how to fix about us in shopify

How To Add An 'About Us' Page To Your Shopify Store hey guys Jason here with Quantum courses,and in

Jason Gandy

Updated on Mar 20,2023

How To Add An 'About Us' Page To Your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to fix about us in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to fix about us in shopify

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How To Add An 'About Us' Page To Your Shopify Store

hey guys Jason here with Quantum courses,and in this tutorial we'll be going over,how to create and add an about page to,your Shopify store adding an about us,page to your Shopify store is a great,way to share your story with customers,and help build a stronger connection,with your brand an about us page can,provide information about your business,your products Your Design style your,personal story how you got started or,any other interesting and relevant,information you wish to include in this,video I'll be demonstrating how to,easily customize a new page on Shopify,with text images links and even videos,to create an engaging about us page for,your Shopify store once you create your,robotos page a link to the page can be,added to your store's navigation menu,your home page and other areas of your,Shopify store so customers can check it,out and learn more about you and your,brand,so to get started let's head over to,Shopify and go over how to create and,add a new about us page to your store if,you haven't joined Shopify yet make sure,you access your free trial by heading,over to Jason or by clicking,the link in the video description no,credit card is required to get your free,trial and if you like it you can get,three months of Shopify for only a,dollar per month on select plans if,you're an entrepreneur Shopify is,definitely the most popular and one of,the best platforms you could use to,build your online business,so now that you've unlocked Shopify,let's log in and go over how to create,an about us page for your store once you,log in you will be taken to your Shopify,dashboard here's where you can add new,products view your analytics and of,course add a new page to your Shopify,store,so to add our about page let's look at,the menu on the left hand side and click,on the online store tab this should take,us to the themes tab where we can,customize our theme but if you look at,the menu on the left you should also,notice other options underneath the,online store tab now as well one of,these options should be your pages tab,let's go ahead and click that now here's,where you go to create a new page to add,to your Shopify store from here you can,create any type of page you wish,including an about us page as you can,see I currently don't have any pages so,let's click on the add page button and,go over how to create an about page for,my Shopify demo store so here's where,you can create a new page on Shopify and,customize it with your own text images,videos and more in the first text box up,top we can add a title for our page keep,in mind that writing good titles,descriptions and adding relevant,keywords can help your store's SEO so,for your store's title you could just go,with the standard about us but feel free,to get creative as well for example you,can name your page our mission our,values about our brand meet the team or,anything else you like for my title I'm,just gonna go with about Quantum designs,now we can move on to the fun stuff in,the next box here we can add our,description our images and other content,for my page I'm going to start with a,little tagline simply type in your text,and you can also use the tools up top,here to edit your text any way that you,like so let's make my tagline italics,and move it to the center of the page,underneath my tagline I think I'll add,my store logo if you want to upload your,logo or even a banner that you created,simply click the photo icon here here's,where you can upload images to add to,your Shopify page if you look down at,the bottom you'll see a button that says,upload file let's click that now you can,then find and open up the image that you,want to upload once your image finishes,uploading go ahead and click it to,select it this will open up a new menu,at the bottom where you can add your,image alt text and select the size of,your image alt text can help people find,your images so I recommend writing a,short description and if we scroll down,to the size drop down menu we can see,there are several pixel sizes you can,select for your image feel free to,experiment with the various sizes to see,which one works the best for your image,but for my image I'm just gonna go with,the default so once you've added your,alt text and selected your image sauce,go ahead and go down to the bottom right,and click on the insert image button and,the image of my brand logo has been,added to my about page if you like you,can also add a link to your image or,Banner by selecting it then clicking the,link icon here this will open up a box,where you can paste in the link that you,want to insert into your image you can,send customers to your brand website or,wherever else you like but I'm just,going to add a link to my store beside,the link address you can also use the,drop down menu to open the link in a new,window or in the same window I don't,want the customer to completely leave my,about page so I'll open it up in a new,window and in the bottom text field you,can add a link title remember that your,titles and texts will all help with,their SEO so once you're finished adding,your linked details go down to the,bottom right and click on the insert,link button now if a customer clicks my,image they'll be taken to my Shopify,Store homepage so now that I've added my,image let's add some text when writing,your about us text you can include,anything that you want your customers to,know about you or your brand this could,be how your business got started how,your products are made your business,model your personal story or anything,else you want to include remember to be,clear and engaging and use some good,keywords and keyword phrases for search,engine optimization also feel free to,use the tools up top to add some text,formatting such as Boulder italics so,now that I've added my example text,let's go over how to add a video to your,page using a video was a great way to,connect with your customers and keep,them engaged for your video you can be,as creative as you like this could be,you introducing yourself and your brand,to your audience or even a video showing,your audience how you design or make,your products you could simply film your,video on your smartphone but if you're,ready to go pro you should check out the,professional video templates available,on places with placeit you can simply,select a template and customize it with,your own text images colors and more not,only can you create professional videos,for your brand but also logos marketing,posts for social media animated intros,and even professional product mock-ups,to give place it a try make sure you,head over to or simply click,the link in the video description so now,that I have a cool video to use let's go,over how to add it to my about page if,you look at the top toolbar you should,see the video icon let's click that now,this will open up a box where you can,paste the embedded code for your video,in order to get an embedded code you'll,first have to upload your video to a,place like YouTube or Vimeo for my video,I'm gonna upload it to YouTube if you,want your video to show on your page but,not on your YouTube channel make sure,you upload it as unlisted,so once your video finishes uploading go,ahead and go to the video page,underneath your video Let's click the,share button this will open up a box,providing you with various options to,share your video,if you look at the icons in the middle,one of them should say in bed if you,click this it'll provide you with your,videos embed code to copy the code,simply go down to the bottom right and,click on copy now that we've copied our,code let's head back over to Shopify and,paste it in the box and there we go now,that we've pasted our code let's click,on the insert video button and my video,has now been added to my about page this,is just an example video but feel free,to add a detailed video about your brand,or products also feel free to add,multiple sections to your about page as,well you can add another section talking,about your company Mission your,production process how you handle,customer service customer testimonials,or even a more detailed section on who,you are everybody's about us page will,be unique depending on your specific,business,so I've added a few different sections,to my about us page but there's one more,section I need to add when creating an,about us page or any other page for that,matter I always like to add a call to,action and this basically tells your,customers what to do next whether it's,to go to your products or visit your,website to add a link to your call to,action simply select the text then go up,to the top toolbar and click the link,icon this will open up a box where you,can paste in the link for your call to,action when adding your link make sure,you add the HTTP in front underneath,your link you can also add a link title,and on the right hand side I'm going to,select to open the link in a new window,I don't want people leaving my store so,let's click on insert link and a new,link has been added to my about page for,my call to action I think I'll also add,some formatting to my text,so for my example about us page I think,I'll roll with this but feel free to,customize yours as much as you like if,you wanted to adjust your page,visibility you can do that here on the,right hand side you have the options to,make it visible hidden or select the,visibility date,since I'll be publishing my page here,shortly I'm going to select visible and,if you wanted to adjust how your page is,displayed you can adjust the theme,template here if you click the drop down,menu here you'll see various options,such as to show your page in full width,or with no heading I'm just going to,leave mine on default so once you're,finished customizing the about page for,your store go ahead and look up at the,top right and click on the save button,and your page has now been created,so now that I've created my page let's,click on view page up top here and head,over to my store and check it out,so here's how my about page looks in my,store we have my title up top my tagline,my logo image my brand description my,video some more details and images,describing my production process and me,and my call to action at the bottom if,customers click my call to action my,website should open up in a new window,so I've created my about page but I,still need to add the link to my about,page to my top menu to do this let's,head back over to our Shopify dashboard,look at the menu on the left hand side,and under online store you should see a,tab that says navigation let's click,that now this will take you to a page,where you can create new menus and edit,your existing menus so let's select my,main menu from the right hand side here,and go over how to add my about page,currently my main menu only shows my,home page my products and my collections,so to add my about us page let's go down,to the bottom tab here and click on ADD,menu item you can then type in the name,you want to appear in your menu and if,you click the link text field you'll see,a drop down menu where you can select,from various options,from here let's go down and click on,pages so far I've only created one page,so let's go ahead and select my about us,page so once you've selected a name and,added a link to your about us page go,ahead and go down to the bottom and,click on ADD,in my about us page has been added to my,main menu if you wanted to rearrange,your menu items simply use the icon on,the left here to drag them up or down,for my about us page I'm going to leave,it at the end of my menu so once you've,added your page and arranged your menu,go ahead and go down to the bottom and,click on Save menu,and my menu has been updated now when,customers check out my Shopify store,they can click the link in my top menu,to be taken to my about us page this is,a great way to help customers learn more,about you and your business and to,better connect with your brand,so that's a quick overview of how to,create and add an about us page to your,Shopify store if you enjoyed the video,make sure you hit that like button and,subscribe to the channel thanks for,watching and I'll see you next time

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