how to set up google ads conversion tracking shopify

How to set up Google Ads Conversion Tracking for Shopify 2022 - The Easiest Way in today's video I'm


Updated on Jan 20,2023

How to set up Google Ads Conversion Tracking for Shopify 2022 - The Easiest Way

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up google ads conversion tracking shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up google ads conversion tracking shopify

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How to set up Google Ads Conversion Tracking for Shopify 2022 - The Easiest Way

in today's video I'm going to show you,how to set up Google ads conversion,tracking for your Shopify store so first,thing that we need to do to install,Google s conversion track and we need to,go to tools and settings inside Google,ads and click conversions here we need,to click new conversion action,and choose website,then I enter my website domain and click,scan here I go to create conversion,action manually using code and click at,a conversion action manual here I need,to select a category in our case it will,be purchase under value I need to use,use different values for each conversion,everything else is fine and here we need,to click done as any click save and,continue Google s provides instruction,how to install conversion tracking so,the first thing that we need to do is to,copy this piece of code and paste it on,every page of our website immediately,after head element,so I copy and inside Shopify I click on,line store theme and here click three,dots click edit code,and under Sim liquid Thunderhead tag,install our piece of code and click save,then I go to exit go to settings,and check out and accounts,scroll down below and there's order,status pages and additional scripts you,may have additional scripts so I just,paste the same piece of code below then,I go back to my Google ads account and,now we need to install event snippets on,our website that will track purchase I,can click here see when Snippets and,this is our event snippet but you will,see the values here static like value,currency and transaction India that's,why what you need to do to make it,Dynamic is to go to my website I will,leave the links in the description below,and copy the event Snippets code from,there then jump back into Shopify and,paste it below the main Google text,script and here I need to update uh two,variables so I go back to Google let's,close this window click use Google tech,manager and here I need to copy,conversion ID and conversion label so I,copy conversion ID paste it right here,then I copy conversion label and paste,it here then I need to click save in,Google ads I I click done so and now you,can see that purchase conversion action,has been added and we can start tracking,our transactions values inside Google,ads and let me show you another way how,to set up Google ads conversion tracking,using import transaction data from,Google analytics account if I click new,conversion action,and choose import I can use either,Google analytics Universal or Google,analytics for I will use j4 let me,choose web property continue and here,you can see I can import my purchase,section this way I also can track,purchases but pay attention that you,will need to use only one method to,track your conversion values not double,count to your transactions but in my,configuration it is fine because action,optimization for import from ga4 is,secondary it it won't use to optimize,bidding and campaign performance so make,sure that you only got one primarily,conversion action for your Google ads,account if you want to make a conversion,action primary or secondary you can,click on it click edit settings and here,you can select primary action or,secondary action so I hope this video,was useful make sure to subscribe to my,YouTube channel not to miss new videos,about e-commerce analytics so if you,want to level up your analytics then,check my free e-commerce data,infrastructure guide or Shopify store

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