how to edit robots.txt in shopify

How To Edit Robots.txt File in Shopify hello everyone this video i'll be,introducing robots.txt file

Ecommerce TV by Nick

Updated on Feb 08,2023

How To Edit Robots.txt File in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to edit robots.txt in shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to edit robots.txt in shopify

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how to edit robots.txt in shopify catalogs

How To Edit Robots.txt File in Shopify

hello everyone this video i'll be,introducing robots.txt file in shopify,and telling you how merchants can make,their custom add-ons to those files in,their shopify store,uh some some of you know robust txt,file basically contains the rules for,web crawlers which tells them which,pages on your website they should or,should not visit this practically very,important from the seo perspective,so,um,let me show you how to edit the robust,txt file so for this purpose i'll be,using my um,development store,and currently on this store i have i,have a rob 60 page but it's practically,empty there's no particular rules here,so um how do you add the boilerplate,template a robot 60 template you have to,go to online store in your shopify admin,panel,look at basically find your theme and,click on actions and edit code,so once it loads you have to,focus on the template section uh in in,here in this list i do not have a robust,txt file but i can easily create one by,clicking add a new template,and,look for robust.txt,create template,it's all saved now let's go to my,website and refresh it as you can see,here's a boilerplate generic,robust xt file which shop file provides,for all stores,so now the interesting part how we can,edit those sections how we can add our,own custom custom rules here,so there is this page with shopify,released which basically,i'll leave this link in the description,description of the video,it tells you how to add new rules to,your existing group how do you remove,default rule from the existing groups as,well you can,and block certain crawlers from axing,website for example in this case,this rule blocks the disco bot,and,let's copy this um,actually yeah let's copy this rule here,and add it to our,our,current robust txt template,uh let's place it at the bottom here,paste it and saved,done,after refresh we can see that this rule,has been added on the website,and that's pretty much it it's,relatively simple,if you want to,add few other other user agents you,don't want visiting your website you can,just simply,add this rule and change the naming,and,also i would like to,mention one thing in case you have many,custom rules here and you want to go,back to the original,boilerplate plate,robust txt file that shop 5 provides you,want to make sure that before you delete,this file and recreate the template,you want to save this you just just copy,this all the custom code and save it on,your local computer in the in text file,just in case you want to go back,but in my case let's say i want to,delete this rule,let's delete it,refreshing it we'll see it's there's no,rules from now on,and let's recreate a brand new one,robust txt,create template,done,so the custom rule is gone,and i have the most generic,shopify uh,robots.txt file,so this is pretty much it i will leave,all the links where you can read up,about the robust txt files there are,limitations and which you can and you,can cannot do,and,yeah i hope this video was helpful thank,you

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