how to build your own store without shopify

How I Made My Online Store FREE | 2022 UPDATED TUTORIAL! (NO SHOPIFY) hey buddy and business family

Baddie In Business

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How I Made My Online Store FREE | 2022 UPDATED TUTORIAL! (NO SHOPIFY)

The above is a brief introduction to how to build your own store without shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to build your own store without shopify

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how to build your own store without shopify catalogs

How I Made My Online Store FREE | 2022 UPDATED TUTORIAL! (NO SHOPIFY)

hey buddy and business family my name is,isabella i am the owner of two six,figure earning online businesses and,today i'm gonna show you guys how you,guys can set up a 100,free zero dollars monthly website for,your online business and by free i mean,zero dollars monthly i built my six,figure businesses using this website,host and i promise you don't have to pay,30 a month for shopify if you're just,getting started this free website host,can work for so many different types of,businesses such as drop shipping regular,ecommerce where you have inventory your,handmade products etc this is perfect,for,anybody that's just trying to sell,something online you don't want to dig,yourself into a financial hole having to,pay every single month for a website,host when you're not even making money,yet and what's even better is that we,can set this up in less than 10 minutes,so let me show you how if you guys are,new to my channel not only do i show you,guys how to get your website set up but,i show you guys how to market your,product successfully without ever paying,for ads and everything else that you,possibly could need on my youtube,channel i have an entire step-by-step,playlist that you guys can watch here to,help you guys jump start your online,business 100,course free never buy courses you guys,everything you ever need educational,wise is on youtube if you're ready to,learn and get your website started smash,that like button down below it really,helps to support my channel and of,course hit that subscribe button as well,so first thing you're gonna do is you're,gonna go to big and you're,going to click sign up right now i'm,just going to create kind of just a,random store for you guys just to show,you guys we're going to pick the free,plan and if you ever want to upgrade in,the future their other plans are very,affordable and still way cheaper than,shopify,so let's go ahead and click on the free,one sign up free,and it says it's free for as long as you,want it to be free which is awesome,so you're gonna put in your email,address,you're gonna create a password and,you're gonna give your shop a name,just for our fake shop today we're gonna,name this meow lip gloss,so just for today's purposes we're gonna,name,our fake shop meow lip gloss,and it already gives you a free domain,so yes it has big cartel at the end of,it but i'll show you guys how you guys,can get rid of that too so let's go,ahead and click sign up so they give you,a checklist as soon as you first log in,they give you a checklist of what to do,so all of this information down here,we're going to just wait to do that,we're going to do the fun part first and,actually create the website which takes,really five minutes to do,um but one thing that i do want to show,you guys is that you don't even have to,put a credit card here like there's you,don't have to like put a card on file or,anything like that because this is not a,free trial it's completely free zero,dollars monthly for as long as you need,so let's go ahead and you guys can see,two it's in maintenance mode so we're,going to leave it in maintenance mode,since we're still working on it so let's,go ahead and then we're going to just,click on design so we can get our,website ready to go for anybody that,wants to view it so first thing we're,going to do is we're going to go to,themes,so you guys can see they give you so,many different free themes that you guys,can use and they have a lot of really,trendy ones too but i personally love to,use things that are simple so we're,gonna find a simple theme to use for our,shop,so let's just scroll down here and you,guys can see there's so many so i really,like the nova theme because like i said,it's just really simple and whenever,people click on your website,it just looks clean and that's just what,i prefer to do,so now that we have our theme picked out,we're going to go over to settings,and you guys can list all of your,socials here once you guys create social,media for your,brand,or website and now we're at the top of,this settings page and we're going to go,ahead and select a header image so you,guys can select or drop an image here so,we're going to click on that so right,here i decided to place the logo for our,shop so this is what our logo is going,to be for our shop and if you guys want,to learn how to make a logo for your,shop to have this little cover image i,have tutorials on my youtube channel so,i'll put that on the upper right hand,corner of the screen for you guys to,click on if you guys want to learn about,how to make a logo for your brand and,for free,you can also make logos and cool,text,header images on an app that's also free,called fonto so i'll list that on the,screen here for you guys so let's go,ahead and find a background image so our,shop looks very um professional and,eye-catching so what i always do is i,just click this plus button i go to,google so i decided to look up a cloud,background for our background for our,site,and sometimes because we don't want it,to look too choppy i'm probably going to,just put repeating and let's see what,comes up,perfect so you guys can see we found a,bunch of different images of clouds,so i'm gonna try to pick one that will,look aesthetic with our new shop so i,think this one's cute so i'm gonna go,ahead and just click save as and we're,gonna save that to our desktop then,let's go back in to our shop and we'll,just click on this all right here's our,cloud image that we,found on google for our background,and you guys can play around with this,as well and depending on what type of,business you have obviously this would,vary or you guys can just put a plain,color pink plain color blue plain color,black or white if you guys like that too,you guys can also add a slideshow here,if you are trying to show off your,product so it will automatically slide,through which is also a really cool,feature so you guys can change all of,the text colors here if you guys want to,and we can keep on going down,and you guys can even add a welcome text,here so you could put something like,welcome to,our shop,as you guys can see there's so many,other little things you guys can play,around here and you guys also have the,ability to add pages so if you guys like,what i have for my website is i have a,shipping page and they even say like,right here like these are examples of,what you could add so if you want to add,your shipping page about you know your,shipping policies if you want to add,your,question and answer pages this is where,you would put it is here and if you need,an example of pages like this you guys,can literally go to any ecommerce,website and just see what they have and,you guys can use that as an example now,that we have our website pretty much,ready to go we're going to go ahead and,just click,in order to take it off maintenance mode,you do need to add a address so you can,put your home address for this section,and this is just for tax and shipping,setting purposes,so now we're going to go ahead and add,some products to our shop so you guys,are going to click on products,then you're gonna click on add a product,so here is the image that i added for my,product now big cartel on the free plan,only allows one photo per product and,you can only have five up to five,products for the free plan although i,think that's all a beginner needs and if,you do need to put several photos here,what you guys can do is create a collage,in that app that i mentioned called,fonto you guys can just create a collage,of four photos and i've done that before,and that worked efficient for me,so here we're going to write our product,name so we're going to write,ice,boba,lip gloss,and then in this description we'll write,what our ingredients are or whatever you,want to specify in this description,then we're going to click on categories,and you guys can manage these categories,if you guys have like different products,so like if you guys carry lip gloss or,if you guys carry lip oils this would,all go here and then you can add that to,whichever one you want so we would just,uncheck the lip oil and put this in the,lip gloss section so then on your,website they'll have two different,categories to shop in,and then you can put your price here so,we're going to charge 8.99 for this lip,gloss,if you scroll down it allows you to add,options so if your lip gloss comes in,two different flavors you guys can put,that here so say if you're doing two,different flavors,strawberry or apple you'll put the,strawberry apple flavor here,so it allows your customer to have two,different options when they're checking,out or if it's different colors of your,products or whatever you're selling,it'll go here,and you can even change the price so if,you need to change the price you can do,that as well if it's like different,sizes and things like that this would,also be like for clothing small medium,and large and if you needed to charge,extra for a small you could change that,here or whatever the case is then you do,not want to forget this part this is the,shipping and if you guys ever need help,they have these little information,things here to help you guys with every,single little um piece of thing to fill,out here,so we're going to ship,this product to the united states and i,have shipping tutorials on my youtube,channel if you guys want to learn about,shipping,make sure you guys go check those videos,out,so,we're gonna charge five dollars and,fifty cents alone for one thing if they,order that one thing i usually leave,with others zeroed out when i actually,go to ship products to ship this one,single lip gloss all this would cost is,really three dollars and sixty cents,around that price to ship anywhere in,the united states but i always charge,550 to cover a few of the other expenses,such as such as the payment processor,fee and then i go ahead and click save,and if you guys want to give discounts,out to your customers you guys can add a,discount here and this is where you can,like give them free shipping or you can,give them like money off their order if,like they order up to 50 there's lots of,different customizations you can do here,which is perfect it's all freaking,included in the plan,so let's go back to products,so right now you've created your website,and your website is right here so even,though you have this dot big cartel,after your business name it still works,just like any other link and i used to,use the link and i still,got sales so don't think that people,won't shop with you if you have this big,cartel at the end but i do have a,tutorial on my youtube channel about how,to add a custom domain if you guys just,want the dot com at the end without the,big cartel and we're still in,maintenance mode right now so whenever,you're ready to make your website live,you're gonna just switch this off and,then your website is live to everybody,else but for right now we're gonna just,see what it looks like for the now so,this is what our website looks right now,it looks really cute once all the,products are added it will look even,better and what's amazing about this is,that this automatically transfers to a,mobile site and the mobile site looks,very clean as well so that's what's even,awesome about big cartel is that when,you're editing the desktop version they,automatically move everything to the,mobile site so you don't have to edit,one desktop site and a separate mobile,type like i've seen with other website,hosts and when you're choosing your,theme going back to the design part when,you're choosing your theme if you ever,really want to check out like how it's,going to look on the mobile site you,guys can always just click on the tips,and examples button underneath the theme,that you're thinking about getting and,they show you what the mobile site looks,like with the desktop site so i really,definitely love that edition,so after your site is set up all of your,analytics will be here so whenever you,get an order you'll see them here you'll,see how much money you're making which i,love this graph i love looking at this,um as soon as i log in to my mobile app,and you're able to see all your,analytics here on your dashboard then,whenever you have an order you'll see,the orders in this section now going,back to products if you're a drop,shipper there's no import you don't need,another app to import drop shipping,products for you all you have to do is,just add the product like we did for,this one copy and paste everything over,from aliexpress or wherever you're drop,shipping from and that's how you're,going to add your drop shipping products,to your drop shipping store if you if,drop shippers want a tutorial about this,i can definitely do one separate from,this tutorial so now for one of the most,important things is connecting the,payment processor so you're gonna go,down to get paid and click set up your,payment options,so you can either have customers check,out with credit cards through stripe or,with paypal they don't have to have a,stripe account to check out with their,credit cards this is just the payment,processor and what it's called and some,people actually prefer to check out with,paypal so i accept both so it will walk,you through each section since i already,have an account for both i can't really,show you guys but i promise it's super,easy to set up each one of these they,walk you through it and if you ever need,help you can basically just call each,one of their helplines if you ever get,stuck or you can comment down below and,i can help you i also go over the taxes,and the legal part of it at the end of,this video if you're interested in,hearing that and this website host also,has an app so every time you get an,order they will alert you on your app,too which is even better a lot of people,that encourage you to get shopify and,buy facebook ads and do all this stuff a,lot of times they are just not really,sure themselves how to instruct you a,lot of those people are just making,money from teaching you and they haven't,actually even had an online business,like a lot of them say so this is,something to look out for and this is,why i teach you guys how to actually you,know start your website for free i show,you guys the best most cost effective,way to do things and to do things and to,keep a high profit margin i only,recommend shopify or wix for businesses,that are already making over six figures,so this is a very controversial subject,that a lot of people have been asking,about in my comment section this is not,legal advice but this is just what i,personally did when i first started with,my online business i wasn't sure if i,was gonna make money from it yet i,wasn't sure if i wanted to keep the,business long term so what i did was i,signed up as a sole proprietorship for,all of these ways that i make money,online today,until i knew that i wanted to keep the,business long term and i was making,consistent money to the point where i,quit my job that was when i got my llc,you guys can still do write-offs as a,sole proprietor it's almost like you're,your own contractor the only reason why,you'd want to get an llc is to protect,yourself the purpose of an llc is to,protect yourself so legally your,business is set up as of this business,and not just you making money from it,yourself but either way me personally i,just started as a sole proprietorship,when you form an llc you have,responsibilities that you have to do,every year and you have to pay to keep,it up i do not recommend getting an llc,until you already start making money,with your business so with the payment,processors that i showed you guys in,this tutorial stripe or paypal they will,send you a form at the end of the year,it's called a 1099 form so you will be,responsible for paying taxes if you make,up to a certain amount this is not legal,advice guys this is just what i did and,i'm just trying to help you guys out,this video is for entertainment purposes,only of course so with that 1099 form,you were able to do write-offs as a sole,proprietor this means that you're able,to write off so many different things,off your taxes and i'll put everything,up on the screen of common write-offs,that you can write off from your,business,i'm going to make a video very very soon,about everything you need to know about,online business and taxes but i hope,this helped to guide you in some way i,see these comments all the time and i,hope i was able to address that with,this but again i will make a video very,soon about everything you need to know,about business taxes legal stuff,everything even though i'm not a lawyer,and this isn't advice or not meant to be,legal advice i do wanted to share with,you guys what i've personally done thank,you guys so much for watching if you,haven't already hit that subscribe,button and like this video so i can,continue to make videos like this for,you guys if you haven't already make,sure you guys head over to my instagram,and follow me on instagram as well for,inspirational online business content,wishing you guys all the best of luck,with your online business ventures and,i'm here for you if you have any,questions or anything comment down below,i try to respond to all of my youtube,comments thank you guys so much for,watching and i'll see you guys in my,next video bye everyone,hold me closer

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