how to enable private apps shopify

Create development store and private app in Shopify | First API call what's up everyone welcome to t

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Updated on Feb 02,2023

Create development store and private app in Shopify | First API call

The above is a brief introduction to how to enable private apps shopify

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Create development store and private app in Shopify | First API call

what's up everyone welcome to the first,episode of shopify api,in this service i'm going to show you,how you can interact with your shopify,store by using shopify rest admin api,well basically i have um,i'm working on this api i'm using,actually this api in the past few months,and i gained a lot of uh experience,with the structure of this api because,sometimes it can be complicated to,figure out which field do i need,for example to,maybe add some tags to categories or,integr relate products with categories,holders and customers there are so much,entities in here as you can see,but hopefully with this series you will,gain,a lot of experience,you will gain a lot of,knowledge that will make sense and can,be useful for your future carrier,okay,so let's start by,explaining,how you can actually create shopify,store,so there are two ways that you can,create shopify store the first way is,you have to navigate to shopify,and,register as a store owner and of course,they will give you,two weeks of trial free trial and you,can mess around to test,shopify functionalities see dashboard,structure and all of this,and sometimes even it can be extendable,you can extend trial two weeks more so,in total it's going to be a month,but after one month of course they will,expect payment from you and if you do,not pay they will prevent your access,from web and api from everything,so since we are a developer we are not,planning to sell anything on shopify uh,we want to just create some custom apps,or test rest api,for such cases shopify providing,development stores,and we can create it from shopify,partners dashboard alright then let's,let's navigate to shopify partners,and we are going to register,as a new user here as a new partner,email,let me,write let me just fill all these,fields real quick,okay so after you clicked register this,page will be opened and you just have to,complete all these fields in here and,after that click view your dashboard,and let's let me just quickly finish all,these fields in here,well so after you completed the old,registration process you will end up in,this,shopify partners dashboard,where you can see there are many things,in here you can do,stores apps,and so much things in here education,but we don't need all of this one we,just need to create development store,so let's navigate to stores click the,this um,navigation button here stores,and let me just what you need to confirm,as business email before you can add,stores okay so send confirmation email,let me quickly confirm the email and i,will see you in a second,okay so i confirmed my email address,then we can add store so click this app,store button,and then we have to pick store type of,course we are going with we are going,with development store,uh the store name is going to be i don't,know space stuff i hope this are,available okay,space does,i don't know maybe,something like that okay,password we have to set password and i'm,going to use,so write your password in here,developer view,so we don't need that one,uh at this moment,uh store address i will keep everything,as default what will you do in,development store i'm just playing,around,that's it save,so uh,our store started to be creating,sucks okay so our store is ready to go,as i as they said,now it will automatically navigate to,our store,uh we don't need,those one,an address so you can get paid,oh god there are so many fields we have,to,so many hard to say forms we have to go,through,the first name,last name,i think it works yeah,all right so congratulations we are now,finally you know a development store you,can see,all those products customers this is uh,where you have to end up,to make sure that your,development store is ready to use,well so after this step,that means our development store is,ready and,now we have to create a private app that,will allow us to interact with our,shopify store through rest api,basically this app will provide some,api credentials to us that we can use,programmatically access the data,in our store,and to achieve that every navigate to,apps,the apps section in here,and after that click,manage private apps right here okay,so private apps currently disabled click,enable private app development,and,check everything,enable private app,private apps enabled great so let's go,and create some private app,god it takes forever,okay,so first we have to give a name for our,private app i will call it,um,i have no idea okay,something like this,emergency developer mail,that's not important at the moment so i,will keep some dummy data okay so add,admin api in this in this section we are,managing the permissions,uh of the private app,so basically we want to,access everything read and write,all orders i don't know payments,what we have here files draft orders,everything,so that's why i will,choose read and write where we have read,and write then,choose that one if there are only read,access then i will choose read access so,basically i'm going to make sure that i,have access to everything in our,development,so let me just quickly finish this,okay,webhook api,the api version is going to be latest,they are changing the versions very,often actually because,i remember it was,zero four but now it's ten,and there are release candidates even,okay let's choose the latest one,two thousand twenty one and ten,i load this up access your storefront,data yeah access the storefront data as,well i will check this checkbox as well,and save,yep create app,so after creating this app,you can see there will be,api key and api secret key,and i will explain it to you in a moment,let's just wait,if this,app okay it's finished api credentials,save that's it let's go up here,well here's our api key and password,okay so let's go through this uh in,detail okay,uh basically you can use this example,url right here you can see this our api,key,and,if i will show you this password api,password,they concatenated,with this,two values with each other and you can,directly,send a request to this url and get some,response,because,they already mentioned the api key and,password together in this url,so once you send requests,they will take shopify will know exactly,which,store it is,and they will provide proper information,to you,but actually this is not good approach,in my view,so basically we are going to use only,the password field,why not api key,because we can just use only password by,defining custom,shopify header actually,i think it's called x shopify something,like this,and just give value to this header after,that you will be authenticated,authorized,to access your development store data,easily okay,so we don't need that one at this time,so now let's test it by opening the,postman we're going to send get requests,to fetch,the shop details of our development,store,and,to achieve that let's basically just uh,navigate to headers in postman because,we're going to use a custom header that,shopify provides us to interact with our,store store data,and the key for header is going to be x,shopify,access token,then let's just copy our password that,we revealed,copy and paste as a value here,that's it,finally we need,the end point to send request,and basically i,will copy the main url here,paste the end point is going to be admin,um what was that i can't remember now,admin api and then we have to define,version i think 2021,i'm going to go with,a bit a bit older version,oh let's basically just what we selected,in our private app i can't remember,which api version we are using right now,oh we are using the latest okay so it,must be match with the selected uh api,version,from our private app,so let's just um,write here the latest version,so admin api,version then endpoint is going to be,shop.json basically it will give us he,will fetch the details of our shops just,what language we're using currency,locations,all this stuff,okay are you ready in three two one send,well as you say we successfully fetched,the shop details of our development,store,by using shopify access talking header,and the values password that we,generated in our project app,so that's it for this video thank you,for watching and before you go before,you go i have to tell you something,in the next episode i'm planning to,start um,i'm planning to start interacting with,shopify entities,uh which i mean the categories products,orders customers discounts,pages and so on and so forth,all entities programmatically,with python code i'm going to share with,you how you can,for example create product,uh create product image assign,collections product tags as you know the,product is,the most advanced asset in e-commerce,world,and of course the orders as well so,basically just make sure you subscribe,stay connected because you don't want,you won't miss,all these amazing useful stuff that will,boost your career,okay so thank you for watching and see,you around

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