how to set up dropshipping service t shirt shopify

How To Make $10,000 FAST Dropshipping T-Shirts On Shopify For Beginners what's up everyone Carter he

Carter Maxwell

Updated on Mar 02,2023

How To Make $10,000 FAST Dropshipping T-Shirts On Shopify For Beginners

The above is a brief introduction to how to set up dropshipping service t shirt shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to set up dropshipping service t shirt shopify

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how to set up dropshipping service t shirt shopify catalogs

How To Make $10,000 FAST Dropshipping T-Shirts On Shopify For Beginners

what's up everyone Carter here and in,this video I'll be talking a lot about,Shopify and how you can build a,successful print-on-demand t-shirt,business now on my channel I do talk a,lot about the merch by Amazon platform,which is basically Amazon's,print-on-demand t-shirt service but,recently a lot of people have been,having interest in Shopify drop shipping,basically because within that business,model you don't have to purchase large,amounts of physical inventory basically,you were just creating sales on your,website once the sale is created on your,website you go into that third-party,website if it be Amazon or Aliexpress,purchasing that product from that,website and having a dropship to your,customer so this is really really,popular and the same concept applies for,a print-on-demand t-shirt service you're,basically drop shipping t-shirts so for,instance this website right here you,know has a bunch of different t-shirts,up and if someone goes and purchases,this crazy dog lady t-shirt they already,have this integrated on you know another,third-party website for all going to,those a little bit later going to print,full and custom cat and basically go,when you're purchasing that t-shirt for,lower price that service that company is,then making that exact t-shirt and then,drop shipping it straight to your,customer for you now when creating your,own store on Shopify,you have the ability to create your,whole website so selecting a template,note the colors that you want oh the,products the totals here is that is all,up to you and that's what really makes a,Shopify store stand now because if you,compare it to like an Amazon fit and,merch by Amazon and you know Shopify,you're listening your t-shirts on Amazon,and you're really just trying to take,advantage of that free traffic on Amazon,already you know the millions millions,of buyers and trying to compete against,others so once you're on your Shopify,store you're not really competing,against anybody on your store anything,they purchase off of your store they're,purchasing from you now that's a lot,different from Amazon because if someone,looks up you know dog t-shirt on Amazon,there's gonna be 10,000 different,teachers that that they can select from,but you come onto with Shopify store and,you purchase you know this dog t-shirt,or this one or the one you know ten,pages over there still purchasing the,same t-shirt from you a great product,that people can always make money,with Shopify is t-shirts now with great,marketing you know that be Facebook ads,Instagram ads whichever way you can get,traffic to your website,anything they purchase is going to be,profitable to you like I mentioned,earlier the drop shipping you know print,on a man t-shirt business model is,extremely profitable because you don't,have to actually own any of this,physical inventory you can have a,hundred designs a thousand designs on,your website it doesn't really matter as,long as the app can integrate that exact,t-shirt design you know within their,platform or then whenever you create a,sale on your website if it be for this,t-shirt or this t-shirt or this t-shirt,in any size or any color that app is,then going to create that exact t-shirt,design the color the size and have it,drop ship to your customer for you now,I'm actually going to show you two,different apps that you can integrate,with Shopify that will allow you to run,your print-on-demand t-shirt service,starting with printful so this is one of,the more popular ones now as you can see,they have you know all these different,options when it comes to you know a,woman's clothing kids except they have,accessories as well you know some,leggings baby body shoes I mean they,have t-shirts tank tops hoodies which,are really good during the wintertime,different styles different branding,options you know do you want something,on you know the label fulfilled in the,USA or Europe so that's pretty important,I imagine that probably affects shipping,time so if you were to select no USA,it's going to show all the designs from,there so that's probably gonna be a,little bit quicker when it comes to,shipping there is you know sublimation,which is you know the whole t-shirt is,printed on you know front and back,different models brands material that's,pretty important I mean do you want a,100% cotton do you want you know kind of,a tribe blend it's really all up to you,but as you can see from what I can see,here that I think the sheepish t-shirt,you can get is this one for 895 now it's,gonna allow you you know these three,basic colors different sizes you know,from small to 3x so and shipping time to,the United States is actually three to,five days after fulfillment so that is,pretty good,I'd say let's see this one's 100% cotton,yeah so we reviews on it so this is one,of the more popular sites I feel like to,have a lot more options on this site,when it comes to you know their products,for instance you know how they have all,the different you know men's and women's,they have accessories too so like on the,aside I'll showing you earlier you know,the dog side they had you know t-shirts,on here it looks like Oh a polo shirt,they got some coffee mugs so this really,allows you to kind of diversify other,than just t-shirts so if you know you,you can still have a ton of t-shirts up,there you know some hoodies and stuff,like that but you can add some hats some,beanies you know iPhone cases are always,easy I mean you can get these super,cheap what eleven dollars per case you,can sell I phone cases for you know 25,maybe $30 all day you know if you have a,unique enough design so that's,definitely a great website that I highly,recommend you check out now the next,website I'll be talking about is custom,cat now this website is a little bit,smaller you're not gonna have as many,options as printful but also the pricing,per unit is gonna be a lot cheaper so,let's just go back to the men's clothing,and their t-shirt is only gonna cost you,six dollars and they have a lot more,color options I have like 20 color,options they're sizing as actually goes,all the way up to a 6 XL still 100%,cotton made by Gil Gildan yeah but $6,per unit I mean that's what was it three,dollars cheaper than printful see if we,can find the shipping time on here yeah,so we can integrate with Shopify,WooCommerce a bunch of that stuff,what was the shipping time yeah you can,decoration material sublimation they,have that as well,products t-shirts have hats,they've jerseys that's really unique,jerseys polo shirts bags jackets I,didn't see anything about iPhone cases,it's actually go to their product,catalog actually this is their product,catalog,now they do have some accessories so,that's cool drink wear so I imagine this,website is probably using custom cat,knowing that they have you know these,custom mugs right here so I'm going to,see what they're charging and three,dollars and fifty cents for a white mug,I mean I've got all these colors you can,select I mean they're selling theirs for,you know 15 minutes of 16 dollars and,they're charging probably you know at,least four to five dollars for shipping,so they're making probably a nice 1314,dollar profit off of each one of these,sales - whatever they paid for,advertising see what other accessories,that have off a drink we're back to the,accessories that you know some beanies,some hats fleece blankets headband some,big duffel bags so actually a lot more,selection when it comes to their,accessories you know they have scarfs,and dog bandana backpacks bag to their,iPhone cases see their iPhones fun the,newest one like an iPhone 5 is 11 you,know $15 so these are a phone cases a,little bit more expensive but they have,a much larger selection like even a dog,tag you know when I compared to the,printful they didn't have as many,accessories printful is a little bit,more expensive they do only have you,know three to five a shipping from the,United States and I can't really find,where the shipping is on here but custom,cat is definitely another print on,demand service that you can integrate,with Shopify now I went to the about,page on custom cat and actually found,out that you know their inventory is,produced and shipped within two to three,business days on average which is just,about the same with printful printful I,think was about three to five days so,this is a little bit quicker you know,they have 25,000 plus product SKUs 200,please and they've already decorated 4.5,million products and I think down here,printful has printed over 4.3 million,t-shirts since 2013,now you have a better understanding of,how exactly this print on demand t-shirt,is,works you know the different apps you,can integrate with Shopify,to be able to run the print on a man,t-shirt service and now you have a,better understanding of you know what,it's gonna cost the purchase you know,one t-shirt from these different,websites now the important part is,actually driving traffic and marketing,you know your t-shirts to people now,this is extremely important because when,you compare Shopify to Amazon when,you're selling on Amazon the traffic is,already there you're basically selling,your product to the free organic traffic,yes you can run ads on Amazon but,there's still so much organic traffic,that you don't really even need to run,ads unless you really want to scale with,Shopify you're creating your own website,you have no other competitors on your,website any product they purchase on,here you're gonna make money from but,you have to be able to get you know,visitors and eyeballs to your website so,you can be you know in Instagram ads you,know Facebook ads you know YouTube ads,you have to find a way to drive traffic,through videos through posts be able to,get people to your website so they can,see your products and then purchase them,anyways that's it for this video I hope,you liked that quick little summary of,how exactly you know the print on demand,t-shirt business works and how you can,actually profitably dropship t-shirts,from your own website you know different,colors different variations adding,accessories creating your own website,from scratch so hopefully you guys,enjoyed that anyways that's it for this,video make sure you like and subscribe,leave a comment below if you do have any,questions and I'll see you guys in the,next video

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