where do i put my apptuse embed code in shopify

How to Embed your form into Shopify hey everyone,in this video we're going to show you,how to embed


Updated on Mar 26,2023

How to Embed your form into Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to where do i put my apptuse embed code in shopify

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where do i put my apptuse embed code in shopify catalogs

How to Embed your form into Shopify

hey everyone,in this video we're going to show you,how to embed a form into a Shopify,online store first we need to be logged,into our Shopify account and make our,way to the dashboard screen from there,we can navigate to a page in where we,want to in better form for this example,I want to add in my form onto my Contact,Us page so I will click on pages on the,left side menu which will take me to the,pages category page which then I can,move and scroll down a little bit to see,all the pages that I have created for,this example I just have contact us so I,will click that after clicking on,contact us then we get taken to the,contact us page detail screen and here,is where we are able to add in our embed,code for our form we will need to click,on the show HTML icon which is the,brackets with a slash in between them,and once we do that the box will change,to an HTML editor in which we can add in,our embed code we can paste that in and,then click Save at the top,then let's click on the view page link,to see a preview of our Contact Us page,as you can see the form is there but it,is being cut off to fix this we need to,go back into the page detail screen and,edit our forms embed code a little bit,now to edit the form we need to look for,a few specific things we are looking for,the word height in equal sign and the,quotation mark in most cases when,embedding a form the height will be a,hundred percent to allow it to fit into,any size container large or small in my,case since the area / container I want,to put my form in is a little small I,need to manually adjust the height for,the form we can keep the width to be a,hundred percent but need to change the,height to be a certain pixel height so,we can go into the height and change it,from a hundred percent to save 500,pixels or 500 px then we can click Save,at the top and let's see the page again,perfect there's our form and it is not,being cut off so that definitely work,with the width being a hundred percent,it is still going to be responsive for,desktop and mobile but now that the,height is at a fixed mark it will always,appear at 500 pixels on a screen real,fast to show you what I mean I can click,on the customize button and it will take,us back to the editor where we can,toggle between desktop and mobile to see,how our form looks,and there you have it,it is desktop and mobile ready and just,like that you now know how to embed your,form into your Shopify online store with,Shopify you will need to remember to,adjust your forms height but after that,it'll still work for desktop and mobile,screens thanks again for watching the,video leave a thumbs up if you found the,video useful and subscribe to our,YouTube channel to know when a new video,box thanks again and we'll see you on,the next one

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