how to best organize your store for seo on shopify

Shopify SEO Tips and Hacks. SEO Checklist. what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify mas

Ecom Masterclass

Updated on Feb 16,2023

Shopify SEO Tips and Hacks. SEO Checklist.

The above is a brief introduction to how to best organize your store for seo on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to best organize your store for seo on shopify

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how to best organize your store for seo on shopify catalogs

Shopify SEO Tips and Hacks. SEO Checklist.

what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be taking a look at SEO tips and hacks,it's gonna be an SEO checklist if you,will for your Shopify store going over,some basic tips to a little more,advanced here so you can make sure that,your Shopify store is ranking nicely in,Google you can set some more organic,traffic which is going to cost you way,less than paying for each click on a,platform such as Facebook before dive,into it I just want to thank our sponsor,proficalp The one-click Profit,calculator app available on the Shopify,App Store it comes with a 15 day free,trial I like to skip those spreadsheets,and get back to Growing your business,and there's a link in the description,below to access that trial there I'm,also going to show a quick video,detailing their full feature set are you,a Shopify business owner who spends,hours doing your accounting have messy,spreadsheets kept you from growing your,business discover profit cap the,affordable and easy to set up Shopify,app that crunches your numbers in just,one click it automatically syncs with,all your accounts and expenses to,calculate your Prof,displaying everything in an easy to read,dashboard so you understand your,business in real time start for free on,the Shopify app store today so let's,dive into SEO tips and hacks here I just,want to say if you're enjoying any of,the content along the way I would love,it so much if you hit that like And,subscribe button below as that really,helps the channel out so let's first,dive into some really easy tips here and,for each of these tips we're going to go,over what they are but some of them will,show you how to do them as well and for,a lot of these tips the best way is,simply going to be used an app on the,Shopify App Store so we'll also go over,the top apps at the end of this video so,you can start to implement some of these,SEO tips and hacks here the first ones,can be really simple you just want a,custom domain for your Shopify store you,don't want the my domain,names this is going to give your brand a,lot more Authority and people will be,more likely to click on your custom,domain you can buy them through Shopify,or there's a ton of other providers here,it's only around 15 a year so it's,definitely worth it there the next One's,Gonna Be Your meta description so it's,gonna be your title tag and your meta,description tags on your website so this,is simply going to be how your Shopify,store is going to appear in the Google,search and so if you want to change it,here just log into your Shopify store go,in the left hand side hit preferences,here then right here is going to be your,title and meta description and you,should be ideally writing this yourself,and targeting specific keywords giving a,good description of your store and when,it sells the next one's going to be,repairing broken links so these are four,or four errors 505 errors so I go to,this test Shopify store here enter in a,URL that is not valid you'll hit 404,page not found now customers may be,going to these links because some of,your links have changed and you haven't,updated where that link was posted so,you can get these errors and these look,bad to Google here as it shows your,website isn't updated properly this can,hurt your SEO rankings in turn and so,we'll go through some apps at the end,here as they make it really easy to find,these links and tell you if customers,are actually clicking on them that can,make it really easy to diagnose and then,repair these broken links here next I'm,going to be all tags so if you're not,sure what all tags are they're gonna be,the caption for your image that Google,is going to read to help categorize that,image all takes are also shown if that,image can't load properly maybe they're,on low cellular service or something,like that and it can load the alt tag,instead so by going to a product here,I'm just going to insert an image so you,can see how to edit the alt tags insert,this image here and right here is going,to be the image alt text so these all,tags are going to make images more,accessible to everyone you're also going,to be shown for people with visual,impairments here making it much easier,for everyone to comprehend what that,image is about especially because many,images are very relevant to what's being,discussed so it's important that,everyone understands what the image is,and so you can just write beach at the,sunset with Surfers or something like,that you simply want to describe the,image here and then once you insert that,you're going to have an ALT tag created,for your image so overall it's quite,easy to add your product images there,are going to be Shopify apps here that,are also going to make it really easy to,add all tags or possibly add them in,bulk automatically so you don't have to,individually go to Every product image,and manually add it all tag there the,next one is going to be optimizing URLs,you want to keep URLs short and sweet,including your target keyword and avoid,unnecessary words like and or the ETC so,if you're in a Shopify product that's,going to be the same one black shorts,you scroll to the bottom you can click,edit on search engine listing and,there's going your page title your meta,description as well as your are handled,so you can optimize what that is going,to say there so this is going to,automatically pull from the product,title so if you have some products,generating a lot of clicks organically,what you can do is optimize this URL,handle so it's easier to read this is,relevant because in search rankings here,the URL is going to show up it's going,to help give the customer contacts on,what they're about to click on key here,if you can optimize what it's going to,say the next one's going to be targeted,product description so when you're,running a product description this is a,really great opportunity not only to,convince the customer that this product,is the correct one to purchase but it's,also going to tell Google what this,product is about and within that you can,do keyword targeting so if you're not,sure keyword targeting is is that if you,know there's a specific keyword that you,want to rank for in Google you can write,your descriptions to help that product,rank for that keyword there are plenty,of tools out there to do keyword,targeting the street tools such as using,Google's Keyword Planner it's going to,give you an idea of the search volume,for certain keywords so you can make,sure you're targeting keywords that you,can actually rank for and then actually,have search volume so if you're adding a,product description on your Nike shoes,you let's say you're selling you can,maybe optimize those keywords for Nike,shoes maybe it could be Nike High Tops,Nike Air Force Ones something along,those lines if a customer searches for,that product your product description is,going to be optimized to help rank for,it the next one's gonna be internal,links so internal linking is going to,help Google understand what your site or,how your site is navigated you can link,to other parts of your website within,your website so let's say you're a blog,post you can link to specific products,that are relevant you can link to your,about page this is going to be on top of,the navigation menu setup in your,Shopify store so if you go to your,products here I'm going to scroll down,to the online store hit blog posts click,on an old blog post I did hear there's,just a random blog post let's say I want,to add a link to a product I can insert,a link quite easily highlight the text,scroll up to insert link here click on,that and then I can link to different,parts of my website making it really,easy to link link these items within,your Shopify store next let's take a,look at product reviews and these are,going to be amazing for SEO they're,gonna have higher CTR for your links to,your click-through rate and they're,going to show that your content is real,and that customers enjoy it they like it,so it's be very key that you're,collecting product reviews not only for,social proof but also for SEO and so you,can use many different apps here on,Shopify there's look soapto shopify's,their own review app but you should be,collecting product reviews from day one,and SEO is just something that product,reviews help with amongst many other,things so last I want to look at here is,targeted blog posts so if you're,creating targeted blog posts around,content that you can rank for so let's,say you're a barbecue store and you sell,barbecues you write a ton of content on,how to use barbecues how to clean,barbecues how to cook the best recipes,if these posts start to rank in Google,that's going to boost your overall,domain Authority they could get your,external links it's going to tell Google,and Google is going to figure out that,this Shopify store has a higher ranking,so with your higher domain Authority you,can start to rank for more keywords,bringing more organic traffic blog posts,are great too because they're more,informational than just simply your,product it's not just shouting at the,rooftops buy me buy me buy me it's,here's relevant information then you can,subtly link your products here we're,going over quite a few really good it,blogs on our YouTube channel so make,sure you check that video out lastly,let's look at the reasons why you should,be using an app not for auto-generated,tags robots sitemap files can notify you,about broken links and it's going to,help you rank for targeted keywords as,we search SEO on the Shopify App Store,there's a ton of apps here some focusing,on different things some focus on speed,others focus on image optimization other,ones focused on broken links good ones,for an all-in-one here are SEO King by,engage app so it's an all-in-one Google,search SEO tool for your pages and,photos so it's going to help you,optimize your SEO ranking resize and,compress photos it's also going to use,artificial intelligence to add popular,keywords to your photo file names and,all tags to supercharge your image,rankings through and over how you don't,want to be really doing it manually it,can take a long time so it's best to use,an app here so you can manage your SEO,keywords with this app resize compress,images scan your shop for valuable data,rank higher Google images with AI as,well as optimize your whole shop in just,one click so making that process really,easy there these apps are most likely,just utilize the tips went over today,amongst other things there so there's a,free plan here and it goes all the way,up to 19 a month depending on what,you're optimizing and what you're,looking for and overall it's an,excellent rating with 4.7 stars and 721,5 Star reviews next we'll just take a,look at SEO image Optimizer page speed,it's really trying to rank for those,keywords there how to increase your page,speed optimize your store for SEO in,just one click and this can make,everything Google search friendly so all,tags your Json data here meta tags site,Maps it's going to follow Google best,practices there's a completely free plan,as well and the paid plan is 29 a month,depending on what you're looking for and,how many products your store has but,overall sitting at a really nice 4.9,stars with over 2 300 five-star reviews,so this concludes a video on SEO tips,and hacks if you enjoyed this video I,would love it if you hit that like And,subscribe button below if you have any,questions leave a comment and I want to,mention our sponsor profaccalc again the,one-click profit calculator app,available on the Shopify App Store and,there's a link in the description below,to access a 15 day free trial so you can,test drive everything out for yourself,thank you so much for watching and I'll,see see you in our next video

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