shopify apple pay not showing up

Shopify Easy Fix for Afterpay Icon Not Visible in Footer a quick tutorial video for anyone that's,st

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Feb 09,2023

Shopify Easy Fix for Afterpay Icon Not Visible in Footer

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Shopify Easy Fix for Afterpay Icon Not Visible in Footer

a quick tutorial video for anyone that's,struggling to get,the after pay icon to show up in their,footer payment icons here,so you may be in a situation where,you've already added after pay,after pay is active in the payment,settings here but,for some reason it just doesn't show up,uh,in the footer payment methods so there's,a pretty quick and easy fix for that you,do need to edit a little bit of code but,i'm going to show you how you can do it,on almost any theme,because they're all quite similar,so first thing we're going to do is go,to online store,into the theme code editor,okay next we're going to click actions,and then,edit code,okay and we're looking for,a file called footer.liquid almost every,theme will have a file that's called,either footer.liquid,or it might be footer template or,something like that,but basically here it is footer.liquid,and we're going to look for a block of,code,that mentions the payment methods,so it'll be somewhere near the bottom,not that far,but here it is,if section settings show payment methods,and then we have this for loop here okay,so that says,for every type of payment method,in the enabled payment types which we,enable through the settings,through payment settings output,this html,and this html is just a list item with,the payment type,and then it links to,payment images that are already uploaded,that are already built into shopify,right so you don't need to actually,upload a new icon for after pay,they're actually already in shopify we,just need to get them to show up,so all we're going to do is we're going,to copy this,this entire line of html,and we're going to add a new line after,the for loop,and paste that,and then instead of type,we want to manually tell it what we want,to show which icon we want to show,and the name of the icon is simply after,pay,so you type it like this it has to go in,in quote,in quotation marks,and what this does is it just adds,another list item after this loop,right so it just adds one time,and all of this this loop plus our,edition,it gets captured because we have this,capture payment methods here,and it gets captured in this variable,called payment methods which is output,later on,here but that's not really important,basically we've already done what we,need to do so hit save,and then we can refresh,and it should be showing up and there it,is,so really quick and easy fix um,your theme might not have this exact,code but it would definitely will have,something like,oops it definitely will have something,like for type in shop.enabled payment,method,payment types this is pretty standard,code,that that happens in almost every theme,so good luck and leave a comment if you,need any help with it

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