how to add spin wheel to website shopify


Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Feb 22,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how to add spin wheel to website shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add spin wheel to website shopify

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how to add spin wheel to website shopify catalogs


hey guys happiness here welcome back to,my channel and this channel is all about,different shopify's tutorial small,businesses tips as well as,entrepreneurship in general so if this,is your very first time in my channel,hey there welcome so in today's video i,am going to be showing you guys how you,can go ahead and add julio on your,shopify store the process is very easy,very simple and quick so basically,william is one of the most powerful,pop-up apps that you can go ahead and,add it on your shopify store and this,can help you to interact with customer,very very quickly very easy and the app,is very friendly and it can help you to,boost your email at least and make it,grow tremendously so william is one of,the best shopify pop up that you can go,ahead and add it on your shopify store,so you can increase your sales as well,as grow your email list so i am going to,show you guys how you can go ahead and,add it on your shopify store so you can,increase those sales and so before i,jump into this video please don't forget,to give me a big big thumbs up subscribe,on my channel for more tutorials like,this leave me a comment down below and,let me know what you think about today's,tutorial and yeah without further ado,let's jump in today's tutorial so here,we are on our shopify store home page,and now i am going to show you how you,can go ahead and add wheelier on your,shopify store so to go ahead we are,going to go on our left hand side you,will see there are so many things but we,will go up here on the apps and click it,so once we are here we can go ahead now,and click customize your store it's,going to take a little bit of time,now we are on the shopify app stores so,we can go ahead on the search bar right,over here,type weight layer so we can go ahead and,download the app,so i am going to go ahead and type well,here,and see okay now there is a william here,and as you can see there are so many,different types of william and some of,them they are paid and some of them they,are free,um so,pretty much we can see this one the,williamspin pops up this one has only,seven days free trial and the wool spin,pop-up this one has a free plan,available so you can go ahead and pick,which one you want,um let me go ahead and click this one,the one with the free plan available so,let's go ahead and click it,okay i'm gonna click it and then,we can go ahead and add it so click add,so this one has a 14 free days trial now,so now we are ready to install the,william on our shopify store so,click here install up,and it's going to start installing,itself and here we have different,packages so there is a free trial there,is a basic one that you can go ahead and,pay 7.99 per month,there is an advanced uh package um 14.99,and the per 29.99 per month so all of,these they have,different um,advantage,so as you can see this one has like a,unique coupons email validation and,designs uh customization,so you can go ahead and give it a try,for this one um but it has limitations,and this one you can go ahead and pay,for month and you can utilize all of,these okay so go ahead and pick what you,want so for now i'll go ahead and pick,the free one,so now we are on the wilyo app so there,are,three different types of campaign you,can pick so let's say if you want to,create a game and then you can reveal,the coupon or you want the wheel and so,your customer can spin the wheel and,then they can get the coupon code oh,this one they you can just go ahead and,review the coupon so let's go and click,preview,right over here your logo will be over,here,and then um you can tell your customers,like for example this one is saying you,want to unlock today exclusive discount,then go ahead and enter your email to,reveal your special offer and once you,put your email you can go ahead and spin,the wheel so your customer will go ahead,and spin the wheel,and so let me let me go ahead and um,put one of the email,okay,and then you can,start the wheel so,you can start it,and then the wheel will just stop by,itself and then you'll get a discount,you got 10 percent off so this is how,you can build your relationship with,customers but using the william um spin,okay so let's go and preview the other,one let's preview this one the wheels of,coupon pretty much you'll give your,customer a different coupon so let's say,if they want like a free shipping or a,20 discount,um 30 discount buy one get one free like,different types of coupon so again you,can go ahead and put the email and then,you can try to spend it,and we can see what we want so,your customer will get the buy one get,one free and they'll get a card and they,can click here to start shopping that's,how it works like that and now let's go,and preview this one,so pretty much,um,this will be very good as well so let's,say if your customers are new and they,this will be their first time to shop on,your shopify store you can go ahead and,use this one so they can go ahead and,reveal their discount so first of all,they'll put their email address and then,they'll reveal their discount and here,we are they're gonna get their discount,okay so yeah guys this is how you can go,ahead and utilize the william apps on,your shopify store so you can create a,really good relationship with your,customers as well as collecting and,growing your,email list so if you like today's video,please don't forget to give me a big,thumbs up and let me know what you think,about today's video and if you want me,to go ahead and show you how you can go,ahead and customize your wheelie or your,shopify store let me know down below on,the description and i'll show you how,you can go ahead and customizing it and,add it all in your shopify store so it,can be ready to be used by your,customers so yeah don't forget to give,me a big thumbs up subscribe on my,channel and i'll see you guys on the,next video

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