how to add chat with us on shopify

How To Setup Shopify Chat On Your Store hey guys,christian here and today i'm going to,share with yo


Updated on Jan 29,2023

How To Setup Shopify Chat On Your Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to add chat with us on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add chat with us on shopify

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How To Setup Shopify Chat On Your Store

hey guys,christian here and today i'm going to,share with you how to set up shopify,chat in your store and i'm going to show,you how to quickly share messages and,discounts via chat,let's get started let's get started,all right the first thing that we want,to do here is go to shopify store,go to apps,we're going to add an app and then in,here we want to search for shopify,checked,it's probably going to be the first one,because it looks like this says shopify,chat by shopify it's absolutely free,click on that,add,give you a bunch of stuff,add sales channel so this is a little,bit different than your typical app it's,actually going to show up underneath,your sales channels so you'll see that,once it loads over here,it will be right underneath for me it's,going to be underneath facebook but it's,going to show you the appearance and,faqs typically apps show up under the,apps tab right here but for this one,it's different all right,so the first thing that we want to do,here is obviously it's gonna give you,this message that says shopify ping is,required so we're gonna go to shopify, it's gonna open up a new tab,and we're gonna hit log in with shop,five,here we're gonna click on that one,we're gonna do a little bits treat,so we already did that step i'm gonna,close that tab,all right,now that we have that set up i'm gonna,go back over here i'm gonna refresh this,page,all right so now that it recognizes that,we've actually logged in through shopify,ping,then we can actually change the,appearance here so the appearance it's,going to be pretty simple basic features,you can change the button style so you,can click on this one chat with us or,your most typical chat bubble with the,circle you can click on the position you,want it on the left or the right of your,of your website and then this will give,you a little preview on how that will,look,and at the very bottom here you have the,button color we absolutely highly,recommend that you change the color to,match your brand's color so you can do,that by putting in the hex code color or,come into something pretty close and,similar right over here i'm gonna,actually leave it black i like that,and then the last thing is the welcome,message again you can leave this default,one but we highly recommend that you,just insert a little bit of your brand's,tone of voice um and,pizzazz in there right flash pizzazz so,hello let's just do for us,bark,right because we're a dog company,let us know if you have a specific,question or give an idea of what you're,looking for we have to make,recommendations i love that we're going,to click save,there we go now i want to test this,experience so we're going to click right,here text,experience and this will show us how,this actually looks so if you see right,here on the right hand side you see a,little bit streets it says park uh let,us know if you have specific questions,you can actually add emojis in there,that'd be kind of cool so message us i,can say something like hello before we,get started this is what the customer is,going to see once they,uh start chatting with you here so i'm,going to do this number,start chat,after you put the phone number which is,going to be blurred out you're going to,be able to text me so don't try to do,that uh hello,i need help,now how does that look on your end so,there's two ways to really look at your,messages one is gonna be through going,through the tab right shopify,and once you log in you will see all,your messages in here so that's the way,to do it on desktop,so you see click right here we'll see,that this phone number,says hello i need help,yes,we got you,bark,bark,then back to our website that's how they,see yes we got you barkbark they got the,message pretty cool huh before we move,on i just want to say welcome to,everyone new my name is christian pinon,one of the co-founders here at,bitbranding we've been helping,frustrated stroke owners since 2015,become impactful store owners tutorials,tactics and strategies now the one way,that you can support our channel and us,is by subscribing and turning on,notifications that will help us out a,lot now going back to the shopify chat,sales channel over here one thing that i,forgot to mention is that you can,disable and enable this pretty easily by,clicking disable or enable so let's say,that you're,going on vacation your whole staff is,taking you know the whole week off or,the whole weekend off and you don't want,necessarily for customers to start,chatting with you and you're not there,available to help them i would,absolutely disable this for the time,being and then re-enable it when you,come back it's super easy just clicking,that button on and off will turn that,chat button also a quick reminder that,this chat if you install it and you,haven't launched your store yet let's,say as a password protected page it will,still work on that password protected,page so you can still communicate with,your customers even if your store is,necessarily live yet for them ready to,shop essentially hey don't forget that,at the end of this video i'm going to,show you how to create quick responses,and how to easily give your customers,discounts through the chat if you're,enjoying this video then you'll want to,check out our latest which is breaking,down very popular shopify stores click,here to watch that all right so the next,step here is to add shopify ping to your,phone,we're gonna go to the app store,we're gonna search for shopify,ping,and it's gonna be at the blue one,i'm gonna click on get,install,we're going to go ahead and open the app,and then in here it's going to tell you,to log in with shopify we're going to,click that,continue,and we're going to put our shopify,credentials here,and then if you have multiple stores,under that email account you're going to,select obviously the one that we've been,working on which is littlebitstreets,we're going to allow notifications and,there we go we have our chat right here,live we have the phone number and then,we can continue the conversation on your,mobile and go back and forth between the,desktop and mobile if you're on the go,hello,pretty cool,now something that i do want to share,with you is how to make the quick,replies and share,discounts right with the customers so,we're going to go to the store tab here,at the bottom,and we're going to click on quick,replies now quickly replies already has,a few preset in there already so we have,grading we have order products things,let's say that we get a lot of questions,regarding uh the returns policy for,example so in that case we can actually,add a quick reply to this so we can,click on the plus button and then the,shortcut let's say,let's call it shopify dash,return,and then the message,actually i have a message pre-built over,here on my notes yeah i'm going to copy,this,oops right there yep,copy go back over here and i want the,message to say all that,i'm going to save it,so that means now that if i go to this,conversation over here and i type start,typing in,returns,wait,shopify,dash,return,right there return without yes and it,will show the quick message right there,so all we have to do is tap on that and,click send it would automatically type,everything out for you and send it,all right so the last thing that i told,you you can do here is share discounts,with your customers via the chat so if,you see on this conversation right here,the top bottom buttons on the left hand,side the third one right here has the,discount if you don't have any discounts,then they won't show up here i have one,that's dog's rule five percent off your,entire order i can tap on that and share,that discount with the customer whenever,they click that link it will,automatically apply at checkout because,it's actually pretty cool and then,an extra bonus for two bonuses right,here,if you want to,share a particular product with this,person that you're chatting with then,you can click on that tag button and it,will give you the list of all your,products so you can actually click on,the product,and again share that link directly with,them so it's actually pretty pretty cool,if you're trying to help a customer,through you know picking a product for,them or for someone else,you can actually share with the exact,lengths of the actual product and,actually you can share images right you,can take a photo or share an image from,your footer library on your phone a,couple other things that you can do is,add team members to help you with the,chat process if you have a lot of you,know people message you missing you,through chat,but overall great experience for your,customers to just be in tune right,what's going on with your store you're,also able to just help them almost,instantaneously right anyone that's,chatting through your website you'll be,able to help them on your phone which is,pretty cool don't forget to leave a,comment down below if you have any,questions about this process or want to,learn more about how to use these tools,for your store,if you stuck around this long you're,probably someone who wants to know the,keys to ecommerce growth and success in,the long term since i know that's,probably you otherwise you would have,clicked away then you need to check out,our free training on the five pillars,that must be in place to grow and scale,profitably your online store all right,guys thank you so much for watching i,want to hear from you again leave some,comments down below like this video,subscribe it will greatly greatly help,us see you on the next one,you

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