how to set up free plus ship on shopify shoplicate

▓▒░ Get Shoplicate - Shoplicate Review - Shoplicate Demo hey guys what's going on it's john mack,ak


Updated on Feb 23,2023

▓▒░ Get Shoplicate - Shoplicate Review - Shoplicate Demo

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up free plus ship on shopify shoplicate

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up free plus ship on shopify shoplicate

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how to set up free plus ship on shopify shoplicate catalogs

▓▒░ Get Shoplicate - Shoplicate Review - Shoplicate Demo

hey guys what's going on it's john mack,aka the profit coach want to welcome you,back for this third video absolutely,free content and today we're going to be,talking about aliexpress guys I know a,lot of you started your e-commerce,journey or shop by journey using ebay,and ordering one by one and using watch,count to finely schism products well,there is actually another world out,there and it's Aliexpress guys I used,Aliexpress now exclusively it's an,amazing sight to find niches and,products so what we're gonna do here is,type in dog bracelet okay and the first,thing you want to do is order it by,orders as you can see here at the top we,have a really good one it's 90 cents,apiece and there's over 1,000 orders got,a lot of feedback and if you hover over,this blue diamond here you can see this,vendor has a ninety-five percent,feedback which is amazing now big thing,to take note of here whenever you see,blue diamonds that's who you want to,work with an Aliexpress you don't want,to work with people who have these these,ribbon looking icons because that means,they actually paid for them to be on,their store vendors with blue diamonds,that is user submitted reviews and,that's why L Express has given them the,blue diamonds with such high marks so,only work with vendors with the blue,diamonds let's jump right into this,product here and take a look so this is,obviously a dog bracelet it's going to,have very highly perceived value and,this ships within two to three weeks,which isn't that bad now ninety cents a,piece do you think you're going to be,profitable at ten bucks so free plus 9,95 yeah definitely you think even at 695,for sure what if you put it down to free,plus 495 you're going to make a good,margin but also your conversion rate is,going to be through the roof you're,probably going to see twenty percent,conversion rates so you can play either,way and go for the super high margin or,you can take the lower margin and go for,a massive conversion rate up to you but,this is a really great example of how to,find products images on on Aliexpress,now look it takes time to go through all,these different categories and nisha's,and products to find things that are,actually going to work for you but,luckily and lucky enough,we've actually built out of software,it's called Shah placate and it's gonna,take all this guesswork out of the mix,for you and Ricky's going to demo in,just a second first I want to talk about,you know why we built this software and,why it's gonna be so powerful to help,you get up and running in your business,extremely quickly so right now guys the,manual way of doing things is very slow,very painful you have to actually open,up several windows and go through and do,your research one by one by one it takes,a long time several hours okay imagine,having the ability to type in the,keyword and have all these tools at your,fingertips in one panel so right here,we're at maya pms if you were going to,type in spy gin calm which is a very,famous Shopify store again we have to go,through the painful process of going,through every single store inside one by,one by one and checking out their,traffic and checking out their best,sellers you know popping up these,windows and typing in the bestseller,collection URL strength find all these,best sellers to see what's working best,on all these stores takes a long time,then you have to go over to watch count,and take the same keyword so let's try,the phone case okay and do the same type,of thing and try to find products in the,same niche what's working best looking,at their past sales and if it's going to,be a niche item that you can actually,target well on Facebook that takes a,bunch more time then you have to jump,into Aliexpress and type in the same,thing phone cases and let's take a look,organize it by orders okay and you have,to go through one by one by one seeing,it is going to be a good deal there's,not profit margin for you it's a lot of,work alright then you have to jump over,to 10 low and do the same thing and of,course amazon and jump back and forth,back and forth between all these stores,and sites and try to find a niche,product that's actually going to work,for you takes a long time guys that's,why we built out shop kid that's why i,think it's going to be so powerful for,you in your business because it's going,to combine all of these sites all-in-one,software you type in the keyword once,and boom you're going to get access to,all of these different search tools,they're going to bring up knishes we,moving up products they're going to tell,you exactly what's working in these,markets absolutely massive opportunity,for you guys to check out so Ricky's up,next and he's actually going to demo the,song,offer for you right now so I'll hand it,over to you Ricky allow me to walk you,through shop lacate's powerful features,and how this is going to save you so,much time and money in your research,imagine being able to find the hottest,trends right now ok for products and,topics from all around the web in one,place you'll be able to search what's,going on right now articles youtube,videos and quickly save them to your,library would one click you'll have the,stats so you can create products that,match what the market wants right now,it's really that easy without a Shopify,spot you can uncover any stores best,selling products on Shopify spy database,is growing daily with thousands and,thousands of sites already loaded giving,you traffic stats the best-selling items,intelligent keyword search you can,uncover the best sellers in your niche,you simply put in your search here click,one thing like view the best sellers and,we're going to pull up the stores best,sellers on a plate so you can get as,many ideas of what you can use on your,own sites ok you'll have the traffic,volume their ranking and traffic stats,so all you need to do is click one,button and let us load these stats for,you so you can go through and see the,overview that how many visits they're,getting ok where the traffic's coming,from traffic sources keywords and more,with our Shopify spies as easy as typing,in your niche and pressing the search,button so you can uncover all the stores,best selling products ok that you can,use on your sites just forget watch,count research our ebay spy makes it,easy to sort through real-time thousands,and thousands of products that you can,arbitrage and stock on your stores with,showing you endless real-time,information on sales watch counts along,with some pretty cool sorting tools to,save you time and make your life easier,all you need to do if you like one just,click this one button and it's add to,your library immediately for your,convenience to go arbitrage later with,our rinella spy we make ideas automatic,if we made your research a million times,easier you can soar through thousands of,favorites and most products sold in,merely seconds all you need to do is,come in and tight,in your niche select your category keep,it all and press the search button we're,going to bring back all the results that,match your niche and in real time show,you the save count okay what people like,you just click that button and you can,get the best sellers with the most saves,right at your fingertips with choppa,gates t-shirt spy imagine having winning,designs and endless creators and Amir,few clicks you'll be able to discover,endless designs within one portal for,any niche for any keyword just type it,in and then you can funnel through at,your heart's desire and hoodie ideas,gift ideas quotes sayings will search,screen cafepress zazzle Pinterest and,more okay when you find an item that you,like just click the add to library and,we'll stored for your viewing later our,Aliexpress buy tops the cake with shop,legate we took all the main things that,we look for when finding product the,sauce and we put in our easy navigatable,interface you can find the items with,the most orders and the best feedback,all you need to do is click this button,and save them at your heart's content,you can search unlimited niches and,bring back results lightning fast and be,able to tell what the market wants to,buy right now so you can source it on,your Shopify sites we even built in the,power of Amazon and as you notice,through the demo my keyword that I'm,researching is carried over to all our,research facilities so you will have,quick access to what the products are,you are looking for for your niche with,instant access to reviews you can tell,if the item got any legs and if you,should put these on your site's find the,customers needs wants desires doubts and,fears about purchasing it and make the,decision real quickly if you want to,carry this you can also use this to find,best sellers with any keyword instantly,this makes doing FBA research a breeze,for anyone with our FB spy shortcuts we,need to keep this information sensitive,so this is only four members that joins,applicate you'll be able to uncover,unlimited free plus ship and teespring,hot ideas that you can use you will see,the topping,agent likes and shares this has been,responsible for us making thousands and,thousands of dollars with little or no,guessing and remember which application,you can save all your favorites,organizing one click a unique media,search and organizing to allow you to,save your favorites in their own,categories you will never forget a,search never forget a product idea or,where it came from so you can quickly,continue the research where you left off,which applications intelligent search,organizer this search bar allows you to,save any search from any section and,remember your keywords across the,application from trends the products to,your own search queries we asked,ourselves how could we speed up our own,research and that's how these amazing,tools in shopping Kate were born,remember with one click you can just add,the library and never have to remember a,favorite again with Shoppach 8 you have,all these amazing tools at your,fingertips and it makes it a breeze to,find the best selling products that you,can put on your stores and make profits,compaq without training so you can make,as much money as possible as simply as,possible if you ever need to contact us,just click this one button and send us,an enquiry we have amazing support,response times with trained staff,professionals and we will get back to,you for any need shop legate is being,released real soon at a special,discounted price so be sure to check,your email within the next few days for,important information thanks for,watching

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