how come shopify live view is not working

Make $5K+ a day easily | Shopify Store Live view hey hey come roll how's it going I'm,doing really g

Authentic Ecom Expert

Updated on Mar 18,2023

Make $5K+ a day easily | Shopify Store Live view

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Make $5K+ a day easily | Shopify Store Live view

hey hey come roll how's it going I'm,doing really good with my sister as you,can see like we got about 5 K in sales,with brand new store guys and I just,actually you know creating a lot of,videos with these Turkish like this is,really a good store that is getting a,lot of a lot of lot of success guys to,be honest and I just killed it to 5k at,a and which is crazy as you can see like,insane six out to carats rechecking out,three purchase and we got like 57 orders,and like $5,000 maybe maybe we're gonna,hit 6 km cuz like we have sometimes like,you know yeah two more hours to go so,we're gonna make you know a few sales so,I think it's gonna be 6k so which is,crazy guys if I go to my dash board as,you can see like today we made like 5k,and also like yesterday if I go to,yesterday it was like you know something,around 4k yeah so it was like 4k and and,I'm just telling it like you know just,count like crazy cuz like very we're,getting some good amount of money and to,be honest like you know the average,adder average all the valley is like $76,so which is crazy I'm like you know if I,go to the last seven days and show you,how much we are making okay its last,seven days we made like $21,000 guys and,just you know eight hundred eight,thousand you know shishun so our okay so,our you know cost per purchase is like,you know around twenty to twenty-five,dollar which is good and we have a good,profit margin like you know these week,we made like over about how much like,you know,we were spending like $1 so 7004 okay so,we made like more than $7,000 in profit,in these seven days,she's crazy guys Wow,because we are spending like you know,$1,000 and product cost is like you know,$1,000 as well so we have a profit,margin oh like $7,000 in just seven days,which is cool guys and average higher,bellies in it is six dollars returning,customer is one point nine eight percent,which is good to be honest so it's not,bad to be honest like you know today is,like mmm okay this is lost seven days,not including today's so if I include,today and today 225 it should be more,than that guys okay so so it's 26 K in,sales in just like eight days or,something and 10,000 visitors with God,just crazy guys we still think like you,know it's pretty much possible to make,money if you know the correct way to do,it guys so I I don't know like what do,you think like you know it's a niche,store that I'm working with right now,and it's pretty much possible like if,you don't know like how to work with,this you can just get in touch with me,and I will actually try to show you and,also like you know we have two hours to,go today and we're hitting some insane,results today and another checking out,guys we're gonna get sick another sale,for sure okay cold so it was good like,you know it was really good like this is,changing okay we got another sale we,just crazy guys he's this really crazy,guys cuz like I have never actually you,know I'm never thought of like I'm gonna,get like a lot of result with my,students or I don't know like he's doing,really well and he's really happy with,the result that he is gay,is like he spent like you know only 1k,to learn everything how to do and all,these stuffs and I thought I mean I told,him everything like step by step and now,he is just like me you know he has all,the knowledge of how things works things,doesn't work and stuff like that so I,think if you are having you know travel,or something like that you know with the,Recon business I think you should ping,me because like I will be able to help,you guys and that's all for today,because like I don't want to make a,landing video for you guys make sure to,subscribe to my channel and like my,video follow me on Facebook and I really,appreciate that thank you

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