how to add calendar to shopify

How To Add Appointment Booking System Calendar on Shopify Free (Tutorial 2023) welcome everybody int

Tech Express

Updated on Feb 11,2023

How To Add Appointment Booking System Calendar on Shopify Free (Tutorial 2023)

The above is a brief introduction to how to add calendar to shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to add calendar to shopify

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How To Add Appointment Booking System Calendar on Shopify Free (Tutorial 2023)

welcome everybody into this new Shopify,video tutorial in this video Let's Take,a look how we can add a planner a,calendar booking into our Shopify store,so there's actually two ways that we can,do this but I'm going to be showing you,just the one way that it's actually,really really simple because the other,option is to actually add that into the,edit page and adding a lot of code but,since we are just starting with the,Shopify store and we want to do things,uh more easier we just don't want to,print out our own ideas right so let's,get started what we want to do is to,sign into our Shopify store we do,already have this opened so if you don't,have the account if you don't have a,store already set it up you'd have to,worry about that I'm going to leave it a,link Down Below in the description guys,so you can get a up to 15 days of the,Shopify and see all the elements that,connect can be connected into your own,store so what I want wants to do here is,stew after I signed in I'm going to see,my dashboard I don't want to be focusing,in here into the setup guide what I want,to do is to follow the app section so in,here what I want to do first of all is,to go into all the applications and I,want to go into directly into the,Shopify App Store uh here into the,Shopify App Store there are a lot of,applications that can be helping us to,improve the quality of our store but in,today's video I want to focus into the,search bar if you want to find an,application that can fold all you need,you just need to tap into a specific,keyword for example here want to go for,the booking,applications something like that so I'm,going to head into enter,now I do have this different options,where I can um add for example here I,have the easy point with booking,I have the easy appointment booking for,probable commas I have typo or typo and,I do have a lot of options but here I'm,going to be focusing into these two,applications that I already knowed how,to be worked on if you want to check it,out like there are so many ways to just,want to want to make sure that it says,free plan available because you don't,want to pay for more options right so,I'm going to be focusing here into the,easy appointment booking then I want to,choose the add app,so this is going to be redirecting into,the requestment section to connect your,store into the easy Point booking I'm,going to be closing this and choose,install application now we do have,access into this application if you go,into the apps here is the easy,appointment booking you can append that,to your Navigator if you wanted to and,then I'm going to be closing this for a,second and choose create your first,event so select a product that you want,to take appointments for if you don't,have any product you can create a new,product so what we want to do is to,create use the new product just to start,here to making bookings and all that so,I'm going to go into add your products,and in here I'm just going to tap,something like example file one,example one and then what I want to do,is to put a small price,and here into safe let's see if there's,something that I needed to create my,product as you can see has been created,successfully so once again into your,applications open your easy Point mid,booking so what I want to do is to,create my first event select a product,here is my example file,let's say that this is like a service,that you want to provide to your,customers so I'm going to go into ad,and here it says create an event for and,this is the name of your service or your,product or whatever you're selling into,your store just use that option and,what's going to happen here is the,dashboard of the event so here into the,event name we want to change our name,let's say for example booking for,a sample client,here we have some variant uh this is,just for,different tools or different products,that you might be have a variant I do,only have one option so you don't have,to be worrying about that team,availability this is something that can,be added as you have more slots that,work with your schedules so since we are,only one person here we want to be,focusing in here but if you want to add,a new availability let's say for example,uh we want to focus into the person,who's going to be managing here the,the appointment so the first name of,this one let's say this is Tom uh term,hacks and then the email here is the,phone number and contact linked,um the location,the where you want to make this catch,wall and here as you can see on Mondays,Tuesdays you can customize this as you,wanted to,and then you can go into set your,specific hours,so you can add those for example I have,an override that it's not available,and then if you want to connect the,Google Calendar you can do that but you,need a pro fetcher a pro feature but I,don't want to focus in here I think it's,more than enough that I have the easy,point section so I just want to go into,safe,and once I have that option what I want,to do you want to Define how long the,appointment will be let's say that it's,going to be up to 60 minutes,and maximum number of the chains I'm,going to choose only one the buffer time,sometimes the buffer goes into five to,ten minutes I'm gonna get into 10.,and here you can input the event details,of your own appointment,after that you can see the notes if you,want to add notes for your customer you,can see the location here into the,location you can add a personal location,and you can add this into a Google,Calendar invitation so if the Google,Calendar invitation is synced to this,section is going to be enabled and if,this is just like a zoom call something,like that you can just avoid this and,paste the custom link form from your,Google meet or your Zoom or whatever,you're going to be using and here we,have the customer booking options so you,can choose on a specific date just in,case that you already took an,appointment I can select and install,today here or starting today and we can,allow the customer to book anytime until,I explicitly disable the event,until a specific date until specific,number dates into the future so I do,want to focus into the second option add,in here,let's say I want to focus into eight,days into the future,do you need lead time before a customer,book with you here's how many times you,prefer uh to prepare before booking,let's say just 20 minutes the checkout,options I don't require to check out to,confirm the booking and discount is,going to be looking at a customized,appearance we can see week by week or a,monthly calendar you want to just focus,in here kind of looks like uh more,professional,and here you can enable the,notifications if you just want to stick,around with all the notifications of,your customers and all that you can go,into saved and publish this email,I'm going to just wait a few seconds,and then what's going to happen here,that the booking has has been published,so what I want to do is to take a look,into my store just to make sure,everything looks right so as you can see,here is the example file here's the,store uh as you can see it appears is,sold out because I put that into,calendar of today and here you can,choose select a time and here is going,to be appearing our sections our files,our event details let's say that I,choose this option at 2 pm and I can,choose book now,and the person just need to first email,last name phone and confirm the book you,can use Easy Peasy guys so hopefully,guys it was a very useful video for you,don't forget to like And subscribe to,the channel if you want to see more,about this uh applications for Shopify,good luck with your store thank you for,watching this video and I'll see you,next time

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