how to make money with tiktok ads

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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

The above is a brief introduction to how to make money with tiktok ads

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How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

How To Make Money On TikTok Using ClickBank | Underground Strategy

hey what's going on guys ross mitchell,in the house and today we're going to,see the fastest way to make money on the,clickbank platform this is going to be a,step-by-step video tutorial in which i'm,going to share with you how to make 50,to 100 or more per day in affiliate,commissions on the clickbank platform,this is going to be possible because,we're going to use an underground yet a,very powerful strategy that no one else,is using on tick tock and tick tock for,those of you who are not familiar with,the platform is a video streaming,platform that is trendy right now and,it's getting millions and even billions,of views so this strategy is still in,the blue ocean and the market is not,saturated so there is a huge opportunity,to jump on this right now and this is,how it works we're going to be creating,our videos with a free software or free,website called canva then you copy these,clips and paste them onto tiktok and,finally you collect your money from,clickbank on top of that i'm going to,share with you how to double and even,triple your money on tick tock using qr,codes this is a very underground,strategy no one else is using it so it's,going to be very interesting and if you,see someone else on youtube showing you,this without giving me a credit it means,he or she is a charlatan and it's trying,to scam you so without further ado let's,go ahead i'm going to share my screen,and let's try to make some banks shall,we let's do it all right welcome back,and for those of you who are new to tick,tock just a quick info tick tock is a,video streaming platform where people,upload a short video clips sometimes 10,seconds no more than 60 seconds so,10 15 20 second videos uh in our case,we're going to be uploading 20 second,videos and in here you can see i have,found some videos related to food salads,as you can see this video,this person is just steering their salad,and it has,12.3 million views huge opportunity this,video is just a video of a refrigerator,7.2 million views insane this one is,just someone is chopping broccoli and,boiling them,three point there we go 3.7 million,views and as you can see if i open this,video clip here at the bottom you can,see this video is 10 seconds in length,absolutely perfect for us very easy job,to do now let's start with setting up,the entire system so you can see how we,make money from tick tock first we go to,clickbank this is the place where you're,going to source your affiliate offers if,you're new to clickbank go over to the,right side where it says start here,click start here you're going to see a,survey this is the survey before you,sign up and actually helps clickbank to,determine who you are and how to best uh,help you and provide you with different,marketing materials so fill out this,quiz follow the instructions,fill out the que the questions scroll,down click ok like i said you have to,fill it in,and then,once you sign up once you create your,account you're going to login into your,dashboard and from your dashboard right,here go over to the,upper menu and click marketplace this is,where you're going to find all the,different affiliate offers that you can,promote and make money with them for,today's example i'm going to use an,offer related to keto diet so i have,typed here in the search bar keto diet i,hit the search icon so we can find,offers related to kiro and if i scroll,down we're going to be using this offer,for this example called custom key to,diet it pays us 58 dollars about 60,bucks per conversion meaning today if,you make one conversion you're going to,make 60 bucks so in reality you just,need one person to buy this product and,you're going to be making 60 bucks if i,open this on a new tab let me open it so,we can see how it looks like,there we go a sales page with a video,explaining why people need to go on a,keto diet or if they want to lose weight,or get fit why keto diet is best for,them and then people buy the product and,you get paid is that simple so let's go,back to clickbank like i said,58 dollars per conversion and if we do,the math let's do the math if let's say,0.0001,of let's see these people 900 views 900,000 views click your links and buy the,product how much money you're going to,be making so if i uh pull up my,calculator,let's say from this video of a pizza,this is a pizza video 900 000 people,have seen this video so let's type 900,000 let's say just,one percent or zero point zero zero zero,one percent of these viewers ha click,your links and buy the product how much,money you're going to make so 900 000,views like here,times zero point zero zero zero,one percent,equals ninety,ninety times how much money we're,getting paid fifty,fifty eight so,times,58,equals 5 000 dollars from just one,single video of course this is not going,to happen overnight or in one day it's,going to happen across multiple days and,even weeks but this is the huge,possibility and as you saw i'm very not,generous i'm like 0.0001,of people if they buy in reality a lot

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How to make $500/day with Tik Tok (EASY)

How to make $500/day with Tik Tok (EASY)

i've spent over 12 million dollars on,facebook ads and now four and a half,million dollars on tick tock ads running,ads for e-commerce stores some drop,shipping some not and in fact i'm about,to give you the highlighted version of,what i did to scale this e-commerce,store to over 160 thousand dollars in,the very first 30 days using only tick,tock so get ready because this is,everything you need and i'm going to,give you three of the biggest mistakes,that i see people making right now we,have one of the most successful,trainings on tick tock ads you can find,that in the second link in the,description it's called the tick tock,blueprint we also have an epic group of,ecommerce ninjas that absolutely crush,it and you can network with them ask,your questions through the link down,below so make sure to smash a like down,below and let's look at an example take,a look at this app called rocket money,they're running an ad they have 27 000,likes on this ad they also have 250,comments that makes me want to interact,it makes me think wait a minute other,people like this i might like this too,that's basic human psychology when it,comes to consumer purchasing now i may,be an idiot but there is one thing i am,not sure and that sir is an idiot now,let's compare that to sandy ecom again,no hate against these i've never seen,these these just popped up before no,comments 300 likes that's brand new it,looks like they just launched this they,probably spent a few hundred dollars,behind it and they're talking about,buying a business for as little as,twenty thousand dollars i don't feel,comfortable making a big investment just,initially i'm not even interested,because i don't see a lot of social,proof so first and most important thing,on tick tock you need to be running what,is called a spark ad this is very easy,to set up you can go into the tick tock,help center look up spark posts and,you're going to see exactly how to get,the id it's in your settings on your,tick tock ad account and this is a step,that a lot of people don't take in,e-commerce instead of uploading the,videos directly into your ads manager,post it on a tick tock account for your,ecommerce store you can not only get a,bunch of organic engagement that way but,you go in and you enable the post id and,that allows you to run ads directly to,it and you just put that id in as a,spark ad when you're launching your ads,now you might say well why exactly would,i want to do this it's really simple all,of the engagement is funneled to that,one video just like using an existing,post over on facebook everything is in,one spot so instead of duplicating your,ads and running five different audiences,and every time it's to a new video,technically all of the likes all of the,comments go to one video in fact i had a,video with 20 million views and it had,so many tens of thousands of comments,when i stopped running ads for that,product and i turned that ad off it was,still making thousands of dollars a day,that is why you want to do it now you,might be asking why are we talking about,spark ads i don't even have an ad in,fact i don't even have a product let's,talk about both those things really fast,two things to consider when you're doing,your product research number one think,about your selling price my bare minimum,to be profitable on tick tock is forty,dollars really i need to be about a,forty five dollar aov that stands for,average order value so if i'm selling a,product for 35 i need to sell some other,products with it to get my average into,the 40s that's the only way i can be,profitable on tick tock long term when,i'm scaling aggressively using the,strategies that you can find linked in,the description below so you don't want,to sell something for 15 it'll be really,difficult the second thing there is,keeping in mind your average demographic,tick tock's strongest audience is,everybody under 44 years old when you,get to that 45 plus age range there's,still people there but it drops off and,in fact one of my largest my absolute,largest ecommerce brands i was running,for three and a half years did over 15,million dollars in sales it was the most,boring product in the orthopedic space,not sexy at all however the avatar for,our customer was a 53 year old male from,the us that was not the ideal person for,us to reach on tick tock hence why both,times when i tried it it didn't work,very well the reason i share that with,you it's so crucial to find the right,product and pair it with the right,platform that product crushes it all day,long on facebook still does but it,doesn't work on tick tock it just,doesn't so you have to make sure you're,using the right platform for your,product oh and another bonus tip i would,not select 13 to 17 years old when,you're running your ads that age range,seems to spend about 15 percent of your,budget it doesn't track any results,because the privacy laws but after,extensive testing with about two million,dollars worth of ad spend on that i've,noticed it

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I Tried TikTok Dropshipping For 14 Days (From Scratch)

I Tried TikTok Dropshipping For 14 Days (From Scratch)

I've made millions of dollars in the,past few years Drop Shipping on both,Shopify and Amazon from working out of a,room at my parents house five years ago,with absolutely no money to buy my dream,cars opening my own warehouse and living,life on my terms Drop Shipping has given,me everything but what if I had to start,from scratch with just my computer a,phone and 500 let's find out the rules,of this challenge are simple I have two,weeks to get a store to five thousand,dollars the store has to be profitable I,can only use five hundred dollars and I,can't use any of my old winning products,or stores it has to be from absolute,scratch now if the store fails and it's,not profitable I'm gonna be giving a,random subscriber five hundred dollars,if the store is profitable then I'm,gonna give it to one of you now let's go,ahead and dive in the first thing that I,need to do is I need to find a product,so to find the item I'm gonna use tick,tock I'm gonna be looking up Amazon,fines unboxing Tick Tock made me buy it,stuff like that and I'm just gonna be,going through the different items now,this might take a little bit so we'll,just time lapse this until I find one,so part of my plan here is that how I,want to use some of the 500 that I have,is to order the product and make some,organic hosts with it on Tick Tock but,to do that I need to find something,where I can easily make ads with it so,for example I'm not going to get like a,shaving razor I'm not gonna get like a,dog product because I don't have a dog,foreign,it's been about an hour and a half and I,found a ton of unprofitable products and,I think that we need a little bit of,inspiration,okay so I just found the item after a,couple of hours of going through Tick,Tock and looking through all the,different posts that are in there the,different accounts the links and,everything and I'm actually pretty,excited because I think there's a lot of,potential with this item and the angle,that I'm going to take to advertise it,and try and make five thousand dollars,and only two weeks so I've already,bought the item on Amazon it gets here,tomorrow this is the item a Wi-Fi door,sensor so really when I'm looking for an,item to sell I'm looking for four things,the first thing is that it has to be,something that has advertising potential,the ability to create an advertisement,with the item is simple because I don't,want to have to Outsource that,especially when I'm on such a strict,time frame the second thing is,profitability right your margin you want,to make sure that you have a margin on,these items because there's a lot of,different items that I found before but,the margins were too tight and basically,what that means is that what the,competitors were selling it at was so,low that if I were to sell it at that,number I would make almost nothing now,usually I wouldn't use AliExpress but in,this case again since we're on a strict,time frame and AliExpress does offer,12-day delivery for this item at a,really good cost I am going to be using,AliExpress for this item and you also,want to look for something that's,Evergreen right something that you could,sell year round and then finally of,course you want something that has a,cool Factor right so I think that this,is super cool because the ideas that I,have for advertising this are going to,make this seem like a cool product,here's the first account that I found,that sells this product so it's this,account on Tick Tock called HomeSense,and you know their advertisements were,pretty crappy but I saw a lot of,potential as soon as I saw it and then,when I clicked on their website absolute,trash and you can see that they're,selling it for sixty dollars right 57,and look at their variants I mean what,does this even mean DS1 DS2 DS3 right a,lesson here is you want to make sure,that your variants are things that,people understand this just doesn't look,good what we're gonna create here,together is going to be a thousand times,better than this I'm gonna go ahead and,start on the website right now I'm gonna,choose a domain so let's go ahead and,get started on the website,all right guys so I am finally done with,the store it has literally taken me the,entire day but I have finished,everything that I wanted to do on day,one so let's go into my computer so that,I could show you exactly how it looks,this is the store right here you can see,that I'm calling the product the lock,sensor I created this logo on canva in,literally like 10 minutes you could see,it right here I literally looked up logo,on canva change the colors and put in,lock sensor and I created the favicon,here as well so yeah I mean I think it,looks really really good I imported a,bunch of reviews from AliExpress this is,what I'm pricing the product at which is,about five times the actual cost on,AliExpress and something that I love,about this product is that I get to,introduce bundles immediately some,people are going to want to order one,two three four five hopefully everyone,wants

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$0-1K/Day with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

$0-1K/Day with TikTok Ads - Step by Step Tutorial & Strategy

in this video i'm going to be taking you,step by step on exactly how i went from,knowing nothing about tick tock ads to,making over a thousand dollars per day,with them in just under a week what's,going on everybody tanner here with,another video i hope you're all having,an amazing and productive day so far in,this video i'm going to be taking you,step by step on exactly how to set up,tick tock ads how to get up to 2 300 and,free ad spend and what i wish i knew,before i actually started running ads on,this platform and if you're looking to,get into e-commerce or at least expand,on what you're already doing during this,holiday season i highly highly suggest,you apply for my advertising agency,where we find products for you and we,test and scale them on facebook all you,got to do is click the top link in the,description and i'll see you there now i,know a lot of people have tended to stay,away from the tick tock ad platform,since it became public but i would,highly suggest you not do that because,it's an untapped platform you know maybe,you're thinking,my products not going to work on here my,product's too expensive or i just don't,want to learn a new platform but the,reality of it is that there's a lot of,money to be made on this platform and,even if you think you may be confused by,the ads platform itself i'm going to,show you how to navigate through it what,everything means and how to actually get,your first ads up i promise you it's not,as complicated as it seems but i want,you to know that you shouldn't be,opposed to not running tick tock ads,just because of the product that you're,selling it doesn't matter if it's for,older people if it's something higher,ticket it really does not matter there's,so many people on tick tock and a lot of,people aren't really running ads,compared to facebook so you should take,advantage of it while you can especially,while you can get up to twenty three,hundred dollars and free ad spend so,what they're doing right now because of,covet is once you set up your ad account,verify your business manager they're,gonna go ahead and give you 300 in free,ad credits and then after that you're,gonna be able to get an additional two,thousand dollars in free ad spend,because the way that tick tock ads works,for billing you have to add from a card,to your balance on tick tock so let's,say you put in a thousand dollars,they're gonna match that and put two,thousand dollars in your ad spend,balance and you can run ads with all,those funds so even if you're just,getting into e-commerce and you just,wanna save money or at least get more,bang for your buck i highly suggest you,take advantage of this while they're,still offering it and one last thing,here that i wish i knew before i,actually launched tick tock ads is to,not expect things to move super quick um,you know the ads that you actually,launch are manually reviewed i learned,from an ad rep that i've been working,with so it's not like an automated,system like facebook when you submit,your ads to run those have to get,manually reviewed by a person so there's,really two negative sides of this one,it's going to take longer to get,approved and two they're going to be,more strict and i notice that my ads get,approved somewhat based on the person,because sometimes something will get,approved and then someone else will,review that same ad if i put it in,another ad set or add group as tick tock,calls it and it'll get declined for one,specific reason but the process is,pretty easy where you can fix it so,we're gonna get into the actual ads,manager in one minute i'm gonna show you,how to set everything up but what you,need to do first before you can actually,run ads is make sure your pixel is set,up so if you're using shopify it's super,super easy just go to the app store type,in tick tock it's going to be a little,plug-in and then you'll go through there,check some marks and then you're good to,go it's going to automatically install,the pixel you don't have to do anything,manual and then all you have to do after,that is get the tick top pixel helper so,what that's going to be able to do is,you're going to be able to go on your,website look at that pixel helper and,make sure that your pixel is active and,if you're not seeing it just make sure,your ad blocker is disabled that's most,likely the reason and just go through,click add to cart go to your checkout,just make sure everything's firing,correctly and then once you do that,you're good to go so let's go ahead set,up some ads so this is what it actually,looks like on the tick tock ads manager,so it's actually very very similar to,facebook there's a few things that are,different but in the grand scheme of,things they're very very similar so when,you're creating a new campaign this is,what it's going to look like and now for,me i haven't really messed with these,other objectives i've always just gone,directly for conversions i'm going to,leave it how it is right now and go to,continue so now we're

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How To Make Money On Tiktok in 2022 (4 Easy Secrets)

How To Make Money On Tiktok in 2022 (4 Easy Secrets)

hey what's up guys chase reiner here,today i'm going to share with you the,top,ways to make money with tick tock,in 2021 so if you're interested in,learning how to,monetize your tick tock or you're just,looking to get started with tick tock,today i'm going to share with you what,he got to do,in order to get set up now there's a,bunch of different ways to make money,with tick tock,and i'm going to share the top four ways,that i know,how to do it and how i've done it and i,want to mention,that before we get started if you head,to the link in the description,of this video there is a full guide that,i put together,on uh in depth step by step on how,i uh really monetize my following,with tiktok so if you want to dive even,deeper just check out the link in my,description,of this video so let's get into it so,first thing i want to share with you,is uh ads so ads on tick tock let me,bring up my phone here,are pretty unprofitable you're not going,to make a lot of money with ads even if,you're getting a ton of views you can,see here,i just started monetizing this with ads,like i don't even know,since it seems like last month so,exactly 30 days ago and i've made 15 and,you can see here,in the last about 60 days let me go to,my analytics,i actually had a pretty large amount of,views last 28 days about 780 000 views,on my tick tock and i made about 15 off,that so you're making about i guess,around 20 per million views so it's not,a lot,now the way you get set up with ads is,first of all you have to have a thousand,followers on your account you can see,this account that i have,has 72 000 followers um some of my other,accounts,uh this one is about to it's got 6466,and this other one that i just created,has only about one so,um i will say the hardest part about,tick tock is getting started you almost,have to worm your account up in order to,start getting views,uh and then followers um when you've,post your first video like you'll see,the one that i did with this brand new,account today,you'll get like maybe a few views 40 50,views but,usually most your views will come once,you actually start having some traction,and that,i don't necessarily think it's about,having a ton of followers because some,of my accounts like this one you'll see,let me go over to this one,some of the videos have like 400 000,views on them i think that one right,there,and oops right here this one has 400 000,views,and i really didn't have a lot of,followers when i,when i did that you can see only about,six thousand followers so it's more,about getting your account warmed up,than it is about,um you know about having a bunch of,followers,so what i mean by warmed up by the way,is just posting content consistently,and getting people seeing your content,so ads,not that profitable the way you sign up,for them is you go to the little dots up,here,and you go to the um,the creator tools and you go to the tick,tock creator fun,and uh mine's already set up but if you,don't have,this set up what's gonna happen is,you're gonna just click,on the sign up button and it will ask,you,for an agreement just to make sure that,you're,on on board that they ask you a couple,different questions i think like,you know what's your um what's your,email what's your your paypal,all that kind of stuff because they they,do pay out through paypal i believe,so that's how you do the ads now let's,talk about the other way to make money,which is with live,so if you're in tik tok if you press the,plus button,and you scroll down on the bottom to,lives what you'll see,is me what's up but anyways what you'll,see,is uh well you won't see it till you go,live let me actually just click on the,go live button really quick,you should see these little,gif gift uh,things pop up on your screen yeah here,you can see it says gift,so people can click on this i'm sorry if,there's double let me see,turn off okay yeah only i can hear the,double um,if you click on one of these when,somebody's live um,you can send these little coins here and,that's how you can actually pay people,and how you can get paid,so let me turn off this live,so you can see they're actually diamonds,and so for every thousand diamonds i,believe you get you get about fifty,dollars or it might be every ten,thousand diamonds that's i think what it,is,and so it's actually pretty hard to get,diamonds if you're,if you're um if you're on lives for a,long time i've been on a live for like,an hour before and i only got like three,diamonds,and i have like 70 000 followers but if,i go to balance here,you can see this is how much i've made,by clicking on the,income or sorry the,live gifts and you can see i've gotten,six diamonds total which is three cents,so,as far as the ads and the doing the,lives you're not going to make a whole,lot of money,now let's talk about sponsorships so,this is probably one of the easiest ways,to make money,is by getting people to pay you to do a,review,on one of their tools or services,or you know whatever they want you

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How I make $100k Selling on Tiktok Ads ( Part 1)

How I make $100k Selling on Tiktok Ads ( Part 1)

his yesterday and,this is,today so far,day one of finding a winning product was,yesterday,keep watching i'll tell you what's going,on,what's up beautiful people it's naz here,and welcome to part one of how to get to,hundred thousand dollars drop shipping,on shopify using tick tock ads,by the end of this video you're gonna,know how i found this product how i'm,planning to scale this product what apps,i use to increase my aov and everything,else you need to know about scaling to a,hundred thousand dollars when you start,your own shopify store a couple months,ago i recorded this,three video series or whatever of me day,one finding a winning product and then a,weekend and then a month in and showing,you exactly what the process was and,then it got a lot of people were asking,me for more videos like that so i,decided i'm going to do this for the,specific store in this product uh like i,said it's been i think it's day two,maybe day three i'm not sure okay of,testing this product the reason i,haven't skilled really big is because i,don't know really that many people,selling this product uh i haven't tested,the product i want to make sure it's,fine my supplier currently ordering this,product once you test it out and tell me,that the product is good enough i'm,going to go ahead and increase the,budget and you know just do it a little,bit more honestly i'm not gonna lie i'm,a little nervous because i've never seen,this product i've seen it only on,aliexpress uh i'm gonna walk you through,everything so let's get into it first of,all i always talk about this i don't,like to go and sell other people's,winning product i like to go after very,unique products that not that many,people are selling or barely anybody's,selling uh but of course it comes with,risk of like not knowing exactly if the,product is good enough or not uh you,know after a while when you get,experience it gets easier to kind of,predict if the product is good or not,but let me show you how i found this,product first of all i use this platform,pp ads is not about the platform is how,i use this platform these platforms are,honestly a little saturated but that's,the key there are a couple ways that i,use it so hear me out i'm gonna explain,i also put the link down below if you,guys want to go check it out it's called, um you can go ahead and check,it out for yourself so let's get into it,one of the things that i like to do is i,go on winning product again hear me out,i don't like to go after winning,products on this page but i like to look,at the stores right so let's say i find,products here right this is exactly how,i found this product uh there's a bunch,of winning products that are,currently selling or been selling for a,while or it were previous winning,products so let's say,i open it up this is the store i know,it's a general store cool they're,they're getting bunch of sales this is,also shopify tool that i use to see if,people are getting sales or not or how,often they're getting sells i actually,what i do i have a whole google stock,sheet here of competition stores if you,guys want it go follow me on instagram,and dm me competition store and i'll,send you the list okay i have another,list has 50 stores i'll send you that,but don't do it right now do it after,the video okay watch till the end and by,the way if this video gets 1000 likes,i'm going to reveal my product winning,product on instagram so,you know go ahead and like this video,i'm going to reveal it on instagram once,this video gets a thousand you know keep,me accountable so make sure you like,this video because i'm gonna reveal my,winning product okay so back here i'm,doing my research what i like to do you,guys know i use commerce inspector right,um i don't care about their winning,product i don't care what they're,scaling but i care about what they're,adding to the store those are the,products that i go after so i'm here i'm,doing,uh i was in commerce inspector and i,scroll down and i see like oh this,product is cool and,funny thing i saw they got like one or,two sales it was in the middle of a day,and they they added the product right,away to their store so it was like a,couple hours ago that they added the,product i was like oh this product is,cool so i like to go after products that,other people are testing not necessarily,scaling that's too late so i was like,okay that's a cool product let me see if,anybody else is scaling it so now what i,do i go on pp ads again and i go on,ticktock at search and this time i want,to see if anybody else selling this,product so let's say whatever product,that is i type it in here i play around,with the keywords if anybody else is,selling it then i would know because it,would show here i literally just saw the,same store selling that product there,was nobody else so that's a good sign,nobody ever tested it scaled it or,whatever and on tick tock good sign,right i even haven't seen it on facebook,so it's a very unique product but like i,said if i

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I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

easiest money you will probably ever,make never ran ads first day made 420,second day made 1400 and so today he,made 1.3k this guy on youtube says you,can make 100k a month by implementing,this tick tock affiliate marketing,strategy with no experience i'm sorry i,do not believe him so i'm gonna put this,to the test because even if i am,sounding like the grinch of affiliate,marketing here the optimist in me says,that if this guy is exaggerating by 10,times this would still generate me 10k a,month which would mean i'd never have to,feel guilty about buying my four pound,coffee ever again i learned a hell of a,lot along the way and interviewed some,experts on the topic it's probably going,to be part of a set of income streams,looks like you know it's my energy this,time tick tock i woke up this morning,and i could not believe it we made and i,worked out whether this is actually,sustainable or just a bit of,there is every chance that this is going,to be a get rich quick scheme which,means i know i'm gonna get rich with,this game and quick but the thing is,i've actually heard lots of people make,lots of money with affiliate marketing,before cute dramatic b-roll and,affiliates are people basically sit at,home create websites and make money,within three months i was earning more,than my salary and then it just kept on,going after that that was pretty easy i,was making more than two million pounds,per year profit so you see this guy here,who was stuck in a job he didn't really,like started to make some serious dosh,doing this and with the recent crypto,crash i could really use a bit of extra,income to push us closer to that point,of financial freedom so we don't end up,like bill who's been working in my,company for 40 years sorry bill and it,would be some nice passive income to go,traveling,now i want you to take this with a pinch,of salt because your man here was,talking about a time before everybody,and their mother was trying to make,money online so before we get head stuck,into this test let's talk to a couple of,people who are experts in affiliate,marketing today what's affiliate,marketing though affiliate marketing is,where you're recommending somebody,else's product you can probably help,somebody to get the product cheaper than,they might pay and then you get a,commission for giving that,recommendation and do you think you can,live off it it depends on how much time,you're putting into us i think you might,need to be recommending a few products,so it's probably going to be part of a,set of income streams okay and would you,say you can start it with no experience,i think you could but i think that you,need to have experience of what you're,recommending either if it's a product or,service you've got to use that product,or service before okay and that's one,piece of advice you'd have for me be,sure in what you're recommending for for,selling i think the integrity is one of,the most important parts for me right,now just before we start for complete,transparency i'm not a complete novice,in the marketing world i have run a,couple of companies in the past selling,software and courses but when it comes,to affiliate marketing i know absolutely,nothing so i need a goal here obviously,i'd like to start making 100k eventually,but until that point it's just going to,be about finding a strategy and doubling,down on it until you start making that,serious dollar right so my strategy for,the first week is to spend five hundred,dollars on marketing and my goal here is,to make a 1.5 x on the money so 750 and,if i can do this i'm just going to keep,reinvesting my money until financial,freedom is achieved yeah boy and if it,doesn't work i guess i just lost my,money i'm never gonna financially,recover from this,let's find out what all this hype is,about now that we're all caffeinated up,okay first of all this guy is drinking,red bull and it looks like midnight,looks like we're not the only person,that's caffeinated guys tick tock ads to,be honest is the easiest way to make,money online right now sold i'm,recording this on sunday right as you,can see here this is thursday never ran,ads but first day made 420 second day,made 1400 and so today he made 1.3k to,be fair if this is a real platform he,actually is making real money from this,every day my one skepticism is how much,is he spending to make this money,because my guess is he's probably,spending a lot okay what he's done up,until this point is he's just created a,tick tock ads account but now he's using,somebody else's ads and creatives for,his own ads this is a recipe to get,banned from tick tock just follow me,step by step i'm walking through,everything you shouldn't have to do a,lot of thinking because i'm doing,everything thanks man we're going to go,to i'll throw the,link in the description this is a,network where we could find this offer,okay so what he's doing is he's using,transparent affiliate here to generate,his offers and his affiliate links an

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