how to export ebay listings to shopify

Import eBay to Shopify in this video i'm going to show you how,to export ebay products to shopify in


Updated on Mar 23,2023

Import eBay to Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to export ebay listings to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to export ebay listings to shopify

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how to export ebay listings to shopify catalogs

Import eBay to Shopify

in this video i'm going to show you how,to export ebay products to shopify in a,few easy steps,hi i'm ben from,so you currently have products on ebay,and you want to list them on shopify in,the most efficient way this video walks,you through exactly what you need to do,so you can export your products and sync,them with shopify you'll be amazed at,how easy it is and it also looks great,so let's get started with the setup flow,here you can see a small explanation,about the process and i'll just click,next and here you need to connect your,source channel it's actually the,marketplace or the shop that you want to,import your products from also be aware,that it will be your source for any,update which means that any update that,occurs on this platform will update the,target channel you can change exactly,what you want to sync later on in the,settings,i'm choosing ebay as my source,selecting the ebay country and the,nickname that i will choose for this,platform just so it's easy for me to,remember that later by clicking connect,ebay a pop-up opens and if the pop-up,doesn't open for you just check that,it's not being blocked by your browser,i'm going through the ebay steps and,have approved export your store to,import the products from ebay after ebay,is connected i'm clicking next,now it's the time to connect the target,marketplace meaning the marketplace or,website we want to export the products,from like in our example to our shopify,store,here i'll assign my shopify url website,and nickname for this channel and it can,be anything that i'll recognize then i,click connect,after connect i click next here we can,see our sync settings and i'll walk you,through this very briefly the first,option is autofix sku which is a unique,feature to export your store,if you don't have sku on your source,which in our example is ebay it means,your sku is empty or you have sku but,most of them duplicate when you click on,our system will fix it for you,automatically please note that it will,update the new sku on your source which,in this example is ebay the other,options are very easy to understand so,we click next,okay so we've finished the setup,now we can see your ebay products and,they're ready to sync to your shopify,store now before i export i suggest to,map your ebay categories to shopify but,this step is not mandatory usually you,only need to do it once now what this,means is that we want when we are,exporting products to shopify that it,will export with the same category on,shopify,if you didn't create categories on,shopify i suggest that you do so i would,suggest google searching shopify,collections for tips so let's map out,ebay categories to our existing ones on,shopify click categories mapper click,map on the category and now you can see,all your shopify categories if you don't,see them all please click import,categories from shopify all you need to,do is map the same ebay category to the,shopify category okay now we can start,the export all you need to do is click,export on the product that you want to,be in shopify after it's exported the,status is changed to done so let's watch,our ebay product compare to the same,product as shopify that we just exported,so you can see all the images,descriptions and variations move to,shopify and it's looking pretty amazing,this is another great feature the whole,exporting process can be fully automated,so if you list a new product on your,source which in our example is ebay it,will show automatically on shopify and,there you have it in just a few steps,and in under five minutes you could,export and sync all your products to,shopify from any marketplace,if you didn't subscribe yet please go to,,thanks for watching,you

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