what language is shopify

How To Translate Your Shopify Store | Multi-Language Website Tutorial what's going on guys this is J

Casual Ecommerce

Updated on Mar 12,2023

How To Translate Your Shopify Store | Multi-Language Website Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to what language is shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what language is shopify

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How To Translate Your Shopify Store | Multi-Language Website Tutorial

what's going on guys this is Jake and in,this video I'm going to be showing you,how you can go ahead and translate your,Shopify store into different languages,and it's actually a really easy and,simple process that we're going to be,doing here in just under 10 minutes so,we're going to be using an app called,weeklot here in the Shopify App Store so,you can either search for a week lot in,the Shopify app store or you can click,the first link in the description down,below and you want to go ahead and just,install this app on your store here,and we can see that I already have it,installed so I'm going to go ahead and,jump over to our demo store here,and once we go ahead and open up the app,inside of our store we're going to have,the option to go ahead and create an,account to go ahead and get a free,10-day trial so we're going to go ahead,and do that right here but in this case,I already have an account so I'm going,to just go ahead and sign in so once you,go ahead and create your account here,we're just going to go ahead and have to,choose our languages so first off we're,going to go ahead and choose the,original language for our store so in,many cases that will be English and then,we can go ahead and choose our,destination languages here so we can go,ahead and choose which languages we want,our store to be available in as well so,this is going to vary depending on what,options you want to go ahead and provide,so in this case I'm going to just go,ahead and select German and then I'm,going to click save here and we could,add multiple languages in there if we,wanted but in this case I'm just going,to go ahead and do that one then we can,see here that we can see already our,website is now multilingual,automatically so if I I go ahead and,open up our store here we can see the,sample store right here is by default in,English but if I come down here to the,bottom right I can go ahead and open,this up and switch it to German right,here,and then we can see that all of our text,here has been translated here to German,and this has been done automatically,through the weeklot AI translator now we,can go ahead and add manual translations,as well so if you're not completely,satisfied with the automated translation,you can go ahead and translate parts of,your store manually or you can go ahead,and have,other professional translators come in,and do that for you as well so now if we,go ahead and click on the settings page,here we can we're going to go through,some of the options in here as well so,you can see here if we come down here to,main settings we can see our different,languages in here and we can go ahead,and add additional ones if we wanted to,so let's say we wanted to go ahead and,also add,French to this list we could go ahead,and do that click on Save and we can see,here that we can choose whether or not,we want these to be public and if we go,ahead and open up the store once again,and we come down here to languages we,can now see the French shows up as well,so we now have three options right here,and we can see that it was very simple,to set up just by adding these,destination languages in here and then,down here we can go ahead and customize,the appearance of our selector so our,language selector right here so if I,click on manage right here,we can see that we can go ahead and,choose to display the language name,display the full language name we can go,ahead and display language Flags in the,button as well so if I were to go ahead,and check that on,and we can also choose whether or not we,want this button as a drop down box,and we can choose the country flags type,whether we want it rectangle shiny,square or Circle so this is just going,to be changing the actual visual,appearance of this selector down here,and then you could also add in different,custom CSS code if you want to really,get in depth with the appearance and,then you can see right here this is a,preview of what it's going to look like,right here and you can go ahead and,change the actual order of the languages,in here,and we can go ahead and click save,we can see that our settings will be,done so we can come back over here once,again,and if I were to open the store back up,you can see we have the flags that we,added down here then we have some of the,advanced settings in here so we can go,ahead and choose whether or so we have,Auto Direction here so we can enable,auto switch if we want to automatically,redirect visitors based on their browser,language so for example somebody were to,be browsing the web in German if they,were to go ahead and land on our site we,could make it to where our site is,automatically redirected to the German,version of our website here because,they're already browsing in German so,this is something that could be more,user friendly if you wanted to go ahead,and change the settings here by clicking,on manage so you could do that just by,clicking the auto switch on and then you,could always make the fallback language,the original language meaning if they're,browsing in a language you don't offer,then it's always going to go ahead and,come back to the original language right,here so you can go ahead and turn that,on on by doing that and then down here,we can exclude some different things so,if you want certain blocks of your site,to be excluded from being translated you,can go ahead and set that up in here and,if you want specific pages and URLs to,be excluded from being translated you,can go ahead and set that up in here by,clicking to manage as well so most,likely you're not going to have to mess,with any of these exclusions here but,the option is available if you want to,go ahead and do that now if we come up,back to the top there's a couple more,things I want to go ahead and do so if,we come up here to edit my translations,we can see that it's going to open this,page up here and we can see that we have,our two languages that we want to add in,translator or store into it we can see,how many words were translated and we,can see how many were manually,translated so if we wanted to come in,here and edit the German translation we,can go ahead and click on access all,right here,and we can see that we have all of the,different words right here showing up so,we have the English version over here,and the German automatic translation,here so if you want to go ahead and,actually come in here and manually edit,these translations this is where you can,do it so if you wanted to change this,translation in here you could come in,here and do that and click on,saved right here so you can see that now,that would change it to manually edited,the translation so this is where we can,go ahead and just review all of these,different translations here so one thing,you could actually do is you could go,ahead and have a professional translator,go ahead and go through all of your,different translations here just to,review them and make sure that they're,all correct,so this is something that you can go,ahead and do if you're not going to be,doing it yourself so that's how we can,manually go ahead and edit all of our,translations here the next thing we're,going to take a look at here is the,visual editor so if I go ahead and open,this up we can see that this is where we,can just go ahead and edit our,translations once again but we're going,to be editing it in the visual style so,if I were to click on this header text,right here we can see that we have the,English text here and then we have the,German translation right here and then,we have the French translation right,here and we could come in here and edit,this if we wanted to and we can go ahead,click Mark as reviewed so we have now,the manual translation updated and click,on OK so this is just another way that,we can go ahead and edit our,translations it's just a little bit more,visual so if you prefer this edit in,style you can go ahead and use that,instead,and then lastly we want to go ahead and,activate our sub domains to optimize our,SEO so subdomains is going to be,part of the domain that shows up here,before the actual domain itself and if,you've ever been on a multi-lingual site,you're going to have noticed that a lot,of them have the language code before,the actual site so in German for example,it would be like d e dot sample store,dot com so in this particular case,and doing this definitely helps with,your SEO so in order to do that you can,just go ahead and click on activate sub,domains right here and if we go ahead,and scroll down we can just click on,enable sub domains in order to just go,ahead and click on enable so in order to,do this we're going to need to have,access to our DNS so,you're not going to be able to do this,if you don't have a custom domain for,your Shopify store so coming back here,we can see that this is a sample my,Shopify domain that comes with every,Shopify store for free so you're going,to actually need your own domain so,whether you bought that through Shopify,domains or through another domain,provider you're going to need that,custom domain in order to do this which,you should already have anyway because,you shouldn't really have a store that's,live with the my Shopify domain anyway,as long as you have a domain where you,can edit your DNS you're going to be,good to go so we're going to go ahead,and click on enable right here,and the first thing we have to do is,enter our website domain name so in this,case I'm going to be putting in the your,the custom domain URL I'm not going to,be putting in the sample store one I'm,going to be putting in the custom URL,for this store here which is actually,just going to be,testing store Dot online,so if we go ahead and paste that in,right here we can see the original,language in our translated languages are,already selected so I'm just going to,click on next here,and we can see that now we have to go,into our DNS and we have to enter the,following entries as a DNS record right,here so we can see here that this is,going to be the subdomains that are,going to show up for each of our,languages right here so on the German,version of the website it would be D, and on the French,version it would be FR dot testing store,Dot online,so we need to go into our DNS here so in,this case I have this demo domain on,GoDaddy so I'm going to go ahead and,open that up,however if you bought your domain,through Shopify you can go ahead and,access the editing process for your DNS,by coming over to Shopify here,coming down here to settings,clicking on domains and you'll be able,to edit your domains in here if you,bought it through Shopify,so I'm gonna go ahead and jump over here,and I'm going to copy this right here,and I'm going to go ahead and open up,the DNS records for this particular,domain here,and we're just going to add one in so,we're gonna make it a c name we're to,make the name,d e,and we're going to make the value, I'm going to go,ahead and add this record in,and now I'm going to go ahead and add in,one more for the French version so dot,fr,and I'm going to go ahead and add that,record in right there so now we've added,in both of these C names here so we can,come back over here,and we can click on check DNS and then,once we click on that here we can see,that we're done the following subdomains,are going to be set up and be ready in a,few minutes so this could take a little,bit so I'm going to go ahead and pause,the video here and if for some reason,this is taking over 24 hours make sure,you do contact their customer support,because there might be some type of bug,or something going on but it should be,done in five to ten minutes so we'll be,back in just a second all right so that,only took about two minutes here and we,can see that now both of our domains are,ready here so in that case I'm just,going to click on finish,and we're going to go ahead and close,this out we're going to come back in,here and I'm just going to refresh this,page here just to get rid of that,notification so now we're going to go,ahead and open up our store once again,and we can see that by default our URL,up here is testing store Dot online but,if we come down here,and switch our language here to German,we can see now on the German version of,the website our URL is, so this is going,to be very helpful for SEO purposes and,we can see over here on the French,version of the site,it is,fr.testingstore that I don't mind so we,can see that that's how you can go ahead,and make your website multi-lingual and,we can see it only takes about 10 or so,minutes to set up multiple languages and,all of the settings are very easy to go,ahead and use so with that said be sure,to check out the weeklot app by clicking,the first link in the description and if,you did find this video helpful be sure,to leave it a thumbs up subscribe to,this channel for more videos and I will,see you guys in the next one

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