how do i use chat support in shopify admin

How To Contact Shopify Support Chat + Where Else To Get Help (Free & Paid) so recently i noticed tha

Ed Codes - Shopify Tutorials

Updated on Mar 11,2023

How To Contact Shopify Support Chat + Where Else To Get Help (Free & Paid)

The above is a brief introduction to how do i use chat support in shopify admin

Let's move on to the first section of how do i use chat support in shopify admin

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how do i use chat support in shopify admin catalogs

How To Contact Shopify Support Chat + Where Else To Get Help (Free & Paid)

so recently i noticed that people are,finding it difficult to contact the,shopify,chat support,um,and i thought i'd make a quick video on,how to do that so first i'm on the, shopify help center,website and i'm going to scroll all the,way down to the bottom and click contact,shopify support,it won't take me immediately to the chat,because they want to make sure that you,don't have any dumb questions basically,you can either log in or you can,continue without logging in there's no,difference really,first they're gonna bring you to this,screen,and again there's no chat link,so i'm just gonna write like,product reviews or something like just,something random,and then we'll see this button get,support okay i'm going to click continue,and then finally i'm at this screen,where i can open the chat screen so if i,click chat with us,i'll uh put my name in,and then i'll click chat with us,and it'll open,the chat screen,okay,so that's it,i'm gonna close that immediately,so guys shopify chat is great i would,say that it's one of the biggest,benefits of shopify as compared to other,platforms like i don't know wordpress,for example people coming from wordpress,forget that they can actually that,they're actually paying for service with,shopify and so,shopify support will actually help you,get things done on your store it's not,like just a free platform like wordpress,so you should definitely use that um but,shopify support does have,limitations it does have things that are,out of scope so uh i'm on this page,support for themes on the shopify help,center,and they talk about,what they actually help with so mostly,that's going to be the free themes from,shopify,they've got a list of themes that they,can help you with,and,they say that it's on a case-by-case,basis right so it's very hard to explain,in one page or it's hard for me to,explain in this video exactly what they,can help with or what they can't help,with basically you just need to contact,them and find out,what's interesting is that they help you,with up to one hour i believe that's,what i saw just now,in 15 minute increments,that's right,if you're on the basic shopify plan or,higher then you can use up to 60 minutes,of complementary design support used in,15 increments i'm not sure if that's,like 60 minutes a month or like in total,but basically shopify support does have,its limitations,so,what do you do,uh,when you need help with something else,so if you have a paid theme,if you bought a theme from a theme,developer,here i am on a theme store,and we see the retina theme it's a very,popular theme and it's made by out of,the sandbox okay so this is the theme,developer,and this is the second place where you,can go for,support,i'm going to click,here and open up,the developers website,and so they will have support links they,have a help center,they have where they have information,about the various themes um and,they do have a chat,yeah they do have a chat and they do,help but,their help is also limited so they're,not going to help if you want to do,something custom with the theme,what they help with is it's kind of like,a warranty it's kind of like,they guarantee that everything works on,their theme everything that's supposed,to work right,but they're not going to help you if you,want to make their theme do something,else something that they didn't build it,to do right if they're custom,modifications,so in this case,you might need the help of a developer,and i'm going to talk about that a,little bit later okay so the other thing,i wanted to talk about was if you need,help with an app if you're having,trouble with either installing an app,or if you're having trouble with getting,an app to work in some kind of unique,situation,you can contact,app developers,right you can contact the company that,makes the app so judge me product,reviews is made by judge me,and,every app on the shopify app store,will have links down here,where you can contact the app developer,you have the developer website you have,the email and you also have a link like,get support through shopify,this is really underrated actually a lot,of my clients so i'm a developer and a,lot of my clients will contact me about,an app not working properly or they are,not able to install it properly or,something like that,um,and i always tell them have you tried,contacting the app developer,because,the app developer wants you to keep,using their app right for as long as,possible even if it's a free app they,want you to use their app okay,um and they're gonna help you,make it work,so there have been many times,when an app developer has gone above and,beyond to help me or to help my clients,get something done on their store things,that i would think are out of scope for,that app but you know they were happy to,help because they just want you to keep,using their app,which is very cool so that's another,free option for getting help,um with your shopify store if it,concerns an app that is probably all for,the free options,now,in many cases you're going to need a,developer i'm sure that many of you know,about shopify experts shopify experts is,the official place,to get help with shopify,so i'm just going to search for a,service here theme customization like,custom theme development for example,um and we'll see a list of experts that,can help you with this you can filter,them by country so you can find someone,local,yeah it's pretty good it's built into,your shopify admin so you can actually,hire them directly from like when you,log into your shopify store,um,and it's pretty easy the only thing is,it might not be the best for like very,small jobs,i think most shopify experts are like,design agencies um or larger companies,there may be some freelancers as well,but they're mostly i think looking for,bigger jobs,and if you just need,a bit of help with something small,it may not be the best option the best,option might be a different company,called,store tasker so this is also a very,popular company that um,that was partnered with shopify for a,long time,shopify actually used to direct people,here,um and i think that they they still do,often,um so these guys specialize in small,tasks,so things that like take an hour or less,they can do bigger things as well,but like their specialty is just,small tasks and i think it's around 70,dollars,is like,one small task i think that takes around,one hour and,their,uh turnaround time is supposed to be,very quick as well so you can get things,done,um you know like the next business day,and there is another company that is,very similar to store tasker and it's,called task husky,and,yeah i think the idea is the same they,do small tasks they um they get it done,really quickly they have like a,streamlined process for you to get a,quote um and i think it's just a bit,cheaper than store tasker so they've got,tasks starting from 39,and guys if you do end up using store,tasker i would really appreciate if you,use the link,in the description of this video,because they will give me a small,commission for the referral and that's,what lets me,make these videos that's what lets me,spend time making these kinds of videos,last thing i want to show you is upwork,and fiverr,so these are freelance marketplaces,they're not targeted towards shopify,specifically,they're just places where you can find,freelancers and you can find all types,of freelancers you know developers,designers,copywriters marketers whatever when i,started my freelance career i actually,used to work on both of these platforms,uh and i've always i've also hired,people from these platforms so,uh you know i know it from both sides,so here,you can find,a very good quality developer a designer,but you can also find,a lot of people that are just calling,themselves,developers or designers but they don't,actually have the experience it's,probably a bit harder,to find someone,that is good,like you have to filter through a lot of,people,and maybe test a few people but when you,do find someone,it's possible that they may become your,developer or designer for a long time,it's also quite affordable,so here's the thing when you,when you use shopify experts or when you,store tasks or something like that you,pay a fixed price,for a task whereas with upwork for,example,you can start an hourly contract with a,freelancer and so they have this timer,and,they only track time,when they're doing work for you and this,can be very cost efficient,so,if you've only got like a couple of,hours of work per month but it's like,something that you need help with often,like you might need help every week but,only like 20 minutes or so,that can be uh the best option for you,you know through upwork you can have a,developer who just tracks even just 10,minutes i have clients who i just track,10 minutes of work for occasionally when,they need my help and it's not a problem,at all i just turn on the timer do the,work for them and then turn it off and,it's very cheap for them as well and,it's easy for me,that's that's why upwork can be a good,option,now let's talk about fiber,fiber is interesting because it works in,the opposite way from like a traditional,job board so on upwork people post jobs,like you post a job and then a,freelancer will apply to that job right,whereas on fiverr it's the other way,around,freelancers post gigs or like the,services that they're offering to do,and then you can browse these gigs and,see what interests you like what you,might need you can obviously search for,like the service you're looking for,but also you might find a service that,you never thought about you never knew,existed and they're also,very clearly priced like you know how,much you're gonna pay right away on,fiverr,you're also gonna have to filter a lot,you know you're gonna have to think,about,if you're actually gonna get a good,service from,from this person and if this service is,is for real,or do they just want your money you know,overall fiverr is is gonna be a lot,cheaper a lot lower level of english for,example like communication is gonna be a,lot worse,um there's like there's also some risk,because with fiverr you buy the gig like,you pay for it,and then they deliver the work,so,like there's a certain level of risk you,can dispute if the work was done well or,not but you probably don't want to get,into that,um i would recommend using fiverr for,things that are very small and,straightforward right so an example of,something small and straightforward,might be a bug fix right so these guys,are offering to fix a bug starting at 18,euro um,and a bug might be something that just,on your store is supposed to be working,but it's not okay so like the price,isn't showing up correctly the sale,price isn't showing correctly i don't,know maybe an image slider isn't working,something small and very specific that,you can describe in just a couple of,sentences,that would be a good task maybe for,fiverr guys i'll just summarize where,you can find help with your shopify,store firstly you're gonna check the,shopify support chat they will help you,up to one hour and this is for themes,that are supported by them so usually,the free themes,if you've got a paid theme so you bought,a theme,from the shopify theme store they're,made by a developer like pixel union or,out of the sandbox you can contact them,but they will mostly help you if it's,the case of a bug in the theme like,something's meant to be working but it's,not but they won't help you with custom,modifications okay,and,another option is,contacting app developers that's if you,have a problem with an app so those are,the three options,now out of the paid options you of,course have shopify experts this is best,for medium to large tasks or for example,setting up a brand new store or,completely redesigning your store,and that's something that i would use,shopify experts for for small tasks you,have store tasker and task husky they're,pretty similar they've got very fast,turnaround and like a fixed,uh like a fixed price for a certain size,of task,and then you have freelance marketplaces,like upwork and fiverr,the advantage of upwork is it has this,hourly option so if you find a developer,you like you can start an hourly,contract with them and then they will,just track time whenever,you need them to do something and it can,be something like very small and they,can just track 10 minutes if it's,something that only takes 10 minutes,and there are fixed rate projects as,well on upwork,and fiverr the advantage of fiverr is,that you can browse gigs that people are,offering you can browse services,that you never even knew existed and it,might be very interesting,you might find something that will,actually help your business that you you,never thought about,but be very skeptical,guys i hope you found this video helpful,if you're gonna use any of the services,that i talked about please check the,video description,and use the links from there i would be,very grateful because that's what lets,me make these videos and if you have any,questions about any of the services i,talked about,or if you want me to make a video on,another topic just leave a comment let,me know best of luck see you guys next,time

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