i keep getting popup ads on my android tiktok

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Too Many Pop-up Ads on Android? Here's How to FIX Full Screen Ads | Guiding Tech

if you are getting something for free,there's a very high chance that you are,going to see some ads and this stands,true for almost everything from social,media platforms like Facebook to the,free apps you have on your phone when,implemented correctly ads within apps,can be overlooked for the most part but,at time some apps push such annoying ads,that you are forced to uninstall them,from your phone however things might not,always be that simple in recent years a,lot of apps on Android have started,serving full screen pop-up ads that,force uses to watch the entire ad before,they can remove it from their screen and,sometimes these ads just appear even,when you are not using the offending app,this could make things a bit more,complicated he rises the BG's from,writing taken in this video we'll talk,about a couple of simple ways to find,out which apps are pushing pop-up ads,and how you can successfully solve this,so let's get right to it,the first and the most obvious thing to,do would be checking the recent apps,menu just tap on the recent app button,on your phone or use the gesture if you,have that and take a look at all the,recent apps the culprit should be the,first or the second app in the reasons,window and if for some reason you can't,see the name of the app just step on the,three-door menu button in the top right,corner select app info and you'll be,able to uninstall the app from the,following screen if that doesn't work,then it's quite possible that the,offending app has permission to run in,the background which is why it's not,showing up in the recent apps screen to,get rid of such an app you'll first need,to head over to the settings and open up,the apps and notifications option here,you will find all the apps installed on,your system go through the list and,shortlist apps that you think might be,behind the ads then tap on each app one,by one and select battery in the,following menu in the battery menu,you'll be able to check the amount of,time and F has been running in the,background if any have on your list has,unusually high usage then that's the app,you're looking for just uninstall the,app and you are good to go,you can also take help from the Play,Store to locate apps with unusual usage,just tap on the menu button in the top,left corner then select my apps and,games and open up the install tab here,sort the apps by last use by tapping on,the filter icon and check the list of,apps if you find any apps on the list,that you haven't used recently then,that's probably the culprit uninstall it,from your phone to get rid of the ads,but sometimes finding such an app isn't,all that easy because some developers,intentionally hide the apps icon this,usually happens when you're installing,apps from third-party app stores to,remove an app with an invisible icon,head over to the apps menu within your,phone settings once again and check for,apps that don't have an icon it's also,quite possible that the app in question,might have an icon but no label to go,with it once you find the rogue app tap,on it and select uninstall from the,following screen to remove that finally,if all else fails then you will need to,download an,detector app from the Play Store apps,like pop-up ad detector work quite well,and they'll locate rogue apps as soon as,you install them on your phone and while,you are at it I'd recommend that you,install malwarebytes to prevent anything,like this from happening in the future,the app has a pretty capable adware,detector which will automatically flag,any offending apps well that wraps it up,for today's video to try out all these,methods just to be sure and avoid using,third party app stores to prevent,something like this from happening in,the first place there's a belief signing,off and I'll see you guys in the next,one

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[Solved] How to Disable Full Screen Random Ads on Samsung Phones

[Solved] How to Disable Full Screen Random Ads on Samsung Phones

what's up guys welcome to my channel,this is Rajat Gupta today in this video,we will talk about how to disable and,turn off your full screen random pop-up,ads on your Samsung or Android phones so,recently one of my friends actually you,know came across this problem his phone,was infected with the advert so that's,why he was getting like random ads like,full screen ads on his phone like so,whenever he used to work on his GPS,he'll his phone actually fills the,screen with random pop-up ads so the,cause of the problem is actually your,phone is infected with an advert that is,from some app you just recently,installed and the solution is really,simple you're just happening uninstall,that app right however it's not that,easy because you don't know which app is,that so we'll be doing that in this,video so I have three suggestions for,you how to determine which app is that,so so that you can actually uninstall,that app and get rid of that so let me,set up my devices and I'll walk us,through how you can do that so let me,show you what the current situation is,this is my friend he's actually working,on his GPS app and for this example we,just never get in to some random place,it doesn't matter like what we are,entering but whenever we turn on GPS and,we actually do a quick call like we're,just calling someone in this in this,video and like just give it like a,couple of minutes and you see like this,is the Al we're talking about this is,the full fullscreen ad on your Samsung,phone this is Samsung S eight plus and,you know this is the ad that we come,across like this is a Google ad and we,don't know what to do the only thing,that we can do right here is actually to,click on the transfer and and exit out,but let's not do it and let's discrete,the solution to this problem,so the fourth solution that I have to,determine what app is that is to,actually click on the most recent button,on your bottom left because ad is also,treated as an app so and when you click,that you see that you know do the step,tracker app which my friend has,installed on his phone that is creating,this app and as you saw we just use the,GPS and the call feature but we didn't,use this step tracker app,and now let's discuss the solution,number two to actually determine what,app is that and for that you need to go,to your Play Store because Play Store,also lets you know you know your most,recent app let me close out the GPS go,to your my apps and now the lipid will,be clicking on the install button,and you see like these all these are all,the apps that are installed on the phone,let's sort the apps by the last used and,you can see that step tracker is also,listed here let me straight in the phone,this app there is no reason for this app,to actually show because we just use the,maps feature the GPS and also the call,but we didn't use the step tracker so,this confirms that this is the culprit,so let's go ahead and uninstall this app,to see that if it actually works click,on the uninstall button click ok and,this app is uninstalled let's go and try,the same process again the same Chrome,so I'm going to try the same flow again,let's start the GPS actually why don't,we start the GPS from the from like,start so I'm gonna close the GPS and let,close all the app and start the GPS now,like what we did for the first time so,just add to some random address start,the GPS dot the navigation and then,we're gonna go back and try the call,feature again,okay let's disconnect and like give it,like couple of merits so far so good so,far so good again and I believe this is,actually fixed because we're not seeing,the ad and this used to be the case,because you know whenever we actually,run this flow we used to see the ads so,if we are not seeing the ads for like,this long it actually means that you,know we have actually solved this issue,okay let's close everything and let's,try the flow again once again just to,confirm that you know the issue is fixed,so we gonna go and put some random,address and start it navigation okay now,let's try calling someone again all,right we can disconnect and just wait,for the R to appear by this time I,believe the ad would have already shown,but it's not showing anymore and even on,the second try so that means our issue,is fixed and in case those two solutions,didn't work for you third solution is,actually actually to install,malwarebytes anti-malware from your Play,Store malwarebytes anti-malware is the,one of the best anti-malware,out there it's actually very reputed I,trust that a lot and just install the,malwarebytes anti-malware is for free,from your Play Store and just scan your,phone with that I'm sure like you know,it will come up with some app you know,which is actually in fact infectious,with an adware and you can then,uninstall that app from your phone let,me know in the comments below you know,which were which solution of of these,three work for you and I hope this video,was useful for you and if it was you,give me a thumbs up and

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Stop Pop Up Ads on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Stop Pop Up Ads on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

hi guys and welcome to one to three MIT,in this video we will show you how to,stop popup ads on your iPhone your iPad,or iPod touch,ok guys so you've been browsing the web,on your Apple device and suddenly for no,reason you are getting pop-up ads I,started getting the congratulations ads,popping up on my iPhone so I thought I,would make a quick video on how to get,rid of it this ad I was getting was,offering a smart phone in return for,your details don't fall for it,this one has my ISPs logo on it but your,pop-up might have an Amazon logo or it,might have an Apple logo or something,like that doing a quick web search will,also show you that it's a scam when we,search for the web address it takes us,to a spyware removal website alright,let's get rid of it to close out of the,pop-up tap the rightmost icon in the,bottom of the Safari browser then swipe,the page left to close it or tap on the,X alternatively you can swipe from the,bottom to close the Safari browser,itself then just swipe upwards to close,it ok let's check your phone settings to,disable or sounds badges and pop-up,alerts you can do this under settings,notifications show previews and then,finally you can select never remember,you can turn these settings back on at,any time if you want if that ends up,being too strict for you you can turn it,back on and only turn on the alerts for,the apps that you want so if I want to,get alerts for the app store I go into,the app and then tap allow notifications,ok let's check your Safari settings so,go back into settings Safari and check,that the block pop-ups button is toggled,on and that it is green,next up you can clear your safari,history so scroll down to where it says,clear history and website data but,before you hit clear hit cancel and,scroll down to advanced and then tap,website data,this option will delete browsing history,website data and cookies from individual,websites only it might also show you the,dodgy website that's been causing the,pop-ups let's say I don't like the look,of this double-click net website I can,tap Edit and then tap the red minus sign,to clear it if you want to clear all the,website data you can just go back out,and use the clear history and website,data button I showed you earlier and if,you go back into the Advanced Settings,you'll see all the website data is gone,now next up we can reset the advertiser,identifier to do this go into settings,and then privacy and then scroll down to,advertising make sure limit ad tracking,is green and then tap the reset,advertising identifier this will opt you,out of targeted ads once this is done do,a restart of your device just for good,measure if you use Google Chrome instead,of Safari open Chrome and tap the three,dots and go into settings scroll down to,content settings and make sure your,pop-up blocker is turned on,the next step is if you have added any,new apps remove it and see if the popups,stop after you remove that app to remove,the app just tap and hold and tap delete,app pretty straightforward again you,could also restart your Apple device,another good tip is to store an app,called malwarebytes so go to the,malwarebytes comm website you can use,the malwarebytes app to scan your phone,and to scan it for any malware,unfortunately it's not available in,Australia at the moment but it is meant,to be available in the US and Canada if,you can't install malwarebytes you can,look on the App Store for other similar,apps that can scan and remove malware in,the App Store do a search for malware,and try and stalling one of the other,apps there if you're still getting,pop-ups after all these steps what you,can do is do a backup to iCloud and,reset your device back to factory,defaults to do the backup go into,settings and then iCloud and just turn,on whatever settings you want to backup,and to do the reset go back to settings,and then general and then scroll down to,reset next up tap on it raise all,content and settings again make sure you,do an iCloud backup before you press the,erase Now button as this next step will,wipe all the data on your phone,including the malware that's causing the,pop-ups also guys don't forget to check,out my other videos such as transfer,data from Android to pixel 4 and do me a,favor hit the subscribe button and smash,the bell icon

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I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

i'm just gonna be scrolling through my,tic toc for you page and every single ad,that comes up i'm just going to,literally hit purchase right then and in,there,wait a second why is this so cute it's,an ad by the official las vegas tick,tock account you guys are not going to,want to go to las vegas for a tick tock,okay come on you guys come on,hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel for,today's video we're going shopping and,i'm super excited because i'm going to,be buying everything that tick tock ads,recommend to me i feel like there's a,certain group of people that are like,the ad buyers and i feel like it's a lot,of moms and a lot of grandmas i love you,guys to death i'm not being shady when i,say that but it's like there's just you,know an ad for anything and suddenly,it's in the cart for three easy payments,of 19.99,i've never been that person i really,don't shop via ads that often a tick,tock ad or a simple little picture on,like a youtube banner page is not doing,it for me however that is all going to,be out the door today because i am going,to be the easiest way person on planet,earth because i'm just gonna be,scrolling through my tic toc for you,page and every single ad that comes up,i'm just going to literally hit purchase,right then and there so without further,ado let's just get into it,let's scroll i don't care what it is i'm,going to hit purchase oh my god wish you,luck usually the first thing that you,see when you open tick-tock is an ad so,let's see what we have in store for us,today new chrome finish,bubbles you can make your own oh yes,gorgeous mandarin red did you say red,man fly literally slime color you're,going to want to frame this,okay you should say that i'm not easily,swayed because even if i was not filming,this video and i just saw this girl i'd,be swiping the card okay this is for the,sodastream art and i do know what a soda,stream is it's basically a machine where,you can turn any liquid into a,carbonated delicious soda beverage and,you guys if you know me you would know,that i love soda okay i think wine,tastes like battery acid the wine cellar,in my house filled with coke bottles,let's fly,i have an ad for bat oh hbo max i,already paid for a subscription for that,sorry sweetie let's go,oh what's this nothing beats a day on,the water gear up with columbia pfg for,your next angling adventure,my free page is giving me ads about,fishing,this literally so cute are you literally,kidding me a mini film camera oh my god,they're half price for the next 10,minutes it says who will be buying it's,really hard for me to cook dinner every,night especially with the full-time job,i mean a doordash ad hello y'all don't,have to sell that to me okay our lunch,is literally on the way we ordered,chinese food for lunch today i'm very,excited to eat it it's on the way right,now via doordash does it does that count,should we just do another one,come on give me something good give me,something good,oh here's one,then m m's and cookies,two of my favorites on one try eminem's,new crunchy cookie m ms,oh,crunchy cookie m ms this might be an,unpopular opinion i love the m m's with,things inside of them i love a peanut m,m you know what the ones are so,underrated that i stan pretzel m m's,do you like them yeah i thought that was,the only person on planet earth that i,like love i love them it's like an,exaggerated,like i've never done like,this like,trav,you know,let's mosh,yes,oh my god an ad for domino's pizza yes,my boss said i had to make a tick tock,about domino's 50 off pizza deal being,back so,50 off yes,please,no transfer no bleed no fade for 16,hours with our vegan fave shine loud,high shine lip color,that's a name i don't know how that,could ever exist but i'm definitely done,to try let's do like one or two more,because i feel like we have a lot of,good ones at this point,okay crocs i love crocs love love crocs,i love that they're having a comeback,but i slide on our new ultra plush,classic cozy sandals,good question chili chews that meat if,you work from home,no,no no no sorry what is it it's an ad by,the official las vegas tick tock account,that's fine no,you guys we're not going to we're not,going to las vegas for a tick tock ad,i don't care what it is i'm going to hit,purchase hit purchase,okay come on you guys look come on,um,hey oh hi finn oh okay hello it's been,only a couple seconds for you since i've,seen you last but it's been a couple of,days for me everything has officially,came in the mail obviously you know we,had the vegas hat we'll get to that a,little bit later on but everything else,like the end up,every other ad that we got the furry,crocs the cookie m ms the soda stream,the domino's pizza literally is like,setting us up for like a sleepover,slumber party i mean is that not the,cutest idea i've ever done had okay you,guys,we have to get changed into my lovely,feet wear oh don't pan down don't,that's not for free you didn't say it,you didn't say it qui

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How to Remove Those Annoying Ads on Your Xiaomi Phone: Disable MIUI Ads on Redmi Note 8, Others

How to Remove Those Annoying Ads on Your Xiaomi Phone: Disable MIUI Ads on Redmi Note 8, Others

hello everyone and welcome to gadget 360,throughout my years in the tech space,I've used many good xiaomi smartphones,running me UI every time i've,recommended one of these phones to a,friend or a colleague i've always told,them that this is a great phone but it,has a lot of ads now my favorite take on,Android comes from one glass oxygen OS,is like stock Android with some very,useful additions sadly the same can't be,said about new UI I mean I really like,some of its customizations but the thing,is the ads the ads in new IR unbearable,you open a folder you see an ad you open,the browser you see an ad you pull down,the notification shade there's another,ad I mean there are more ads in me why,than in a cricket match that you watch,on TV and this just gets on my nerves so,in this video I'm going to show you how,to tweak a bunch of settings in me UI 11,to try and get rid of the pesky ads and,make me why more usable before we begin,this video I would like to know what you,guys think about ads and me UI do you,like them do you hate them or are you on,the fence share your thoughts with me in,the comment section down below,and of course please subscribe to our,channel if you haven't already and hit,the bell icon so you know when we post a,new video now let's get started,the biggest reason for seeing ads in the,stock apps is the MSA or me UI system,ads process that runs in the background,in previous versions of me UI you had to,keep toggling the switch off multiple,times before it actually got disabled,but in our experience it's much simpler,to deactivate it in me UI 11 open the,Settings app look for passwords and,security and select authorization and,relocation over here you'll see MSA,listed with a green little android logo,toggle it off while you are here do the,same for get apps to which should be the,last one in the list you will get a 10,second warning message asking you if you,are sure you want to do it after the,countdown press revoke in case it,doesn't let you toggle it off in the,first go try it again till it's off even,if you reboot your phone a message,should still be disabled,apart from this now go back to passwords,in security select privacy and scroll,down to the user experience program,section over here disable the toggle,switch for user experience program and,send diagnostic data automatically below,that you'll see add services disable,personalized at recommendations for that,as well these steps alone should take,care of any ads that you might see,within the stock apps but this won't,stop those same apps from flooding your,notification shade with spammy alerts,for that you'll have to open the,individual apps and disable the,notifications from each one here's how,to do that,open me video and tap the profile tab at,the bottom right corner next tap,Settings now disable online,recommendations push notifications and,personalized recommendations open music,and tap the hamburger icon in the top,left corner tap Settings then select,advanced settings and scroll all the way,down and disable receive recommendations,you could disable the other settings,below it as well,open the file manager app and tap the,hamburger icon in the top left corner,tap Settings then tap about and then,disabled recommendations,open the downloads app and tap the three,vertical dots icon in the top right,corner next disabled show recommended,content,open the browser app then tap the,hamburger icon in the upper right corner,and tap the Settings icon over here,disable content field if you don't want,any weird content randomly popping up on,your screen,apart from this go to advanced and make,sure show ads toggle is disabled now,move back a step in the main settings,page of the app and then tap on privacy,and security over here make sure,personalized services is disabled,open the security app and tap the call,icon in the upper right corner of the,app it is the feature settings section,over here tap cleaner and disable,received recommendations down the list,you can also disable the remind to clean,option go back a step and in the main,settings menu of the app scroll down and,disabled received recommendations for,more privacy you could go to data usage,option and disable report data usage,input toggle open the themes app and tap,the my page tab in the bottom right,corner tap Settings and disabled,recommendations,open the folder and long press the name,to rename it you'll then see a toggle,switch to turn off promoted apps,now that we have taken all the steps to,get a read or at least to minimise ads,and unwanted notifications from the,stock apps it's time to deal with the,excess apps that come pre-installed,there are plenty of them including daily,hunt WP s office Opera Mini and some,small games - such as Ludo master for,pewter glass etc thankfully most of them,can be uninstalled including ones like,me community me store and me credit to,do this long press on the app you wish,to uninstall and tap app info in the,pop-up bubble after this simpl

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🚨 Family Dollar Couponing This Week 🚨 ANY DAY DEALS (30 + ALL DIGITAL DEALS) 🔥 1/1 - 1/7 🔥

🚨 Family Dollar Couponing This Week 🚨 ANY DAY DEALS (30 + ALL DIGITAL DEALS) 🔥 1/1 - 1/7 🔥

foreign,hey hey y'all welcome back welcome back,so we are inside of Family Dollar and,we're getting ready to get into our any,day deals video where I'm going to bring,to you over 20 plus all digital,scenarios that you can do any day of the,week so all you need to do is download,the Family Dollar app which is free and,then you're gonna clip or add these,digital coupons to your account then,when you get to the register type in,your phone number so your digital,coupons come off and you're going to pay,the total that I say plus tax so I'm,going to try to keep them around ten,dollars but again the goal is not to pay,full price and I'm going to show you how,you can truly maximize your savings on,things you're probably going to pay for,anyway so I'm going to include some baby,deals food deals laundry deals paper,good deals like paper towels tissues so,definitely stay tuned don't forget to,like And subscribe if you haven't,already and if you don't know already if,you're new to my channel I teach you how,to save tons of money from cubebody so,let's get into the video and let's start,maximizing our savings all right y'all,if you're in need of lotion you might,want to pick up the Nivea lotion you can,grab one at five dollars and we have a,two dollar digital but this is a great,reason why I say always scan your items,so you can confirm the price always go,to the actual coupon scroll up you'll,see a scan button click that button and,hover it over the barcode because I,scanned this one this one,um yeah this one and this one,but that two dollar digital isn't,attaching to those it is attaching to,this one though and these which are like,nine dollars I even tried to test out,these little creams right here and it's,not attaching to that I'm gonna try this,one just in case someone wants to get,this um men one but again always skin,your items so you can confirm the price,and that your coupons are attaching,and the coupon does attach to this um,it's not showing me the price though on,the app so I'm thinking it may be around,that same price but it is attaching to,this and those and of course the more,expensive ones all right y'all so,no new like well we did get some oral,care digitals um for like the Colgate,this one in particular which is like 750,we got a five dollar digital,um and then we also got some like,Colgate digitals for like the toothpaste,and the toothbrush I believe they're,like two dollars each so normally you,can pick up like the three dollar,toothpaste use the two dollar digital,and then I think like the cheaper,toothbrush is like five dollars all,right y'all and if you are in need of,feminine care this is definitely a great,week to get stocked up for the You by,Kotex in particular we got two different,digitals we got a three off of two and,we got a four off of two and both of,those attached to these right here which,are the cheaper other products at 365.,so maybe you want to grab a total of,four,um or maybe you want to get some liners,um which are a little more at 390 or,maybe you want to just get the bigger,boxes or the more expensive ones down,here at 450 each so like I always say,cater it to your knee but definitely a,great time to get stocked up on some,feminine care products and another great,option could be like the always pads you,could grab two of the ones at 525 and we,have a three off of two digital now I,did notice though that the ones that are,like a little more expensive at 675 it,looks like they're also on a promotion,you buy two save a dollar but because,it's save a dollar looks like they might,be like a Family Dollar Deal so if you,are combining this into like a five or,for 25 I would definitely make sure my,total is at at least 26 dollars since,the save a dollar would probably come,off first that way if you're right at 25,it doesn't put you under so tons of ways,you can switch your deal around always,cater it to your need,all right y'all so if you are in need of,cereal my store is kind of still limited,so I won't probably be able to really,factor in too much but we did get three,off of two Family Dollar like store,digitals for like the post and the,general meal cereals and then we also,have a one-off of two manufacturer,digital coupon so I actually have two of,the of the Family Dollar Store coupons,for,um,three dollars off of two of the general,meals and post cereals and then like I,said we have a separate like one off of,two digital which is a manufactured,digital that works for like the general,bill so you can stack a store coupon,with the manufacturer coupon you can go,for those,um you can find in the digital form on,your app normally with the Family Dollar,coupon it'll say like store coupon or,Family Dollar coupon on it but a great,time to get stocked up you may want to,get some of the larger like family size,cereals use the one off of two digital,so again I always cater it to your need,and then you may still have that three,off of two digital for like the,Kellogg's products like I factored

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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Is my phone listening to me? We tested it, here's what happened

Is my phone listening to me? We tested it, here's what happened

have you ever felt like the ads that you,see on your social media feed are,specifically targeted to you it's almost,like the app is listening to your,conversation I know it's happened to,Katie on Instagram yeah Cherise you know,my friend and I were talking about a,specific cruise that she went on and,just a few minutes later an ad for that,specific cruise popped up into my,Instagram feed so it made me wonder if,they're not listening how could that,happen,Parton is my wife's grandmother's maiden,name wwl-tv photojournalist adam Copas,and his wife named their new baby carton,like most new parents they post pictures,of her precious little face on social,media but Adam saw something strange,online well my wife just showed me the,phone,which was her Facebook feed and she told,me the story of how she calls hardened,hearts and so she's always hey heart how,are you we love you hearts and then she,started getting some ads on Facebook for,the band heart you're not a heart babe I,honestly couldn't even tell you what,they sang,it seems like everyone has a similar,anecdote that leads many to believe the,apps are listening in on their,conversations even members of Congress,question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg,about it you're talking about this,conspiracy theory that gets passed,around that we listen and what's going,on and your microphone and your ads,right we don't do that I wanted to test,it out so we started with Instagram with,my Instagram app open on my phone,Charice and I started talking about all,kinds of stuff tell me about your trip,where'd you go,I think we did brunch at my Airbnb that,rinse it and it was actually a gorgeous,here maybe I have not searched air B&B,on my phone I don't have the app and it,only took 20 minutes into our,conversation for this to happen there's,an ad for Airbnb coincidence British,security company Juan Dara recently did,a similar experiment using two,smartphones one was in a quiet room and,the company played pet food commercials,over and over to the second phone to see,what would happen we weren't able to,discern any kind of noticeable,difference hey Siri hey Siri he's here,hey Siri it may be wondering maybe the,apps work web series getting directions,to Louie Armstrong New Orleans,International Airport listening in when,they hear trigger words I need a recipe,for potatoes Facebook and instagrams,founders both say they are not listening,period but again when Cherise and I,tried it not only did Airbnb pop up so,I'm going to Disney soon and I wonder if,I should Airbnb there for an extra night,or two Oh,Disney the next day this ad for Walt,Disney World pops up in my insta feet,could be a coincidence,I have been looking at Disney World,rides on my home computer,instagrams founder denied the app,accesses the microphone to listen in,during an interview with CBS this,morning anchor Gayle King in June but,this is key did you maybe do something,with that restaurant in this example,online off of Facebook boom what you,search and interact with in apps and on,the web out,of Instagram and Facebook are part of,your online profile whilst robach is the,CEO of an app called Guardian firewall,it lets you know what apps on your phone,are tracking you your web use your,interactions with content inside apps,did you like that photo of the cute,little hocus-pocus girls last week on,Facebook apps can track all of that,maybe your credit card information your,social security number where you took,all those pictures you post on Facebook,where your friends took all those,pictures they post on Facebook sometimes,where you are down to specific latitude,longitude even altitude coordinates data,collection companies create data,profiles on us based on all of those,things and many more stro box says,hundreds of apps don't just allow you to,do cool things ok this is no Omega whoa,once you give them access they can,essentially collect your data and sell,it perfect 365 is a makeup app used by,millions of people around the world an,Us Weekly report from an unnamed source,in 2015,said Kim Kardashian used it to take her,selfies and the apps use exploded,so while I'm doing this playing with my,hair like everyone seems to do when,they're on these things or even while I,leave the app open to move on to,something else,eight companies could be tracking my,movements Facebook's data policy says,the company will never sell your data,but it does use data from third-party,partners to target you for ads it's like,a big circle of information about you,allowing ads to target you so well it,can feel like they're reading your mind,I have heard that it's simply an,algorithm and that the algorithm just,works and it hits and I'm not a big,conspiracy guy but I simply just don't,believe that that would happen,neither did Gayle King I don't believe,you I don't know how this happened,because when you hear stories like the,one about hearts those doubts

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