how to reinstate shopify account

How Do I Restore my Shopify Store? all right we're back again edwin anthony,here from resolutions de

Rezolutions Design

Updated on Mar 05,2023

How Do I Restore my Shopify Store?

The above is a brief introduction to how to reinstate shopify account

Let's move on to the first section of how to reinstate shopify account

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How Do I Restore my Shopify Store?

all right we're back again edwin anthony,here from resolutions design coming back,at you with another video on this crazy,looking screen i promise guys i'm,changing my screen so you guys could see,better because i know this wide screen,is just not doing it anyways uh what are,we here for we're here to talk about,everything shopify so if you like topics,that are related to shopify you came to,the right place and uh today what we're,gonna talk about is rewind and why it's,important first let's talk about the,problem and also please my hair is crazy,barbers in orlando suck at least i,haven't found the right one but,the purpose that we're here is to talk,about solving a problem um rather if,it's you hiring a shopify developer,on a website that you have a lot of,things already going on right so let's,say for example you have a lot of,collections a lot of products you have a,theme set up you have your pages set up,and you're hiring a developer that you,don't know of and you're not sure what,things they're going to move around,that potentially could just destroy the,company in a sense that it's like well,it was working at one point and i hired,the wrong person because of low budget,and next you know now my store is,looking like crap right it's looking,horribly well this is the master undo,button it's it gets you back towards,where you need to be and again the,company is called rewind and so the,folks at rewind,you know there was i've heard about them,a while ago uh they've been doing,business for quite some time and their,website looks amazing now so this,business um has done business with,obviously tons of other companies and,check out the website whenever you have,a time you know go to and,really educate yourself uh but right,here as you could see just taking a look,at the back end we've already installed,it to one of our clients uh amazing name,right hot chocolate balls right shout,out to those guys hey also special shout,out to sue hey so hey if you're watching,what's up so she went ahead and she,hired us very recently and we're gonna,definitely make her money that's all i,could say so um yeah shout out to sue,hey uh so hot chocolate balls we went,ahead and we installed it and i want to,kind of show you what the interface,looks like on the back end the moment,that you do install it by the way guys,links at the bottom it's on the,description or i'll go ahead and i'll,pin it at the top so you guys could uh,go ahead and easily select that and get,that installed and that's how you,support the channel also don't forget,smash that like button make it blue,because it disrespected me and it's,always black nothing against black i'm,just saying like smash it devour it so,that it's blue and also please subscribe,and turn on that notification anyways so,as you can see right here uh we have,once you install it you'll see on the,upper right hand corner we'll say it's,currently backing up and it just backs,up everything right we're not just,talking about the theme you know how,like when you go to the theme customizer,you could create a backup i'm not just,talking about that uh and i'm not just,talking about you know export to csv,nah we're not doing none of that uh this,is everything right so you could see,that there's time stamps you could see,the different versions if you click on,this you get to see the different,versions and also if we go to advanced,restore you get to see the unique items,that you could actually revert back to,right so it could be like if you lost,the blog uh if there was a specific,collection that was once there once upon,a time ago uh certain customers that got,deleted by accident uh pages that,perhaps didn't work at some point you,hired somebody they came in they,restructurized the page or they created,a new one and guess what they did to the,old page they got rid of it and you're,just like wait a second this new stuff,that this new developer came in and,developed for me,is not working and i fired him and he,left and my old page used to work,and where is it it's gone,done no,the technology is very impressive,because obviously they use some type of,an external server in order to copy all,that stuff right so they copy all that,stuff so think of it as an external,server that's just copying all this and,when you revert back it just brings it,all back for you so others products how,many of us here watching this video has,by accidentally erased products,i've heard this a whole bunch of times,for my clients where there is a certain,amount of products that they used to,sell,and look what happens,that they delete the products because,they find out from their vendor that the,vendor or supplier is not selling it,anymore and because of that then they're,just like okay i'm not selling anymore,it's done six months later the supplier,comes back saying hey we're now,reselling this and you're like oh smack,i have to now build all of those,products again maybe more than 20,because i thought that we weren't,selling it anymore,you don't have to worry about that,rewind you could recuperate all that,stuff you could bring it back into your,system,uh product images,maybe there were old product images that,you had installed once upon a time ago,and,for whatever reason it got deleted well,here you go you could go ahead and do,that smart collections well what's the,difference between smart collections and,then just the custom collections,well the smart collections are using the,tag feature or conditions and i think i,have a video that talks about that,and you could go ahead and look at the,library where i talk about how to create,a collection it's like a part one part,two part three series uh the way that we,like to build collections is by,eliminating human error,that means that we create a collection,based off tags so you go inside the,product right you create the product but,on the sidebar on the right hand side,you'll see where it says tags,we'll go ahead and type in the tag name,that matches the collection title that,it ends so let's say for example if it's,a t-shirt collection we'll type in on,that area as a tag t-shirt that way when,we create a collection we'll say create,an automatic collection that looks for,all products that have the tag called,t-shirt and then just brutally just all,assembles it and it's nice and ready,that's better than actually creating a,collection uh manually where you create,a collection and you just manually add,the products,it's so time consuming imagine if you,have a thousand products and you have to,do that that is horrible so again custom,collection and then smart collection two,different things,this backs up both of them,and then finally we have themes well,again you might raise the question well,why do i need this,if on shopify i could create theme,backups technically you can however,remember you have a limit on shopify,meaning that add a whole bunch of themes,on the backup and you'll notice that,shopify is going to tell you hey,you've overpassed the amount of themes,that you could save i think it's like 10,or 20. uh for those who know go ahead,and comment down and let me know what is,that limit if you guys know but,typically there is a limit and you're,just like ah let me go ahead and delete,the old stuff from way at the bottom so,that i could fit the new theme not with,rewind with rewind,go to town start downloading start doing,whatever because this will definitely,save as a backup,so same thing goes if you want to go to,a point in time where your website used,to work almost think of it like a time,machine and with this this time machine,as you could see you could select the,date of it going backwards or whatnot,but i will tell you this so that you,guys don't get confused okay if we're,going to use this time machine and you,install it let's say today today is,october 4th 2021.,you can't go back in time to like,january before you installed it,you see because the reason is that it,starts recording from the moment that,you actually added into the system,right um and moving forward,okay so that's why i say if you're,starting up your store,right and you feel that you don't have a,lot of stuff in there,think about this question for a second,how long do you plan to be in business,for,for as long as possible right well let's,pretend that you've done very well and,you've been in business for five years,if you install rewind in the middle of,that,then every historical stuff from the,point that you install reef rewind,and before to when you start a business,you have no backups of any of that you,cannot see anything right because,perhaps it's been deleted it's old news,it's all that stuff right so i'd say,that the best recommended time to get,this installed,is definitely throughout the inception i,want to say when you're very close to,going live in fact probably when you go,live right so if you're still building,out your website don't feel pressure to,get this on board get this on board when,you're about to go live when you press,the live button get it installed right,write a reminder somewhere do whatever,it is that you feel that's right but get,it installed because you don't know,what's going to happen between now and a,year from now you could predict where,you're going to be in the business but,what you can't predict are is the market,you can't predict like okay today you,have 100 products you can't predict next,year if you're going to have 500 you,just don't know because something is,going to happen between now,and then,and that's why it's important to get it,installed as early as possible so how,much does this cost well it depends on,how many orders you process in a day so,let's take a look at their pricing sheet,and as you can see right here we have,backups oh look they also do copy let's,see what's this,ah okay so uh-huh pay as you go,okay,all right yeah so copy probably means,that you know you're going to migrate,from one store to another but backups is,where it's at right and you could see,all of the platforms that it does,support,shopify is going to be the leader here,and to be on the safe side i would put,it somewhere around 200 if you're just,starting off right now 200 you might,think that that's a bit aggressive and,200 you'll put you at 2 40 a month which,might be like whoa i'm not ready for,that if you're not ready for that that's,fine put it under 200 put it like at 195,right there nice nine dollars a month,that's a little bit more comfortable uh,i say 200 because 200 typically if,you're actually doing marketing,seriously not that you're trying to,figure out marketing you're not trying,to figure it out you actually paying a,professional for it and if you guys need,one i'm right here okay so anywho if,you're paying for marketing you know,that there's going to be traffic coming,into your website you know that there's,going to be orders coming in and because,of that that's why you want to take it,at least to a cap of 200,but don't forcefully feel that you must,choose 200 orders,195 is fine because it's very close to,the 200 you're only five shy away and,you're still at the nine bucks a month,of course after you surpass that amount,it'll automatically go ahead and do that,next level stuff which by then you you,know it paid itself off you'll be like,you know i'm fine with that uh but,anyways just to wrap this whole thing up,rewind definitely a great app we,definitely add it into our companies or,our clients accounts as you can see,right here we're doing that for this uh,client that they're launching pretty,soon and we're sharing this with you,because this is a tactic that our agency,practices with our client we want you to,also benefit from this because things,happen and what is it gonna cost you,suppose you lose a whole bunch of,information and you've been pop pumping,in a whole bunch of money with your,business here comes somebody starts,deleting things due to rage or whatever,and shopify is like sorry,we can't help you,try it out,delete,let's see,add 50 products,delete it,call shopify support and ask them to,read to redo that to put it back watch,what they tell you sorry we can't once,it's deleted it's gone forever that's,why this app is so important guys it's,because of that it's because shopify is,only so limited to help you out other,things they already offer a whole bunch,of good stuff but they're limited,and so if they're limited,how much is that mistake gonna cost you,so imagine you have your whole store up,and running it's producing i don't know,let's just throw a number here it's,producing fifty thousand dollars every,month here comes a new developer they,janky up the whole thing right now your,website's like what what's going on how,much does that cost you,it's going to cost you a lot of money,try to figure out oh let's install all,these products back in it's over a,thousand products,the days go by,right,and you think 50 000 in a month,how much is that per day that's how many,days you're missing trying to recuperate,no it's not worth it and then you got to,hire another developer on top of that so,that he could recover or try to rebuild,whatever it is that you lost it's just,not worth it especially when you're on,year two year three in the business,that's why i strongly recommend you to,go ahead and install rewind because a,lot of the customers a lot of the,customers that we work with are within,that boundary they're already making,several thousands in a month and it's,just too much of a risk in order for,someone to come in mess things up and,then having to start all over again it's,horrible so anyways hope you like this,video don't forget to subscribe and give,that thumbs up let me know if you like,this type of content so i could keep on,creating and also i'm giving shout outs,to customers that find me on youtube i,can't believe you guys are finding me on,youtube you're like yo i saw you on,youtube word my hair was crazy that they,look because the barbers suck you know,and all that stuff you know i'm just,trying to make a good impression to you,guys anyways hope you guys have a great,rest of your week and if you want to see,a video specific to something in shopify,that has been troubling you i'm paying,attention on the comments i'm looking at,it and the more people talk about that,one thing i'm gonna make a video i'm not,gonna make you guys wait but i need to,see that you guys are interested i need,to see that you guys want to learn about,something that you're really stuck on,that's what i'm here for okay and it's,obviously free of charge for you guys,because youtube is paying for it let's,go but wait they're paying for it,because you guys are smashing the like,button so please smash the like button,throw some comments put a subscribe uh,subscribe and that notification bell,and that way it's free for you guys,anyways talk to you soon

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