what is basic shopify

Shopify Basic Plan Features Review (Shopify Basic Vs Advanced) hello and welcome to this shopify bas

Marketing Island

Updated on Jan 26,2023

Shopify Basic Plan Features Review (Shopify Basic Vs Advanced)

The above is a brief introduction to what is basic shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is basic shopify

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Shopify Basic Plan Features Review (Shopify Basic Vs Advanced)

hello and welcome to this shopify basic,plan features review video where i'm,going to be going over some of the,features talking about them as well as,comparing shopify basic to the shopify,advance plan pretty much their starting,one to one of their biggest now before,we continue in case you're not familiar,with the pricing and how they get,started you can actually set up your,store and pick a plan later what i like,about shopify is they actually come with,a free 14 day trial and you don't even,need a card so if you want to check that,out i will put a link in the description,keep in mind at the time of creating,this video they currently have a special,deal i don't want to talk about it too,much because it eventually goes away and,a lot of people get confused so feel,free to check that out now when it comes,to the plans there is the basic so best,for new e-commerce businesses with,occasional in-person sales i do want to,say right off the bat if you're pretty,much just getting started or you only,have a few sales under your belt basic,is going to be a phenomenal place to get,started 29 per month isn't a whole lot,especially when it comes to running an,e-commerce business or just a business,in general when you compare anything,online to doing offline things like you,know brick and mortar businesses and you,got to pay rent and overhead and just,there's so many more expenses that go,into it compared to like shopify and,online business so that's a really good,thing you'll notice that as you continue,on the online card rates are going to,decline a little so with basic you have,2.9 plus 30 cents then you have 2.6 and,then you have 2.4 in person is going to,be a little bit less so you have 2.7 2.5,and 2.4 so if we were comparing basic to,advanced obviously as we talked about,this is going to be the best for new,e-commerce businesses with occasional,in-person sales and advanced is,definitely someone who's more of a,grizzled veteran or at least on their,way to becoming one best for scaling,businesses that require advanced,reporting so if you're in the process of,scaling you're selling a lot advance is,going to be one of those plans that,you're probably going to want to look,into whether it's going to be that or,the shopify one which is also if you're,selling and growing but really depends,on where you are and what you need so,let's talk about that more in terms of,the plan features let's scroll down so,as you can see we got a nice little box,here we're looking at the basics so a,lot of these are going to be similar,with the check mark so you get your,online store unlimited products staff,accounts is going to be different so it,starts off with two so which isn't bad,you at least get some then it goes to 5,and 15 where that's going to be really,helpful if you need that scalability and,more staff overall you're always getting,24 7 support in sales channels but when,it comes to inventory locations you can,have up to four or five or eight once,again the biggest for scaling of course,a lot of these are going to be all,checked off which is good so you get,manual order creation discount codes,free ssl certificate which is pretty,much like fundamental nowadays i think,almost every website is going to need,one of those especially if you want to,sell but it's at least nice that they,have it i've seen like hosting companies,that make you pay for it which is kind,of annoying but,abandoned cart recovery which is good,gift cards reports you're getting basic,standard in advance which is kind of you,know what you accept when it comes to,the best gets the best right so,third-party calculated shipping rates,are only going to be for the last plan,here as you can see which is called the,advanced and then we have customer,segmentation marketing automation,unlimited contacts and you don't get,e-commerce automations for basic but you,do in the other plans when it comes to,shipping you get discounts up to 77 up,to 88 and of course up to 88 those are,going to be the same you got shipping,labels a big thing here is that you,don't get priority mail cubic pricing,and you don't get parcel select cubic,pricing that's going to be for the,basics so,when it comes to payments there's going,to be fraud analysis which is always a,good thing to have we talked about the,rates previously okay then there's going,to be international mx rates going to be,a little bit different in person which,we talked about as well those decline as,you move up of course third party fees,on transactions not processed through,shopify payments you have two percent,one percent and point five once again,this is a pretty big deal although it's,only what 1.5 difference when you are,scaling and doing a ton of sales that's,really going to add up over time so,that's a big reason why if you're doing,a lot of volume you're really scaling,that you'd want to look into the,advanced whereas if someone who's just,starting off you know two percent here,and there isn't as big deal but once you,really start stacking on those sales,it's going to make a really big deal,point of sale you get shopify pos light,and you get pos pro,if you want to add plus 89 a month it,says choose locations to upgrade the pos,pro for faster workflows staff,permissions and advanced inventory tools,so that's a little bit of an extra you,can upgrade for either or those and it's,all going to be the same so,international commerce you get market,management domains and subfolders,language translation currency conversion,local payment methods but duties and,import taxes and custom pricing by,market is going to be for the advanced,okay so all in all when you compare the,basic to the advanced it's going to be,really simple like someone who just,started online isn't going to be needing,this it's just too much horsepower so to,speak there's way too much features and,benefits for someone who doesn't need it,who's selling a few items here and there,but you can start off with the basic and,then usually you're going to want to go,to the shopify unless you really start,ramping things up and need to move to,advance but obviously you're going to be,the co-pilot of your own business and,how things are going so you'll easily be,able to see what's going to be best for,you overall basic is great for getting,started and then you can upgrade going,on past there so that's pretty much an,overview of the basic plan and kind of,comparing it to the shopify and advanced,shopify plans if you have any questions,feel free to leave a comment down below,don't forget they do come with a true,free trial 14 days no card needed and i,will put that link in the description,for you thanks again so much for,watching i hope you got some value out,of this video and i'll see you in my,next one

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