how to remove product review app shopify

Shopify Product Reviews: Hide Stars When No Review Yet this tutorial is for the product reviews,app

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Mar 16,2023

Shopify Product Reviews: Hide Stars When No Review Yet

The above is a brief introduction to how to remove product review app shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to remove product review app shopify

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how to remove product review app shopify catalogs

Shopify Product Reviews: Hide Stars When No Review Yet

this tutorial is for the product reviews,app by shopify okay it's one of the most,popular,product reviews apps,on the shopify app store,this is not for judge me reviews or for,yacht pro reviews or any of the other,reviews apps i'll be making separate,videos for those,so what i'm going to show you today is,how to remove,these stars,if,a product doesn't have any reviews right,so you don't want your customers to see,this kind of empty stars and no reviews,and the same thing for the,related products if they don't have,reviews we can hide these stars,and actually for the entire,collection page,also we can hide,uh hide these empty stars for any,products that don't have a single review,so how do we hide this,it's actually pretty easy because as you,can see,here in the code,this,um the shopify product reviews badge,has,has this attribute it says data rating,and then 0.0 okay so this is,basically the value of the,stars,and if it's 0.0 that means that there,have has not been any rating yet,okay so,we can actually target this with css,so this is what the css looks like it,targets any badge with the data rating,of 0.0 and then it hides it okay,so we just need to take this,and i'll include this in the video,description,and then we're going to go into,online store and then themes,and i'll actually show you,we want to get into the code editor,so we're going to go to online store and,themes,and then under your published theme,you're going to go actions,and click edit code,okay and that will bring you to,your theme files you're going to search,for,styles.scss.liquid,or you can search for any file with,the ending scss it might not be called,styles it might be called,main or something like that but you're,looking for your main,uh your main style sheet okay your your,main css file,it may even be css without the s,so once you find that,what you're going to do is scroll to the,very bottom of it and you'll find a,place for custom styles,maybe it's,maybe there isn't a heading like this,but just scroll down to the bottom and,that's where we're going to add this,code so,i've copied it from here,i'm going to paste it in here,let's just clean it up a bit,so it looks nice,and we're going to save,and,that's all there is to it really,this is going to hide any badge with a,data rating of,zero,okay so let's refresh this and see if it,worked,so,no stars here,no stars in our related products either,and as soon as we add a review,so,submit review,and,the stars should appear,and they don't,when you're making a video tutorial,things don't work,okay,so actually the reviews just take a bit,of time to show up but basically all i,did was refresh a few times and finally,my stars are showing up with one review,the related products still don't have,reviews so their empty stars are not,showing up and this change should also,be,working on the collection page so,i haven't refreshed since i added the,code,so i'm going to refresh now and we,should see reviews for this product but,we should not see,review stars for any of the other,products,and there we go this may put things out,of alignment by the way,so,it depends on the design of your,website,whether you want to do this or not,if you have any questions please leave a,comment,if you found this video helpful,leave a like and i'll see you next time

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