what are shopify pixels

How To Install Facebook Pixel On Shopify And Track Conversion (2023) hello everybody so in this vide

Tech Express

Updated on Mar 08,2023

How To Install Facebook Pixel On Shopify And Track Conversion (2023)

The above is a brief introduction to what are shopify pixels

Let's move on to the first section of what are shopify pixels

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How To Install Facebook Pixel On Shopify And Track Conversion (2023)

hello everybody so in this video Let's,Take a look how we can install a,Facebook Tech shell into our Shopify,store which is actually really simple,now as you can see I am starting to have,my first online store so I'm going to,leave you guys a link Down Below in the,description if you don't have a store to,Shopify you might get a few rewards and,uh up to 15 days totally free trial mode,of the Shopify so you can start today,with your store so here I'm just going,to tap store example 23.,or I don't know maybe use gi2 and going,to create my store so uh there are a few,steps that you need to do before you,want to create your store into Shopify,but if you want to go uh straight,forward into the Facebook pixel the,first thing we need to do is to actually,sign into our Shopify account uh now,that we just,um are in the dashboard Shopify I'm not,going to be focusing in here I'm just,gonna go into the applications which is,actually in here and we want to find,Facebook in the Shopify App Store so,this one's going to be redirecting us,into the store the official app store of,Shopify so once again you want to tap,here Facebook,so what we want to do is to add the,Facebook pixel,so as you can see here I have the,Facebook and Instagram what you want to,do is the focused into the application,that was created by The Meta so here it,is so I just want to click into this,option,and I want to add the application now,once the application has been correctly,installed it's going to be asking you to,sign into your Facebook account in order,to start creating the Facebook pixel,now I need to add the sale channel into,my Shopify so I want to integrate that,I'm going to move this in here,and after that what we want to do is to,actually signed into our Facebook and,Instagram account so the first thing,that we wanted to do before we start,here into the Facebook section what we,want to do is to import our Facebook,account our business account into,Shopify so the first thing that you,wanted to take in mind is to open a new,tab and here you want to have already,opened your Facebook account you want to,go into the murder business suit and,once you are here into your med account,I want to go back here into Shopify so,I'm gonna scroll a little bit down until,I found the start setup so as you can,see we have the Facebook account uh set,up your shop so what I want to do is to,connect my account so it's going to be,popping up this new notification window,where what I just need to do is just to,wait a few seconds until the Shopify,store finds my account so as you can see,I do have the uh business assets here,into the meta business account if you,don't have any better business account,it's going to be asking you to create a,new Facebook page and from that Facebook,page what you can do is to have your,meta business account now it's really,important to have a metal business,account if you want to have a Facebook,pixel,if you want to track some data about,your your clients everybody who clicks,into your store so if you don't have,that you have to be worrying about that,what I'm going to be doing here is to go,into my meta business or into the,creative studio so here I'm going to go,into business dot Facebook and in here,what I want to do is to focus into my,main account here I'm gonna just uh,close this for a second go into my all,the tools and as you can see we have the,business feed the account quality,business apps the page settings the,advertise and so on and on so what I,want to be focusing on is into the event,manager but first of all I'm going to be,showing you guys to go into the settings,and once you are here into your settings,you want to go into business assets,and in here you want to add a new asset,so in here what you want to do is to,create your first business account so,you can create your business account,linked it into a Facebook page into an,Instagram account or into a WhatsApp,account and the purpose is exactly the,same it's really really easy and your,account is going to be appearing it in,here so now that we have our ad our,business account already opened you want,to reload this page so you can see that,your account has been connected,successfully right so now what I want to,do is to select my store,go into connect,and here what you want to do if you're,just starting you want to just leave it,like that the enhanced option,and I'm going to go into safe,that it was really really simple right,now in here as you can see we have the,connect apexo to track customer Behavior,so as you can see I already have a few,pixels already created by,um by the business assets so if you,don't see any pixel you don't have to be,worrying about that I do have just a few,pixels from Facebook because I've,managed a few shops and a few ads inside,the metabusiness suit but if you have,nothing you're going to be seeing,something like the create Facebook pixel,by creating a pixel did you agree to the,terms of servers so I want to go into,create new,and here it's going to be appearing a,new pixel so this pixel is going to be,helping me to track the customer,behavior of all the tracking stuff that,I'm gonna be,um having here into my into my website,so I just need to go into confirmed and,of course I want to agree to the,Facebook sellers equipment I want to,enable this and go into this submit for,review so once I have this option,already created since it might be taking,a few minutes to process the information,you submitted so if you go back into,your best and better suit I'm gonna be,just reloading this page,really simple and what I want to do is,to go into my ad account settings just,to see my event manager and see if my if,my tracking pixel my new pixel has been,added successfully so if I go into the,events manager,what I wanted to do is to first open uh,using my own profile which is actually,this one and what I want to do is to,scroll a little bit down I want to go,into the pixel so as you can see here is,a picture that was created a few seconds,ago this one ends into 54.86 you can see,all the pixels that were created in here,so now I can go back into my Shopify,store and here it says you are ready to,start selling on Facebook sales channel,so I need to get into done and now that,we have our Facebook pixel connected we,can start to customize our shop on,Facebook we can start to customize and,sell your products on Instagram and we,can start running ads and Facebook and,Instagram so if I clicked into create,and now it's going to be sending me into,the ads manager of the business, section so if I go into the,create campaign you might see that your,pixel has has been added successfully so,that's the way that we can start working,here guys into the Facebook pixel if you,want to track all the information is,going to be available into your own,middle business suit not from Shopify,but into the business uh into the meta,business suit so hopefully guys it was a,very useful video for you don't forget,to like And subscribe to the channel if,you want to see more about this Shopify,tips and all that thank you so much for,watching this video good luck with this,store of yours and I'll see you in the,next one

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