how to temporarily reidrect shopify store to another webiste

How to redirect users to your new Shopify site hi and welcome back in this video i'll,be showing you

Artisan IT

Updated on Mar 01,2023

How to redirect users to your new Shopify site

The above is a brief introduction to how to temporarily reidrect shopify store to another webiste

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How to redirect users to your new Shopify site

hi and welcome back in this video i'll,be showing you how to set up url,redirects in shopify this is useful for,when you need to redirect a customer who,has used a link for a page on your old,website a shopify will redirect the,customer to the correct page on your new,site,redirects can also be used to offer a,similar product if a customer tries to,view a product that has now been,discontinued,finally you should be aware that if a,web page is no longer available and a,redirect has not been set up then any,customers that try to visit that page,would receive a page not found error,okay let's see how to set up redirects,by heading over to shopify,okay to access the url redirect settings,i'll first need to click on online store,from the left hand menu and then select,navigation,from here i'll head towards the top,right of the screen and then click view,url redirects,so as you can see on the screen i have,two options which are to create a single,redirect or import url redirects from a,csv file,i'll show you both options but to start,i'll click create url redirect,as you can see setting up a redirect is,nice and easy requiring details of the,url that has been redirected and the url,that the web page is being redirected to,first i'll need to enter the original,url which is the website address where,the user has been redirected from and as,you'll see i only need to enter the,directory part of the url which is the,part that follows artists and, in my instance,i'll go ahead and enter the new url in,the redirect to field and now with both,urls entered i'll click save redirect,next i'll click the back arrow to view,the redirects,now listing the redirects one at a time,like this is okay if you only have one,or two redirects to enter however this,can become quite time consuming if you,had a larger number to enter,so in this case i'd recommend importing,the csv file which will be faster to,populate the required details,in order to show you the file i'll first,export my current redirects by clicking,export towards the top right of the,screen,as only after one listing i'll set it to,the current page and then click export,url redirects,taking a look at the exported file,you'll see it's very simple containing,just two columns where you'll need to,enter the original and the new directory,paths,so i'll go ahead and enter the details,of an old url that i'm no longer using,and then add the url that visitors,should be redirected to,now i'm finished i'll save the file and,then return to shopify,next i'll head back to the top right,hand corner and click import,i'll then select the csv file to upload,and with the file selected i'll click to,import the file,and then presented with a summary page,which is correct so i'll confirm by,clicking import redirects,with the import complete the table will,now update to show details of the new,redirect,so there we have it i hope you've now,seen just how easy redirects are to set,up in shopify if you found this video,useful then please consider hitting the,like button below thank you for watching,and i look forward to joining me in the,next video

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