how to import competitors products to your shopify?

How To Take $100,000+ Products From Competitors | Shopify Dropshipping i'll be honest guys i honestl

The Laptop Legend

Updated on Mar 02,2023

How To Take $100,000+ Products From Competitors | Shopify Dropshipping

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how to import competitors products to your shopify? catalogs

How To Take $100,000+ Products From Competitors | Shopify Dropshipping

i'll be honest guys i honestly feel like,a personal investigator sometimes just,because i use,every scrap of available information,that my competitors leave online,and i use this to locate their stores,tie them together,figure out what ads they're running and,figure out what their best products are,that i can steal and put in my own store,now steals and quotes for those of you,who don't know,these are copyright free products from,aliexpress that anyone is legally,allowed to sell,but in this case i've taken products,that have done over a hundred thousand,dollars in sales,from competitor stores just because i do,this process so,i'm going to teach it to you guys today,show you exactly what i do,and hopefully it'll help you find these,good products as well as protect,yourself from people like me so you can,know not to make these mistakes,and not have people take your winning,products because when people take your,products there's more competition in ads,and you're less profitable overall so,let's get right into it,alright guys so the first step in this,process is to use social media like,normal,because you will get advertised to buy a,wide variety of advertisers but,eventually some products will come on,your feed that will be,something that you will know that you,can sell so in this case,i have this pulled up here it took me a,long time because all i get is ecom ads,now but,i eventually was able to get this one,and this is the type of product that you,want to be looking for just because,it is the perfect type of product that,you could sell i have sold,i think i've actually sold this exact,product i think it's pretty saturated,now but,if you click on this ad,shop now you go to the product website,and this is how you can get more and,more of these ads and you've probably,heard this from other people before so,this is nothing new but in case you,don't know,all you have to do is add it to the cart,i'm gonna go add like,every single size to the cart just so,it's a big order and they'll they'll,retarget to me more so,the more you engage with these types of,ads the more they're going to show you,these types of ads and when they show,you these ads you can use it as,competitive research so,definitely good strategy here that,should be enough for now,i just added the shoe a bunch of times,so what we want to do go back to,facebook,here's the first thing that a lot of,people don't actually know so if you go,to the facebook page you can scroll down,this has been running ads for a while if,it has 20 000 likes that's a lot of ads,you scroll down keep scrolling keep,scrolling go to page transparency,click on see all you can see it's,currently running ads so you can go to,the ad library and see,every single product that's currently,being run by this company,some of you guys might have known this,already but just wait it gets better so,in this case yeah we can see all the,products that are currently running the,date,currently is october 26th and we can see,that all of these ads have been running,for at least five days,that's a pretty good sign that some of,these might be worth testing because,most people who run ads are not going to,run ads for an unprofitable product for,five days long,so this is a pretty good sign that you,should test these if you don't have a,good idea of what to test,so this is a great place to start you,can see,if you go back there's products that,they've been running for even longer so,this one since october 16th,17th 16th keep going back we got the,12th,those are pretty cool i could probably,sell well i think i've sold that before,these shoes i think that looks like a,nike shoe but it's,it's not so that's probably uh why that,one sells well but again,that's one of the the factors that can,help product so well i sold those,products,uh those pants that looked like gucci,pants because they had like the snake,design on the side but they weren't,gucci they weren't a knockoff because it,was just a snake,so yeah i mean that could definitely,work you can see all the ads that,they're running here just to give you an,idea of the products that could,potentially be working for them,and this is great so like if they've,been running this since march 2020,this is a profitable ad guaranteed and,uh again this is probably because it has,three stripes so it looks like adidas,um so i don't know if i would sell this,particular product,just to be safe but you can tell that,this is this is going to be a profitable,product for them,so the next thing that we want to do,once we get to that point is we actually,want to go,to their website and you want to go,just go to the homepage is fine you can,scroll down,and here is where my research,gets different from other people in the,e-commerce space so i take this to a,whole nother level like i said i feel,like a personal investigator,so what you guys want to do is you want,to look for specific,pieces of information that you can look,up online they have on their website,they're going to link them to their,other stores and then from there you can,use that information to look at the ads,for those other stores and just continue,to find more and more potential products,for you to sell so there's a couple,places that i like to go,but if you are in shopify at all you,know that the,contact us page the privacy policy page,and the terms of service pages,are all auto generated and you might,edit it a little bit,but for the most part people just leave,that as it is but,the shipping policy and returns and,exchange policy is something,that is more based on user to user,so this just depends on who you are and,what you want to have your return and,shipping policy be,and because of that there's a lot more,variation,so it's not auto generated and that,means people are,going to have their own shipping,policies that are unique to them,here's the thing though a lot of people,are lazy and when they have multiple,stores,they don't want to rewrite their,shipping policies so they take the exact,same one that they already had,and they copy and paste that onto the,new store if you do that you need to,stop doing that because it allows people,like me,to find you and find all your stores,based on seeing the ad for one of your,stores,so in this case i've actually pulled it,up a little bit already,you can't see their tabs but in this,case if we go and we,copy i think it's yeah let's go ahead,and do this because this looks like a,very specific phrase,that someone wrote versus one that that,they just copied from somewhere so,if we go ahead and copy this and we go,here,look at all these stores that come up in,this case,so like if it's street style men, that sounds like,another store,and yeah we got a whole nother store,here this one doesn't look like,it's super active i would have to guess,this is not a super active store,um but what you can do is you can,actually go back to the facebook ad,library,and you can search these simple,selection so we'll go,the simple selection,bam and there you go,we already found another store just by,this method so you can see they've been,running these for a while,i personally don't think any of these,products would sell super well,um generally speaking if they sell,collections,stuff like this it's not going to work,super well this patch sweater might work,it might be worth testing if you have a,clothing store but i would say we should,keep looking,so yeah let's let's go back go back,to the search and,yurka that might be another one and you,can also repeat the search,with omitted in there yes i mean you see,there's a bunch of different websites,there's just a bunch,this looks like a pretty sketch one i,would assume this is not a profitable,store based on how it looks,uh but again we can look it up if you,guys want to so,yurka,that's yeah all right so that is not,something that i would,personally probably go with,so we can look a little bit more just to,see what there is stop now,japan knife it's probably the japan the,japanese knife,it looks like this i don't know if you,guys have seen it but there's just,there's a lot of different stores that,you pull up using this method,uh catches and i literally will go,through every single one of these and,see,which ones look like they are actually,profitable and i'll normally go and,check the ads for all them,if they look super sketchy like this i,assume,that they're not doing a bunch of sales,um so i normally don't check them out,but i mean i i b k een,let's try and look that up ib king,i don't know if i spell that right,keen i don't even know what that was,i lost it too many tabs i uh yeah,so i don't think this is gonna be a,great one so let's let's keep going on,there's other things that we can search,um that we're gonna get a a better,result from so,yeah let's just keep going down um,yes this is street style man the same,thing if we scroll down,we can look up fashion has no boundaries,and neither,do we so you can you can just search,google for that,here's the thing that a lot of people,actually don't know if you just search,this it,doesn't really do much because it pulls,it up you know wherever it is,but if you put it in quotes it will only,find the websites that have that exact,phrasing and this is a pretty specific,phrasing so,the reality is most stores that have,this on there are going to be run by the,same people or by people who are copying,and,also testing similar products so it's,unlikely that this will be,all over the internet fast zoid that,could be another one,that's one of the shoes that i sold a,bunch of i know those sold very well too,these are ugly but i'm assuming if we,see them on multiple they've sold well,this one definitely sold very well these,pants sold very well,so i mean this is again this is this is,another great way uh that's a store in,london actually,let's go into more personalized data now,just to to make sure that we're finding,stores that are from,similar people so this is more i guess a,last resort,you can search the shipping policy like,i said,you can search the exchange policy,sometimes the about us,uh is a great way to do it yeah so you,can see,something like this is not going to be,anywhere else in the internet unless,someone copies it directly to another,store if you take a line out of this,it's likely that it's going to pull up,another store another thing you can do,is if you go to the home page you can,see,there's like little sections of text and,that is one of the things that i like,taking so again we took that here before,but like,from classy casual to colorful probably,no one else is gonna be saying that,except for the person who made this,store so that's a pretty good uh,chance that you're gonna find a similar,store but in this case,what are we going to do let's see so we,can actually go back to the facebook,page,this one is verified i believe which,means that in this case they have a,phone number,if you use the same phone number between,your stores people are going to be able,to connect them,link them and steal your products so,don't do that,so again if we look it for,search google for this,we got street style man in this case we,got the bbb,um sometimes you can search,this address i actually already looked,this one up and i didn't find anything,i think it's relatively new but yeah if,we actually look here we can see it's,the exact same phone number that was for,urbane ohm and this was a,company that i actually had my eye on,about a year ago that i was watching and,i took some products from this one i,don't think,this works anymore yeah so that website,no longer works but they literally just,they probably got their facebook band,and they rebranded as street style man,so pretty cool you can find all those,old sites,if you keep looking uh sometimes there's,some on the other pages if you,display it um but a lot of times it'll,just pull it up from the different pages,of,the same website so that's,not something that you always want to do,but if you want to go really in depth,you probably should do that if we go to,the shipping policy there's a lot of,things that you can take,so if we scroll down to the bottom,little things like this,um these final things at the end those,are the types of things that,are not able to be copy and pasted as,easily i've definitely seen this,before this chart um i've seen i've seen,this,um but in this case i think it would be,a good idea to,copy something like this because this is,very specific so,oh my goodness wow i'm struggling out,here all right there we go,so let's go ahead and copy this and,let's look it up in google,so you can see here that if you just,search it again without quotes,nothing helpful comes up but if you,search it with,exact quotes come on man,there we go you pull up these websites,that are,other shopify stores that you can take,products from so let's just go here,i don't even know what this is,cleverness so this looks like,i'm not sure if there's a drop shipping,store not it might be,um but let's keep going down hustle,state brands,oh this is a good one this is a good one,let's see,yep there's another drop shipping store,a lot of these are old winners that was,a good product,that was a big one and that was a big,winner i've sold that,um yeah it's just it's,it's kind of crazy that was a big winner,so let's see if we can find this one,on the facebook ad library so if we go,back here hustle,state brand,sometimes you can't find it hustle state,brands,all right so there's another thing you,can actually do so if you go just to,your general facebook,you can actually look it up and,sometimes find the page and then go back,to their ads,from the page so hustle state,brands,um,simply look for posts,hustle state brands,it's funny that that it comes up here so,they must have they must have,partially rebranded or something uh we,got blyth,hustle state all right,yeah that's going to be a difficult one,street style man,you can't always find the page that,they're running ads from,just because these pages get deleted so,often that,it's very tough to consistently find,them before they they get taken down so,when you find a page that's running a,ton of ads that's a very good sign,we can actually see here if we scroll to,the bottom they have a support number,and i would have to wager that if we,copy and paste,and search this,search this support number in google,we're going to get a whole,lot of other ones passion state brands,all right so that one was probably taken,down hustle state co,it's all about finding the most active,stores because people will just copy and,paste and paste and paste and paste,because they get deactivated by facebook,so if you can find their most active,store then you can just,keep taking their winning products and,when they have to rebrand you can do it,again,and it's very easy because they recycle,products they recycle,their information like their phone,number they recycle their shipping,policies,and honestly it's it's pretty great, the minimal express,this is another great one the,,these products sold very well i've seen,these pants all over,um sometimes you can search this,sometimes it's just a throwaway address,but let's see,let's see if we can find something for,this,put in quotes again always got to put in,quotes,got the bbb minimal express i'm not sure,if there's anything else,hustle state and minimal yeah okay,so those are made by the same people so,we can search this again the minimal,express,the minimal express,yes you can see these got banned already,and,that's probably why they rebranded so,just gotta keep looking,yeah so you can see these got banned,already and,that's probably why they rebranded so we,just have to keep looking and see,what else we can find just keep going,through um let's try searching something,else we take your feedback very,seriously,and are always striving to improve let's,search for that,again put it in quotes because otherwise,it does not do anything,and bam just like that we get,a bunch of shopify stores,it's pretty wild like i don't know why,more people don't do this,this is a trash one i'm sure that's not,profitable,no stop i don't want your notifications,the skull place,godly these pop-ups are annoying,the skull place let's see if that has,anything the skull,place,all right so this has a page but it's,not currently running any ads,it probably stops because it wasn't very,profitable if you don't know how to run,ads you just waste money let's go to,cleverness that's one we already went to,pam of goods,that could be good and seriously i'll go,through,dozens and dozens of pages doing this,maybe hundreds of pages pama goods,all right you can see this is another,old page that's no longer running ads,so literally just just keep going,through it uh where was i paying my,goods payment goods,right here awestruck,this is the same stuff man the same,stuff this is actually one of the,jackets that i sold over a hundred,thousand,dollars worth of pretty crazy uh just to,see that you know,these types of products are all over the,place and all it takes is is finding one,of these really good ones and,your life is completely changed so let's,see if there's awestruck,that one's going to be harder,aw struck yep so both of these again,are already banned that's a bummer that,is a bummer,because i know this would have been,profitable i know it would have,but again you could just keep going down,the rabbit hole and finding more and,more products,so this one,all right looks like they copied that,one completely,that's the return policy it's a shipping,policy,let's go to their home page see if,there's anything from there that we can,take,jaw dropping style potentially,that's about it this one's going to be,tough just because they don't have,a lot of things search jaw dropping,style see if we can get anything for,that,jaw dropping style all right yeah so,that's not a long enough sentence if we,had a little longer phrase we could find,something but uh in this case,i guess that's too short and it's been,used by other people,but that i'm sure was a profitable storm,when it was being run,looks like the type of store i would run,just keep going down the line man,,all right that one's closed down ancient,explorers,i mean we literally deep i,mean,ancient explorer,ancient explorers is that a science,website,huh,maybe this one's not drop shipping all,right,valyozo apparel,i sold that shirt that shirt sold well,it's just crazy to see all these,products on here like there are winners,all over the place when you're doing,this and it's,it's crazy so uh yeah hopefully this,helps you guys,i'm gonna see if we can find them real,quick valeoso,wow that's crazy yeah so these already,got banned as well i'm assuming if it,has one like it's not running ads,that was created but it probably got,deactivated,um fast and f high entity,that was one before that i might have,taken something from,just stuff like that glam touche,see if we can find anything here glam,touche,potentially looks like they already got,one ad account,banned but,all right yeah so those are the older,ones glam touche,that page was deleted yeah so,in this case i'm not finding anything,right now and i don't want to make this,video too,too long oh let's disable it for an hour,uh this could be a good one volteen,volteen i'm not seeing anything on here,so yeah another thing you can do is to,go ahead and put this in here so,you copy and paste sort here i'll just,put it here,so you guys can see so you copy and,paste this at the end of the shopify,website,and this will make it sort automatically,and show you the best-selling products,on the entire website so i'm gonna go,ahead and do that now up at the top,and you can see here this is their,best-selling product,so it's just it's pretty interesting to,see so i'm gonna do the same thing on a,couple other stores let's see what the,best selling product on this one is,interesting,sometimes random shirts like this will,sell very well,i know stuff like this can so well,it's just interesting it really depends,on on how well you do your store and,whether or not,uh facebook is is able to find the right,product for you and the right audiences,for your product,if that makes sense let's go to the,minimal express let's try this one to,see what types of products it,says are the best,again yeah these shirts keep popping up,that one definitely sold well,those joggers can sell well this shirt,sold very well for people,uh so it's just yeah it's interesting to,see um so yeah there's one thing that i,recommend that you guys can do,to protect from this and that would be,not to put,the same phone number not to use the,same shipping policies,and then the last thing is i recommend,getting this app,and i'll pull it up real quickly yeah so,this app is called,shop protect and it basically prevents,people from being able to,find you as easily um it prevents people,from being able to sort by that,best-selling thing by putting in the,code,um it prevents people from being able to,copy and paste on your website so if,they want to,do stuff like that it makes it a lot,more difficult it actually prevents,google from indexing your images which,prevents people from searching up by the,image that's actually one other thing i,should probably do just to show you guys,how easy that is so let me go ahead and,click on,let's say this one um we'll go here,you can right click and search google,for the image,and see the type of things that come up,so,hustle state brands,i don't know what that is could be,another drop shipping store yeah it,looks like another drop shipping store,so that's another way that you can do it,so,i mean the possibilities are endless if,you guys spend your time doing this,um as well as doing products research,you're going to get a better idea of,what products are selling really well,for other people,and you're going to be able to take,advantage of those and,i guess get profitable sales without as,much testing so you still have to do,your own product research,and there's definitely something to be,said for finding an original product,before anyone else finds it but,it's definitely helpful to piggyback on,the success of other sellers so you,don't have to do as much testing,especially if you have a low budget,all right guys so that's it for the,product research and competitor,stealing strategy um hopefully you guys,found it helpful and can utilize this to,take some good products,and be more profitable in your,advertising because that's ultimately,the goal,to stop wasting so much money on ads,when they're not working for you so,hope this helps you guys be profitable,remember that it's all about,sticking with it until you find a really,good website that has a ton of ads,running because if you can do,that then you're gonna be able to take,those products and know which ones are,working really well,currently in this video i didn't really,find any good websites like that just,because i didn't want to waste you guys,time too much,but that is the exact strategy that i,use to find,six figure products and take them from,my competitors so again hope it's,helpful,if you guys enjoyed please smash the,like button and subscribe i'll be,posting more helpful videos like this,soon in the future and yeah let's grow,better together and i'll see you guys in,the next one

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