,list on this video because they'll be an,hour long and i have a bunch of videos,on my channel going over why a lot of,people struggle on getting sales and low,conversions or increasing their,conversions and you can check out those,videos if you haven't already in a lot,of cases it's actually the person's,store and converting the traffic into a,sale and so many people focus their time,on finding better products tech talk ads,facebook ads trying different ad,strategies and so on but they totally,forget on optimizing their store to,increase their conversions and you have,to think about it like this you only,need one click from your ad to your,store but there's typically between five,to eight or more clicks that are,required before a sale leave it is even,made on your store there's so many,things that can go wrong on your store,and people don't even realize it so,that's why it's very important on,optimizing your product pages your cart,and your checkout to get the best,results and increase those conversions,and this is what a lot of these other,drop shipping or e-commerce channels,don't talk about because like what i,always say is that they only talk about,these facebook tick tock ads and get,finding different products and winning,products and trending products and so,much of of that generic information i,even have my store optimization course,that i give you all the optimization,tweaks that you can do to have a high,converting store and pretty much going,over from the home page product page,from the collections pages from your,cart and your checkout and so many other,tweaks that you can do to better improve,your store i'll leave the link for it,down in the description if you're,interested i also wanted to talk about,outsiders looking in what i mean about,this is just because you're getting a,lot of views that doesn't always mean,you're getting a lot of money or sales,lots of people think if you're getting,hundreds of thousands of views or even,millions of views then that always,equals into sales for example if we take,a look at cal's tweet we can see that,they posted a screenshot of this store,the gel strap and i actually did a,review on this store in my last video,but he says it's a trending product,killer content clean website and that,equals money but the other day the store,owner actually posted his store on,another discord server asking people why,he's not getting sales and actually,posted a screenshot of his conversion,rate you can see that he got a 0.2,conversion rate from 138 added to cards,64 reached checkout but only one,purchased and that drop off is,absolutely crazy another big issue that,i've been seeing with a lot of people,who are running tick tock ads is that,they're getting hundreds or thousands of,visitors onto their store but those,visitors don't actually mean

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$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

we helped take one of our students,shopify stores from spending 4 000 and,getting no sales at all before working,with us to being able to literally hop,on two calls and average 15 sales a day,from their tick tock ads and they,literally changed everything and were,completely mind blown that even after,spending all that money and seeing no,results that there could be just a few,tweaks that are backed by data that have,allowed them to up their actual sales,volume and average 15 sales a day from,their tick tock ads and be profitable,and these are the formulas that allow us,to actually achieve results and we go,through the exact data driven strategies,on how to actually implement this so,that way you can actually see success as,well everything we do is based off data,and the last thing we want to do is put,in our own personal opinion because we,want to remove all emotions and only,focus on the analytics and insights that,tell the truth in fact we've been doing,this exact strategy and been reading and,analyzing analytics across hundreds of,ad accounts over the last seven years,and have generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients because,of this and in today's video we're gonna,look at a live example of one of our,students and actually break down how,they were actually spending four,thousand dollars and seeing no results,at all on tick tock and having been,frustrated to being able to actually,start working with us and seeing cells,literally within a few days of actually,trying out these actual strategies and,implementing the process so make sure,you like this video subscribe because it,really does help the algorithm and we do,try to put a lot of effort into these,videos so that way you can find value so,let's get into the actual live call,aaron,chase how are you hey how are you,i'm great i want to thank you man for,the first time i finally got some,traction uh behind my ads and got you to,thank for that so,boom it's all a work in progress,amazing i love it i love it i just,wanted to give you a,quick you know update on what's going on,and wonder what what are next steps,right,so i finally got this conversion ad,running and campaign running and it's,it's it's doing pretty good i mean,from where i came from to where i am now,it's like night and day,oh that's amazing,yeah cool all right so yeah let's take a,look yeah this is exciting,i would uh first step unrelated tick,tock ads,have you downloaded zoom,i do i have of course i do,it's so weird because i feel like it i,think it's pulling into your browser,all right um yeah that'd be good because,the quality like drops it by like four,or five times the amount it's kind of,weird all right so these are complete,payments,yes,all right it's really blurry on my end,um,i can't even see these numbers are you,able to zoom in a little bit,okay yeah that's a little bit better,they're starting to come through oh wow,okay yeah cool great yeah you're,definitely getting sales yeah greatness,awesome yeah huge progress i mean you,were spending a ton and getting nowhere,for a while you have no idea man i was,hearing it from the higher ups that they,were about to pull the plug on me but uh,um,i'm back in the game,but my really my question is is,you know my my cpa is high right because,i'm spending you know i'm spending some,some cash to get get these acquisitions,sure sure,let's backtrack so what changed between,the settings that we were going over and,like now with the new launch so um you,know i ran the add to cart campaign,which i think helped the algorithm,figure out who who my people are right,okay,um good but even that initially wasn't,spending so you had me staircase some of,the spend which worked um and then i,switched over to a this conversion,campaign,um and,spent you know i spent some money for a,budget for each of those ad groups um,but it worked so,that's awesome and and really cool but,we know what point do i start scaling,down or do i say hey screw let's go the,other direction and scale up,okay got it and what about the audiences,were you always targeting female,yeah i mean so i i've played around with,uh female and male but you know the,brand sku is female that's just the,nature of it which is fine um but i,would be willing to test um,males as well you know i have some,creative that sort of tries to speak to,to the male consumer,but in terms of putting money behind it,i just quite haven't done it yet,okay and are all these have the same,creative,no,really yeah i've got listen i got,different i got plenty i got plenty oh,okay interesting let's see here and so,what i noticed for example this ad um,where it's just let's make a sparkling,mint lemonade very simple um,i i had some old creative of similar,that i took and repurposed,so it makes for the perfect addition to,any drink or mocktail enjoy,i mean just simple simple stuff and it,works very simple yeah,so this one's getting a high cost per,click low lower cpm,these face value metrics are very,average if you

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How To DOUBLE Your Shopify Conversion Rate in 2022

How To DOUBLE Your Shopify Conversion Rate in 2022

one of the most underutilized ways to,increase your sales on shopify is by,increasing your actual conversion rate,in fact cro is a big thing and being,able to actually increase your overall,sales volume and make your ads convert,even better so many people really focus,on their creatives they focus on their,targeting but they never think to focus,on the actual landing page that is going,to be converting the individuals through,the actual funnel and that's exactly,what we're going to be covering today so,let's go ahead and get into the video,now if you're new here my name is chase,chapel and over the last seven years,we've grown over 250 different brands,and businesses and so many different,niches and we've collectively generated,over a billion dollars in sales and,that's all through managing facebook ads,tick-tock ads and even google ads and,we've gained a lot of experience through,the agency after having advised on over,200 million in ad spend across,facebook's products and spending 600 000,in the last 90 days on tick tock so,let's go ahead and jump into the video,so that way we can go over the,conversion rate optimization for your,shopify store so that way you can 2x,your conversion rates so we're going to,be covering how to 2x your conversion,rates and to 2x a shopify store,conversion rate isn't as hard as you,think there's a few key,actual designs and items that you need,on your actual landing page to increase,trust to actually add authority and you,know drive more individuals to be able,to convert just by making the process,super simple in fact actually lowering,the number of clicks somebody actually,has to make from an ad like facebook or,tick tock you're actually going to get,better cpms because the faster somebody,can actually check out the quicker they,can get back to scrolling on their,social media feed which is what these,big tech companies want especially if,you're running ads so you need a very,fluid process to bring people through,your funnel and that is through your,shopify store and so when we're looking,at the landing page some of the things,you really need to focus in on and these,are some of the top things that we,always see convert best and what,actually makes a big difference in your,overall conversion rate we're talking,about like if you're actually spending,you know a thousand dollars and you're,getting back 5 000,in actual sales well if you actually,double your conversion rate you're quite,literally going to see a huge increase,in your overall sales without spending,any more money so you know the practical,thing to do here is to maximize the,overall conversion rate growth so that,way you can get as many sales as,possible,one of those first things is testing,your website on both desktop and mobile,to ensure the most important information,is always appearing above the fold and,essentially above the fold is whenever,the actual website loads on your mobile,screen or desktop screen above the fold,is everything within view upon the load,and that's really important because you,want to have the actual product you want,to actually have the name of the product,you want to have all the relevant,information above the fold so that way,people can see what they need right away,without having to scroll to find it and,then the main thing is you're going to,need to create a strong and clear bold,header title and that is having a strong,clear,actual header here with your actual,product name sometimes people make,really thin text for their you know,product titles and it's really hard to,read you want to make sure it's very,clear and bold so that way people can,read immediately and know what it is,that you're selling the other thing is,you want a direct product image if you,have models showing off your you know,clothing or you have a model showing off,the actual item or doing a how-to it's,good to have those in the second third,fourth fifth image or video on your,actual product image page rather than,showing it as the first one you want to,make sure the first image is always,super direct and focused on the exact,item itself that way there's no,confusion and people can see exactly,what it is that they're purchasing right,away and know that they made it to the,right landing page if you're running ads,and then the next thing is we're going,to need a strong call to action button,and full color add to carts is really,increasing overall add to cart click the,rates which is driving more people,through your actual funnel so having a,full colored added cart it makes it bold,it stands out if you have an outlined,you know add to cart where it's white,and then you have to buy it now that's,full you know a full color add to cart,is actually going to really increase,your overall add to cart conversion rate,which is going to help you get more,people to actually you know make it to,the checkout process which you can then,get them to actually make it to the,purchase and the next thing is having,your contact details and yo

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How To 4X Your Shopify Conversion Rate in 2023

How To 4X Your Shopify Conversion Rate in 2023

so what you're about to learn is not,just the framework for Shopify,conversion rates that has generated,hundreds of millions of dollars on,Shopify but has generated billions of,dollars on shopbot it's more than just a,four-phase step process that shows you,how to add an extra six figure seven,figures or more with your shop by store,instead these are the techniques that,will disrupt your Market turn your shop,by store into a cash converting machine,and only make your competition envy and,today I'm going to show you how to take,full advantage of that so let's get,started so now we're going to be,covering the Shopify conversion rate,optimization course the first thing we,want to focus on is simplifying the user,experience it only takes .05 seconds for,a customer to form a first impression of,your website that is less than a second,and less than a point one second in fact,that's 50 milliseconds only for somebody,to decide whether or not they like your,website trust it feel that they want to,shop on it or not so you have to be able,to capture their attention quite,immediately in order for them to be able,to be willing to click on other links on,your site to actually purchase and 86 of,all website visitors want to see,information about your products on the,home page lots of you don't even list,your product to be purchased on your,home page and it's not very visual or,you can't even see your products on your,home page in some cases that is,definitely hindering performance and,then 88 of consumers Trust online,reviews so if you don't have reviews on,your website you're definitely going to,want them and user generated content,results in 29 higher conversion four,sites with it than those without it,essentially what that means is is having,content of people who've actually,purchased your product on your website,this can definitely help with your,conversion rate and your conversion rate,is essentially when somebody visits your,website purchases you want to know what,that conversion rate number is and on,average conversion rates for e-commerce,sites around 2.86 percent on Shopify and,for new store owners it's normal to be,around a 1 to 2 percent conversion rate,and that is because initially you don't,have all the information about your,product listed yet maybe you haven't,added any other conversion rate factors,that increase that you might not have,reviews yet these are going to be things,that we're going to be covering today so,that way you can understand exactly what,you need to add to your website so that,way you can increase the overall sales,and conversion rates so some of the,things you want to focus on are having a,banner at the top at all times this is,where you can have important call outs,around free shipping we know free,shipping is an offer that people love,and if they can get free shipping,whether it's free shipping after fifty,dollars or after seventy five dollars or,after a hundred dollars as long as,you're offering free shipping to some,degree whether it's incentivize or if,you apply it across site wide it's,definitely going to help increasing your,conversion rate because when people add,your product to cart and then they find,out they have to pay for shipping,they're less likely to convert thus,decreasing your conversion rate it's,also a good spot to house your special,offer so in their case all birds put for,limited time up to fifty percent off,select style this is the banner at the,top at all times it is a super valuable,way to deliver information and it's,definitely going to help you increase,your shop by conversion rate then you're,going to want to add reviews if you have,them this will definitely increase the,trust it's going to make it easier for,people to you know be able to see,exactly what others are saying so that,way they can purchase then you're going,to want to make sure that if your,product has sizes colors selections you,want to make it easy to use you want to,have color swatches that are visual you,want to make the sizing very clear your,size guides all compact very,understandable on one line if possible,and then keep your description concise,and clear describe exactly what you're,selling include all the information,necessary for somebody you want to,purchase if you only have one or two,bullets that might not be enough,information or if you have 50 bullets,that might be too much and there's,probably a better way to organize it,and make sure to have additional details,so many people miss out on a product,description they show their product but,sometimes they don't even understand,that the consumer might not even know,what it is or how to use it so you're,going to want to put additional,information in there this is also where,you can share you know the size guide if,you have one this is where you can share,your shipping information so people know,how long it takes the return policy the,refund policy the policies that are,important for people to make a decision,to purchase because they want

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TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)

TikTok Ads - Traffic vs Conversions (In-depth explained)

imagine you go to tick tock and when you,start your first campaign the first,thing that you will see is a vacuum pane,objective you see the traffic objective,you see the conversion objective now not,knowing what each objective does might,cost you a lot of money it costs you,time and it costs you opportunities so,let me show you in a basic video what is,the difference between these two,objectives and I'm gonna go very very in,depth so when by the end of this video,you'll have a hundred percent Clarity on,which objective you want to stick to,based on your business goals I'm going,to show you as much as possible to,simplify this kind of comparison between,these two objectives because if I go to,technical you will be overwhelmed and,that's not my kind of objective for this,video so think about these three,objectives as free kind of layers that I,want to kind of go through the first one,is optimization when you you choose a,traffic as your campaign objective your,optimization is going to be only clicks,the moment when you chose this,particular objective Tick Tock at,algorithms what we are going to do they,are going to optimize based on clicks,they will see like a successful campaign,in terms of how many clicks you are,getting so if you are optimizing on,traffic one thing that I can promise you,you'll get a lot of traffic to your,website now for tick tock they don't,actually care about with the quality of,a traffic I just want you to give you a,bunch of people on your website on the,other hand with conversions you can,optimize for things like value,conversions and clicks on that asset,level and this is the part where I want,you to kind of clarify a few things so,with a value actually let's start with,conversions when you optimize for,conversions which is set by default,pretty much what you are doing and what,she was saying to tick tock hey I want,you to optimize my ad creatives based on,people who are more likely to buy from,me even both of they might not know your,brand even though they might see your,business for a first time but it doesn't,really matter they are going to optimize,the algorithms will understand that this,is what is your main goal this is kind,of your first objective that you want to,get from a vet campaign so that's why,kind of an audience if we look at these,two objectives the audience will be,completely different based on what you,are optimizing for the second,optimization that you can make with,conversions is a value now with a value,what you have to understand is that it,is locked for a specific period of time,you gotta have some seasonality on your,Twitter account and you have to get,quite a few conversions before they are,going to unlock you like with a value,optimization but essentially what this,helps you is like the algorithms now,they are going after again people who,are more likely to convert but not only,to convert but also to buy a much more,expensive product where I would say,generally speaking it helps you to,increase the average good value and,ultimately it increases your return on,NetSpend it is a pretty cool,optimization once like you unlocked this,I would recommend actually give it a try,but you know if sometimes it might not,work so you have to be aware of that as,well now the third optimization is,clicks however if you're optimizing for,clicks using the conversion objective is,going to be exactly the same as you,would optimize for you know traffic so,actually if we think about it from this,particular perspective then the,objective that you're using on the,campaign level actually does not matter,that much what matters is what you are,optimizing on web ad set level if you're,optimizing for clicks using the,conversion you're gonna get kind of the,same outcome so it is not about the,traffic it is not about the conversions,it is about what you are optimizing on,the ad set level and this is pretty much,how these optimizations looks like on,the ad set Level under the bidding and,optimization section with traffic you'll,have only the clicks as an optimization,goal for conversions you'll have these,three points that I've mentioned so far,now when it comes to the analysis how do,you analyze and how do you optimize,these two different campaign objectives,because you might have as an objective,if you're a big brand you want just to,get you know some traffic once you get,some brand awareness that's fine but if,you are optimizing for conversions you,want to look at different metrics so,that's something crucial and when it,comes to traffic we want to look at free,metrics which is your cost per click how,much you are spending to get that click,let's say on average you might get like,a one dollar or 0.5 that is like you you,are pretty much paying one dollar to get,one person to your website then we have,a click through rate where CTR this is,in terms of percentages how many people,are like clicking through your like ad,and they are going to your website and,then we have a video watch time t

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How To Setup a TikTok Ads Conversion Campaign

How To Setup a TikTok Ads Conversion Campaign

what is going on guys today i'm going to,be teaching y'all how to,properly set up a tick tock ad,conversion campaign,i'm going to be setting it this up for a,client so i thought i'd bring you along,for the ride,so let's get right into it as you can,see here we are,in the tick tock ad manager at the,dashboard level what we're gonna do,is actually click up here on campaign,and now that we're here all we have to,do is click on create,so for those of y'all that don't,understand how this is structured it's,basically a three-tier system you have,the campaign level,the ad group level and the ad itself,which would be the creative level,uh right now at the campaign level we,have five different advertising,objectives we have reach,traffic app installs video views and,conversions,for this specific campaign i'm gonna be,optimizing for conversions,one thing that i do suggest is keeping,your naming,as cleanly as possible um,this is going to help you understand,what campaign,which campaign is which and which ad,group is which and i'll give you some,suggestions on best practices,on how to actually label those here in a,second i'm not going to be split testing,at this level right here,the reason being is because i'm going to,be using automated creative optimization,for this which essentially,builds out an endless amount of ads for,me instead of me having to do it,manually,and it's my understanding if i do a,manual split test here,i can only use one ad in each split in,each ad group,so that's not something that i want i'm,just going to be doing that manually,down the line and i'll show you how i do,that and budget,we're going to be setting that at the ad,group level,click continue,awesome so as you can tell we have a,really shabby,ad group name i'm gonna leave that for,the time being uh,when i actually get further down the,line i'll come back and i'll edit that,and i'll show you why,but let's talk about placements when it,comes to placements i do suggest that,you,untoggle everything except for tick-tock,specifically,because as you can see right here right,off the bat uh vigo i'm going to go,ahead and zoom this,in why is that 80 oh my okay uh,vigo is only available in india hello is,in india as well,and pangol is in japan korea and taiwan,so those aren't countries that i'm,looking to target for this specifically,i'll give you a little bit more,information about what this product is,here in a second,or just right now so essentially what,i'm looking to advertise,is a um i'm sending people to an opt-in,page,and i'm trying to capture their name and,email uh the reason being,is simply because i'm it's a freemium,model it's a chrome extension,that helps college kids or kids,transitioning into college,better apply for colleges and get into,better colleges so that's sort of the,demo that i'm going after,and that's just the model of their,business now that being said we have to,select,our tick-tock pixel for those of y'all,that don't know what a tick-tock pixel,is,very simply put it allows you to track,different events and conversions on your,site,if you don't have this installed yet i,made a separate video on that and i'm,going to go ahead and link it down below,in the description definitely check that,video out beforehand,make sure that that's properly installed,because without that you won't be able,to track your campaigns you won't be,able to track the conversions on your,campaigns and essentially you're just,throwing stuff,up against the wall and seeing if it,sticks so,we're going to go ahead and select that,and just a brief explanation,as to how these events are set up it's a,two-step process so,one would be the page view which is this,link the opt-in form,and then the second one is the form,submission so the form submission takes,them to like a thank you page,and whenever they actually land on that,thank you page this event is triggered,specifically,so we're going to optimize for the form,submission because that's what we,want name just go ahead and name it,whatever your business name is,very simple one thing to note you do not,need a tick tock account to advertise on,tick tock,you just need a tick tock ad account,it's not like instagram or facebook or,anything like that,go ahead and upload a profile image same,thing just a profile picture that,represents your business,open that,awesome now category these next two,things,are really to allow tick-tock to further,understand,what your product represents what your,service represents,and who you're actually trying to target,so we're going to try and be as specific,as possible as to,what this product does so,let's go ahead and go here to education,and training,and again this is going to be totally,contextual to the nature of your,business what you're selling what you're,offering,all that stuff so just keep that in mind,but for this i'm going to go ahead and,select university education,and when it comes to ad tags one thing,that i do encourage you all to do,is just test guys like stra

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Facebook Ads | 169% Increase In Conversion Rates on Shopify, & How To Get 10K+ Views on TikTok

Facebook Ads | 169% Increase In Conversion Rates on Shopify, & How To Get 10K+ Views on TikTok

hey how are you good how are you i'm,good i've been busy actually with,production and just photoshoot so,i've been away for two weeks but i'm,here now,um so i have good news actually,what i did last time we spoke i i just,literally edited,those things so check out securely with,visa blah blah blah wonderful,and it kind of worked really well like,those are brand new pictures that you,see right now,well you know i spoke about the issue,that i didn't have back pieces,like pictures of back pieces so we just,had a shooting like,last week and yeah the quality of these,photos are incredible,oh thank you yeah it was a lot of work,like previous for,doesn't it feel nice when things finally,like work out yes,it's amazing trust me i wanted to do it,quickly so to show it to you now yeah,um so actually my conversion rate like,without the new pictures went up like to,1.46 it's not,brilliant but before that remember it,was zero points yes,no it is brilliant uh so i'm very happy,with it,the the sales went up as well the,average order value went,down that's maybe because i i'm sold out,of the all,cover ups which gave another value to,the swimwear,so i'm dealing with this right now i'm,just dealing with production so,um so now basically people are kind of,more buying like,one or two swimwear before that they,were buying one or two swimwear plus,which brought the value up to 600 700,right so that's,probably perfect um,okay so if we go up,here no up here yeah uh so i was playing,like i,yeah my budget is quite low those days,it's only 60,per day but i'm making way more sales i,kind of doubled my sales,so i'm not sure if the like part like,the,the secure mastercard visa button worked,so well,or yeah i'm not sure what it was but,i also added some imagery like literally,just like this one i'm gonna show it to,you,yeah it's literally just an image of my,best seller which is kind of working,really well,okay nice yeah so it's this one,so it's just very clean but like yes,absolutely,so i'm getting a lot of purchases on,this one and then also the black one,uh but then again i'm i'm gonna try and,do a couple of things now with the new,imagery we did now,and i've we've done like amazing videos,so those are probably gonna work really,magically as well,um but if we go back now,i was also playing with lookalikes um i,got like,a couple of purchases from there as well,i'm gonna show you later but,what do you think from here like i,haven't been raising budgets i know,you're gonna tell me you have to raise,budget but i'm gonna do it,now probably yeah i mean it would be,good to raise them,okay so i would just raise them on like,yeah that one and then the other one,that's like,6x and the other one at a 9x,6x this one yeah,another thing is you also might not see,good results when you scale because like,you have such low volume,but now that your metrics are getting a,little bit better we should see a lift,oh okay okay i'm hoping to do better now,yeah um so this is a new one winning one,as well the self-portrait is still,working,and emilia pucci was good again i kind,of went down from 15 to,uh five and it's working again so this,is for the interest that i'm testing now,like do you have any suggestions should,i do more interest now,since i'm gonna be like done with my,website and everything,and my production getting more stuck or,yeah you can test more interest and,you know different ad creatives as you,go on um,you know i strategize on like special,offers and sales you can do and then,i still think there's more things you,can continue to work on on your site,because it looks really good the more,emphasis you put on it and especially in,the luxury space the better,yeah yeah like but if we go back like do,you have any other suggestions,now if we're looking at the product page,for example,so this page looks good i would add,we are adding actually videos as well,like it's gonna be the model like,the same model like coming in the frame,turning around and leaving the frame,so this is gonna be brilliant as well,i hope so yeah have you,once you start getting enough customers,you can start asking people to like,review it and whatnot,yeah i'm i'm already doing this so i'm,getting a lot of really nice reviews,good um but this is also probably,helping,i think not on this one though but i'm,getting really nice reviews,um okay anything else you're seeing here,like i would yeah i mean you have the,free shipping bar at the top which is,good,um you can incorporate a pop-up where,you capture people's email,oh yeah i have it on my home page only,okay pop-up yeah should i do it on,product pages as well,yeah and see what that does in terms of,capturing information,okay,yeah and then other than that i mean,things are really looking good,do you think the images are like too big,if i if i go in their shop,like should i like they're not all like,i haven't finished yet but,um do you think they're too big should i,make it,smaller or,um it's fine how it is right now you can,cer

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TikTok Ads Not Converting? Here’s How To Fix It

TikTok Ads Not Converting? Here’s How To Fix It

so you hear how old is and experts start,recommending to run ads on Tick Tock,you've listened to them you launched,your ads but you see that they're not,converting and they're burning your,money what can you do next and how to,fix that I'm gonna cover this particular,problem in this video let's start with,the first reason and this might sound,counter it intuitive and on Tick Tock,it's a little bit different you have to,understand that when you launch ads on,Tick Tock the things that you used on,Facebook if let's say that you run ads,on Facebook and now you transferred also,on a tick tock might not work because,the platform is a little bit different,so starting with the first reason and,this is not optimizing for the right,event and here I could talk about two,things one if you are optimizing for,traffic you won't get the right results,if you are an e-commerce business owner,and you want to drive sales this is your,main objective you want to get as many,conversions as possible and you want to,increase your return Lisbon optimizing,for traffic won't help you because the,way algorithms work the moment when you,click on that traffic optimization they,will understand that this is your main,goal you want to get just as much,traffic as possible so they will give,you exactly that they will send you,thousands and thousands of people to,your website however the quality of the,traffic is not that good when it comes,to converting them that's why optimizing,for traffic will set up your cell phone,failure from the first day when you,launch that campaign and the second,wrong optimization and this probably,most of you are doing here a huge,mistake that is optimizing for a,complete payment where if you are coming,from Facebook this will be equal with,purchase if you are optimizing for,complete payment and you have a new tick,tock pixel again that will be a,disservice because the algorithms are,not trained and they do not understand,who is your ideal client so optimizing,for complete payment usually what is,going to happen is this one way they,simply will not spend you will see that,your ads do not get any spend or two you,are not gonna get the retronagement that,you're striving from that being said the,solution to this is to use an upper,level event such as actual card the,moment when you optimize for things like,Azure card now the algorithms could,understand the better who is your ideal,client because they could get much more,data because getting someone to add,something to your card will be easier,when like making someone to purchase of,a volume of how many people are adding,SuperCard will be higher and for the,algorithms volume matters a lot you,could transition to complete payment but,you could do that once you hit let's say,at least this is the burn minimum 500,actual card registered by The Tick Tock,pixel the moment when you see that now,you could transition to complete payment,and see how that will affect your,results if you still see that the,results not available,and test again the complete payment and,see how that goes now talk about the,second reason why your ads are not,performing is because you do not set,enough budget again I don't want you to,get out of context and think that okay,biggest reason why that's not performing,and it's only because of a budget it's,not like that I'm gonna explain also,about other reasons why your ethnic,performing but for now if let's say you,do not get 50 events within seven days,that will be one obstacle to get and to,kind of get the return expense that you,want you see for The Tick Tock,algorithms to optimize the best and to,Target about Right audience it's very,very crucial for them to get enough,volume I've kind of like mentioned a,little bit about that so 50 conversions,were 50 results pretty much what you're,optimizing for 582 card 50 inch,checkouts is super super crucial if you,do not get that within seven days it,will be a huge struggle for the,algorithms and you'll stop,algorithms to find the Right audience so,when you set your budget you want to,make your calculations and see how many,actual cards you need to get on a daily,basis and how much money you have to,spend to get those at your card if let's,say that you need to get eight at your,card let's say your cost to get one,extra card is ten dollars pretty much,that means you need to spend at least,eighty dollars per day to get that,number and ultimately to get 50 at your,card so you know running ads is simply,math you just need to make your,calculations see what your cost job,Wi-Fi customer cost to get one at your,card and then set a budget if it makes,sense talking about the third reason and,here we're gonna start talking about,with the ad creative so so far we've,talked more about the technical,information the technical side of,running technical ads and now talking,about with the ad greatest because here,we're gonna cover a lot more and this,usually is the main reasons why your ads,are not performing it's very rare an

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