locksmith shopify how to lock many products

πŸ” LockSmith Shopify Lock Content App πŸ— hi guys this is chris and welcome to,conversion chef,in this


Updated on Feb 27,2023

πŸ” LockSmith Shopify Lock Content App πŸ—

The above is a brief introduction to locksmith shopify how to lock many products

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locksmith shopify how to lock many products catalogs

πŸ” LockSmith Shopify Lock Content App πŸ—

hi guys this is chris and welcome to,conversion chef,in this channel we talk about shopify,applications to increase your conversion,if you haven't subscribed yet hit that,subscribe button so that you won't miss,any of our youtube updates,you may also check the description below,for the links of the application's,review,please also visit our review blog,,and,let's jump into the video,in this video we are going to talk about,luck smith,this app enables you to to protect your,pages or hide certain parts of your,website or store,with luck smith you can set locks to,protect your content,and provide keys or codes to let others,in,as well as you may also use a liquid,code,now where do most store owners use,these slacks sometimes this is used to,hide,your store if it is still under,development now let's look into the,application,and set up your locks,now as you can see on the dashboard of,the locksmith,you can see here the ad lock widget,your recent locks,and your blacksmith account now let's go,and create,a lock to create a lock,we have to start on this widget so you,have first to search,for the pages or products collections,or articles on your website,but for now let's say that we want to,lock our en entire online store so just,click on this,and it will show you your store so you,have to select that,and you have here the settings,so let's leave it like that first for,now and save,now after that you will be able to see,here,a warning which states that,your entire online store is,unlocked however there are no keys so,nobody can,open your store now you have to set,a key or this is,like a condition if they have,if your visitors or customers will,satisfy this condition,then they will be able to access,your store so let's go,and add the first key on the keys you,can see,here different choices,or conditions that you may set,so let's say that if our customer,or visitor has a certain,secret link then they will be able to,access,the store so let's set that and it will,automatically,provide you a link however if you want,to shorten this url,you may visit bitly so let's copy this,and,just close that by clicking where on,your screen,and you have you should not should not,forget to save your,locks because okay now,the changes have been saved now let's,visit our store,so there this content is protected but,it doesn't look like you have access,so that is the message that will pop,on your visitors screen however you may,change,that on this section,now let's paste the url,that locksmith has provided us,so that is the url so now we have access,on the conversion chef store,so that is how this blacksmith,works aside from,giving access to your customers or,visitors,with or via the secret link you may add,another keys or conditions,so just play around these,options according to your preferences,and according to the purpose of your,locks,you may also manage these settings on,the right,so if you want to allow access to the,home page,just have to click on this box and if,you want to allow the access to policy,pages now let's look on the different,features of the slacksmith,let's go to the locks so you may,see here the existing locks that you,have,so when you see that your luck,or this icon is locked it means that,your lux is enabled and if it is,open it is otherwise you may always,add your locks by just clicking this,button,you may also remove a lock by just,going to the settings of the existing,lock,and click remove lock,so yes,so that is how simple this lux myth,is and it's very straightforward,i guess that's everything about the,laksmith,and i hope that you have learned,something from this video,thank you for watching this video please,don't forget to like and share this,video and we are happy to hear from you,on the comment section,visit our youtube channel conversion,chef for more videos about,reviews of shopify applications that can,help you increase or boost your sales,you may also check the description below,for the links of the applications and,our mailing list,if you haven't subscribed yet just hit,that subscribe button as well as the,bell to be notified with our new updates,i hope to see you on the next video bye

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