how to ship orders on shopify

HOW TO SHIP ORDERS ON SHOPIFY | EASY PROCESS #entrepreneur hello everybody welcome back to severe,ch

Trene Cosmetics

Updated on Feb 16,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to ship orders on shopify

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hello everybody welcome back to severe,channel youtube channel,i'm back with another video for you guys,if you guys are new my name is sabrina,janae and i am the ceo of trene,cosmetics where i sell and make,cosmetics,bath and body care so into and so in,today's video was highly requested video,i'm going to be talking about how to,ship your orders through shopify alright,so first you guys want to log into your,shopify account,all right so,you're going to be going to your orders,page,and you're going to make sure you're on,the unfulfilled,there we go the unfulfilled,tab which means these orders have to be,fulfilled and ship so to create my,shipping labels i use this thermal,shipping printer i'm gonna probably,insert the link where i got it,i probably entered the link of where i,got it from i got it from amazon this is,the brand that i use and then i got the,paper,i got the,paper to go with it which is a 4x6 you,want to get that for this,printer and,and this is just so much easier because,you don't need ink or anything it comes,out just like a sticker,shape shipping labels already on there,you can already put in your package,and this is the package that i want to,demonstrate for you guys today i have a,tan bubble mailer sure that you guys is,um on your product page let me go to,that,this is very important when shipping,because your customers are paying for,shipping,so let me go,to something in stock,okay,so here is my angel baby roll on body,perfume,you want to,go all the way down,here we go,then click this check mark for all your,products if it is a physical product you,want to enter the way so to set up your,shipping,you want to go to settings on the lower,corner shipping and delivery,so you want to go right here,so you want to go to manage is how you,set up your shipping,um if you guys want to do,um,international shipping i probably have,to do a whole another video on that but,let me just get to this,so,get it right,all right so i clicked usps,and i clicked the ones that i know,that fits for my company so you would,definitely do first class package,priority mail and party mail express,these three options will give your,customers options if they want faster,shipping like this is the this is a,classic um shipping so this normally,takes like three to five business days,to deliver depending on where your,customer is close to you as well,and priority mail shipping is a little,bit faster it's about like two business,days then pretty mail express is about,like that one to two um business days,and this is all able to your customers,that check out so,this i said it's easy to go through,a carrier instead of doing everything,yourself so this does everything for me,when the customers check out,they go through the carrier shipping and,then the information gets sent to you,guys and all you do is print the,shipping label and weigh everything,together once they pay for shipping you,guys should be getting that shipping,into your,um business account a business day later,or right away,and you guys can definitely um you guys,are ready to pack their orders,so once you've done all that you just,click done,and you save also i added um free,shipping so that's to add that that's,what you set up your own thing,and you do free shipping,so i give them i give my customers like,some incentives like spend 60 dollars,and up you get free shipping it's going,to take three to four businesses,to get to them,so,okay back to the order page,um is print packaging slip right here if,you want to print their packaging slim,trainer order you're gonna click on that,here it is,oh,so i like to send packing slips in,everybody's order so they can know what,they ordered and everything so i'm just,going to,print,and i just click print and think about,the spiral printer,boom it comes right out,that's practical slip and i want to put,everything,in the bubble miller,and close it,all right,so that's done,so now after that you're going to click,create shipping label,all right so here i already have it,automatically set up so this is i i,named it so i named my package nude and,it's a 10 by 6 i was way off but to add,a package if you got like some new,bubble mailers or some new um shipping,boxes,you just click add package and you can,name your package,whatever you want,um you're going to select if it's a box,of envelope or a soft package this is a,soft package,and you're going to enter the,length width and height of your package,then you can save the patch refer to use,and click add package,all right so here you're going to go,right here,and i'll enter this skill down,below so we're trying to do is put the,package on top,and it is 1.1.3,ounces,so i'm going to input that and here i'm,going to change pounds to ounces,and enter 1.3,and it's going to give me,the calculations,so usps first class package,the shipping that really the shipping,cost is 2.37,and this should already be paid for so,you're just going to buy the shipping,label,and it's also going to show the other,ones and right here it should show right,here it's going to show what your,customer,service that they chose so they chose,first class package and they chose party,mail and it's just right here this is,one business day two business days,and then prior to email express one,business day,so,after,so after you weighed the package you're,gonna after you weigh the package it's,gonna tell you how much it's going to,cause and it should equal or be close to,what your customer paid for you're going,to go ahead and buy the shipping label,it's going to take out of your business,account,and yeah it's going to print out the,shipping label for you guys and then you,just print it,and that's when it's going to come out,of here,and then i'm pull off the sticker and,put it right on here and it's all ready,to go to the post office,also,if you are,i do this during the holidays,so if you,like say for like black friday stuff i,like to perp and get my stuff done okay,so black friday will be the july 29th,say uh,post all the clothes on sunday so monday,um so you can already have like,scheduled shipping days you can do so,say like black friday,you already want to start shipping,orders so you can do it's going to show,like monday here's for example monday so,if i want to ship on monday i can,already have it scheduled for monday,instead and the shipping label will say,monday already that makes sense,so,yeah so that is how i process and ship,orders um you can also do everything all,at once so if you want to do everything,at once,you click all your orders,and then more actions you can print the,packaging slips all at once,and then right here you click create,shipping labels and then you can just go,through them like individually like,editing the um,shipping weights and then i'll print all,of the shipping um labels all out at,once and all you do is sticker them all,on your packages and it saves you a lot,more time as well,to do it that way,so yeah i hope you guys i hope you guys,did enjoy this video i hope it was,awesome really helpful and detailed as,possible um you guys have any more,questions comment down below or you can,email me,um as well we should also be in the,description i'll put this printer in the,description box in the shipping,scale also in the description box as,well but her process was great insight,for all small business out there and how,to shop on how to ship through shopify,and it's really pretty simple and really,um easy and i'll just how i just love,how shopify works with your business and,everything so yeah thanks for watching,and you guys have a wonderful and,blessed day peace

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