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Grab 🛍️👋🏾Bag Monday (Collective🥂) foreign,foreign,what's up welcome to my channel am I,tripping or n

Grab 🛍️👋🏾Bag Monday (Collective🥂)

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Grab 🛍️👋🏾Bag Monday (Collective🥂)

foreign,foreign,what's up welcome to my channel am I,tripping or not tarot my name is ,Frost but you can call me the ghetto,nine so I'm here to do right back Monday,yes I am yeah so we'll do the 2023,predictions for the convent they told me,to say for the convict because I don't,know if this is uh,they're making me feel like ,may not be the same for everybody Jay so,this is for us that's what's up anyway,I do cuss in my readings and give no, about it so if you do please get,the on I do start all of my cards,upright in my deck I don't believe in,starting out with reversals because,that's some also I did,pre-shuffle but I did not lay any cars,down just yet we're gonna do it together,please keep in mind this may or may not,resonate with the assigned nor situation,nor do I give a info for private,readings will be below the video please,take the time to check out our community,board it's like the farmer's market for,all the nuns in high priests where they,have their businesses purposes gifts etc,etc posted,if you'd like to submit your business,for the bulletin board please check the,info in the description box below the,video if you find that the convo the,convent excuse me I was going to say the,convo so that too it's not for you,please look for the nearest exit Mark,get the on my channel hit the alley,you'll be back in Carolyn thank you to,everyone for all the bookings donations,like subscribes comment shares purchases,and pledges to my patreon I love you,I hope everybody had a good New Year,they say the way that you start the new,year is how you end the new year right,so I made sure to start my new year off,positive and right I hope y'all did the,same thing because I'm like okay if this,how it started I'm I'm good with an,ending like this okay so I hope y'all,have like had the same type of thought,pattern or,whatever felt the same way whatever the, I'm trying to say you heard me okay,uh so look,we're gonna do these predictions here,because uh,the remainder of the reading is on,patreon I'm just gonna do a general,themed uh,what you guys can expect and then on the,patreon we'll dig a little deeper and,get more details okay all right,so let's see what's up y'all,give me some messages for the convent,Divine masculine divine feminine,parishioners none Thai priests uh what,they can expect for the 2023 money love,Health family career spirituality lay it,on us okay,all right it's a lot,I know you won't be uh overthinking,in 2023 like you're not gonna waste a,lot of time coming and hiding about ,you just gonna like get her done they,said yeah get her done yeah a lot of,projects you're gonna finish up in 2023,look at this okay that's my Mo out,of beat of that yeah money over, I heard okay well I like,the theme already okay for 2023 I love,it if that's your thing uh but you got,the emperor and the empress Divine,masculine divine feminine in the house,okay these are people taking a position,okay these are uh husbands and wives,mothers and fathers these are CEOs,entrepreneurs bosses that's what this is,a lot of you are set to be these things,if not all of the above G,yeah the path to righteousness no wonder,they said uh this is for the convent,yeah,I like it already,uh some of you guys are going to be,losing weight in 2023 like slimming down,your waistline especially if you are a,feminine energy uh if you don't want to,lose weight then you may want to work on,I don't know something but everybody's,going to be like thinning out in the,convent but that's I don't know if it's,you uh as well as myself but food be,tasting funny G like if I have an,appetite for something like,I can't even describe it maybe because I,don't even be doing without what I want,to eat half the time but at times like,that I'll eat like salad and fruit and, you know what I mean because it's,like nothing seems like appetizing I,don't have a appetite for anything,that's being shown to me you know what I,mean I'm I'm hungry but not for none of,this yeah you're gonna naturally,start losing weight it's like healthy uh,so you guys may just automatically start,eating healthier but it's because of,like your Cravings your craving you're,going to be craving healthier things,healthier relation healthy all healthy,everything all healthy everything in,2023 you probably already started it uh,you probably have been drinking a lot of,water or need to yeah,some of you guys at this uh nine to five,that you hate already is gonna get worse,in 2023. you're gonna find it's God's,Gonna push you even more so to get the, up out this job or this marriage or,this relationship for those that are in,something that they don't want to be in,2023 gonna be a if you,still in that okay it's gonna be,very hard to deal with that ,especially if you are an emperor and an,empress and you ain't acting like itchy,uh because that's basically what that,would be you know not believing that you,can build your Empire elsewhere or you,know what I mean connect with other,empresses Emperors or whatever or uh,connect with you know better people it's,like somebody some people may not,believe that they will be stuck in these,relationships these jobs and I mean ,it's gonna be hard some people are meant,to be stuck in these relationships in,these jobs for another year though too,because they may not be ready it's like,you know you say you are but you may not,be how many times have we said oh I hate,this job I hate this job I hate this job,I want to quit right and it's like,you may have said that a while ago say,in your younger years and now that,you're older you're like I'm glad I kept,that damn job you know what I mean,you need to think it's a whole lot of,reasons why people are in certain,situations I heard medical insurance,yeah that's a damn good reason,especially if you ain't feeling good AG,okay so some people are staying in,relationships and jobs in 2023 that they,don't want to be in for medical,insurance that's just what I heard so,far it could be for children Empress I,see babies pregnant women in 2023,naturally,I don't know why I said naturally so I,guess it's going to be like good old,good old-fashioned I guess I,don't know I just meant naturally babies,would be born but they're saying like no,naturally or these could be at home,births uh things like that but they're,telling me it's gonna be a lot of, going on and a lot of babies,being born gee that's what's up,okay,give me another one routinely too yeah a,lot of that going on this is my,routine card okay something's gonna be,consistent and steady 2023 if you are on,that path to righteousness that we saw,at the bottom of the day and you stay on,that everything is gonna be smooth,selling uh what this is,uh this is also my uh definition of,insanity card this is doing the same,thing every day and expecting different,results but I don't feel like that with,the emperor and the empress this is,something like uh when I come home,that motherfucker's still there the,light's still low you know what I mean,my kids make it home from school every,day my husband my wife my partner,whatever the my lover uh they come,home we happy they make it to it's like,uh security yes,2023 feels very secure for y'all now do,y'all do remember the reading I did last,Friday why they told me now I know why,they told me to do that reading first,before this one because the people that,I read about last Monday on last grab,back Monday they can't touch this ,okay that was the whole point so you see,how she just kind of smooth now yeah,okay you're gonna always be the emperor,and the empress that's what this is,every day okay every day,okay booskis,so I don't need to call outside because,that's Divine masculine divine feminine,in the hands it is,some people somebody gets pregnant again,somebody gets pregnant every year you're,gonna be pregnant this year again too if,you end up pregnant every year uh yes,that's for somebody,yeah girl look,that's if it happens to you every year I,said it was if you routinely ,every year you gonna routinely get,whoever this is,who just fertile I see a lot of,fertile energy out here,uh give me another one here for the,convent what's going on what can they,expect in 2023,Multicultural card look at y'all so dope,G look at this this is all,different races genders ethnicities uh,different Financial brackets this is all,of us gee I like that this car came out,because this is everybody uh like they,said it's a it's for the convent we're,all different you know I mean from all,different places all over the world but,look at this Emperor Empress routinely,Multicultural so you're gonna be,learning a lot of new things in 2023,getting to know a lot of new people you,guys could be trying new foods moving to,New this is all new here is what,crazy this is routinely new how,does that even go together how is,something a routine new right but this,is you going out doing something,different,you know what I mean like this is your,2023 thing like this year I'm gonna go,out and do whatever snorkeling skydiving,go on the cruise go on the trip this is,all this type of and you're not,gonna stop you know we say we're gonna,do a lot of and don't never do the, you know and not like we're,procrastinators I don't mean that type,of but,it's like uh like I said I want to take,a fencing class like I'm gonna do that, and stop saying that I'm gonna,find it but when I found the one I'm,like it ain't even close by but you know,what I mean get in the car and,drive it's like this type of like,do the y'all are gonna be doing,interesting thing taking uh interesting,activities it's a whole lot of I,want to do uh you know you gotta,dress up for I'm a theme person you know,what I mean so if I gotta dress up to do,it I love it already I do you know some,of y'all are into this type of I,don't know I see uh,you guys like upgrading your wardrobe,possibly,some of you guys are being led to dress,like your ancestors G or you're gonna,incorporate some type of,of your ancestry in your clothing like,it's just gonna become part of your,daily clothing like you're just going to,be attracted to it you know like,I don't even know what what you I don't,even know like somebody could just get,rid of all these shirts and just,eventually have all kimonos in their, like you know what I mean but it's,like that's just how they dress it like,fits them I don't know I can't really,explain it but it's like this type of,energy here,some of you guys are going back to,school,if you're not going back to school this,is just furthering your higher education,like your Higher Learning like your,higher self you know what I mean that's,what this is going back I gotta go to,school it's the Neti card so this is,y'all still attending du next year and, this is all different type of,courses paint class and uh all,types of stuff new Talent out here will,be discovered,as well,yeah this is happiness and success at,the bottom of the day this looks really,really good Convent for men and women,okay for sure for sure,some I see a lot of interracial dating,out here a lot of mixing of cultures,y'all for real like a big Melting Pot,out here is what this is like,everybody's integrating,and I'm talking about Divine masculine,and divine feminines here yeah so we're,about to all start meeting each other,working together traveling uh,not all of us doing it all you know what,I mean but you know I mean different,different things you know befriending,helping uh partnering up all types of, that's what this is we're all about,to become a soul family is what this is,so we're all about to meet each other,tribes are coming together uh in 2023,okay,I heard tell me something good yeah I,don't know,tell me tell me tell me tell me that yes,Emperor empress,what I got will show enough set your,stuff on fire I hope not like I hope not,uh Shaka yeah I don't know something may,shock you a lot of shocking things in,2023,con yeah uh isn't that an emperor or,somebody con yeah they said kimonos and, somebody here has like some Asian,something about Asian culture I don't,know,butterfly garden this is my back down,memory lane I I stumbled on this,Photograph it kind of made me laugh yeah,that's what this is uh because everybody,had that well not everybody some of,y'all too young but like uh you 80s 90s,kids and your aunties your mama's,had that picture with their face in the,cognac glass or you know I mean sitting,in the wicker chair like you know uh,with that fake ass Furrow everybody you,know that type of uh some about,high school reunions as well some of you,guys may be getting with a high school,sweetheart,is what this is but this is like High,School,so I don't know some of y'all may,be uh rekindling old friendships old,relationships with people from your past,Bank down memory lane uh hooking up with,your parents if you guys this is like,hooking up with moms and dads and ,you know what I mean uh nostalgia,yeah something about some of you guys,are you're a class reunion I don't know,what year of course because there's so,many of you but there's something about,a reunion coming up this year,it doesn't feel like family I guess it,could,but this there's so many colors and, you know what I mean I mean at,least that's how my school was I don't,know but something about,coming together y'all that's all I keep,picking up transformation,yeah y'all look different in 2023 you,guys may look different,like back how you did when you were in,high school and so y'all,Benjamin buttoning and in regards,to skin and uh youthfulness they said,the Fountain of Youth Divine masculine,divine feminine in 2023 you will look,like you have swam and drank that ,this is back down memory lane meaning,you're going backwards g,but you're going forward though you know,what I mean this is life you're living,it but you don't look like your age so a,lot of you guys are going to look a lot,younger stress-free in 2023,okay,yeah no longer tolerating or dealing,with things that don't match or match,your Vibe or anything that's why you're,starting to look young and because,you guys are connecting and you're like,doing I don't want to say you're doing,what you want to do but you're going,towards the things that call you so like,how I said about the food thing like man,I'm hungry and instead of like,making myself eat some that I don't,want like ooh go get some fries and a,burger it's like maybe I just won't eat,you know what I mean I'll just drink,water and I guess maybe I'm just,you know what I mean or eat fruit or,nothing you know this type of it's,like uh,it's part of your heritage your culture,and some of you guys will be uh,fasting involuntarily you may be going,through this now like just feeling like,you're put on a fast you are it's gonna,be a lot of fasting going on in 2023 of,a whole lot of different things not just,food but fasting period,yeah something about you inheriting,something more like uh of the uh,like traditions of your ancestors and,you don't even know you're doing it but,you are,so I don't it makes sense and ,all the I'll be talking and you,know what I mean talking about Warren, that I would want to take a fencing,class it made sense to me like no that,makes sense that you would want to like,I'm interested in that like yes you,guys may take up things like that you,know,uh it could be belly dancing or you know,what I mean all different types of ,but whatever it is it's connected to,your ancestors you guys are going to be,drawn to this a lot of you guys,will be taking courses classes getting,certified to do this yourself teach,others something like that okay,it kind of feels like uh you may think,it's a hobby but it's not,yeah old clothes maybe coming back in,2023 you know how like a certain style,comes back you know they tried to bring,bell bottoms I'm bringing sexy back yeah,them don't know how to act,yeah if that's a girl better watch it,back okay y'all get it uh Divine,masculine that's what I heard you're,bringing sexy back but what I was gonna,say remember how they tried to bring,bell bottoms back and and it's like,some people could wear them and some,people couldn't you know but that that,whole Trend came back kind of the 80s,came back and all this other ,there's another Trend coming back into I,hope it ain't this,I mean it kind of looks like 70s a,little bit you could the pant suits at,the women wore like the whole you know,pantsuit like they were connected not,like a suit and but like the,pantsuit that the women's were that the,women's yeah women excuse me worn like,the 70s with the high shoulder pads and, you know this is like baby we can,do it take the time to it yeah it's a,lot of going on in 2023. I don't,know I picked that song anyway,something about sheer or like blouses,and things like for women maybe coming,back y'all real uh you know not,sure but like yeah sure no it is because,we need all those see-through blouses,but those never go out of style to me,you know you can see your bra under but,different colors and like that I,don't know it's coming back uh in 2023,at least you're gonna be rocking this, I don't know you know we can kind,of wear anything you know she got on the,aloe plant and like but I mean it worked,for her and a butterfly on her head yeah,some I hope it ain't the butterfly color,it's something with the 70s coming back,in 2023 or so some form of it,I have to see it first I'm like um,uh there may be a decline of we already,seeing bees dying and we know,there's a a decline of bumblebees,honeybees and things like that there may,be a decline of butterflies as well,there's some insects that are dying off,you're gonna see them dying off in 2023.,I don't know if they mean bugs is it,people that bug you possibly that too,but I also feel like certain uh species,of butterfly or a flying insect they're,dying off in 2023.,or maybe they're coming back and they,said they bring a sexy back so maybe,it's different ones because look at that,droopy flower with this butterflies,making me feel like the lifespan is kind,of short but then they they said we,bring a sexy back so maybe I don't,know they could be morphing uh it's,morphing time yeah they could be making,butterflies in the lab for all the ,we know it could be a whole array in the, that you like I ain't,never seen you know what I mean an,electric you know I mean one that got,neon and it Glow and and I'm sure they,do have them somewhere but some type of,species or something or something's,being brought back,or these are unions I said they,were coming together uh divine feminine,Divine masculine and that patreon,reading they really are,these feel like contracts back down,memory lane and Soul recognition,you guys may be more active in 2023 like,come up with some type of something,you're gonna do you know people always,say I'm gonna do the gym I'm gonna,whatever right and always tell people,don't do the GMG you ain't gonna end up,staying at the gym cause you're not a,gym person or else you would have been,going pick something easy what do you,like to do like if you like to ride,bikes then do that don't get no gym,membership that's a waste of money,because you ain't gonna go you're more,likely to ride a bike if you like the,wind in your face and you like the air,you know like this type of some of,you guys are going to I'm telling you,it's like Hobbies but they're not,they're like traditional or something,your ancestors did they like to do it,too,somebody's gonna be traveling to England,there may be a lot of people traveling,to Europe in 2023,a lot of people going to see uh historic,places in 2023 like uh ruins or they say,old churches things like that like old,castle castle tours a lot of y'all are,going to be drawn to like history in,2023 and maybe you never have been but,you like I just want I don't know I just,want to go see the it's a reason,for that,trying new foods meeting new people all,types of put something on the,routine card,damn it Bobby mermaids love yeah,something coming back together with two,people G okay you got the emperor the,empress and mermaids love this is,something that almost slipped away,uh so I feel like something a,relationship that was almost off the,table convinced in 20 but I picked that,up too,uh I don't know who's that must have,been divine feminine I picked that up in,divine feminine is reading like somebody,getting together here back down memory,lane this could be a Reconciliation for,some of y'all G that's what this is okay,or somebody uh if it's not a,Reconciliation which I know a lot of,y'all like uh and in that reading I,picked up it was someone new I didn't,pick up reconciliation so that's odd is,coming out here but for some of you yes,others of you this is somebody finally,like Awakening to who you are and ,like you know like memory like I,remember like that's you know like,somebody could have not seen in you what,you saw in them and and it took,them longer and could be a,masculine energy in 2023 I feel like,y'all come together,uh somebody will be documented during,2023 like there may be a camera crew or,some type of uh photographer or,something like that that follows someone,around and documents their life in 2023,or a couple's life in 2023,or we may see a lot of documentaries,people being more or just more uh people,being open like you know so you make,people who give you what is like now,that Megan and Harry then did it you,know everybody wants you to come on in,you know what I'm saying come on man and, come see what we be doing I mean if,the Royals can do it it's like nobody if,they can let us in you know everybody,else kind of look real shitty not,showing us what's going on not like that,but that's what they're saying and we,know they made a lot of money off that, too now you know Netflix paid the, out they ass allegedly G so a lot,of people are gonna start letting us in,I don't know if we give a it,depends y'all better ask around see if,we can uh first people uh this is,probably you entertaining celebrity Folk,okay if it's about your life uh see if,we care about your life it's not that we,don't care that you do documentaries or,you know film and producing and all that,but it's like me we may not necessarily,want to see what the you doing you,know,it's like how Denzel can produce you,know what I mean but he ain't never took,us in the house we cool with that you,know I don't really need to see that you,know I don't really feel like it's that,interesting maybe for like older men or,some but let's move on it's,something like that something about uh,genres or age groups or something like,that but I feel like they're all coming,together though that's the grade this is,different ages as well,so I don't know what folks do with ,I see younger people getting with older,people older people with younger people,like so age ain't nothing but a number,going down ain't nothing but a thing ow,this loving I have for you,it'll never change yeah divine feminine,that's my idea song I mean Malia divine,feminine card in my head,my chain yeah all right,you guys may be growing out your hair,divine feminine in 2023 you look,beautiful G,whatever race ethnicity whatever short,hair long hair dark light white black,brow Asian Latino whatever,uh you look beautiful G,yeah it's like uh you sit well in your,energy Divine masculine I feel like,you're pretty dapper yourself look at,you,some of you guys are going to be in a,relationship where there's a big,difference either religion race age,finances uh something job I expect that,that to be different you know for the,majority of you you know like what you,guys do career-wise but it's something,else though,like somebody could be a whole,vegetarian and somebody's like I love,meat and you know what I mean it's,something where uh your values differ or,something it could be religion,spirituality and it's giving me,Church energy somebody's more spiritual,uh to me the mermaid is and the man,could be more religious or something,like that these people still get,together though,put one on the Multicultural here,Lieutenant Dan asked crime but this is,the beginnings of it this is like,pulling back the reins on some ,before some get too bad or cold,depending is what this is so y'all have,learned a lesson in 2023 so basically on,2023 it's more leeches it's more Punk, out there G that's what,this is they gonna come in all different,color sizes shapes everything the only,difference in 2023 is you have a partner,uh so y'all going through this together,through something together but this is,people probably trying to leech off for,both of y'all Or Be co-dependent on both,of you so uh for those that are going to,be in a relationship right people were,doing this to you separately that,doesn't change they just do it to you,guys uh while you're in a pair now you,also are in control of yourself in 2023.,this is like controlling your own uh,temper your feelings your mouth this is,uh being humble is what this feels like,you know what I mean like we don't know,everything we're open to learning like,let me Shut the up because I don't,know about this so let me just sit,here and let them show me uh so a lot of,y'all being taught how to Doug EJ,different doggies and basically,like I know how to do the American,Dougie right but the London Dougie I,don't know how to do so let me pull back,and see how they do it first pull that,see how they do it first learn right so,I can do it too it's something,everybody's gonna be taught like you,guys are open like you guys want to,learn new things meet new people go new,places live different places trying to,like it's like you're opening,uh divine feminine you may be moving,kind of slow in this relationship you,end up in with whoever this is this is,you pulling back the reins on your side,and divine masculine you back down,memory lane so this feels like home to,you divine masculine to divine feminine,you a little you know I mean such a,little like I don't know,something's different or it's you,guys haven't been in a relationship in a,long time divine feminine specifically,Divine masculine you fit right in which,is crazy you do unless you two people,have been together before then it's like,y'all never split up but if this is new,these are new people coming together the,Divine masculine fits in way better than,the divine feminine does as far as,comfort you know what I mean like,feeling comfortable in this relationship,you may be a little you know I mean,uptight divine feminine a little bit,girl,tiny triumphs dehydrated chick,yeah girl you've been starving so much,and it's like you don't know what,to do like no no no no no I'll get it,myself no you don't have to do that,that's what this is,so divine feminine uh let people be nice,to you girl because that's what this is,no you don't have to no I don't you know,and this it could be tradition for this,person,you know,they told me somebody doesn't want to,take their shoes off somewhere where you,like have to take your shoes off,and they're like no I don't yeah you,like I'm gonna take my shoes off because,I want to go inside since you divine,masculine divine feminine some of y'all,are gonna be separated from people who,are just stuck in their ways G like damn,you can't even take it like like you,know gangsters do pray like you can take,your shoes off it's something like that,I don't know why they said that but it's,like somebody feels funny I don't know,you you're not with people like,that that can't be them and love God and,be you know what I mean like you can't,do it you know like I can't with,you you know,like something's too people that are too,boxed in I don't see y'all like hanging,out with these people but you probably,already separated from these people,which is why you're integrating with,this new group this new crowd I saw,you're already separated from that ,so,I also see you guys,catching yourself from going back to the,past and doing anything you feel like,would damage you so it's a lot of stop,before you do some or think before,you speak type energy here that's the,thing too yeah money over they,keep saying that so yeah you think,about your future and like over, like yeah,let me pull back on that like that's,routine that's some I used to do I,ain't about to do that no more pull back,you got too much to lose Emperor Empress,so a lot of y'all are uh like way more,considerate of yourselves these,people way more considerate of,yourselves in 2023,uh and that is definitely beneficial to,you,because it's like everybody was winning,but you before you know what I mean,because you were kind of just let,letting the reins go everybody just come,get all the goat feed or whatever the, it is like you didn't have you,and your ghost was just sitting there,like okay,you know now you're not doing that so I,see you being very like Unapologetic uh,in 2023 about your love life about your,business your job your children your,home who you're pregnant by who you, laid up with what you believe in,I see you being very Unapologetic about,that you may feel like it's a tiny,Triumph but it's a big one really you,know,yeah a lot of uh,nostalgia in 2023 I don't know why so,these could be Monumental years for you,guys or a Monumental year so you can be,turning like 30 40. you know what I mean,uh 60 65 55 45 something like that uh,and this may be a Monumental year for,you,some of y'all get married this is a,Monumental uh some type of event happens,uh in 2023 where it's like this is the,year where I met my whatever or built,this business or got my home it's,something like that that's gonna happen,for y'all,yeah a lot of travel out here to,different countries a lot of y'all have,y'all passport and rent to go like my,great-grown grandma used to say I'm,wrecked I'm red and I'm set let's go,okay that's what this is traveling to,different countries,State cities,I feel like you'll have a partner though,even if this is like a business partner,there'll be someone there with you it,feels like love though but for some of,y'all worries let's just be on let's be,honest right let's be realistic and ,uh where y'all like man I ain't about to,even none I don't want the okay,like that type of I feel like,there's still someone this could be like,you know I don't know who the it is,maybe it's a sibling or something,old friend,put some on the butterfly garden here,with the damn Eight of Cups came out,reversed yeah somebody comes back G,back down memory lane Eight of Cups,reverse,okay,some of you guys will be fixing issues,with your parents if you have any issues,with your parents or family members,maternal paternal figures uh possibly,I don't know for some of y'all this,could be like uh ex-spouses and but,I don't feel like I mean some of y'all,could get back together but if this is,an ex-spouse like y'all were married and,y'all co-parent now I don't see y'all,getting back together but it's like more,so like the new Norm yes like you're,creating a new Norm so some of y'all,will spend Christmas together when you,never thought you would and it's like we,ain't together we just you know what I,mean like they got they person I got my,purse and we just a big family now,that's all I see families coming,together uh two families,yeah it's like an integration they keep,saying integration,divine feminine you uh end up coming,back to someone or allowing someone to,come back I don't know who it is though,girl,or Divine masculine,uh whoever this is they always come back,around so it could be somebody that's,just in and out of your life like,somebody could be in the military I,don't know or it don't feel like that,let me stop lying I don't know who the, it is but somebody try to come back,uh I don't know,if somebody yeah it's a lover Divine,masculine divine feminine in 2023 old,lovers will try to return to Eugene,okay,even when you have your purse energy you,got the emperor Empress here uh so you,create memories with someone else here,is what this is and you ain't leaving,Divine masculine divine feminine or else,it would have come out this way you,leave me you ain't leaving this person,who the is this mermaids love with,the routine card somebody tries to come,back around,I see somebody pulling the reins back on,that too I see faithful people out,here,uh in 2023 so yeah when Divine,counterparts get together and why,the would they leave each other,they building Empires and getting money,in this and good ,too and all the traveling and who,the is this it's like somebody,coming back from the past so people will,try to up your I have that out,here but it's more so you're worth so,anything new that you have they gonna,try to it up they really couldn't, up your before when you were,single because you had that online,now you have a relationship this is like,uh territory you're not familiar with,possibly so this may cause a problem,y'all and not saying between each other,but as far as people trying to it,up like that's what the new thing is,it's to up your love life now that,that's what happens in 2023 so a lot of,nosy in y'all's business,and in y'all's bedroom for sure,somebody's in like a uh,Special Olympics in 2023 if it's going,on,somebody's going to be in the Special,Olympics you're in a wheelchair or,something like that you're either gonna,race or play ball or like do basketball,play basketball or something like that,somebody doesn't have any legs,or something like that,yeah something about somebody not having,legs,uh this wheel came behind this man the,way the car fell and that's why I said,that too looks like he's in a wheelchair,don't he,so some of you guys may just be more,charitable this could be volunteering uh,at different places as well helping the,less fortunate I see a lot of that going,on,two,because I don't feel like this is,happening to anyone I feel like you're,able to help or donate or volunteer or,some of y'all are going to start some,foundation in your neighborhood and ,or something like that there's a lot of,like integration yeah they keep saying,it like giving back and all this stuff,but it's like you have a partner with,you,so y'all are changing the world so no,wonder these outside people can't ,with it like y'all making real moves,major moves out here,some on the mermaid's line,page of Pentacles yeah they offering,some peon it's right smack dab in,the middle of the spread too,so confident in 2023 don't forget it's,gonna be that routinely happens,smack dab in the middle of 2023 mermaids,love whatever it is it comes and goes uh,because she's kind of slipping away page,of Pentacles it comes and it goes,because it has nothing to offer so,someone or something is going to offer,you something it may be multiple offers,in 2023 where they're very my new do you,really need them do you really need to, with this person do you really need,to talk to this person deal with these,people or what you'll be asked to ponder,these things because you already got the,emperor Empress back down memory lane,with the Eight of Cups uh so this could,either gonna be going back to the past,where I you up and up your,money uh it's gonna be a lot of that not,saying it's gonna up your money but,a lot of things coming back to take you,back to the past so a lot of things in,2023 are trying to take you back to 2022,2021 2020. that is this too so it's a,lot of stuck people that are going to,notice you're rising and moving forward,all of those people that are stuck are,going to try to bring you back it like,to your old self be careful,I do see you pulling back the reins on,that though I don't see it,happening but it's because you've,learned so much you met so many,different people done so much you,traveling uh new love out here you some,of you guys are moms dads helping other,you know it's like I'm not even the same,person to even be able to go backwards,like that I don't even it's like you,outgrowing some clothes or some shoes,like they don't fit it does not fit,don't try to squeeze into some in,2023 but people are going to try to make,you squeeze into some type of they said,profile whatever that means Jake,if you're a school teacher in 2023 you,may leave because you're gonna be like,the money up I don't know where,you teach it feels like little children,and like Elementary and I,don't know if you're gonna uh stay there,because you need money I I need money,yeah you do I don't feel like y'all,gonna be doing I don't know if this,public school it don't even feel like,public school it's for like private,school or just teachers period something,about a pay cut or not being paid if you,are in education okay working education,in 2023 you're gonna be a little upset,okay,some of you guys may want to consider uh,teaching abroad and it doesn't mean that,you have to travel to teach but it's,like you know how people can teach uh,like do you know you can teach kids,English in another part of the world but,you would be on Zoom or something like,you would be an English teacher so I,don't know if y'all picking up second,jobs this is strictly for people who,like work in education it's either y'all,gonna pick up second jobs or you're,gonna find better teaching jobs than,America then America for real they ain't,doing y'all right at all and a lot of,y'all are so smart educated uh could,Implement some good things it's probably,because you guys have your own ideas on,what you think could make this school or,these kids better and they don't want to,like hear that they don't these, this is a business dude at,the end of the day like the hospital G,okay your kids just happen to learn and,these people happen to get better okay,but this is still a business,let's not forget that at the end of,the day okay so y'all are very,passionate in 2023 which may cause a lot,of you guys to leave certain people,places and things because you don't see,them getting better you're not feeling,better you don't feel like you're making,a change anything like that you can pull,the reins back on that for real,you're not casting your Pearls Before,Swine in 2023 not at all G not at all,damn sure pregnancy out here,uh divine feminine,I see you guys taking pregnancy photos,uh some of you guys have not been,pregnant in a long time they said,because this back down memory lane with,the empress that means it's been a,minute since I've been pregnant and ,like I don't even know like you know,you're gonna be fine you're gonna go,right back to the or somebody body,snap back too I see somebody's waistline,getting real snatched back after a baby,and in 2023 so don't worry about,that uh whoever's having a baby because,I see somebody worried about their body,and like um,foreign,I see good health out here taking care,of y'all's body relationships uh good,sex out here getting paid what you're,worth not staying somewhere too long,where you know you're not being valued,there not letting people leech off your,energy you thinking twice before you say,do and anything,people may want to yeah people coming,back somebody may want to come back and,apologize if anybody comes back from,your past g a lover okay I don't give a, who it is they have nothing to,offer I promise you it's the same ,they had the last time it may not look,like it in the beginning this person is,going to come off like Emperor Emperor,style but give it like 24 hours,damn not just 24 hours 24 look at that,somebody flip real quick so you'll be,able to see people don't last long in,2023 people don't keep up a facade long,you know in 2022 they were able to keep,up like this fake ass and,people believed them in 2023 their Mass,fall off real quick G Only the Strong,Will Survive and ,uh uh Last Man Standing type energy here,some people just gonna fade away look at,this girl okay because they don't really,have to offer page of Pentacles,so yeah this is your year because people,are falling off pretty much,uh so yeah Make It Count y'all 2023.,it's like a bunch of vacancies is what,they said,for whatever,put something on the Multicultural car,with the journey,I see you guys uh exotic pets exotic,animals like y'all are doing this you,know like you always like I've said,before and whatever reading I was like,you know you always want to do some ,and not something extravagante right,where it's just like that's just stupid,but like you always wanted like,an iguana or you know what I mean,somebody May really wanted like a baby,deer or something they have the land to,do it like imma get me one like,why not I've always wanted one why the, not you're gonna get this ,that's what this is you guys are getting,what you want okay it feels like dreams,coming true out here and it's just like,some people may look at you like you,crazy and like why do you have a,moat with a like in this castle,theme like with it because I love the, okay because I love it because,I want it,this is you decorating your homes,wearing what you want to wear dating,with you who you want to date living,with who you want to live with where you,want to live marry who you want to marry,and being very happy with that and,I'm having to explain yourself this is,also pulling back the reins on that ,you don't have to explain to Nobody,Until I mean I don't feel like you ever,did but at 2023 you know you don't,you've learned so much that you know you,don't owe anybody but yourself,period and your children,anything you're responsible for for sure,you do but they look pretty good too,some of your kids May uh their grades,may start slipping in school I don't,know what this look like high school,kids if they go into High School their,grades may suffer uh because it's,integration they're integrating from,like Middle School into High School some,of your kids may have a hard time,especially little girls,uh because ain't in high,school real they just not and ,middle school either so if you have,daughters and like between the age,of like 13 and like,17 it's gonna be some tough years gee if,they go into high school and you're,going to be remembering that back,down memory lane I remember them punk,ass too uh don't worry it'll be,you know like, them hoes after four years you,won't have to worry about them ,you know this type of but some of,y'all are gonna notice this with your,children bullying,uh is going on here I did pick up in,another reading about these kids taking,fentanyl too I do see that out here,these are uh kids just slipping away uh,a lot of young women page of Pinnacles,is a pill,yeah so talk to your kids about holding,back on these different color Peels and,all whatever the they popping that,shit's gonna be at an all-time high too,in 2023 pill popping so y'all be careful,talk to your kids about that I know,you already have but talk to them again,put something on the journey here with,the uh,Multicultural card,yeah I see Quinceaneras out here or uh,christenings out here,baptisms for babies or children,well they call them coronation I don't,know I think that's what they said a,coronation I see those out here,weddings,so a lot of events a lot of monumental,like events yeah Memory Lane a lot of,picture taking of all these things that,y'all are doing oh convent,so life picks up G put something on,the Multicultural Journey,King Of Wands came out vertical,moving fast G this is what you're not,doing though this you pulling back the,reins for moving too fast,confident 2023 you know you don't know,everything but that's why I said you're,eager to learn so instead of just,jumping into like do you know I,mean this would be king of Wands just,jumping into just going this is you,not just moving you know what I mean,like you normally would there's,something that you normally would do,that you're so it could be just jumping,off the handle quitting the job abruptly,not working on a relationship not,communicating not stepping up speaking,up there's something like that where,you're gonna like be like hold on this,is what I normally would do let me not,let me think let me figure it out how it,you know I mean this is doing things,different you do them different I feel,like so you attract different you're in,the you end up living different looking,different dressing different like,everything is different about you yeah,people are gonna notice this too,wow,yeah uh divine feminine there's some men,that come back into your life in 2023,they don't have to offer or they,were too slow by the time they,came back to you you don't want that, uh this could have been someone,from your past and you're like man it,would have worked had you not waited,umpteen years you know what I,mean or however long they waited uh that,shit's gone but you may notice people,stepping up to the plate now,yeah somebody uh y'all end up with,somebody I feel like this is someone new,y'all that you knew was coming like you,knew someone was coming you knew someone,was meant for you or you know someone's,out there or you know who this is divine,feminine Divine masculine I feel like,you get with this person but then at,that point is when other people finally,want to step up to the plate and offer,you something and uh they're saying,don't go towards that hold back on,anything from your past coming back G,uh you were all a whole new everything,here okay,yeah I see baby pictures out here I,don't know some about baby pictures,or maybe asking you know I,mean like so it could be a lot of,uh,damn my dog's tank I'm like what is,that uh it could be like you know,transgender out here where people are,like a little bit skeptical about dating,people maybe people are looking I don't,know G okay I don't mean to offend,anybody but that's what they're saying,and people gonna be asking for baby,pictures and that's what this is,like I need a baby picture and your ID,I don't know if this is to get into I,don't know okay something like that like,to make sure that women are women and,men are men or something,it's gonna be prison I don't know, you know what I mean I I don't know,something about baby pictures being used,is proof of something,or paternity results I see paternity out,here I see somebody whose child is not,Someone's Child and then two people are,able to get together because the man,obviously leaves the woman because she,didn't had a baby by somebody else and,he ends up with someone who he was,supposed to end up with in the first,place but held back on uh and went to,somebody else I see these two people,getting together,oh we,Convent all around it looks pretty good,I mean,not too much money came out but I'm,gonna check all that in the on the,patreon so forgive me YouTube people,uh here but you coming on as the,emperor Empress you straight with the,money except for y'all that work in,education but they've been y'all,over so anyway,uh comment that's been right back Monday,for the YouTube people I love y'all,happy New Year for patreon people I will,see y'all on patreon

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