shopify how to show more options under each item

How to add more than 3 Product Options on Shopify Store 👉 Day 5 of 30 With Shopify hello and welcom

Jahin Shahriar

Updated on Mar 28,2023

How to add more than 3 Product Options on Shopify Store 👉 Day 5 of 30 With Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to show more options under each item

Let's move on to the first section of shopify how to show more options under each item

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How to add more than 3 Product Options on Shopify Store 👉 Day 5 of 30 With Shopify

hello and welcome to this beginner,shopify tutorial series,in today's video we will see,how to add more than three options in,our shopify product so if you remember,we have added,a product multiple product variant,option for this product in the previous,video,so in this video i will show you that,if you can see as i told you in the,previous video we already have three,options for the products like color size,and materials but if we want to add,another option for this product like,ships from,or anything else okay,there is no option in from shopify we,can do that,so there is a limitation,to add more than three option inside,shopify so if we want to add another,fourth option for the same product we,will see how we can do that and also,please do smash that like button,subscribe to the channel so it reached,to the more people in the youtube so for,doing that we need to add an apps so for,the first time we will use an app so,what the app does app add extra function,in our shopify store,so if as as an example we use many apps,in our mobile like for chat we use,whatsapp messenger,for fitness or for note-taking we may,use a different app so in shopify also,app,you,put together or,provide us extra functionality,that by default maybe shopify don't have,or we required a specific things from,those apps so first of all come to the,apps and click on customize your shopify,store,then it will redirect the shopify app,store then we have to uh choose our,shopify account so i will choose my one,and it may not be shown to you you can,only directly show us show you the,shopify app store link so this how it,will look so then we have to search for,that app what we are looking for so,there is multiple apps we can use for,that but i will suggest this one,infinite option and if you just search,this or i will put the link in the,description you can just click that,links and go to the tab then click this,infinite option i will just put the link,of the app so you can just come to that,part of the app and this is the app that,will be used and this is a paid app you,can get a 14-day free trial after that,if you are,in a live store you means you are doing,business selling products then you have,to pay this app nine dollar per month,okay so then we need to just click on,add app so adding an app is really easy,just click on add app,then it will redirect us to the our,shopify dashboard then we have to give,them the permission to add this app so,i'll click on install app okay then,it will redirect us again to the app,dashboard okay so this is very easy or,very easy,things are very easy process to add,an app in our shopify store,okay so then,what will go we'll go to the this option,called lunch getting start started,wizard okay then click on this,and give a level on product so maybe we,want to add the fourth option is,shipping from okay shipping from then,click on next,then click on next,then click on continue editing the,option okay so we can add this to all,products or we can do for a specific,product so let me explain so like just,go to your products option and as you,can see show for all products we can,show this option if you want to for all,products so then choose the all product,option from here so whatever products,you have in your is to 200 or 500 no,matter this option extra option of,shipping from will be added to all,the products but if you want the product,if you want this fourth option only for,a specific product,what we can do we can go to that product,that you want to add the fourth option,for in that case it is the kids audio so,i wanted to only add the extra option in,that product so what i will do i'll go,to that product scroll down and click on,this edit seo and then you will find,there is something called handler url,handle,okay this is a unique handle for that,product i will just copy this from here,okay and then go back to this uh,app okay then click on this option and,click on handle and then paste the,handle that we have copied for that,product now you can see preview one,matching product which will be that one,it will be the kids body okay we have,copied this from kids sorry the handle,so this extra option will be only,applied for that product so if you want,a option only for a specific product you,can do that,or you can apply to all the products or,you can do that for a specific text as,well type as well,okay just as we did so when we create,the collection we'll see what the text,and type means okay so let's go to the,next thing so then we have that input,type what is the input type in that case,shipping from,actually means where to ship from either,people can choose one of the option like,shipping from united states shipping,from united kingdom so in that case this,won't be the text means people don't,need to put free hand free text they,need to,choose from radio buttons or drop down,menus okay i'll keep the drop down menu,option then i'll put the bellow so fast,below will be united king kingdom,and i will click on add another value,that will be united states okay,then i'll click on save changes you can,put the placeholder text as well okay,shipping from,then click on save changes,and this may take few moments to,actually get into that store so then,click on preview,to see if that has been prepared or not,but if you are not seeing that,what we can do another things that we,can do you can see there is a three,option it should appear under this one,but it is not showing so let's go to the,online store,and then,you will find a theme here so what is,theme or how to do it will cover in the,next,few videos so click on this preview from,the theme,and then,go to this,product that we want which we have added,the product option so this is the,product okay i will click this and it,will redirect me to the product page now,you can see,that the product option is showing,shipping from which option we will,choose we'll choose this one okay so,this will be showed just like this one,that we can choose from,okay,as you can see so this is this is how we,can add the fourth option,inside our product,if we don't if we want to add more than,three option this is the way to edit,okay,so this is the way to add it also we can,add more like fifth option sixth option,anything you want,so that if by default shopify gives us,three option three product option to add,we already did it but if we want more,product option to be added we can add it,by using an app so this placeholder is,showing here so let me go back to here,and if i just wanted to remove this,placeholder i can just delete this text,and click on save changes,and if i just go back to this product,and then refresh it again,okay,refresh it again now you can see the,shipping prompt will be gone so now,let's go back to the store again so how,did you come here we come here online,store themes and then i'll click on the,preview and then i select the product,that we have made the product option for,now you can see it is showing the,product option for us it takes time to,actually make the changes live so this,is the app we need to use to make more,than three options in our shopify,products,so hope that helps if that helps do,smash that like button subscribe to the,channel and also let me know in the,comment as well so thank you very much,for watching the video

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