how to calculate growht percentage monthly revenue shopify

How We Scaled This Shopify Store To 7-FIGURES in 30 Days (LIVE Case Study) what is going on shopify

Jason Wojo

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How We Scaled This Shopify Store To 7-FIGURES in 30 Days (LIVE Case Study)

The above is a brief introduction to how to calculate growht percentage monthly revenue shopify

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How We Scaled This Shopify Store To 7-FIGURES in 30 Days (LIVE Case Study)

what is going on shopify store owners,here is how we take shopify stores from,thirty two thousand dollars a month and,even lower revenue to hitting all-time,record numbers and three x in their,revenue in just 30 to 60 days i'm gonna,be going over all the strategies that we,use for apps funnels,upsells fan and cart recovery rates,content creation creatives ad structure,copy all those things on how we took,this brand from 32k a month to over 96,000 a month which is about 100k a month,within just 30 to 60 days with these,simple principles so first things first,is whenever we look at any business,right and um it doesn't matter what,niche or vertical that you are in you,want to have a couple of things sorted,out so sms,this brand makes a lot of money through,sms we have good conversion rates we,have good average order values um it's,just the last 30 days but it's 17 000,on just 181 orders right,we also build custom landing pages right,and this sms thing is a simple opt-in at,checkout okay so don't get overwhelmed,by this we just simply have people click,the box to check out and they opt-in now,cart loop is really great but i,recommend postscript postscript is going,to allow you to get a lot better results,um because if you know if you've been,watching my challenge videos for the,herald company which by the way right,now my ad account is still down trying,to get it back up,um but we use postscript and we've had,tremendous numbers with postscript so if,we go into my postscript account here,we're going to see probably about over,25 000 in revenue in the last 30 days,exactly 25 767 just from postscript,alone okay and this primarily performs a,lot better than most apps i only have 2,400 subscribers and i'm getting 25 000,in earned revenue so sms is the first,thing second thing is building a really,concrete irresistible offer that will,forever sell,on paid ads so we will take a client's,best-selling products and before i get,into this right we have sms but we also,use clavio for emails clavio allows us,to do another type of you know retarget,slash cold traffic marketing which is we,have sms that's doing blasts you know,handling abandoned carts,having a welcome sequence to sell more,products and upsell them and have to,redirect a trade to check out and then,on top of that we have daily email,campaigns which made her an extra 9 744,over the past 30 days and that's just,from having really good daily campaigns,and automations that are right here so,we set up multiple flows inside claudio,and this goes hand in hand with sms,we're postscript we have browser banner,we have abandoned cart reminder and an,abandoned cart sequence and we also have,a welcome series just like postgre but,we're having email and sms work together,and email and sms working together,should be making you an extra 20 to 30,every single month as those two work,together,and if you're making 80 000 a month,that's an extra 15 000 a month an extra,revenue that's sitting there because,you're not doing daily email and sms so,there's the first thing the second thing,is is,landing pages okay systemizing your,offer streamlining things we took their,her three best sellers which we can,preview each link,we don't send them to product pages on,shopify we send them to custom landing,pages which you might think look corny,or spammy but they convert a lot greater,than regular shopify product pages,because we have copy we have images we,have you know really good custom copy,here with a custom offer we can still,push the pop-ups and we get them to,spend more money because we can,centralize that offer sell bundles and,get them to spend more dollar per,conversion because regular shopify,product page you have one product that's,it they go to checkout they buy here we,are pitching more aov booster based,products where they can spend at that,greatest amount have them buy the bigger,bundle pitch that have a better aov push,the best value here okay we want them to,spend more money we want them to know,there's payment options available at,checkout we want to push the branding we,want to push the faqs and ultimately you,want them to spend more money,here is another best-selling product,okay and this is their big kit for 249,we wrote more copy for this pitched all,the products in it showed the value,showed the benefits of each showed,reviews and had them you know obviously,buy the best value thing which is the,whole kit we also do let them purchase,other products that are minimal to the,entire bundle on these custom landers,okay where they can just pick and choose,which product they want,it just makes more money ultimately,and then we had our third bundle that,she selled really well which was her,pink lip kit so we took three best,sellers made custom landing pages for,them so that the offer is more,centralized we don't send them to,regular shopify product pages because,they can click other things they click,the home button about us contact us,collections shop now they can click all,these different buttons and leave the,site with this we centralize the offer,we only make them take this one thing or,they can leave which helps the,conversion rates be a lot higher,on top of that we also focus on a banner,cart recovery rates so over the past 30,days we've added an extra 6 200 alone,just in recovering abandoned carts with,text card okay and we have a good aov on,this we were able to recover 129 orders,lifetime,which is about 12 000 400 over the past,60 days we made her an extra 12,457,just by having her recovery rates of,abandoned checkouts at a higher rate now,you're probably wondering this is only,tax card how else are you recovering,abandoning cards well,we're getting 50 recovery rates on text,card we're getting seven seven percent,recovery rates off the shop by,automating emails we're also getting,another 10 off cart loop or postscript,we're also getting another 15 off clavio,so we're recovering over 75 to 80 of,abandoned carts so when you look at,shopify,and you go to your analytics and you see,these numbers here right how they were,once down the month before but now we,got our conversion over 2.63,look at her reach checkout sessions,convert is about 50,if you go 30 days before it was,that was terrible that's one-third,now it's 50,because now we're able to recover more,abandoning cards so now we're making our,50 more money just from a couple of apps,and a couple emails and a couple of,texts,okay,now as far as her ads are concerned i,know that's what you all are so excited,to see but here's something you should,really understand is that her brand,doesn't have a big facebook presence but,it has a big instagram one we're using,more instagram leverage to sell we're,also using a lot of before and after,based content i'm going to move my,picture over here but a lot of before,and after based content that is not,pushing before and after we don't say,before and after we just show the,thumbnail,right and we have a video that split,screen here of us showing this before,and after without actually saying it,because we're not hitting personal,attributes we're being compliant okay we,have good ad copy here we're going to,glow with our 24 7 golden glow essential,kit,we're pitching like higher aov products,and we're also targeting value-based,customers not just conversion-based,customers on facebook but value-based,customers we talk about what the kit,includes we don't go into much about,price we don't talk about price in the,ad and then we just have the branch,curiosity and go there another one is,this,consists of the 24 karat gold,we have them show all the products in,the ad this is ugc user generated,content with a good voice over okay it's,good fast paced it hits the attention,span of people right now people don't,have a very high attention span we're,hitting them very quick good transitions,you know cool clips ugc they're ideal,customers shown,we also have other examples here that,are not showing before and afters they,can tell if they're the right customer,this is before and after we're using,tick-tock-based content as well,it's ugc so we're showing real customers,using these products we also have,picture based content,as you can see here,and just really really good copy okay we,show a review in here,okay this is retarding hey we saw you,check this out are you ready to glow,with our blah blah like we're pushing,this essentials kit and also we have,other ones our pink lip kit is doing,this we show reviewing it we talk about,what's included we talk about the offer,get 30 off,right we're always hitting the offer,we're always touching cold traffic so,top of funnel middle of funnel bottom a,funnel so top of funnel is,you know more like cold traffic middle,of funnel bottom a funnel ugc,before and after base content showing,result-driven content that's how we're,able to convert so many people and,that's how we were able to really pump,up our store and if you're wondering,where do i get ugc well,we use apps like billo,billow allows us to get user-generated,content delivered to us so we can get,video ads for top of funnel so video ads,are more for top of funnel brand,awareness based ads that middle of,funnel are testimonials how-to videos,but video ads ultimately are going to be,your top of funnel content testimonials,unboxing videos how to's those are,middle of funnel bottom of the funnel,that's how you kind of finish them,through the conversion,product you know customer journey so i,hope this video helped you out a ton um,yes scaling a brand from 32k a month to,96k a month does require more ad spend,but it's with an optimal process that,has a high roast so i hope this shines,some light before you come brand but i,hope you guys enjoyed this video please,like comment and subscribe and i'll see,you guys in tomorrow's video,you

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