catalog ads tiktok

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Upload WooCommerce products into a TikTok Catalog

how to upload your woocommerce products,into a tick tock catalog,i will show you how we can use our,dedicated woocommerce feed plugin a,plugin that lets you upload products to,facebook product catalogs to google,merchant to pinterest catalogs and now,to a tiktok catalog,it's a plugin that you can find on our,website,is relatively easy to use and very very,flexible it has a lot of options let me,show you what i mean,once you install this plugin you will,see it,like,this protocol outfit,by pixel your site,and the plugin has,relatively easy to use and,super simple setup you just need to,create a new feed,once i do this i will upload the feed on,tick tock and then i will come back and,show you a few extra things how you can,improve your,products how you can add extra extra,data,to your tik tok product catalog,but for now let's do the basic and,simple stuff,okay i create a new feed give it a name,tick tock,select that,feed type which of course is tick tock,and i always misspell the name of this,app,now you can select how often the feed,will automatically regenerate this is,important because you want to have your,products updated and depending on how,often you make changes to your products,you should select hourly daily twice,daily or weekly i will select our link,and now you just need to,select the time when this will start,and,there are many options but i suggest to,go with the default settings they will,work and,if you really need to do something else,you can do it we have another other,videos on the channel explaining how you,can use this particular feed plugin but,now i have the tick tock feed,generated sometimes you need to wait,sometimes you need to click on this,regenerate button but let's see if it's,there,and it is,what i have to do is to copy the feed,url click on this green button right,here and go to tick tock,now,go to assets catalog,add catalog,give it a name,target a region,select the currency and create,now the catalog is created but you need,to add the products so go here click,the second option,data feed schedule,okay give it a name,and,add the feed url right here,remember i,copy the feed url by clicking on this,green button,so,again you now tell tick tock how often,they should recrawl your feed,i will select,hourly every hour,and import,now,it takes some time you can wait,you will see some success messages,let me move my,okay,because i want you to see this part of,the screen,you can refresh the page to see,there is some,new data okay we have 21 products added,non-rejected,and if you go here you should be able to,see your products not yet refresh,be patient,not yet,you just have to wait,okay so now i see,the products uh you can open,a product like this and check what,information tiktok has about your,products now i promised you that i will,show you a few tricks and how you can,add extra information for your products,there are two ways,you can do this,you can,use existing information you have,already like,global product attributes product,attributes or custom fields and map this,information to a feed field,i already have this for color and size,and as you can see color and size are,fields available to all our,feed types facebook google pinterest and,tick tock,but,i will also add a field it's specific,just to tick top fields,video link,okay,so now the field will have this video,link,field and,i can add a custom value like this,and type my value right here and this,will be a fixed value,the same for all the products or i can,map,my field to,global product attribute product,attribute or custom fields so if you,have data already,you can map it like this,but you can also do something else you,can,add the information to the specific,product,edit the product,okay,and,look for the product catalog options,we have,a number of options here,but of course they're pretty easy to,understand you can select google,taxonomy you can have the,various,values,but you can also add an extra field,in my case i will select the same,tick tock specific video link,add and now you simply type or copy the,video link url,the url you want to show on tick tock,i don't have any url i will just add,google and that's it now you go here,update and this product will have,an extra information this extra,information the video link,next time the field will be regenerated,so this is how you can improve your,woocommerce and add extra data that will,go into the tik tok field and of course,into the um,tick tock catalog,so that's it this is how you can upload,your woocommerce products into tiktok,remember that pcr site professional our,main plugin has support for uh the tick,tock tag and automatically fires,e-commerce specific events for,woocommerce,now with these new features you can also,use our dedicated woocommerce feed,plugin and upload your woocommerce,products into a tiktok catalog so,that's it good luck with your tic toc,ads and thank you for watching this,video

The above is a brief introduction to catalog ads tiktok

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The Complete Guide to TikTok Ads for Shopify

The Complete Guide to TikTok Ads for Shopify

in today's video I'm going to be showing,you how to easily connect your Shopify,store to your Tick Tock ads account this,will allow you to run Tick Tock ads,directly from your Shopify store it also,makes it super simple and easy to set up,the pixel and track important events,such as add to cart and purchases and,all those important events that we need,to know when we're spending precious ad,dollars into these Tick Tock ads and at,the end I will be showing you a quick,way to create Tick Tock ads using images,directly from your Shopify store so be,sure to stick around for that but if,you're excited as I am for this video,Let's Just Jump Right In right and the,first step is to set up a tick tock,business ads account if you don't have a,tick tock ads account simply go down in,the description below and click on the,link there it will take you to a page,that looks something similar to this,where you can come through and hit start,now it'll take you down to this spot we,can go through and add your email,password confirm your password and set,up your Tick Tock ads account go through,and add your credit card inside of there,and I do encourage you to if you can use,the same email address that you use for,your Shopify store it will make,connecting things a little bit easier so,go through and do that process first,pause this video and then come back and,finish these steps so once you have your,account created and ready to go you have,your credit card all set up you can come,over now to your Shopify store and what,we are going to do is come over to apps,and then we want to look for our apps,and settings and then come in here,customize store and we are going to be,searching for The Tick Tock app so we're,going to find this here search for tick,tock and we want the official Tick Tock,app the one by Tick Tock and then inside,here we have this Tick Tock app and if,you scroll down you can see here is the,full description of everything that it,does so you can get started with Tick,Tock for business easily create a new,account set up payment quick methods one,click pixel installation which is really,nice you don't have to go through and,install your pixel this does it for you,you can probably tick tocks easily set,up and track conversion campaigns within,Shopify you can Target your audiences,with mixed demographics create simple,videos and the generator that they have,and then optimize your campaign so we're,going to come up here and we're going to,hit add app now we have this app inside,of here and it is asking for Access and,we want to go through and hit add sales,Channel and from here you're going to be,greeted with two options the first one,is this row your business on Tick Tock,and the second one is sell your products,on Tick Tock you'll notice that we do,have the option to go through and set,this one up the selling your products,directly on Tick Tock is currently,grayed out and as you can see this story,is not yet eligible this still is in,beta phase and honestly not not very,many stores are eligible for this at,this point if we click on this learn,more it tells us a little bit more about,what you need to be eligible but Tick,Tock is being very very careful on who,they let into this program as you see,you have to have an online online store,based in United States or United Kingdom,have paid subscriptions through eligible,Partners that's through Shopify,Bigcommerce ecwid or Square and then you,have to demonstrate trustworthiness to,be eligible for partners and as you see,if you come in here the f8q for the,Shopify to sell your products directly,through there is that this is not,currently available for most people it's,in the testing phase so once that does,come out I will be making a video once I,have access that but for now we are,going to be growing our business on Tick,Tock so we can hit setup now and then,here it is going to ask to connect to,our Tick Tock for business so this is is,where it's important that you follow the,steps to go through and create your,account on this page like I said link,down below if you need to do that and,then go through and hit connect here as,you can see it is finding the my ads,account based on the email that I,already have connected to my Shopify,store so I can connect here makes it,really easy to go through and do that,connection all right and from that point,now that we have our ads manager,attached it's going to ask us for this,data sharing for most people you're,going to want to click click the,enhanced data sharing as you see here,it's going to give you this little,warning sync ensure your privacy policy,reflects the data usage that you're,going to be collecting so you can go,through and manage your privacy policy,most standard privacy policies though,we'll cover this so you should be good,there we're going to hit confirm and,there might be some final information,that you need to go through either,billing or address or stuff like that so,you can click this and set that up and,then

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TikTok Ads Catalog Manager: How to Appeal Rejected Products (2022)

TikTok Ads Catalog Manager: How to Appeal Rejected Products (2022)

hi everybody this is ian lamont author,of flea media and the founder of two,e-commerce businesses an amazon seller,for many years and also i op i operate a,shopify store and i've recently,connected it with with tiktok so i can,run tick tock ads and also have a tick,tock account for my business,i've discovered in the catalog manager,that there's a problem when some of your,products are synced to tick tock that it,automatically rejects them for various,reasons sometimes the reasons are,legitimate sometimes not so taking a,look at these products that we have we,have 68 items total and you can see most,of them say available for tick tock,marketing and tick tock tick tock,shopping and it says in stock sometimes,you'll see one that says it says it's in,stock but it says unavailable,and this means it's been rejected for,some reason and actually if we go to the,third page,of my items you can see that almost all,of them are unavailable there's just a,few that are available most are,unavailable and here's how to appeal,their automated,removal from your catalog so just click,on the name of the product,and you'll see in the right corner here,your advertised product has been,suspended it might have been disabled,due to violation of our advert,advertising policies and if you click on,the policy it'll show all kinds of scary,language about the stuff that they do,not want you advertising or even,including in the catalog and these are,things like uh weapons um you know,prohibited items like you know drugs,uh,maybe there's some ish issue with uh,animal parts and things like that and of,course we're not selling anything like,that actually let's just scroll down and,see some of the crazy things you know,adult sexual products police military,gears political ads so these are things,that we're not doing and we're not in a,restricted industry i mean we're,basically selling something that,genealogists use it's nothing it's,nothing illegal or anything like that so,to appeal click on the button that says,appeal,and then you have to,click on continue,and then they'll say,reason for appeal so what i do is i,actually have,a quick,a quick uh,explanation of why my product is not,illegal it's genealogy stationary made,of paper it's for people researching,family trees i make it clear that it's,not a forbidden product or forbidden,industry and it's not violating,tick-tock policies i just copy that and,then i paste it over into reason for,appeal and the reason why i just copy,and paste is because i have to do this,over and over again because many of my,products were rejected that way and then,i click appeal,and so i found that currently this is in,early 2022 it takes about two or three,hours for them to review the appeal i,don't know if it's automated or they,actually try to have human beings,looking at it,but in this case all of my older items,that i've appealed already almost all of,them have been successful there's been a,few that are not i'll have to look into,those later on but this makes it,possible now for me to advertise these,products for more information on how to,get the most out of your shopify store,selling on amazon,you know,using amazon advertising marketing i,have all kinds of videos about this if,you go to,click on video or blog you'll see some,of these posts that i have and also if,you're following this on youtube if you,could like the video and then follow,subscribe to the lean media channel i'd,greatly appreciate that and i usually,release a new video about once or twice,a week this is ian lamont signing off,thank you so much for watching

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TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

Tick Tock shopping ads this is a,step-by-step tutorial on how you can,actually leverage the newest thing on,Tick Tock within a crazy good results,without leveraging uh ticket shopping,ads into in particular shopping,campaigns and this is everything why you,need to actually test that and how you,need to set it up how to set it up,exactly and setting up the whole,campaign and how I go about it and,exactly why this works and how it's so,important your business in the next five,to ten minutes if you actually and give,it time and actually attend all this,video all the way through,again one of the most hottest thing,right now on Tick Tock that I really,produce the most results yeah we have,your business increased Revenue when I,have to test that almost any case uh it,actually works amazingly well so I'm,gonna show you exactly step by step,going right now into how and why and,where it's actually available how you,can use it everything step by step so,why you first why you you don't actually,care as you can see how it's called,something campaign in this account we're,getting four dollar CPA guys for the,CPAs and just be clear this account has,a 10 to 2L Target CPA so we're getting,four dollar CPA with the tech solving,campaign that's,board almost like 70 down to GPA and,it's actually the other guy and,companies in this account get around,like around 10 to 12 and it was a pH so,which is great in a hardware it actually,works as you can see everything is Up,Click thread is much much better uh,conversation is almost double then,directly campaigns and CPC is all time,low so it's it's an actual proven,campaign that you can really really use,and it works very well so let me start,off and well what actually are the,tickle shopping campaigns and ads so I'm,over here on Google just to give you,like how that looks it basically looks,like that it's like a store and that you,set up on Tick Tock and people can,actually buy through the store without,entering and going to your website this,is the basic of what it does take a,shopping campaigns you can really,purchase via the app through your store,that you set up with with actually the,same products that you have on your,website it's just inside sector now why,this actually works very well where for,a few reasons first of all it's a much,faster conversation Journey it takes up,the ticket actually native in-app,browser is much significantly lower than,the ones like on Facebook or other,platforms and so I think of course they,are still improving that but when I'm,when someone actually sees your ad and,clicks on it to actually go to your,website so like a regular ad it might,you know take three or four seconds and,people don't have the patience,especially on a platform like Tick Tock,so tick to something else is because it,is actually in the platform it's much,faster and you don't have these delays,so you have a much faster conversion,journey and you know people buy much,faster and much easier for them to,actually buy and go and purchase the,thing of um the shop so that's why I'm,seeing 3x and 2x converter rates on this,campaign number two guys actually you,have less data less signal that I lost,so if you already know with the post is,14 and stuff things I know I think I'll,be shaky in almost any any platform with,almost like every time in other reports,or over report,again the attribution is not the best,across platform Zone because it is,actually in the platform,you know Apple has no control over it so,the campaign gets full amount of data,and optimizes for the best way because,it's actually in the platform so the,code has all the data from people,clicking interacting with the ad and,engaging with the ad itself so this is a,crazy good to result this is a gradual,way to counter that iOS 14 and you know,cap that we all had and of course we,deal with this so let's add a signal so,the last thing is well it you shoot as a,brand of course it's directly to a,equation that a brand have like specific,ticket offers especially on the sub,campaigns at the start to really get,people to buy because of course it's a,actually a new thing so you need to get,people to buy and because I mean I think,in some cases or it gets like,um it gets a card Tick Tock from that of,course,but again if you lower your CPA you know,and your customer acquisition cost like,3x down I think it really really,um worth it and at the start I really,highly recommend and all the the brands,that I work with have done that and,that's why they're successful have a,specific uh offer for tick tock shopping,just maybe slide it and you know,discounting products and stuff so you,can give people to buy,that's pretty much it let me actually go,and talk about in which counts this,actually worked out so according to talk,um this available in China Indonesia and,all this country but,just a couple days ago it actually,rolled out on the US so I'm assuming,these haven't just been,um you know released yet or updated no,release updated so it's

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All you need to know about TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)

All you need to know about TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)

hey everyone welcome to the webinar all,you need to know about tick tock dynamic,showcase ads free and dsa for short,my name is mikel i'm the head of,marketing at shaker and i'm the host of,today's webinar,the webinar will be about 20 minutes,long and if you have any questions,please use the q and a section or send,me an email at mikkel.heimer,the webinar will be recorded so you can,watch in watch it on demand in your own,pace later or you can share it with,anyone who would benefit from the,contents of this webinar,some background regarding the topic of,the webinar dynamic showcase ads were,officially announced at tick tock world,on september 28 2021 just one week ago,during the dynamic showcase ads,announcement shaker was introduced as a,tick tock marketing partner with the,unique capability of scaling video,production for tick-tock dsa,we view ourselves as a global subject,matter experts regarding creative,excellence for the scale of dsa which is,why we see it as both our responsibility,and a privilege to host this webinar,over to the agenda,firstly i will explain what dynamic,showcase ads are,secondly i will briefly show the key,difference between tiktok dsa and,facebook dpa,thirdly i will mention the basic steps,of getting started with dsa,then i will go through how you can go,beyond the basics with shaker custom,creative,and finally i will let you know what you,expect from our upcoming webinars,so let's get started what is the tick,tock dsa,simply put dynamic showcase ads enable,you to show ads for the right product to,the right person at the right time,automatically,even if you have hundreds thousands or,millions of skus in your product catalog,let's look at a simple example with,three products but keep in mind that,this logic works no matter if you have,hundreds thousands or millions of,products,you want to ensure that these products,are shown to the right person at the,right time with the dynamic showcase ad,let's pretend we have three people to,target and there are three different,time periods you want to get your,products in front of your target,audience,you want to retarget people who have,added a product to cart in the last 0 to,14 days,you want to retarget people who have,viewed a product in the last 15 to 30,days,and you want to find new prospective,customers who are in the market for,products similar to yours,all of this is possible with the right,tsa setup,when the setup is correct,tock will be able to determine that,walter white aka heisenberg added the,slip tint to his shopping cart 0 to 14,days ago,and that the black widow viewed this,face mask 15 to 30 days ago,and that geralt of rivia is desperately,looking for some makeup in order to add,some color to his face,all of this happens automatically with,the help of tiktok dynamic showcase ads,so this is the dynamic ad walter white,so that was the ad that dynam the,dynamic ad walter white would be served,a video ad for the lip tint he added to,his shopping cart,and this is to add that the black widow,would be served a video ad for the face,mask she was looking for,and gerald obrivia would see this ad a,video ad for the type makeup he is,looking for,as you can see in all of these ads the,product image and text has been,dynamically replaced in order to,increase the relevance of each ad for,each individual person,three different products three different,ad experiences,and this would apply or cost your entire,product catalog even for millions of,videos,so to recap,dynamic showcase ads enables you to show,ads for the right product to the right,person at the right time automatically,as long as you have a product catalog,even with hundreds thousands or millions,of use in your product catalog dynamic,showcase ads remove the heavy lifting of,creating in creating individual ads for,different combination of products and,people,with dsa products and people find each,other,effectively and efficiently,pretty cool,so what is the key difference between,tik-tok tsa and facebook dpa,if you're familiar with facebook dynamic,ads the dsa functionality i just went,through will seem to be quite similar to,facebook dynamic ads,however tick tock is a completely,different user experience compared to,facebook and instagram,this means that the creative formats,have to be adapted to tick tock,on facebook dynamic ads will typically,look like the single image an image,carousel you can see to the left,tick tock is a video only platform,meaning that you need videos for your,entire product catalog,and you do you don't just need videos,you need videos which look and feel,native to tiktok,like the dsa for sephora,and this one for case defy,if you want to succeed with talk dsa you,need to step up your creative game,so now that you know what dynamic,showcase ads are let's take a look at,how you can get started right away,there are five main steps required to,create dynamic showcase ads firstly,create a catalog in the ticktock,business center,secondly upload products t

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TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads, powered by Shakr Creative Automation

TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads, powered by Shakr Creative Automation

for a long period of time google and,facebook have been your two primary,options for driving customer acquisition,at scale both google and facebook have,developed great advertising solutions,for e-commerce businesses to sell more,products and a profitable return on ad,spend but in recent years tick tock has,become a fantastic avenue for brands to,connect with people in new and exciting,ways and they have made great leaps,towards becoming a leading advertising,solution provider for e-commerce,businesses,among those solutions dynamic showcase,ads,dynamic showcase ads promotes the right,product to the right person at the right,time automatically the solution removes,the burden of creating individual ads,for each of the hundreds thousands or,millions of products in your product,catalog,dynamic showcase ads enable you to both,win back lost website visitors with,retargeting or connect with new shoppers,through broad audience prospecting but,no matter if you're retargeting or,prospecting the most important factor,determining the effectiveness of your,campaign is the quality of your creative,dynamic showcase ads are served as short,form videos the creative format which,has made millions of people around the,world fall in love with tiktok,however scaling high quality video,creative for thousands of products is,hard that is where shaker comes in our,creative automation technology scales,videos without creative limitations,enabling you to make high quality video,ads without compromise on brand,guidelines,we believe in showing not telling with,that in mind please have a look at these,amazing dynamic ads powered by shaker,successful dynamic showcase ads start,with great creative templates before,scaling out creative versions for each,individual skill,shaker's creative automation platform,turns adobe after effects projects into,programmable templates meaning that,motion graphic designers have infinite,creative visibility when designing the,master template once the template design,is ready your product feed is connected,to the shaco platform and video versions,for each individual sku are,automatically created and appended to,your product feed,now that your product feed contains,videos you're ready to create a tick,tock product catalog,all you need to do is to upload your,products and shaker rendered videos via,your product feed and then you integrate,conversion events between your catalog,and measurement partner or tech talk,pixel once you have a tick tock product,catalog ready you can run dynamic,showcase ads through the catalog sales,objective in the tick tock ads manager,as mentioned dynamic showcase ads can,help you win back lost website visitors,with retargeting and it can help you,connect with new shoppers through broad,audience prospecting,and with great video creative for each,individual sku your dynamic showcase ads,have the potential to be one of your,biggest contributors to increased,product sales,shaker is the only creative automation,platform in the world which can proudly,say don't make dynamic ads make dynamic,tick tocks,you

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Sell more products in 2022 with TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)

Sell more products in 2022 with TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)

hey everyone welcome to the webinar sell,more products in 2022 with tick tock,dynamic showcase ads,my name is mikhail i'm the head of,marketing at shaker and i'm the host of,today's webinar,the webinar will be about 15 minutes,long and it will be recorded so you can,watch it later,before i dive into the webinar content a,few words about shaker,shaker is a creative automation platform,and we have made our mission to enable,brands to be able to produce amazing,creative at scale,and we call it creativity times infinity,our creative automation engine enables,marketing teams to connect relevant data,sources with video templates in order to,scale creative production across paid,and owned media channels,with the ultimate goal of achieving,relevance at scale across platforms,over to today's agenda,firstly what our dynamic showcase ads,secondly what did we learn about dynamic,showcase ads in 2021,thirdly i will show you how to succeed,with dsa in 2022 which pretty much comes,down to the quality of your creative,and finally what to expect from our,upcoming webinar,first thing,what are dynamic showcase ads,simply put dynamic showcase ads enable,you to show ads for the right product to,the right person at the right time,automatically all powered by your,product catalog in combination with data,from your tick tock pixel or mobile,measurement partner,this is possible no matter if you have,hundreds thousands or even millions of,skus in your product catalog,the video you can see here was created,by the shaker creative lab for a catalog,with millions of skus,in terms of the tick tock ads manager,dynamic showcase ads are available,through the catalog sales objective as,you can see here,so if you have a product catalog with a,variety of products dynamic showcase ads,will ensure that the right product is,shown to the right person at the right,time,either through retargeting based on how,and when they interacted with your,product or through prospect targeting,where you can get your products in front,of people who have not yet interacted,with your business but have shown,interest in similar products from other,shops,in this simple example slides geralt of,rivia will be served an ad for color,makeup which is desperately been looking,for although he has not yet been to your,website,walter white aka heisenberg added this,slip tint to his shopping cart 0 to 14,days ago and will be retargeted with,that product within that time period,and the black widow viewed this face,mask 15 to 30 days ago and will be,retargeted with that product within that,time period,all of this happens automatically if,your campaigns and ad groups are,correctly set up,as you can see in all of these ads the,product image and text has been,dynamically replaced in order to,increase the relevance of each ad for,each individual person,three different products three different,ad experiences,if you're familiar with facebook dynamic,ads the core dsa functionality is very,similar however tick tock is a platform,as a platform is completely different,user experience compared to most,placements on facebook and instagram,this means that the creative formats,have to be adapted to tick tock on,facebook dynamic ads will typically look,like the single image an image carousel,you can see to the left,but on tick tock tick tock is a video,only platform meaning that you need,videos for your entire product catalog,and you don't just need videos you need,videos which look and feel like native,tik tok videos like this dsa ad for,sephora,and this one for case defy,and if you have any questions about the,settings of dynamic showcase ads you can,search directly within the tick tock,business help center which you can see,here or feel free to reach out to me if,you have any questions,shaker is a badged tick tock marketing,partner and we are happy to help anyone,succeed for their tick tock marketing,now over to our learnings from 2021,dynamic showcase ads were officially,announced at tick tock world on,september 28 2021 and before that,dynamic showcase ads were only available,to select advertisers and shaker was a,key creator partner for many of those,advertisers who were pioneering the use,of the sa,because of that shaker was introduced as,a tick tock marketing partner during the,dynamic show,dynamic showcase ads announcement at the,tick tock world conference,we were introduced as a creative,marketing partner with the specialty of,scaling video production for tick-tock,tsa,and we view ourselves as the global,subject matter experts regarding,creative excellence for dynamic showcase,ads which is why we see it as both our,responsibility and a privilege to,educate advertisers about it,in 2021 we ran dsa campaigns with 64,different advertiser catalogs across 12,countries and rendered a total of more,than 100 million product videos,and so what did we learn,early dsa,dsa advertisers had challenges meeting,performance targets however through,experimentation with campaign structure,and creative te

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All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads

All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads

hey everyone welcome to the webinar all,you need to know about Tick Tock,shopping ads my name is Mikhail I'm the,VP of growth at Shaker and I'm the host,of today's webinar the webinar will be,recorded so you can watch it on demand,later,today's agenda firstly what are Tick,Tock shopping ads,secondly let's take a closer look at,video shopping ads,thirdly catalog listing ads,fourthly live shopping ads and finally,let's take a look at how you can use,creative automation to get more out of,your video shopping ads,first thing on the agenda what are Tick,Tock shopping apps,in short Tick Tock shopping ads is an,umbrella term for tick tock's new suite,of Advertising Solutions for Brands who,want to leverage Tick Tock to drive,sales,currently there are three ad formats,under the tick shop Tick Tock shopping,ads umbrella video shopping ads catalog,listing ads and live shopping ads but,you can expect more ad formats to come,in the future,the headline of a recent Tech brunch,article about Tick Tock shopping ads,reads like this,Tick Tock launches new ad Solutions with,smarter targeting and Amplified product,discovery,it continues Tick Tock announced today,which was August 18th that it's,launching a Commerce Suite called,shopping ads to make it easier for,Brands to advertise on the platform the,company is currently testing three,formats of shopping ads which includes,video shopping ads catalog listing ads,and live shopping ads,in the webinar today I will take you,through what we what we know about Tick,Tock shopping ads so far and how you can,get started,the promise of tick tock's shopping ads,is essentially to help advertisers,keeping up with with emerging,keeping up with emerging Trends solving,for signal loss managing large catalogs,and avoiding adverty all in order to,turn tiktok content into full shopping,carts,and the way they do it is through,simplification and automation features,in The Tick Tock ads manager,from tick tock's own shopping ads,announcement they called out that Tick,Tock ads are built different which means,different relative to their current,Solutions but also different to,competing Solutions in the market,the first key point of differentiation,is the simplified media buying,experience,where you can access the three new,advertising formats through one single,buying objective the product sales,objective in your ads manager these are,the three new formats video shopping ads,catalog listing ads and live shopping,ads,secondly there are new automation,features which helps advertisers meet,buyers throughout the shopping Journey,this enables advertisers to meet,audiences who are more like more likely,to convert with smarter more advanced,targeting and fully automated creative,features that are currently in,development,thirdly shopping ads help you unlock,catalog potential by scaling your,product catalog with new formats to,capture emerging Trends and more,placement on Tick Tock beyond the for,you page,and finally achieve greater performance,and optimization opportunities through,new features for tick tock shop,Merchants to maximize performance,as mentioned earlier the promise of tick,tock shopping ads is essentially to help,advertisers keeping up with emerging,Trends solo solving for signal loss,managing large catalogs and avoiding ad,fatigue,and that is what we see through these,four points of differentiation,now let's move over to looking at what,Tick Tock ads look like in practice at,first glance the changes to your ads,manager are quite small when you first,get access to shopping ads what you will,see when you are about to set up your,first new campaign is that the catalog,sales objective is out well product,while the product sales objective is in,and the most noticeable changes will,appear once you select the product sales,objective and start creating your,campaign where you now will have access,to create up to three different ad,formats instead of just one format with,the catalog sales objective,but keep in mind that Tick Tock shopping,ads are not generally available to all,advertisers until the end of 2022 and,when you start getting access to,shopping ads you may not have access to,all three ad formats right away,some advertisers we work with have,access to video shopping ads only some,of them have access to both video,shopping ads and catalog listing ads and,none of them have access to live,shopping ads yet,this is in most cases due to the limited,geographical rollout of shopping ads or,live shopping ads is the slowest one to,roll out,you should reach out to your Tick Tock,account manager if you do not have,access to shopping ads and you can also,reach out to me if you have any,questions,now let's look at the first of the three,shopping ad formats video shopping ads,in the words of tick in the words of,tick tock video shopping ads enable you,to place hyper relevant shoppable videos,across the for you page for people to,check out your products the example ad,you can see here is a single video,shoppi

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